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Summary: On clinical examination of 1232 sheep belonging to the urban and rural areas of Punjab (India) lesions of ringworm could be detected in 22 animals giving an incidence of 1.78%. Animals below the age of 6 months were more frequently affected (7.4%), than those above 6 months (1.03%). Culturally, T. verrucosum, T. mentagrophytes and M. gypseum could be isolated from the skin scrapings of four, two and one sheep respectively.
Zusammenfassung: Bei der klinischen Untersuchung von 1.232 Schafen aus der städtischen und ländlichen Gegend von Punjab (Indien) wurden bei 22 Tieren Veränderungen gefunden, die auf eine Hautmykose verdächtig waren (1,78%). Tiere, die jünger als 6 Monate waren, schienen häufiger befallen zu sein (7,4%) als die älteren Tiere (1,03%). Kulturell konnten T. verrucosum, T. mentagrophytes und M. gypseum aus der Haut von 4, bzw. 2, bzw. 1 Tier isoliert werden.  相似文献   

M. Pal  and Dr.  D. K. Singh 《Mycoses》1983,26(6):317-323
Summary: The incidence of mycotic dermatitis of dairy animals due to various fungi has been investigated in different parts of Gujarat, India during the period between August, 1980 and March, 1982. A total of 139 samples from 86 cattle, 51 buffalos, and 2 goats having cutaneous lesions were examined for various dermatophytes. Out of the total of samples examined from the cases of dermatitis, 60.4% were found positive for dermatophytes. Of the 65 isolates obtained in culture, 58 were Trichophyton verrucosum, 2 T. mentagrophytes, 2 Microsporum canis, 2 M. gypseum and 1 T. rubrum. Besides, mixed infection of dermatophytes and mites were encountered in 4 animals. Typical ringworm lesions were mainly found in the head and neck regions. Generalized cases however, involving the entire body were observed in 12 calves. The disease was more frequent and severe in young cattle below 1 year of age. Cases of mycotic dermatitis occurred throughout the year but the incidence was high during winter months.
Zusammenfassung: Das Vorkommen von Hautmykosen durch verschiedene Erreger wurde in Gujarat, Indien, zwischen August 1980 und März 1982 untersucht 139 Proben wurden von 86 Rindern, 51 Büffeln und zwei Ziegen mit Hautläsionen auf Dermatophyten untersucht. Bei 60,4% der Proben wurden Dermatophyten gefunden. Es handelte sich bei den 65 Isolaten im einzelnen um Trichophyton verrucosum (58), Trichophyton mentagrophytes (2), Microsporum canis (2), Microsporum gypseum (2) und Trichophyton rubrum (1). Mischinfektionen mit Dermatophyten wurden bei 4 Tieren gefunden. Die typischen Mykoseherde fanden sich vor allem an Kopf und Hals. Bei 12 Kälbern wurden auch generalisierte Hautmykosen gesehen. Kälber, die jünger als 1 Jahr waren, erkrankten häufiger und schwerer. Hautmykosen traten während des ganzen Jahres auf, jedoch besonders oft im Winter.  相似文献   

R. K. S. Kushwaha 《Mycoses》1983,26(6):324-326
Summary: The breakdown of peacock feathers by 20 fungi is studied and characterized by the release of protein and keratinase activity. All the fungi except Aspergillus quercinus and Chaetomium globosum released protein in the medium. Maximum keratinase activity is measured in Gliocladium roseum. The degradation of feathers and existence of extracellular keratinase in these fungi is presented here for the first time.
Zusammenfassung: Untersuchung über den Abbau von Pfauenfedern durch 20 verschiedene Pilze, wobei die keratinolytische Aktivität durch die Bestimmung freigesetzten Proteins und der Keratinaseaktivität charakterisiert wird. Alle Pilze außer Aspergillus quercinus und Chaetonium globosum setzen Protein in das Medium frei. Die höchste Kerarinaseaktivität zeigte Gliocladium roseum. Der Abbau von Federn und die Bildung extrazellulärer Keratinase wird für diese Pilze zum erstenmal beschrieben.  相似文献   

