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Because there may be inadequate dextrose in the newly licensed CPD- adenine for five or six weeks storage of high hematocrit red blood cells, this laboratory has examined some alternate sugars for their ability to maintain red blood cell metabolism during storage. In the current study, dextrose and fructose were studied as model or prototype nutrients. A third six carbon monosacharide, galactose, three dissacharides, lactose, maltose, and sucrose were studied in the same experiment. Of these, fructose best maintained ATP and 2,3-DPG during the fourth to sixth week of whole blood storage at 4 C. Dextrose was next best during this time and was nearly equivalent to fructose in the first three weeks of storage. Galactose and maltose both maintained ATP and 2,3-DPG, but not nearly so well as did fructose and dextrose. Sucrose and lactose were associated with the most rapid deterioration of ATP and DPG levels and they failed to maintain the progressive fall in pH which is usually associated with continuing, useful metabolism.  相似文献   

Pyruvate was placed in experimental CPD-adenine (0.25 mM) blood preservative mixtures in four concentrations ranging from 40 to 320 mM. In the 320 mM pyruvate preservative, 2,3-DPG levels were elevated above normal for six weeks of whole blood storage at 4 C. The lower pyruvate concentrations maintained elevated or normal 2,3-DPG levels for less time: four weeks with 160 mM, two weeks with 80 mM, and one week or less with 40 mM or the control. ATP values were best maintained in the control. The higher pyruvate concentrations resulted in the most rapid decreases at ATP. However, even the 320 mM pyruvate did not cause ATP to fall below 2 microM/gm of Hb. The higher pyruvate concentrations produced and maintained a higher pH during storage. On the other hand, 2,3-DPG levels increased with pyruvate during the first week of storage when the pH was decreasing rapidly. This could be the result of its oxidation of NADH to NAD. The high pyruvate concentration which maintained elevated 2,3-DPG levels throughout the six weeks might be simulating the effect reported in pyruvate kinase-deficient red blood cells, in which blockage of glycolysis at that step is preventing 2,3- DPG catabolism.  相似文献   

DHA (dihydroxyacetone, 60 mM) with ascorbic acid (d-ascorbate, 10 mM) kept 2,3-DPG concentrations above normal for six weeks. Levels of 2,3- DPG were below normal after four weeks with DHA alone and after two weeks with DHA-ascorbate-phosphate. As in previous studies, high phosphate concentrations decreased 2,3-DPG maintenance. ATP maintenance was best achieved with the following (in order of performance): DHA- phosphate (20 mM); DHA-phosphate (10 mM); the control, CPD-adenine preservative; Phosphate 20 mM; and DHA. DHA with ascorbate provides normal 2,3-DPG for six weeks. The adverse effects of DHA and DHA with ascorbate on ATP levels are modified by 10 mM phosphate.  相似文献   

Mannose and fructose as well as glucose have been shown to be effective for maintaining ATP and thus viability of stored red blood cells. Normal 2,3-DPG levels are desirable in stored red blood cells to provide the needed oxygen transport upon transfusion. ATP levels in sotred concentrated red blood cells in the new preservative, CPD- adenine (citrate-phosphate-dextrose-adenine) become critically low in the 5th week. In this study two hexoses and two pentoses are compared with dextrose in their ability to maintain ATP and 2,3-DPG. ATP levels were best maintained by fructose, then dextrose and mannose. ATP levels had fallen to critically low levels by four weeks with ribose and xylose. Red blood cell 2,3-DPG concentrations were also maintained by hexoses, with mannose being best, dextrose and fructose being similar. When ribose was used in addition to dextrose in CPD-adenine, ATP maintenance was improved and under the same conditions xylose improved 2,3-DPG maintenance. Fructose and mannose may be as useful as dextrose in citrate-phosphate preservatives for maintaining ATP and 2,3-DPG levels. Also, ribose and xylose may help the maintenance of ATP and 2,3- DPG, respectively, in CPD-adenine.  相似文献   

