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Intact vibrissal organs have been implicated as requisite for normal shock-elicited fighting in paired male rats and may convey the principal sensory information contributing to conspecific intermale aggression. Anesthesia of the vibrissal pad prior to each paired footshock exposure completely blocked the attack behavior of experimentally naive rats. Suppression of fighting was effective in all pairs tested over 14 daily sessions. Devibrissaed pairs also fought less than controls but gradually attained normall levels of fighting in spite of repeated clipping of all vibrissae to prevent significant regrowth. The results demonstrate an evident behavioral distinction between anesthesia of the vibrissal pad and removal of the vibrissae. General epidermal sensation from the snout appears to be necessary for initiating social fighting between paired males exposed to irritable shock.  相似文献   

Androgen-mediated sex differences of cardiovascular responses in rats   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Sex differences in the systemic depressor response to arachidonic acid (50 or 150 microgram/kg iv) were observed in intact and castrated anesthetized Sprague-Dawley rats. The rank order of responsiveness was: castrate males, castrate females, females, males; all four groups were significantly different (P less than 0.05) at the higher dose. Castrated males pretreated with testosterone (1 mg/kg sc) 5 or 7 days previously gave a response at the higher arachidonate dose levels that was of the same order as that obtained with intact males. Similar treatment of castrate males with androgen potentiated (P less than 0.05) the vasopressor action of norepinephrine (0.25 microgram/kg) on day 7 after the testosterone pretreatment. In contrast, treatment with depot estradiol (100 microgram/kg sc) in castrate males produced no significant change in the response to either of the vasoactive compounds on both days 5 and 7 after pretreatment. These data suggest that testosterone may be a significant factor in the development of sex differences in the cardiovascular systems of rats.  相似文献   

The effect of infantile handling stimulation on exploratory and emotional behavior of Roman high- and low-avoidance (RHA/Verh and RLA/Verh) weanling rats was investigated. Postnatally handled and nonhandled, 4-week-old males and females from both psychogenetically selected lines were exposed to a hexagonal tunnel maze, including an illuminated central arena. Postnatal handling increased exploratory behavior and decreased emotional reactivity as expressed by increased entries into the central arena and a reduction in defecations in both lines of rats. These effects were more pronounced in the RLA/Verh rats. In agreement with earlier studies using nonselected adult rats, the females of both lines (especially those from the RHA/Verh line) were more sensitive than males to the positive influences of early stimulation.  相似文献   

Hyperactivity produced in rats with d-amphetamine HCl was measured using a residential maze. Groups of 4 male or 4 female rats were kept on a 12-hr light, 12-hr dark schedule. Amphetamine was given 4 hr after onset of either the light or dark cycle and activity measured for the following 8 hr. For all doses of amphetamine (in light or dark), females displayed significantly greater increases over control activity than males. The results suggested that the greater activity of female rats was not due solely to the recognized sex difference in amphetamine metabolism, but rather there was a sex-related difference in the CNS. Previous experiments have shown that neonatal asphyxia and x-irradiation in utero produce greater hyperactivity in female than in male rats. It is proposed that female rats are more likely to develop hyperactive behavior.  相似文献   

This study assessed sex differences in spontaneous wheel running and maze performance in relation to puberal status in rats. No sex differences were found prepuberally in either task whereas, postpuberally, females exceeded males in wheel running and males made fewer maze errors than females. Postpuberal males and females were less active than independent groups of prepuberal males and females, respectively. Although mature females made more errors than prepuberal females, no differences were found between independent groups of pre- and postpuberal males.  相似文献   

