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目的对起源于右心室流出道(RVOT)单形态室性心律失常消融结果进行分析并探讨应用Carto系统对射频消融(RFCA)的指导作用。方法对185例RVOT起源的单形态室性心律失常(VT/PVCs)患者行RFCA治疗,患者年龄4~84岁,平均年龄(40.5±12.3)岁,病史3~22年,平均病史7.2年。这些患者临床症状明显,服用抗心律失常药物不能控制,临床检查未发现有心脏结构的异常改变。所有患者的临床心电图呈现左束支阻滞,其中Ⅱ、Ⅲ、aVF导联呈高R波,术前动态心电图提示患者的室性早搏数量为5342~52460/24h,伴或不伴室速。应用激动+起搏标测成功判定消融部位。18例患者尝试应用Carto标测系统进行治疗。结果所有病例中149例RVOT偏间隔部,36例偏游离壁。绝大多数病例通过激动标测最早心室激动时间(EVA)距离体表QRS时间(EVA-QRS)为(32.6±9.4)ms,同时结合起搏标测成功进行消融。在4例复发病例中8mm头端消融导管或盐水灌注消融导管较4mm头端消融导管更具优势。在2个月至8年的随访中,4例(2.1%)复发,在重新手术后获得成功。应用Carto系统标测的患者均取得了良好的治疗效果。结论在传统的激动+起搏标测下,RVOT起源单形态VT/PVBs的RFCA治疗有较高的成功率和低复发率。Carto系统的应用进一步提高了手术的成功率。  相似文献   

王璐 《临床荟萃》2004,19(3):170-171
心房扑动 (房扑 )的传统治疗方法有电转复及药物治疗 ,虽然有效 ,但不能根治 ,且存在许多不良反应。随着心内标测和导管消融技术的发展 ,房扑已被确认是心房内折返造成的。近一年来我院对 6例不同病因患者进行了射频消融治疗。1 资料与方法1.1 病例资料  6例患者均为近三年来我院住院患者 ,男 5例 ,女 1例 ,年龄 30~ 71岁 ,平均 (5 4± 15 )岁。其中高血压 2例 ,冠心病 3例 ,1例无器质性心脏病。 6例患者住院期间均行超声心动图检查 ,各房室内径均在正常范围。体表心电图证实为心房扑动 ,其共同点是 :Ⅱ、Ⅲ、aVF导联F波负向 ,V1导联F…  相似文献   

目的分析特发性室性心律失常(IVA)患者导管射频消融(RFCA)术前动态心电图的检测结果,探讨自主神经系统(ANS)在IVA形成机制中的作用。方法纳入116例解放军总医院住院行RFCA的患者。分析术前24 h动态心电监护等资料,比较不同起源IVA的患者间心率变异性(HRV)指标的差异。结果 116例患者中男性59例,女性57例,年龄10~82(43.3±15.7)岁。起源于右室流出道(RVOT)80例、左室流出道(LVOT)12例、左室间隔9例、右室流入道7例、左室其他部位8例。在5组患者间的24 h室性早搏总数、正常窦性心律R-R间期标准差(SDNN)、正常窦性心律R-R间期平均值的标准差(SDANN)、全程相邻正常窦性心律R-R间期之差的均方根值(RMSSD)、在一定时间内相邻两正常心动周期差值50 ms的个数所占的百分比(PNN50)、低频功率(LF)、高频功率(HF)的差异无统计学意义;男性患者和女性患者组间的差异无统计学意义。LF/HF1与LF/HF1的患者组间相比构成比差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。夜间23:00~7:00室早的次数占24小时总室性早搏的次数30%组和30%组,两组相比构成比差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论不同起源部位的IVA患者的HRV存在差异,提示自主神经在不同起源部位的IVA发生过程中发挥不同的作用。  相似文献   

目的:探讨导管射频消融治疗特发性室性心动过速(idiopathic ventricular tachycardia,IVT)的效果.方法:对34例IVT患者进行射频消融治疗,起源于左室特发性室性心动过速(LIVT)采用激动标测法或起搏标测最早QRS波相结合;对右室特发性室性心动过速(RIVT)采用起搏标测法标测靶点,标测靶点后放电消融.结果:34例行心内电生理检查时均诱发出室性心动过速,其中30例消融成功,临床症状消失,无手术相关并发症;4例失败,随访期间复发,再次消融成功.结论:导管射频消融术能够根治IVT,成功率高,且安全可行,可作为治疗IVT的首选方法.  相似文献   

