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Human DNA mismatch repair (MMR) is involved in the response to certain chemotherapy drugs, including 6-thioguanine (6-TG). Consistently, MMR-deficient human tumor cells show resistance to 6-TG damage as manifested by a reduced G(2)-M arrest and decreased apoptosis. In this study, we investigate the role of the BRCA1 protein in modulating a 6-TG-induced MMR damage response, using an isogenic human breast cancer cell line model, including a BRCA1 mutated cell line (HCC1937) and its transfectant with a wild-type BRCA1 cDNA. The MMR proteins MSH2, MSH6, MLH1, and PMS2 are similarly detected in both cell lines. BRCA1-mutant cells are more resistant to 6-TG than BRCA1-positive cells in a clonogenic survival assay and show reduced apoptosis. Additionally, the mutated BRCA1 results in an almost complete loss of a G(2)-M cell cycle checkpoint response induced by 6-TG. Transfection of single specific small interfering RNAs (siRNA) against MSH2, MLH1, ATR, and Chk1 in BRCA1-positive cells markedly reduces the BRCA1-dependent G(2)-M checkpoint response. Interestingly, ATR and Chk1 siRNA transfection in BRCA1-positive cells shows similar levels of 6-TG cytotoxicity as the control transfectant, whereas MSH2 and MLH1 siRNA transfectants show 6-TG resistance as expected. DNA MMR processing, as measured by the number of 6-TG-induced DNA strand breaks using an alkaline comet assay (+/-z-VAD-fmk cotreatment) and by levels of iododeoxyuridine-DNA incorporation, is independent of BRCA1, suggesting the involvement of BRCA1 in the G(2)-M checkpoint response to 6-TG but not in the subsequent excision processing of 6-TG mispairs by MMR.  相似文献   

BRCA1-mediated G2/M cell cycle arrest requires ERK1/2 kinase activation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Yan Y  Spieker RS  Kim M  Stoeger SM  Cowan KH 《Oncogene》2005,24(20):3285-3296
Germline mutations in the BRCA1 gene are associated with an increased susceptibility to the development of breast and ovarian cancers. Evidence suggests that BRCA1 protein plays a key role in mediating DNA damage-induced checkpoint responses. Several studies have shown that ectopic expression of BRCA1 in human cells can trigger cellular responses similar to those induced by DNA damage, including G2/M cell cycle arrest and apoptosis. While the effects of ectopic BRCA1 expression on the G2/M transition and apoptosis have been extensively studied, the factors that dictate the balance between these two responses remain poorly understood. We have recently shown that ectopic expression of BRCA1 in MCF-7 human breast cancer cells resulted in activation of extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase 1 and 2 (ERK1/2) and G2/M cell cycle arrest. Furthermore, inhibition of BRCA1-induced ERK1/2 activation using mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 1 and 2 (MEK1/2)-specific inhibitors resulted in increased apoptosis, suggesting a potential role of ERK1/2 kinases in BRCA1-mediated G2/M checkpoint response. In this study, we assessed the role of ERK1/2 kinases in the regulation of BRCA1-mediated G2/M cell cycle arrest. Results indicate that BRCA1-induced G2/M cell cycle arrest and ERK1/2 activation correlate with changes in the level and/or activity of several key regulators of the G2/M checkpoint, including activation of Chk1 and Wee1 kinases, induction of 14-3-3, and down-regulation of Cdc25C. Furthermore, inhibition of ERK1/2 kinases using MEK1/2-specific inhibitors results in a marked attenuation of the BRCA1-induced G2/M arrest. Biochemical studies established that ERK1/2 inhibition abolished the effects of BRCA1 on components of the G2/M checkpoint, including regulation of Cdc25C expression and activation of Wee1 and Chk1 kinases. These results implicate a critical role of ERK1/2 signaling in the regulation of BRCA1 function on controlling the G2/M checkpoint responses.  相似文献   