A study was designed to compare the effects of D-ascorbate and dehydroascorbate on red blood cell metabolism during blood storage. Dehydroascorbate increased red blood cell concentrations of 2,3-DPG such that the levels are above normal for four weeks and normal at six weeks of storage. In contrast, there is a gradual decrease in 2,3-DPG levels with D-ascorbate such that the levels are approximately 80 per cent of normal after six weeks. ATP levels were adversely effected such that the worst levels were produced by 10 and 5 mM dehydroascorbate, with 10 mM having a more adversive effect than 5 mM. Intermediate levels of ATP were produced by D-ascorbate, with the 10 mM concentration. The control CPD-adenine preservative maintained near normal ATP levels for the entire six-week storage period. pH values were initially slightly lower with dehydroascorbate compared to the other preservatives early in storage, the difference being slightly over 0.1 pH units.  相似文献   

This review will begin by giving the highlights of the history and explain development of the basic science knowledge of hemoglobin chemistry, function, and physiology. The necessary involvement of red cell metabolism, as it pertains to the maintenance of 2,3-diphosphoglycerate (2,3-DPG) levels, both normally and under the perturbed and experimental conditions of blood storage, will be given as part of the basic science data. The clinical science and transfusion data will comprise the main critical aspects of the paper. Analysis and comment of over 20 studies will be given on the effects of animal and human transfusions with altered 2,3-DPG levels. Decreased survival and organ function have been demonstrated with transfusion of low 2,3-DPG red cells, with or without anemia, in the conditions of exercise, shock, hypotension, ischemia, cardiac surgery, hypoxia, sepsis, and acidosis. By critical analysis of these studies, recommendations on general and specific patient needs for red cell transfusions with normal or high 2,3-DPG levels are given.  相似文献   

Blood storage in CPD-adenine supplemented with 25 mM inosine and 10 mM phosphate gave 2,3-DPG levels as high as 140 per cent of normal for six weeks of blood storage at 4 C. Lower but normal 2,3-DPG levels were maintained throughout six weeks with inosine or inosine plus ribose. Ribose alone provided marginally increased DPG maintenance over the control, but ribose with phosphate maintained 2,3-DPG levels above 70 per cent of normal for five weeks of storage and two weeks longer than the control preservative. ATP levels were maintained at normal or above for six weeks with phosphate plus ribose or inosine. 2,3-DPG maintenance has previously been shown to be impaired by phosphate, unless inosine is also present. The ribose and inosine effects on 2,3-DPG maintenance are not additive. Phosphate also has an enhancement effect on ATP maintenance in the presence of either ribose or inosine.  相似文献   

Alkaline CPD and the preservation of RBC 2,3-DPG   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
BACKGROUND: Concentrations of 2,3-DPG decline rapidly in the first week of RBC storage because of the low pH of conventional storage solutions. Alkaline additive solutions, which can preserve RBCs for up to 11 weeks, still do not preserve 2,3-DPG because the starting pH is below 7.2. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: Alkaline CPD (pH=8.7) was made with trisodium citrate, dextrose, and disodium phosphate. Twelve units of whole blood were collected into heparin and pooled in groups of four units. Each pool was then aliquoted into four units; 63 mL of CPD with pH 5.7, 6.5, 7.5, or 8.7 was added to one unit of each pool, and 300 mL of the alkaline experimental additive solution-76 was added. In Study 2, 12 units were collected into alkaline CPD, pooled in groups of four, aliquoted as described, and stored in four variants of experimental additive solution-76 containing 0, 9, 18, and 27 mM of disodium phosphate. RBC ATP and 2,3-DPG concentrations, intracellular and extracellular pH and phosphate concentrations, hemolysis, and other measures of RBC metabolism and function were measured weekly. RESULTS: RBCs stored in more alkaline conditions made 2,3-DPG, but at the expense of ATP. Concentrations of 2,3-DPG decreased after 2 weeks storage, but ATP concentrations never fully recovered. Providing more phosphate both increased the duration of 2,3-DPG persistence and raised ATP concentrations in the later stages of storage. CONCLUSIONS: Maintaining both 2,3-DPG and ATP requires both high pH and high concentrations of phosphate.  相似文献   