Summary: Two hundred rodents belonging to three species namely, Tattus rattus (house rats), Rattus norvegicus (bush rats), and Cricetomys gambianus (giant African rats) were investigated for the presence of keratinophilic fungi. A total of 167 isolates were recovered. Sixty three of them (31.5%) were Chrysosporium tropicum while 36 (18%) were C. indicum. The dermatophytes recovered included two isolates of Trichophyton mentagrophytes. var. mentagrophytes from bush rats and one of Microsporum gypseum from a house rat. Some species of the gymnoascaceous fungi represented by the Genera Auxarthron, Petalosporus, Gymnoascus and Pseudoarchniotus as well as Neocosmospora vasinfecta were also recovered. The significance of the findings is discussed.
Zusammenfassung: 200 Nagetiere von 3 verschiedenen Arten, nämlich Rattus rattus (Hausratte), Rattus norvegicus (Buschratte) und Cricetomys gambianus (afrikanische Riesenratte) wurden auf das Vorkommen von keratinophilen Pilzen untersucht. Insgesamt wurden 167 Pilze isoliert. 63 da von (31,5 %) waren Chrysosporium tropicum, während 36 (18 %) C. indicum waren. Bei den isolierten Dermatophyten handelte es sich um 2 Isolate von Trichophyton mentagrophytes var. mentagrophytes von Buschratten und eine Isolierung von Microsporum gypseum von einer Hausratte. Einige Arten von Gymnoascaceten aus den Gattungen Auxarthron, Petalosporus, Gymnoascus und Pseudoarchniotus sowie Neocosmospora vasinfecta wurden ebenfalls nachgewiesen. Die Bedeutung dieser Befunde wird diskutiert.  相似文献   

P. N. Pesterev 《Mycoses》1985,28(6):306-309
Zusammenfassung. In Haushalten von 271 Patienten mit einer Trichophytie werden mykologische Untersuchungen sowohl von den Haustieren als auch von Mäusen vorgenommen. In der Epidemioiogie der Trichophytie durch Trichophyton mentagrophytes var. gypseum wurde erstmalig die Kette: wild lebende mäuseartige Nagetiere, Katze, Hand, Mensch, nachgewiesen. Als Infektionsquelien für die Bevölkerung, insbesondere die Kinder, haben Katzen größere Bedeutung als Hnnde. Sowohl bei den Katzen als auch bei den Hunden fehlen in der Regel klinisdie Hinweise auf eine Mykose.
Summary: Pet animals and mice were investigated in the homes of 271 patients with tridiophytic infections. For the first time in the epidemiology of T. mentagrophytes var. gypseum the following infection chain could be demonstrated: wild mice and rats, cats, dogs, men. Cats are more important than dogs as source of infection for the human population, espedally children. Clinical signs of mycosis are usually absent in infected cats and dogs.  相似文献   

S. K. Deshmukh 《Mycoses》1985,28(2):98-101
Summary: Seventy eight soil samples collected from various areas of Mussoorie were screened for the prevalence of keratinophilic fungi and related dermatophytes. From the positive samples (41), a total of eight species of five genera were isolated viz., Chrysosporium keratinophilum (14.1%), C. tropicum (6.41%), chrysosporium sp. I (1.28%), Chrysosporium sp. II (1.28%), Chrysosporium state of Ctenomyces serratus (10.25 %), Keratinomyces ajelloi (5.13%), Microsporum gypseum complex (11.53%) and Trichophyton terrestre (2.55%).
Zusammenfassung: 78 Bodenproben aus verschiedenen Regionen von Mussoorie wurden auf das Vorkommen von keratinophilen Pilzen und verwandten Dermatophyten untersucht. Von den positiven Proben (41) konnten insgesamt 8 Arten aus 5 Gattungen isoliert werden, nämlich Chrysosporium keratinophilum (14,1%), C. tropicum (6,41%), Chrysosporium sp. I (1,28%), chrysosporium sp. II (1,28%), Chrysosporium als Ctenomyces serratus (10,25%), Keratinomyces ajelloi (5,13%), Microsporum-gypseum-Komplex (11,53%) und Trichophyton terrestre (2,55%).  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung: Es wurden 170 Sandproben von 57 Mannheimer Spielplätzen untersucht. Davon enthielten 41% der Proben und 75% der Spielplätze keratino-phile Pilze. Von diesen keratinophilen Pilzen waren 78% geophile Dermatophyten: 59% Keratinom. ajelloi, 4% M.gypseum, 26% Trichophyton terrestre, 1% humane Dermatophyten, Trichophyton mentagrophytes, Chrysosporium keratinophilum 6% und Scopulariopsis-Art 4%. Der pH des von uns untersuchten Sandes lag im alkalischen bis neutralen Bereich, und zwar von pH 6,78–9,00 mit einem Durchschnittswert von 8,38. Die meisten pilzbefallenen Proben lagen im pH-Bereich 7,8–8,8, mit Maximum bei 8,6. Bei der Keimzählung fanden wir eine recht geringe Bakterienkontamination, im Durchschnitt 1,7–105 Bakterien pro Gramm Sand. Da wir die Bakterien jedoch nicht differenziert haben, können wir zwar die leichte Tendenz zum Antagonismus zwi-sen Bakterien und keratinophilen Pilzen erkennen, diesen jedoch nicht klar zeigen. Im Sand fanden wir den Nematoden der Art Acrobeloides buetschlii, der in vitro Pilzmycelien zerstört, die Sporen jedoch nicht angreift. Diese bleiben vermehrungs-fähig. Auch in natura zeigt sich ein leichter Antagonismus zwischen Acrobeloides buetschlii und keratinophilen Pilzen. Der Nematode scheint den pH des Sandes in neutraler Riditung hin zu beeinflussen, allerdings kommt er zumeist auf den Spielplätzen vor, die von Bäumen umstanden sind, welche den Sand neutraler zu gestalten scheinen. Summary: From the 57 children's play-grounds of Mannheim 10 samples of sand were examined. 41% of the samples from 754 of the play-grounds contained the keratophilic fungi: Keratinomyces ajelloi in 59%, Trichophyton terrestre in 26%, Micros-porum gypseum in 4%, Trichophyton mentagrophytes in 1%, Chrysosporium keratinophilum in 6%, Scopulariopsis in 4%. The pH-values of the examined sand samples ranged from pH 6.78 to pH 9.00 with an average value of 8.38. Most oft the samples positive for fungi showed the more neutral range between pH 7.8. and 8.8. We found a low bacterial contamination of the sanmples with an average number of 1.7. 105 bacteria per gram sand. We ascertained a certain degree of antagonismus between the bacteria and the keratinophilic fungi. The sand samples also contained the nematode Acrobeloides bueschlii, which in vitro destroys fungal mycelia but doesn't attack spores which stayed viable. In vitro, we also observed a slight antagonismus between Acrobeloides buesdilii and keratophilic fungi. It seems that this worm influences the pH-value of sand in direction to the neutral range. On the other hand, we usually found the worm in play-grounds underneath trees, which seem to turn the sand to the neutral pH-range, too.  相似文献   