Ten years ago, a concerted effort from several labs resulted in the cloning of BRCA1, the first of two major hereditary breast/ovarian cancer predisposition genes. Since that time, BRCA1 has been linked to several key nuclear functions connected with the prevention of genomic instability. In particular, BRCA1 functions in concert with Rad51, BRCA2 and other genes to control double strand break repair (DSBR) and homologous recombination. Here, we reassess the role of BRCA1 and its associated proteins in this process.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: In this study, the differential gene expression changes following radiation-induced DNA damage in healthy cells from BRCA1/BRCA1 mutation carriers have been compared with controls using high-density microarray technology. We aimed to establish if BRCA1/BRCA2 mutation carriers could be distinguished from noncarriers based on expression profiling of normal cells. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: Short-term primary fibroblast cultures were established from skin biopsies from 10 BRCA1 and 10 BRCA2 mutation carriers and 10 controls, all of whom had previously had breast cancer. The cells were subjected to 15 Gy ionizing irradiation to induce DNA damage. RNA was extracted from all cell cultures, preirradiation and at 1 hour postirradiation. For expression profiling, 15 K spotted cDNA microarrays manufactured by the Cancer Research UK DNA Microarray Facility were used. Statistical feature selection was used with a support vector machine (SVM) classifier to determine the best feature set for predicting BRCA1 or BRCA2 heterozygous genotype. To investigate prediction accuracy, a nonprobabilistic classifier (SVM) and a probabilistic Gaussian process classifier were used. RESULTS: In the task of distinguishing BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers from noncarriers and from each other following radiation-induced DNA damage, the SVM achieved 90%, and the Gaussian process classifier achieved 100% accuracy. This effect could not be achieved without irradiation. In addition, the SVM identified a set of BRCA genotype predictor genes. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that after irradiation-induced DNA damage, BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carrier cells have a distinctive expression phenotype, and this may have a future role in predicting genotypes, with application to clinical detection and classification of mutations.  相似文献   

Yamane K  Chen J  Kinsella TJ 《Cancer research》2003,63(12):3049-3053
Cell cycle checkpoints play a central role in genomic stability. The human DNA topoisomerase II-binding protein 1 (TopBP1) protein contains eight BRCA1 COOH terminus motifs and shares similarities with Cut5, a yeast checkpoint Rad protein. TopBP1 also shares many features with BRCA1. We report that, when expression of TopBP1 protein is inhibited in BRCA1 mutant cells, mimicking a TopBP1, BRCA1 double-negative condition, the G(2)-M checkpoint is strongly abrogated and apoptosis is increased after ionizing radiation. However, a BRCA1-negative or a TopBP1-negative background resulted in only partial abrogation of the G(2)-M checkpoint. The BRCA1 mutant and TopBP1-reduced condition specifically destroys regulation of the Chk1 kinase but not the Chk2 kinase, suggesting involvement in the ataxia telangiectasia-related pathway. These results indicate that both TopBP1 and BRCA1 specifically regulate the G(2)-M checkpoint, partially compensating each function.  相似文献   

BRCA1, BRCA2 and their possible function in DNA damage response   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

K Bensaad  D Rouillard  T Soussi 《Oncogene》2001,20(29):3766-3775
In mammalian cells, the p53 protein is a key regulator of the cell cycle following DNA damage. In the present study, we investigated the function of p53 in the A6 amphibian cell line. Using various specific Xenopus p53 monoclonal antibodies, we showed that Xenopus p53 accumulates after DNA damage, including gamma and UV irradiation or treatment with adriamycin. Such accumulation is accompanied by an increase in the apparent molecular weight of the protein. This change was shown to be the result of a phosphorylation event that occurs after DNA damage. Accumulation of Xenopus p53 is parallel to a drastic change in the cell cycle distribution. Brief exposure to adriamycin or gamma irradiation induces reversible growth arrest, whereas long-term exposure to adriamycin leads to apoptosis. Taken together, these results indicate that p53 has a similar behaviour in frog cells and mammalian cells, and that it conserves two activities, cell cycle arrest and apoptosis.  相似文献   

NUSAP1 has been reported to function in mitotic spindle assembly, chromosome segregation, and regulation of cytokinesis. In this study, we find that NUSAP1 has hitherto unknown functions in the key BRCA1-regulated pathways of double strand DNA break repair and centrosome duplication. Both these pathways are important for maintenance of genomic stability, and any defects in these pathways can cause tumorigenesis. Depletion of NUSAP1 from cells led to the suppression of double strand DNA break repair via the homologous recombination and single-strand annealing pathways. The presence of NUSAP1 was also found to be important for the control of centrosome numbers. We have found evidence that NUSAP1 plays a role in these processes through regulation of BRCA1 protein levels, and BRCA1 overexpression from a plasmid mitigates the defective phenotypes seen upon NUSAP1 depletion. We found that after NUSAP1 depletion there is a decrease in BRCA1 recruitment to ionizing radiation-induced foci. Results from this study reveal a novel association between BRCA1 and NUSAP1 and suggests a mechanism whereby NUSAP1 is involved in carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