Inosine and ascorbate have been shown to maintain normal 2,3-DPG levels during three to four weeks of blood storage. With the introduction of CPD-adenine, which allows five weeks of storage, the desire for 2,3-DPG maintenance may receive new emphasis. Red blood cell 2,3-DPG remained at normal or higher levels for six weeks whenever 10 or 15 mM inosine and 10 mM vitamin C (L-ascorbate) or D-ascorbate were present in the CPD-adenine preservative. Provision by inosine of a five-carbon sugar for 2,3-DPG synthesis, bypassing the rate-limiting phosphofructokinase reaction, may allow NADH oxidation by ascorbate to provide an increased supply of substrate for the Rappoport-Luebering shunt, thus affecting the net increase and maintenance of 2,3-DPG.  相似文献   

We have found that the addition of 10 mM inorganic phosphate to DHA in CPD-adenine maintains ATP levels at normal or higher than normal values for six weeks of storage. 2,3-DPG values are slightly lowered by the extra phosphate, but are still maintained at approximately half normal for four weeks by the DHA. The addition of a higher phosphate concentration, 20 mM, to DHA produced lower levels of ATP and 2,3-DPG than those observed with 10 mM phosphate, although both levels were better than in the CPD-adenine control. pH values in this experiment were lowest in the three preservatives containing DHA, probably indicating increased lactate production due to metabolism of this triose sugar, in addition to dextrose present in CPD.  相似文献   

Inorganic phosphate has been known to assist red blood cell maintenance of ATP and in the presence of inosine to assist in the maintenance of 2,3-DPG. High concentrations of phosphate, while helping ATP maintenance, were found to be deleterious to 2,3-DPG maintenance in CPD- adenine preservatives. However, in the presence of inosine, concentrations of phosphate as high as 10 mM were advantageous to 2,3- DPG maintenance. The present study extends the observations on ATP and 2,3-DPG maintenance in CPD-adenine-inosine preservatives from the previous 10 mM to 20 mM phosphate. A high phosphate (20 mM) effect has been seen as improved maintenance of 2,3-DPG levels during the fifth and sixth weeks of storage of whole blood at 4C. This supports the previously reported observation of improved maintenance of 2,3-DPG in a 10 mM phosphate preservative. This is ten times the 2 mM phosphate concentration in CPD-adenine. In the low phosphate preservative (2 mM), 2,3-DPG maintenance is less than that in all of the higher phosphate preservatives after the second week of storage. ATP concentrations in this experiment show good maintenance throughout six weeks of storage.  相似文献   

Five-week red cell storage with preservation of 2,3 DPG   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The 2,3 diphosphoglycerate (2,3 DPG) content of red cells stored in current anticoagulant-preservative products decreases rapidly after the first few days of storage, and by 3 weeks the red cells are essentially depleted of 2,3 DPG. Because ascorbic acid and ascorbate-2-phosphate (A-2-P) are effective in maintaining erythrocyte 2,3 DPG during liquid preservation, ascorbate was stabilized through autoclaving and subsequent storage by adding it as the trisodium salt of A-2-P to a phosphate-adenine-saline solution at a pH of 8.5 to 9.0. Red cell concentrates prepared from blood drawn into citrate-phosphate-double-dextrose were supplemented with the A-2-P additive solution (AS-4) and studied in vitro and in vivo. Mean 2,3 DPG values for 22 units were 147.6, 113.5, and 82.3 percent of initial value after storage for 3, 4, and 5 weeks, respectively. Maintenance of 2,3 DPG was at the expense of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which fell to as low as 22.2 percent of initial value after 5 weeks. Despite the low ATP values, the 24 hour 51Cr-labeled red cell recoveries averaged 80.8 and 74.1 percent after 4 and 5 weeks of storage, respectively. The AS-4 system provides a red cell product with acceptable viability and improved oxygen off-loading function.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The concentration of red cell 2,3-DPG (2,3-diphosphoglycerate) rapidly decreases during storage. A favourable effect on red cell 2,3-DPG has been demonstrated by rapid cooling of whole blood prior to storage. In our study we have investigated how different methods of cooling whole blood immediately after donation effect 2,3-DPG levels during storage. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: Thirty-six whole blood units (in 6 groups) of 450 ml were collected in 63 ml CPD. SAG-M was used as preservative solution for red cell concentrates (RCC). The units in one group were cooled down at ambient temperature, while units in the other groups were cooled down rapidly by different ways immediately after bleeding. Samples from the whole blood units were collected at various days during storage for 2,3-DPG measurements. RESULTS: The decline in 2,3-DPG during the first two weeks of storage was significantly slower in the groups which were cooled down rapidly to 17-18 degrees C within 1h after bleeding (all p相似文献   