It has been reported previously that experimenter-presented 20-kHz tones at low intensities produce bursts of locomotor running in Lister hooded rats, but reduced locomotion (freezing) in Wistar rats. Because rats emit 20-kHz tones when stressed, it was proposed that this ultrasound-elicited running and freezing behaviour in Lister hooded and Wistar rats, respectively, represents a model for qualitative strain differences in fear behaviour. The present studies examined the acoustic specificity of acoustically elicited locomotor behaviours in Lister hooded and Wistar rats. In Experiment 1, it was found that brief exposure (i.e., 15 s) of Lister hooded rats to tones at frequencies of 7, 12, or 20 kHz and intensities of 85-95 dB SPL, elicited running behaviour characterised by brief bursts of locomotion followed by periods of quiescence. Somewhat surprisingly, the 7- and 12-kHz tones elicited running behaviour at lower intensities than did the 20-kHz tones. In Experiment 2, it was found that exposure of Lister hooded rats to the 20-kHz acoustic stimulus (91-101 dB, SPL) for a much longer duration, up to 9 min, resulted in episodic bursts of locomotion and convulsions in a significant proportion of subjects. Both the maximal velocity of locomotion and the likelihood of occurrence of convulsions was related to the intensity of the acoustic stimulus. Exposure of Lister hooded rats to white noise for up to 9 min also elicited episodic bursts of locomotion and convulsions in an intensity-dependent manner. The white noise stimulus was found to be a more effective stimulus than the 20-kHz stimulus in this regard. In Experiment 3, it was found that Lister hooded rats exhibited reduced locomotion when they were exposed to a low-intensity 20-kHz acoustic stimulus (e.g., 81 dB, SPL). In Experiment 4, it was found that Wistar rats did not exhibit locomotor bursts or convulsions when presented with 20-kHz tones using stimulus parameters equal to and even greater than those that had been shown to be effective in producing locomotor bursts in Lister hooded rats. Rather, Wistar rats exhibited only reduced locomotion. The present data indicate that (1) running behaviour in Lister hooded rats is not specific for the 20-kHz stimulus. Moreover, (2) when compared to Lister hooded rats, Wistar rats are relatively insensitive to the running and convulsions elicited by acoustic stimuli. Finally, (3) both Lister hooded and Wistar rats exhibited reduced locomotion when presented with the 20-kHz tones, although the range of stimulus intensities that produces freezing behaviour is much more limited in Lister hooded rats because of their propensity to exhibit locomotor bursting and convulsions. Thus, it appears that the difference between the two strains with respect to their unconditioned locomotor responses to novel acoustic stimuli relates to the fact that Lister hooded rats are uniquely susceptible to acoustically elicited locomotor bursts and/or convulsions.  相似文献   

By recording single unit activities from the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus in albino and hooded rats, physiological properties of the ipsilateral retinogeniculate afferents were compared with those of the contralateral ones. The results show that the ipsilateral retinogeniculate pathway was characterized by intermediate conduction velocities, relatively high incidence of the tonic response and the visual field representation of central 30° from the vertical midline on both sides.  相似文献   

Rats were trained in an active avoidance pattern discrimination under unilateral cortical spreading depression produced by KC1. There was no transfer of training when the rats were trained to 90% performance. One hundred per cent overtraining, however, leads to transfer of training.  相似文献   

Unilateral electrical stimulation of the amygdala in hooded rats produced behavioral convulsions and an increased rate of weight gain. The weight increase was correlated with the occurrence of convulsions and was not due to hyperphagia or polydipsia. Results are discussed in terms of a possible modification of the energy balance system.  相似文献   

Frequent, brief, and mild prenatal decompressions caused decreases in newborn rats' viability and in survivors' “emotional” development. Both hypoxia and otic barotrauma contributed to these effects, but hypoxia, alone, did not affect offspring behavior in the open field or in a shock avoidance task.  相似文献   

Nonprecipitated benzodiazepine (BZ) withdrawal has been reported to increase anxiety levels in rats. The present experiment determined if gender or hormonal status would modulate putative changes in anxiety-related behaviors during precipitated BZ withdrawal in rats. Intact and gonadectomized male and female rats were treated for 4 weeks with empty or diazepam (DZ)-filled silastic capsules. Animals were injected with the BZ antagonist flumazenil (RO15-1788; 5 mg/kg, i.p.) or vehicle, and immediately placed on the elevated plus-maze. Following the 10-min behavioral test, rats were decapitated and trunk blood was collected to measure corticosterone and gonadal hormone levels. During precipitated BZ withdrawal rats showed significantly decreased percent open-arm time; however, this finding was confounded by a significant decrease in activity levels (e.g., closed-arm entries and total-arm entries). Precipitated BZ withdrawal did not significantly attenuate percent open-arm entries, which factors out drug-induced changes in activity levels, compared to vehicle control animals. Overall, the results of this experiment suggest that precipitated BZ withdrawal does not significantly increase anxiety levels when compared to control animals.  相似文献   