Dermatophytes in healthy Chilians   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
L Zaror  X Aliaga 《Mycoses》1990,33(2):95-98
To study the presence of dermatophytes in healthy persons, 1060 skin samples from the scalp, complexion, inguinal region and sole were taken from 265 healthy individuals who live in Valdivia, Chile. The carpet technique of Mariat and Tapia was used. The isolated dermatophytes were identified according to Rebell and Taplin. Zoophilic dermatophytes were isolated in only 4.9% of the healthy individuals. Microsporum canis was found in the scalp and inguinal area of children (1.5%). Trichophyton mentagrophytes was isolated from the feet and inguinal skin of adults (3.4%). Measures to avoid a mycosis or/and to reduce the risk of infections are suggested.  相似文献   

Summary: The keratinophilic fungi in soils from the Detroit metropolitan area were surveyed by the hair-bait technique. One-hundred soil samples were studied and 92 yielded 172 isolates. Trichophyton ajelloi and its teleomorph, Arthroderma uncinatum, were the preponderant organism, appearing in 58 % of the soils (21% minus, 13% plus, and 24% teleomorphic). Microsporum gypseum and its teleomorph, Nannizzia gypsea, occurred in 33% of the soils (8% teleomorphic). Other isolates were M. cookei (8%) and its teleomorph, N. cajetani (6%); Chrysosporium spp. (46%); Aphanoascus sp. (7%); Ctenomyces serratus (2%); T. terrestre (5%); and 5% were unidentified.
Zusammenfassung: Die keratinophilen Pilze in Bodenproben vom Hauptstadtgebiet Detroit wurden durch die Haar-Köder-Methode überprüft. Hundert Bodenproben wurden analysiert und 92 ergaben 172 Isolierungen. Trichophyton ajelloi und dessen Teleomorphe, Arthroderma uncinatum, waren die überwiegenden Organismen, die in 58% der Bodenprobe (21% minus, 13% plus und 24% teleomorph) gefunden wurden. Microsporum gypseum und dessen Teleomorphe, Nannizzia gypsea, kamen in 33% der Bodenproben vor (8% davon waren teleomorph). Andere Isolate waren: M. cookei (8%) und dessen Teleomorph, N. cajetani (6%); Chrysosporium spp. (46%); Aphanoascus sp. (7%); Ctenomyces serratus (2%); T. terrestre (5%); und 5% blieben unidentifiziert.  相似文献   

