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Grundmann T 《HNO》2000,48(2):129-134
Surgical reconstruction of partial defects of the auricle remains an operative challenge. Operative techniques using cartilage frameworks constitute a well established method. According to the localisation and the extend of the defect there are well established procedures. Especially the inferior part of the auricle may cause difficulty due to it's anatomy. In a retrospective study, various reconstruction techniques of partial conchal defects were examined in regard to their aesthetic results. A sytematic operative procedure due to the different techniques was developed. Large defects, extending more than 30% of the concha margin needed a high grade of stability which can be obtained by the use of autologous costal cartilage. According to the localisation of the defect and the available local tissue, the ret-ro-auricular site has to be reconstructed by the use of transposition flaps or split-thickness skin. For the reconstruction of the retroauricular site in the cranial auricular region a combined fascia-fan-flap showed the best results. The inferior auricular region can be reconstructed by the use of an infraauricular transposition flap offering also good opportunities for reconstruction of the lobulus. Second Degree Dysplasias are regarded as conchal defects which can be integrated into surgery.  相似文献   

Summary In cases of large pharyngeal carcinomas resection of most of the upper digestive tract of this region is necessary.For one-stage reconstruction we use the island flap technique. The myocutaneous island flap of the pectoralis major muscle allows a variety of reconstructive possibilities by using it.For this purpose and for functional reasons we have to maintain the nerve bundles which innervate the myocutaneous island flap. Electromyographics shows the importance of this postulation.In addition to the concept of one-staged reconstruction it is essential that our technique allows surgical speech rehabilitation, tongue motility and good swallowing.  相似文献   

Zahnert T 《HNO》2011,59(10):964-973
Today the middle ear can be reconstructed in various ways: without any ossicular chain reconstruction, with reconstruction using autologous ossicles, with reconstruction using passive alloplastic implants or by using active implants. In recent decades, reconstruction with passive middle ear implants has increased for several reasons. It has been demonstrated that in the case of inflamed mucosa the resorption rate of autologous ossicles is around 15%. Modern alloplastic implants can be considered more resistant to inflammatory processes with high biocompatibility. Furthermore, modern alloplastic implants are low-weight with high rigidity. The greatest advantage lies in better coupling possibilities to the residual ossicular chain because of the introduction of coupling elements and also functional elements which are integrated into the prostheses. Due to the wide variety of passive implants this paper is intended to provide an overview of the best reconstruction solutions for the most typical ossicular chain defects using passive middle ear implants. Particular attention is paid to the use of alloplastic prosthesis compared to the use of autologous ossicles.  相似文献   

In früheren Versuchen am experimentellen Modell gro?er Orbitadefekte beim Schaf konnten wir zeigen, dass bei der Rekonstruktion mit biodegradierbaren Membranen ohne zus?tzliche stützende Knochentransplantate oder Titan-Miniplatten-Osteosynthesen die Heilung durch osteokonduktives Knochenwachstum entlang den Membranen am ehesten ungest?rt verlief. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden gleichartige Defekte einseitig mit einer 0,5 mm dicken mikropor?sen Poly (L/DL 80/20)Laktatmembran überbrückt, auf der Gegenseite erfolgte die Rekonstruktion mit 0,25 mm dicken Membranen und stabilen Stützelementen aus dem gleichen Polylaktat. Nach 12-monatiger Beobachtung bei 9 Schafen ergab sich radiologisch eine seitengleiche anatomische Rekonstruktion der Orbitae. Histologisch zeigten sich dagegen ausgepr?gte Fremdk?rperreaktionen um degradierende Polylaktatmassen, welche vor allem um die degradierenden Stützelemente stattfanden, jedoch auch entlang der Membranen h?ufiger nachweisbar waren, als in unserem früheren Versuch nach 4 Monaten. In keiner Orbita waren die Implantate nach 12 Monaten vollst?ndig degradiert. Für eine zukünftige klinische Anwendung bei der Orbitarekonstruktion haben mikropor?se Membranen aus Polylaktat ihr osteokonduktives Potenzial best?tigt. Von der Verwendung stabiler Elemente aus dem gleichen Material muss wegen der sp?t auftretenden, massiven Fremdk?rperreaktionen für die Orbitarekonstruktion abgesehen werden.   相似文献   



In addition to prosthetic rehabilitation, maxillary defects can also be surgically reconstructed. Soft-tissue reconstruction employs a radial forearm or latissimus dorsi muscle flap, while bony reconstruction can be achieved using a fibula, iliac crest, or scapular flap. Reconstruction using a scapular flap is further divided into two subgroups: the traditional scapular flap with the circumflex scapular artery as the donor vessel and the scapular angle flap with the angular artery originating from the thoracodorsal artery as the donor vessel.

Materials and methods

We report on four patients who underwent successful reconstruction with a free scapular angle flap between 2009 and 2011, following maxillary resection due to malignancy.


Vertical positioning of the scapular angle flap enables reconstruction of the facial contour, whereas its horizontal alignment and microvascular anastomosis makes a bony reconstruction of the hard palate possible.