The highly inbred strain of Wistar-Kyoto spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR) and its normotensive, genetic control (WKY) were examined with respect to strain differences in spontaneous activity scores in a novel environment (small activity cage) and in ability to habituate to that environment. These behaviors were examined in experimentally naive rats, 197 SHR and WKY, males and females, at varying ages from 4 to 56 weeks, in order to determine whether there are sex and age differences in addition to the well-known strain differences in these behaviors. Total activity scores, determined in a 15 min test in the activity cage, were higher in SHR than WKY rats; females were significantly more active than males in either strain, and activity scores varied significantly with age both within strains and between strains. Ability to habituate to the test cage was determined by repeating the 15 min activity test at hourly intervals for three additional trials on the same day. The results indicate that the SHR, males and females and at all ages tested, habituate poorly if at all to the test cage as compared with WKY rats. Moreover, despite the variability of baseline activity scores (first trial) observed across ages, sexes and strains, the habituation patterns of either strain remained relatively fixed throughout the first year of life.  相似文献   

Early life stress increases vulnerability to psychostimulant abuse, sometimes in a sex-dependent manner. These effects are presumably produced by modulation of neurobiological reward mechanisms; however, drug intake is also influenced by sensitivity to the drug's aversive properties, and little is known about the effects of early life stress on stimulant aversion. To assess this possibility, Sprague-Dawley rat litters experienced daily separation from the dam for 3 h (MS) or 15 min (H) on post-natal days 2-14; control litters (AFR) experienced twice-weekly routine animal facility care only. As adults, the animals were tested for conditioned taste aversions (CTA) induced by 1.5, 2.0 or 3.0 mg/kg d-amphetamine administered intraperitoneally over three acquisition trials followed by six drug-free extinction trials (n=7-8/sex/dose/rearing group). All groups acquired significant aversions compared to their vehicle-treated controls, but differential rearing had no effect on CTA acquisition or extinction. Collapsed across rearing groups, females exhibited significantly stronger aversions and slower extinction than their male counterparts at the low 1.5 mg/kg dose, and unlike the males, failed to fully extinguish relative to their vehicle controls at 1.5 and 2.0 mg/kg. These data underscore the importance of sex differences in assays of stimulant abuse liability, and further support the hypothesis that the effects of post-natal stress on the reinforcing efficacy of psychostimulants may be predominantly due to modulation of reward mechanisms.  相似文献   

The early visual experience of hooded rats was restricted to either vertical or horizontal stripes. In a discrimination task pairing a gray surface and stripes of either the same orientation or an orientation orthogonal to that experienced during rearing, the rats made significantly fewer correct choices with the orthogonal orientation. However, the relatively lower overall performance of the vertically reared-horizontally tested animals was a major factor in the main effect of testing condition. We conclude that functional of the rat visual system through early selective visual experience is possible.  相似文献   

Adult male and female Wistar rats maintained on ad lib diet were given a choice between tap water and a solution of glucose in the concentration of either 5 or 12%. Both sexes exhibited a marked preference for glucose solutions. With the 5% solution the volume intake was similar in both sexes and the total calorie intake was normal. With the 12% solution the volume intake was higher in females than in males, while in both sexes the total calorie intake was increased to a similar (maximum acceptable) level. Treatment with Protamine Zinc Insulin (PZI) in a daily dose of 40 U/kg b.w. markedly increased the intake of the 5% solution in both sexes, but significantly more in females than in males, thus revealing sex differences which were not manifest in untreated rats. PZI treatment had little effect on 12% glucose solution intake, presumably because with this solution the total calorie intake was increased to a maximum already in untreated rats.  相似文献   

Male and female Long-Evans hooded rats were subjected to either olfactory bulb damage or control surgery. Olfactory bulb removal resulted in increased mouse killing, increased irritability to handling, and increased open-field activity. In acquisition trials on a modified passive-avoidance apparatus, control animals habituated rapidly to the apparatus, while OB rats showed little evidence for habituation. All controls showed 24-hour retention of shock on the last acquisition trial, while OB rats showed the typical retention deficit, despite being given a behavioral alternative to withholding a response. The P-A deficit in OB rats appears to be a learning/memory deficit, not the result of heightened activity.  相似文献   

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