The breast and ovarian tumor suppressor BRCA1 catalyzes untraditional polyubiquitin chains that could be a signal for processes other than proteolysis. However, despite intense investigations, the mechanisms regulated by the enzyme activity remain only partially understood. Here, we report that BRCA1-BARD1 mediates polyubiquitination of RPB8, a common subunit of RNA polymerases, in response to DNA damage. A proteomics screen identified RPB8 as a protein modified after epirubicin treatment in BRCA1-dependent manner. RPB8 interacted with BRCA1-BARD1 and was polyubiquitinated by BRCA1-BARD1 in vivo and in vitro. BRCA1-BARD1 did not destabilize RPB8 in vivo but rather caused an increase in the amount of soluble RPB8. Importantly, RPB8 was polyubiquitinated immediately after UV irradiation in a manner sensitive to BRCA1 knockdown by RNA interference. Substitution of five lysine residues of RPB8 with arginine residues abolished its ability to be ubiquitinated while preserving its polymerase activity. HeLa cell lines stably expressing this ubiquitin-resistant form of RPB8 exhibited UV hypersensitivity accompanied by up-regulated caspase activity. Our findings suggest that ubiquitination of a common subunit of RNA polymerases is a mechanism underlying BRCA1-dependent cell survival after DNA damage.  相似文献   

BACH1 is a DNA repair protein supporting BRCA1 damage response   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Peng M  Litman R  Jin Z  Fong G  Cantor SB 《Oncogene》2006,25(15):2245-2253
The link between defects in BRCA1 and breast cancer development may be best understood by deciphering the role of associated proteins. BRCA1 associated C-terminal helicase (BACH1) interacts directly with the BRCA1 C-terminal BRCT repeats, which are important for BRCA1 DNA repair and are mutated in the majority of BRCA1 familial cancers. Thus, BACH1 is a likely candidate for mediating BRCA1 DNA repair and tumor suppression functions. Although previous evidence using overexpression of a dominant negative BACH1 has suggested that BACH1 is involved in BRCA1-DNA repair function, our results using BACH1 deficient cells provide direct evidence for involvement of BACH1 in DNA repair as well as for localizing BRCA1. Following DNA damage BACH1 is modified by phosphorylation, displays a BRCA1-like nuclear foci pattern and colocalizes with gamma-H2AX. Given that the BACH1/BRCA1 complex is unaltered by DNA damage and the intensity of BRCA1 foci is diminished in BACH1 deficient cells, BACH1 may serve to not only facilitate DNA repair, but also maintain BRCA1 in DNA damage foci.  相似文献   

Agami R  Bernards R 《Cancer letters》2002,177(2):111-118
Research into the molecular basis of cancer has a central tenet. Cancer arises from genetic alterations that disconnect growth and differentiation signaling pathways from the machinery that regulates cellular proliferation. In multi-cellular eukaryotes, proliferation is regulated by external signals, such as the availability of growth factors and nutrients and by internal signals, such as those sensing cellular integrity. Cellular stress created either by lack of mitogens or damage to cellular components, such as DNA, stimulates responses that enforce temporal or permanent withdrawal from the cell cycle. Although these stress responses stem from different sources and activate distinct pathways, they converge on the same components of the cell cycle machinery in the G1 phase of the cell cycle. This review will highlight and compare aspects of the G1 arrest in response to stress generated either by lack of mitogens or damage to DNA.  相似文献   

We identified the nucleotide sequence of a cDNA encoding a polypeptide with a kinase domain that is related to the catalytic region of Drosophila melanogaster polo, Saccharomyces cerevisiae CDC5 as well as human FNK and PLK. The novel gene seems to represent the human counterpart of the mouse gene sak. The sequence of SAK predicts a serine/threonine kinase of 970 aa. The distribution of SAK mRNA in adult organs is restricted to certain tissues such as testis and thymus. Northern analyses of tumor tissues (lung, breast, brain) and corresponding normal tissues from the same patient did not reveal SAK expression. Comparing the mRNA distribution of the proliferation-associated polo-like kinase (PLK) with the expression of SAK we observed distinct differences. Thus, we suggest that these kinases have unique physiological roles in different cells or in response to different signals.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The impact of the presence of a germ-line BRCA1 mutation on gene expression in normal breast fibroblasts after radiation-induced DNA damage has been investigated. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: High-density cDNA microarray technology was used to identify differential responses to DNA damage in fibroblasts from nine heterozygous BRCA1 mutation carriers compared with five control samples without personal or family history of any cancer. Fibroblast cultures were irradiated, and their expression profile was compared using intensity ratios of the cDNA microarrays representing 5603 IMAGE clones. RESULTS: Class comparison and class prediction analysis has shown that BRCA1 mutation carriers can be distinguished from controls with high probability (approximately 85%). Significance analysis of microarrays and the support vector machine classifier identified gene sets that discriminate the samples according to their mutation status. These include genes already known to interact with BRCA1 such as CDKN1B, ATR, and RAD51. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this initial study suggest that normal cells from heterozygous BRCA1 mutation carriers display a different gene expression profile from controls in response to DNA damage. Adaptations of this pilot result to other cell types could result in the development of a functional assay for BRCA1 mutation status.  相似文献   