The versatility, low rate of donor site morbidity and shape of the scapular angle flap—which resembles that of the hard palate—render it ideal for plastic reconstruction. The suitability of bone quality for dental rehabilitation with implants is a topic of controversial discussion. The scapular angle flap represents an alternative to obturator prosthesis for the reconstruction of maxillary defects ≥ grade I according to Okay et al.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es wird ein auf der langen Kehlkopfmuskulatur gestielter Insellappen beschrieben, mit dem nach Erweiterung der trachealen oder laryngotrachealen Stenose über einem Silikonrohr die Luftröhre wieder verschlossen werden kann. Von vier so behandelten Patienten konnten inzwischen drei Patienten mit annähernd normalen Lumenweiten entlassen werden.  相似文献   

Summary The application of tricalciumphosphate ceramic to obliterate the mastoid air cell system is studied in this paper. For this purpose the bulla tympanica of four 2–3 months old pigs was totally excuterated with a drill and consequently filled with adjacent layers of porous tricalciumphosphate ceramic. In six additional animals only the basal cell tract was removed and obliterated with ceramic, leaving intact the apical part of the bulla. The histologic findings at survival times of 1, 3, and 6 months are demonstrated and discussed.

Die Tricalciumphosphat-Keramik wurde uns freundlicherweise von der Firma Friedrichsfeld GmbH, Steinzeugstraße 50, 6800 Mannheim 71, zur Verfügung gestellt  相似文献   

Bootz F  Keiner S 《HNO》2005,53(4):316-324
For reconstruction in the head-neck region, either pedicled or free flaps can be used depending on the site of origin and the place of reconstruction. Pedicled flaps have definite limitations, therefore, free transplants are becoming continuously more popular. Today, microvascular reanastomosed transplants are those most commonly used in reconstructive head-neck surgery. In this contribution, we present and explain the most important types of flaps and their indications.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Bei der chirurgischen Entfernung von ausgedehnten Karzinomen der hypopharyngealen Rachenhinterwand stellt sich die Frage der Kehlkopfentfernung in erster Linie aus funktionellen Gründen. Zwischen 1994 und 1997 wurde allen Patienten mit einem Rachenhinterwandkarzinom des Hypopharynx und einer gesch?tzten Tumorausdehnung von mehr als 6 cm ein kehlkopferhaltendes chirurgisches Behandlungskonzept vorgeschlagen. Bei 9 Patienten mit T2 (n=2) und T4 (n=7) Karzinomen erfolgte nach lateraler Pharyngotomie eine Rekonstruktion der Rachenhinterwand mit freien Lappen (8 Unterarmlappen und 1 Dünndarmtransplantat). Die maximalen Tumorausdehnungen reichten von 6,5–12,5 cm. Bei der Pr?paration wurde versucht, den N. laryngeus superior zu erhalten und bei der Einnaht der freien Lappen fand die exakte Anpassung des Lappens an den Defekt besondere Beachtung. Bei 7 Patienten war innerhalb von 3 Monaten die Schluckfunktion so wiederhergestellt, da? die Ern?hrung oral erfolgen konnte. Ein Patient ben?tigte hierzu 4 Monate und ein Patient war 12 Monate postoperativ aufgrund von Aspirationen weiterhin nicht zur ausreichenden oralen Nahrungsaufnahme f?hig, 6 Patienten wurden bisher dekanüliert und in keinem Fall war in der Beobachtungszeit eine Laryngektomie aufgrund von Komplikationen oder auf Wunsch des Patienten erforderlich. Die funktionelle Rehabilitation nach der Entfernung ausgedehnter Rachenhinterwandkarzinome gelingt mit Hilfe von freien Lappen bei einem Gro?teil der Patienten. Eingegangen am 14. April 1997 Angenommen am 20. Oktober 1997  相似文献   

Summary In dogs an attempt was made to reconstruct the trachea by a composite graft containing cialite preserved tracheal cartilage. We observed that the cartilage was not rejected by the receptor-site and seemed to be revitalized. Our histological findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The tissue reactions in and about homologous cartilage, preserved in thiomersalate and transplanted by a half-open inlay technique were studied in 15 bullae of adult guinea pigs. After a period of 7 1/2–11 months, the area of the transplant was examined histomorphologically. The cartilage, transplanted with one side uncovered to the pneumatized bulla, was tolerated by the host organism without reaction and was enveloped by fibrous connective tissue or bone. The clinically successful application of this homologous preserved cartilage for the reconstruction of middle ear walls was thus confirmed by the histomorphological findings. The use of tissue adhesive (Histoacryl®) be confined to selected cases.  相似文献   

Amiodarone plays a pivotal role in the treatment of ventricular and supraventricular arrhythmias. However, amiodarone-induced hyperthyroidism (AIH) is one of the most feared complications, which necessitates interdisciplinary treatment and careful balancing of the risks of conservative treatment against those of total thyroidectomy. In this article we discuss the pharmacological aspects of amiodarone and its diverse effects on the thyroid. Furthermore, we present diagnostic and therapeutic strategies and report our positive experiences with total thyroidectomy in patients with AIH. Particularly in patients for whom continuation of amiodarone treatment is compulsory, a well-timed total thyroidectomy is a reliable therapeutic option, with minimal complication rates and immediate amelioration of symptoms.  相似文献   

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