射频导管消融(radiofrequency catheter ablation,RFCA)术是快速性心律失常的根治性技术。这项技术已发展成为根治房室折返性心动过速(AVRT)、房室结折返性心动过速(AVN—RT)、心房扑动(房扑)以及特发性室性心动过速(Idiopathic ventricular tachycardia,IVT)等快速性心律失常的一线治疗。  相似文献   

自 198 7年经导管射频消融 (radiofrequencycatheterablation ,RFCA)治疗快速性心律失常应用于临床以来 ,已成为根治快速性心律失常的主要手段和方法[1] ,本文总结了我科 2 40例快速性心律失常RFCA治疗的经验和体会 ,报告如下。1 资料和方法1.1 病例选择 我科 1994年 11月至 2 0 0 1年 5月共行RFCA治疗 2 40例 ,其中男 137例 ,女 10 3例 ,年龄 9~ 6 9岁 ,平均 (34± 2 6 )岁。均有快速性心律失常发作史 ,且药物治疗效果不佳。入院后体检、X线及超声心动图检查示心脏结构正常 ,术前停用各类…  相似文献   

室性心动过速尤其是器质性室性心动过速和心房纤颤为2大严重心律失常.心房纤颤导管消融临床应用较多,而器质性室性心动过速尤其是血流动力学不稳定室性心动过速和直接导致猝死的心室颤动等恶性室性心律失常的导管消融方面的进展较慢,这很大程度上是因有埋藏式心脏复律除颤器作为首选,同时有伦理和法律方面原因,本文就恶性室性心律失常导管消融现状做一概述.  相似文献   

特发性室性心动过速(IVT)表现为频发单形性室性心动过速,多发生于无器质性心脏病证据的患者,反复发作。不仅见于成人,亦可见于儿童,大部分临床症状较轻。根据室速的来源,可分为右室IVT(IRVT)和左室IVT(ILVT)。射频消融治疗效果良好,成功率在90%以上,本文总结22例IVT射频消融治疗结果,探讨不同部位消融方法。  相似文献   

目的 观察P电位标测法在导管射频消融治疗左心室特发性室性心动过速(ILVT)中的作用及意义。方法 对23例ILVT病人采用常规电生理检查诱发室性心动过速,应用2-8-2mm间距冠状静脉窦10极标测电极在左心室间隔面标测希氏束电位(HP)、左束支电位(LBP)、左后分支电位(LPP)和蒲氏纤维电位(PP),寻找室性心动过速时最早的PP为消融靶点进行射频消融,观察射频消融术中一次放电成功率、总成功率、术后室性心动过速复发率以及手术时间和X线曝光时间。结果 23例中有21例能记录到各电位心内电图,折返路径记录成功率为91.3%(21/23);一次放电消融成功率78.3%(18/23),总成功率100%(23/23)。术后随访1~3年,只有1例再发室性心动过速,复发率为4.3%,远期成功率为95.7%(22/23)。射频消融手术时间(95±20)min,X线曝光时间(16±5)min。结论 P电位标测法使ILVT的导管射频消融治疗中靶点的标定更简单易行,缩短了总手术时间和X线曝光时间,并提高了射频消融的成功率,减少复发。  相似文献   

目的:本文报告我院自1993年4月~1997年12月用射频消融方法治疗快速心律失常200例。方法:快速心律失常类别包括:房室结折返性心动过速,房室折返性心动过速,特发性室性心动过速,阵发性心房扑动。结果:本组第一次消融总成功率为93.5%,第二次消融总成功率为98.5%;总复发率为2.5%;并发症发生率为2%。与国内射频消融治疗快速心律失常注册登记结果类似。结论:射频消融已成为治疗快速心律失常简捷而有效的方法。但作为术者,应努力提高电生理知识水平,熟悉心脏X线影像学,提高射频消融的成功率,减少并发症。  相似文献   