The human Tousled-like kinases 1 and 2 (TLK) have been shown to be active during S phase of the cell cycle. TLK activity is rapidly suppressed by DNA damage and by inhibitors of replication. Here we report that the signal transduction pathway, which leads to transient suppression of TLK activity after the induction of double-strand breaks (DSBs) in the DNA, is dependent on the presence of a functional ataxia-telangiectasia-mutated kinase (ATM). Interestingly, we have discovered that rapid suppression of TLK activity after low doses of ultraviolet (UV) irradiation or aphidicolin-induced replication block is also ATM-dependent. The nature of the signal that triggers ATM-dependent downregulation of TLK activity after UVC and replication block remains unknown, but it is not due exclusively to DSBs in the DNA. We also demonstrate that TLK suppression is dependent on the presence of a functional Nijmegan Breakage Syndrome protein (NBS1). ATM-dependent phosphorylation of NBS1 is required for the suppression of TLK activity, indicating a role for NBS1 as an adaptor or scaffold in the ATM/TLK pathway. ATM does not phosphorylate TLK directly to regulate its activity, but Chk1 does phosphorylate TLK1 GST-fusion proteins in vitro. Using Chk1 siRNAs, we show that Chk1 is essential for the suppression of TLK activity after replication block, but that ATR, Chk2 and BRCA1 are dispensable for TLK suppression. Overall, we propose that ATM activation is not linked solely to DSBs and that ATM participates in initiating signaling pathways in response to replication block and UV-induced DNA damage.  相似文献   

Ko MJ  Murata K  Hwang DS  Parvin JD 《Oncogene》2006,25(2):298-303
BRCA1-dependent ubiquitination activity regulates centrosome number in several tissue culture cell lines derived from breast cells. In these experiments, we asked how BRCA1 inhibits centrosome amplification. In general, supernumerary centrosomes can accumulate by three mechanisms: (1) failed cytokinesis and the accumulation of centrosomes by duplication in a repeated S-phase of the cell cycle, (2) disruption of the licensing of centrosome doubling such that they duplicate at inappropriate times in the cell cycle, or (3) fragmentation of the centrosomes. In this study, we found that inhibition of BRCA1 caused premature separation of centrioles and reduplication. By blocking cells in early S-phase before centrosome amplification secondary to BRCA1 inhibition could occur and then releasing, we found that inhibition of BRCA1 caused centrosome amplification between late S-phase and G2/M before the cell divided. These results suggest that normal BRCA1 function is critical in these cell lines to prevent centriole separation and centrosome reduplication before mitosis.  相似文献   

The role of BRCA1 in transcriptional regulation and cell cycle control   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Mullan PB  Quinn JE  Harkin DP 《Oncogene》2006,25(43):5854-5863

The role of the mismatch repair pathway in DNA replication is well defined but its involvement in processing DNA damage induced by chemical or physical agents is less clear. DNA repair and cell cycle control are tightly linked and it has been suggested that mismatch repair is necessary to activate the G(2)/M checkpoint in the presence of certain types of DNA damage. We investigated the proposed role for mismatch repair (MMR) in activation of the G(2)/M checkpoint following exposure to DNA-damaging agents. We compared the response of MMR-proficient HeLa and Raji cells with isogenic variants defective in either the hMutLalpha or hMutSalpha complex. Different agents were used: the cross-linker N-(2-chloroethyl)-N'-cyclohexyl-N-nitrosourea (CCNU), gamma-radiation and the monofunctional methylating agent N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (MNU). MMR-defective cells are relatively sensitive to CCNU, while no differences in survival between repair-proficient and -deficient cells were observed after exposure to gamma-radiation. Analysis of cell cycle distribution indicates that G(2) arrest is induced at least as efficiently in MMR-defective cells after exposure to either CCNU or ionizing radiation. As expected, MNU does not induce G(2) accumulation in MMR-defective cells, which are known to be highly tolerant to killing by methylating agents, indicating that MNU-induced cell cycle alterations are strictly dependent on the cytotoxic processing of methylation damage by MMR. Conversely, activation of the G(2)/M checkpoint after DNA damage induced by CCNU and gamma-radiation does not depend on functional MMR. In addition, the absence of a simple correlation between the extent of G(2) arrest and cell killing by these agents suggests that G(2) arrest reflects the processing by MMR of both lethal and non-lethal DNA damage.  相似文献   

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