Interest has been renewed in CPD-adenine as a long-term liquid blood preservative. The question of whether the metabolic product of adenine, 2,8-dioxyadenine was toxic to humans has apparently been resolved by extensive animal and human studies in favor of there being no potential toxicity in the amounts used in blood preservation. Sweden is adopting CPD-adenine (0.25 mM) as its national blood preservative after ten years of clinical experience in trials. They have shown that each additional week of storage time beyond the current three weeks with CPD results in a 50 per cent reduction of wasteage caused by outdating. They are adopting the 35-day time for regular use with 42 days for an emergency reserve supply. However, many units of blood in the U.S. are stored as packed red blood cells and the question has been raised as to whether there is sufficient glucose in the preservative to maintain red blood cell metabolism in the packed cell unit. The present investigation indicates that there is sufficient glucose for 35 days of packed cell storage in CPD-adenine (0.25 mM) but in some units this might be marginal at 42 days of storage.  相似文献   

The concentrations of ATP and 2,3-DPG and post-transfusion viability were measured in human red blood cells exposed for one, four and seven hours to room temperature before refrigerated storage for 21 days. No effect of room temperature storage was observed on ATP or viability. Decrease in 2,3-DPG was accelerated by room temperature exposure but the differences in 2.3-DPG were small and unlikely to have a significant adverse effect on red blood cell oxygen delivery. Delays of up to seven hours in refrigeration of blood do not appear to have serious adverse effects on red blood cell viability or function.  相似文献   

R. B. Dawson 《Transfusion》1977,17(3):242-247
The individual and collective effects of various phosphate, pyruvate and dihydroxyacetone concentrations on 2,3-DPG and ATP maintenance during blood storage with CPD-adenine (0.25 mM), were studied. Phosphate concentrations ranged from 2 to 100 mM. Low concentations were best for 2,3-DPG maintenance during the first three weeks, after which there was no difference. ATP concentrations were better maintained by the highest phosphate concentrations in the first week. After the second week the lower concentrations of phosphate were better. With pyruvate 40 and 60 mM were the best for 2,3-DPG levels through six weeks of storage. ATP concentrations were poorest with high pyruvate. Maintenance of 2,3-DPG was above half normal for six weeks of storage in the 60, 80 and 100 mM DHA preservatives. ATP concentrations were best maintained in the preservative lacking DHA. Combinations of phosphate, pyruvate and DHA in concentrations which had been found to be effective when used individually were studied. Best maintenance of 2,3-DPG (above half normal levels) for six weeks was afforded by pyruvate, phosphate and DHA, and by pyruvate and DHA. ATP maintenance was best afforded by CPD-adenine alone and CPD-adenine with pyruvate and phosphate. Pyruvate alone maintained ATP less well and the pyruvate- DHA was worst. Intermediate in maintenance of ATP was the preservative containing pyruvate, phosphate and DHA.  相似文献   

Dihydroxyacetone (DHA) is effective in maintaining 2,3- diphosphoglycerate (2,3-DPG) concentrations in stored red blood cells. One limitation to the use of DHA is its instability when added to anticoagulant solutions during blood bag manufacture. The stability of DHA solutions have been evaluated. Solutions of DHA are stable at 25 C in water or isotonic saline, with or without the addition of glucose or adenine. DHA is stable to autoclaving; 99 + per cent surviving at 150 mM, and 89 per cent surviving at 1.9 M concentrations. DHA can be incorporated into a satellite addition pouch attached to the main blood drawing bag, and be added to the blood-anticoagulant mixture after phlebotomy or the preparation of red blood cells. Addition of the DHA solution, containing adenine and extra glucose, to packed cells causes significantly improved maintenance of 2,3-DPG during 42 days of 4 C storage, while maintaining adequate concentrations of red blood cell ATP. The use of DHA, adenine, and glucose in extended storage of packed cells, using either zero or seven day addition of the nutrient solution, produces similar efficacious results.  相似文献   

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