目的观察射频消融(RFCA)治疗9例特发性室性心动过速(IVT)方法和结果。方法分别行激动顺序标测法和起搏标测法,对左室特发性室速(ILVT)7例,右室特发性室速2例,行射频消融治疗。结果6例ILVT射频消融治疗成功,均起源于左室间隔面,有效消融靶点处P电位较体表心电图QRS起始点提前(34.6±8.9)m s(25~58 m s),2例IRVT射频消融成功,有效消融靶点处与心动过速时的12导联心电图QRS波形完全相同。无一例出现并发症。结论射频消融是治疗特发性室性心动过速的有效方法。  相似文献   

Fascicular VT and RVOT tachycardia are sometimes difficult to induce by programmed electrical stimulation (PES), despite pharmacologic provocation. In such instances, catheter mapping is hampered and efficacy of catheter ablation is difficult to judge. The study included nine patients who presented with incessant idiopathic VT and were directly taken to the electrophysiological laboratory for RF ablation. During the same period, elective ablation was performed on 108 patients with idiopathic VT. The success rate, procedural and fluoroscopy times number of energies, and the peak temperature were evaluated and compared. Of the nine patients, seven had incessant fascicular VT and two had RVOT tachycardia. The mean VT cycle length was 356 +/- 32 ms and the earliest endocardial activation time during VT was 23.6 +/- 6 ms relative to surface QRS complexes. A fascicular potential was not seen in three of the seven patients with fascicular VT. The mean procedural time was 71 +/- 32 minutes and 144 +/- 40 minutes (P = 0.023) while the fluoroscopy time was 14.6 +/- 4.6 minutes and 30 +/- 16 minutes (P < 0.001), respectively, in the primary ablation and elective groups. The total number of RF energies delivered was 2.0 +/- 1.3 versus 7.4 +/- 5.6 (P = 0.07), respectively. The significantly increased procedural time during elective ablation was largely due to time spent in fascicular VT induction. All patients in the primary ablation group were successfully ablated and none had a recurrence. Primary ablation is a safe and effective option in patients with incessant idiopathic VT. Moreover, in fascicular VT, it is superior to elective ablation in terms of success, fluoroscopy and procedural times.  相似文献   

In patients without associated myocardial diseases, characterized by left bundle branch block and inferior axis morphologies, repetitive idiopathic right ventricular tachycardias and ventricular premature contractions typically arise from right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT). Accumulated evidences have shown that radiofrequency catheter ablation is a useful treatment for patients with RVOT ventricular arrhythmias (VAs). Interestingly, several medical centers have shown that pulmonary artery (PA) is a potential novel site for catheter ablation in RVOT‐like VAs, particularly in patients where termination of RVOT VAs at the usual site fails. In this review, we comprehensively demonstrated that RVOT VAs were successfully terminated at the site of PA, analyzed the characteristics of surface electrocardiogram and endocardial potentials, and explored the underlying mechanisms for these cases.  相似文献   

目的 探讨起源于左室流出道少见部位的室性心动过速和/或频发室性早搏的心电图特点和射频消融治疗.方法 3例左室流出道室速和/或室早患者,术中进行激动和起搏标测,同时结合冠状动脉造影或三维电解剖标测系统(CARTO)定位.结果 3例患者中2例体表心电图特点类似右室流出道间隔部室速及室早,经腔内电生理证实起源于主动脉根部右冠窦内.1例起源于主动脉瓣-二尖瓣连接区(AMC),该部位室速及室早特有的典型心电图表现为II、III、aVF及所有胸前导联QRS波均呈R形.3例患者消融后观察2~24个月,均无复发.结论 右冠窦和AMC是左室流出道室速和/或室早的少见特殊起源部位,根据体表心电图形态,结合多种腔内标测技术及冠脉造影,能进行准确定位及成功消融.  相似文献   