H C Korting  H Zienicke 《Mycoses》1990,33(2):86-89
Although interest in dermatophytoses as occupational dermatoses nowadays focuses on developing countries, pertinent cases are still also seen in industrialized countries. Two recent cases from Munich are reported in which Trichophyton verrucosum had been acquired by a cattle farmer and Microsporum canis by a veterinary surgeon from a pet cat.  相似文献   

Romano C  Massai L  Gallo A  Fimiani M 《Mycoses》2009,52(1):67-71
Fourteen cases of dermatophytosis caused by Microsporum gypseum , representing 6.8% of all dermatophytic infections reported, were diagnosed in Siena, Italy, between 2005 and 2006. There were as follows: six cases of tinea corporis, one case of tinea corporis associated with tinea capitis, one case of tinea corporis associated with tinea barbae, one kerion on the head, one tinea cruris, one tinea faciei, one tinea barbae, two onychomycosis. In the three subjects with tinea corporis, the clinical appearance was impetigo-like, psoriasis-like and pityriasis rosea-like respectively. In another case, the lesion was indicative of tinea imbricata. The diagnosis was based on mycological examination. In six cases, the source of infection was a cat, whereas in the others it was contact with soil.  相似文献   

Dr.  N. Hayashi M.D.  S. Toshitani 《Mycoses》1983,26(7):337-345
Summary: Two hundred and seventy one cases of Microsporum gypseum infection including 8 cases we found in Japan during the period 1931–1980 are discussed in this paper. The overall incidence was relatively high in the districts of Kanto, Kyushu and Kinki. The victims consisted of 47 males, 53 females and 171 other persons. The greatest number of these people, 61.4%, were afflicted in the first decade of this period. The youngest was a 40-day-old girl, apparently the youngest recorded anywhere in the world. Tinea capitis and tinea corporis show a predilection toward this affliction among Japanese people. Incidences involving the head, face and neck account for as many as 75.4% of the cases of this disease.
Zusammenfassung: In dieser Abhandlung werden 271 Fälle von Microsporum gypseum-Infektion, einschließlich acht eigener Fälle, in Japan während des Zeitraums von 1931 bis 1980 diskutiert. Die Gesamthäufigkeit war in den Bezirken Kanto, Kyushu und Kinki relativ hoch. Die infizierten Personen waren 47 Männer, 53 Frauen und 171 sonstige Personen. Die größte Anzahl dieser Personen, 61.4%, erkrankten im ersten Jahrzehnt dieses Zeitraums. Die jüngste Person war ein 40 Tage altes Mädchen, anscheinend der jüngste Patient der weltweit erfaßten Fälle. Bei Japanern sind die Kopftrichophytie und die Körpertrichophytie bevorzugte Lokalisationen der M. gypseum-Infektion. Fälle, die den Kopf, das Gesicht und den Nacken betreffen, machen 75.4% der Fälle dieser Krankheit aus.  相似文献   

Microsporum canis and Trichophyton mentagrophytes are zoophilic dermatophytes which can cause skin infections in animals and humans. The clinical expression of this infection strongly varies depending on host, fungal species as well as enzyme production. No comparative studies are available on the enzymatic activities of M. canis and T. mentagrophytes isolated from breeding rabbits. Thus, the aim of this work was to assess the capability of M. canis and T. mentagrophytes isolated from rabbits both with and without lesions in producing different enzymes. The relationship of dermatophyte enzymatic activities and presence/absence of skin lesions has also been investigated. A total of 260 isolates of T. mentagrophytes and 25 isolates of M. canis sampled both from healthy and lesioned skin of rabbits, as well as from air samples of positive farms were examined. The results showed that T. mentagrophytes and M. canis from rabbits produce different enzymes. However, only elastase and gelatinase were linked to the appearance of lesions in T. mentagrophytes infections, whereas lipase in those by M. canis.  相似文献   

Summary: A case of dermatophytosis in a two months old pet rabbit due to Microsporum gypseum has been reported. This is the first report from Bihar and the second from India. Zusammenfassung: Bericht über eine Microsponun gypseum-Infektion bei einem zwei Monate alten Kaninchen. Es handelt sich um den ersten derartigen Bericht aus Bihar und um die zweite Mitteilung aus Indien.  相似文献   

Summary: Microsporum gypseum infection in a camel and a wolf from a Zoological Garden (São Paulo, Brazil) is studied. The low incidence of ringworm by this dermatophyte is discussed. Zusammenfassung: Es wird über eine Infektion mit Microsporum gypseum bei einem Wolf und einem Kamel des Zoologischen Gartens von São Paulo, Brasilien, berichtet. Die möglichen Ursachen für das seltene Auftreten von Hauterkrankungen durch diesen Erreger werden diskutiert.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of asymptomatic dermatophyte scalp carriage and symptomatic tinea capitis in Adana Province, Cukurova region, Turkey. For this purpose, a screening study was performed in five schools, between January 2004 and May 2005, covering a total of 5143 children with 2740 (53.3%) boys and 2403 (46.7%) girls, aged 7-14 years (9.6 +/- 2.0). The diagnosis was made using the cotton swab method with inoculation onto Sabouraud glucose agar amended with cycloheximide, chloramphenicol and gentamicin. Among 10 (0.2%) cases, six asymptomatic carriers (mean age 10.7 +/- 2.3) and four symptomatic cases (mean age 8.3 +/- 0.5) were detected, all of whom were boys and had immigrated from the south-eastern and eastern region of Anatolia, Turkey. The mean age differences were found to be statistically significant (Mann-Whitney U=3.000, P=0.046). Boys were found to be more prone to asymptomatic carriage (P=0.033), but not tinea capitis (P>0.05). Zoophilic dermatophytes, namely Microsporum canis (40%) and Trichophyton mentagrophytes var. mentagrophytes (40%) were the most commonly isolated species, followed by anthropophilic Trichophyton tonsurans (10%), while no causative agent was detected in a case (10%) with tinea capitis superficialis. Scalp cultures were found to be dermatophyte-negative after 3- to 8-month follow-up in cases with asymptomatic carriage. As a conclusion, the prevalence of asymptomatic carrier state was similar with the prevalence of symptomatic cases, and we found a predominance of zoophilic species.  相似文献   

P. Danew  E. Friedrich 《Mycoses》1980,23(9):502-511
Zusammenfassung: Nach Wachstum in einer Aminosäure-haltigen Glukose-Salzlösung wurde das Trockengewicht und der Anteil an löslichem Gesamt-Protein-N des Pilzmyzels bei M. gypseum und T. rubrum über einen Zeitraum bis zu 3 Monaten bestimmt. Mit den Substraten Leucinamid bei pH 9,0 und Leucin-ß-Naphthylamid bei pH 8,0 wurde die Aminopeptidaseaktivität ermittelt und den Wachstumsphasen zugeordnet. Dabei wurde das Verhalten der Aminopeptidaseaktivität in Abhängigkeit vom Pilzwachstum vergli-chen: sowohl bei M. gypseum als auch bei T. rubrum fanden sich die höchsten Aktivitäten am Anfang der Pilzentwicklung (Beginn der logarithmischen Wachstumsphase). Während der log-Phase erfolgte ein Aktivitätsabfall. Am Ende der Untersuchungen wurde im Myzelhomogenat von M. gypseum wieder ein Anstieg der Aminopeptidase-Aktivitäten gemessen. Bei T. rubrum hingegen fehlte dieser. Summary: After growth in a solution containing aminoacids, glucose and mineral salts the dry weight and the soluble part of mycelial protein nitrogen were measured up to three months. Peptidase activity was determined by the use of leucineamide ar pH 9,0 and of leucine-ß-naphthylamide ar pH 8,0 and was coordinated with the growth phases. M. gypseum as well as T. rubrum showed highest enzyme activities at the beginning of mycelial growth (early logarithmic growth phase). In the course of the log phase a decrease of activity was observed. Towards the end of the obversation time in this study, an increase of peptidase activity was seen in homogenates of M. gypseum but not of T. rubrum.  相似文献   

Trichophyton verrucosum is a zoophilic infectious agent causing 98% of the dermatophytic infections of cattle. Transmission to humans has, until recently, been rare. One reason for an increase of infection in humans and animals seems to be the decrease in immunisation of cattle. We report on three cases of pertinent human infections with disseminated, sharply defined, bluish red, partly oedematous nodules and plaques in particular not only on the thighs, but also on the trunk and arms. Two of our patients work with farm animals. The third one works as an assistant in a butcher shop, but lives on a cow farm. All three patients are often exposed to the cold. In all three cases T. verrucosum was detected by culture. Tinea corporis was histologically confirmed in two patients. Based on the microbiological results, we began a combined systemic and local antimycotic therapy with fluconazole 50 mg day(-1) in two patients, itraconazole 100 mg day(-1) in one patient p.o. combined with topical ciclopiroxolamine. All patients were cured. Dermatophytosis caused by T. verrucosum can, under certain circumstances, such as frequent exposure to cold or a long-term corticosteroid therapy, mimic the characteristic clinical picture of perniosis, as we demonstrate here.  相似文献   

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