With conventional techniques, RF catheter ablation is difficult in patients with unstable VT or with multiple VTs. The feasibility of RF catheter ablation guided by three-dimensional electroanatomic mapping technique in patients whose implanted ICD continued to deliver multiple shocks due to VT despite use of antiarrhythmic medications was assessed in 19 patients (15 men, 4 women; mean age [+/- SD] 70+/-7 years). All had a prior history of MI and subsequently had received an ICD due to VT. During the 12-week preablation period, these patients received 31+/-15 shocks (range 4-62 shocks) due to refractory monomorphic VTs. An electroanatomic mapping technique using the CARTO system was performed to delineate scar tissue. RF catheter ablation was then performed at appropriate sites identified by pace mapping and by substrate mapping. Seventeen patients were on amiodarone at the time of ablation. Twenty-seven VTs were documented clinically, and 45 were induced during electrophysiological evaluation. Of the 45 tachycardias induced, 38 VTs were targeted for ablation. Catheter ablation was performed during sinus rhythm in 31 episodes and during VT in 7 episodes. During a mean follow-up of 26+/-8 weeks (range 18-48 weeks), 13 (66%) patients had no recurrence of VT (P < 0.0001) and antiarrhythmic drugs were discontinued or the number of medications reduced in 17 patients (P < 0.0001). Electroanatomic mapping is helpful in identifying sites for catheter ablation in highly symptomatic patients with refractory VT associated with myocardial scarring.  相似文献   

Surface electrocardiographic changes after radiofrequency (RF) catheter ablation (RFCA) were observed in patients with idiopathic left ventricular tachycardia (ILVT), and the possible mechanisms were analysed. In 41 cases with ILVT who underwent the RFCA, the surface electrocardiograms (ECGs) before and after RFCA were recorded and the serum cardiac troponin I (cTnI) were measured before, immediately after, 4 h after and 24 h after RFCA. Seven patients developed different models and degrees of fascicular block after successful RFCA. The configurations of fascicular block had no dynamic alteration during the follow-up periods. No significant difference in the duration of the RF energy delivered, the numbers of RF lesion and the serum levels of cTnI between the patients with or without the electrocardiographic alteration was observed. Thus, the RFCA can cause the fascicular block in some of the patients with ILVT. The different distribution models of the left bundle branch, but not the damage degree to the endocardium induced by RF current, is the primary factor to the changes of ECG.  相似文献   

The study was designed to investigate the impact of radiofrequency catheter ablation on the plasma level of B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP). In 36 patients who underwent catheter ablation of paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia, the plasma level of BNP was analyzed before and after the ablation procedures. The plasma BNP at baseline, 30 minutes after the ablation, 3 and 24 hours after the ablation was 12.78 +/- 2.47, 18.45 +/- 4.02 (P = 0.446), 43.54 +/- 8.12 (P = 0.0001), and 17.88 +/- 4.71 (P = 0.493) pg/mL, respectively. Plasma troponin I was also increased 3 and 24 hours after the ablation (n = 10, P < 0.05). Multivariate regression analysis showed a significant correlation between the levels of BNP 3 hours after ablation and the preablation BNP and the total radiofrequency energy used for the ablation. We conclude that radiofrequency catheter ablation of supraventricular tachycardia increases the plasma level of BNP. The clinical significance of the ablation-induced increase in BNP needs to be further investigated.  相似文献   

导管射频消融治疗右室流出道室性早搏的护理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探讨导管射频消融治疗右室流出道室性早搏的护理方法。方法对52例右室流出道室性早搏患者,采用射频消融治疗,并给予心理护理和基础护理。结果52例均完成了射频消融治疗。随访2~60个月,根治率92.3%(48/52),有效率98.1%(51/52)。结论合理、细致的护理可消除患者的恐惧心理,提高手术耐受性,且能及早发现和防治并发症,增加手术的安全性。  相似文献   

目的根据经射频消融治疗的左室特发性室性心动过速患者,术中诱发室性心动过速程序的变化以及随访结果,评价室性心动过速消融成功标准的客观性,寻找更可靠的判断标准。方法1994-2008年消融成功并得到随访的146例特发性室性心动过速患者的临床发病情况;第1组68例,常规方法;第2组51例,常规方法结合靶点刺激;第3组27例,导管消融使其体表心电图成为左后分支阻滞图形,在此基础上重复第2组方法。观察3种方法对复发率的影响。结果①38.7%的患者在术中诱发窗口不稳定,存在着随手术时间延长室性心动过速不易诱发的特点。②第1组68例患者复发率为8.8%,第2组51例复发率为3.9%,第3组27例复发率为0%,第3组复发率明显低于第1组。结论形成左后分支阻滞的消融策略结合靶点刺激,有助于提高效果判断的可靠性。  相似文献   

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