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Twelve patients with left-sided neglect, five patients with left-sided hemianopia, and 16 matched controls performed lexical decisions for foveally presented target words or pseudowords. Target words or pseudowords could be preceded by the same stimuli, presented for 150 ms as primes in either the left (LVF) or the right (RVF) visual hemifield. Primes in the RVF caused similar levels of priming across the three groups. In contrast, whereas primes in the affected LVF did not cause priming in hemianopic patients, patients with neglect showed highly significant priming from LVF primes, and the level of priming from these neglected primes was increased relative to normal control levels. This priming effect was attributed to lexical access, because no repetition priming was observed for pronounceable pseudowords. In striking contrast to the priming results, neglect patients' explicit recognition performance for these prime stimuli was at chance for the left hemifield, although it was near perfect for the right hemifield. This demonstrates that the observed priming effects in the left hemifield were indeed caused by stimuli that were not explicitly perceived.  相似文献   

Apparent right neglect in patients with left visual neglect   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Two patients with unilateral left visual neglect were asked to bisect lines of different lengths. They showed, as expected, a rightward bias with longer lines. In contrast, they consistently transected very short lines (25 mm) to the left of the objective midpoint. The finding confirms a previous observation of similar behaviour but differs in other aspects that are of theoretical importance.  相似文献   

Pointing with left vs right hand in left visual field neglect   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The authors report the detection performances of three subjects with unilateral left visual neglect as they were submitted to a closed-loop manual pointing task in the reaching field. Results show, for all three subjects, better detection performances when manual pointing was executed with the left hand--i.e. contralateral to the lesion--than when made with the right hand. Given that, for both hands, signal detection conditions were the same, these results are discussed according to: other studies having showed changes in the expression of neglect as induced by changes in the nature or the strategy of the task; the concept of an indissociable sensorimotor central processing; and one of the models put forward to account for unilateral spatial neglect which includes a motor representation.  相似文献   

Previous studies indicate that extinguished stimuli can still be unconsciously processed, leading to implicit priming effects. Here we investigated whether these implicit effects might be modulated by the semantic nature of the stimuli. Five neglect patients and ten controls performed an identification task of items belonging to living and non-living categories. In the study phase photographs of animals and artifacts were presented either to the left visual field (LVF) or to the right visual field (RVF). In the identification phase, each stimulus was displayed centrally and was revealed in a sequence of frames where the item was represented by an increasingly less and less filtered image up to a complete version. The results showed that lateralized stimuli differentially affected controls’ and neglect patients’ memory retrieval. In controls memory traces from the study phase served as efficient primes, thereby reducing the amount of information necessary for the identification of both stimulus categories. Moreover, hemispheric differences emerged with an advantage of the RVF/left hemisphere for artifact items, while no difference was found for living things. Neglect patients showed a priming effect for artifact items presented either to the RVF/left hemisphere or LVF/right hemisphere, as well as for living items presented to the RVF/left hemisphere, but not for living items presented to the LVF/right hemisphere. The priming effect observed for extinguished artifacts is consistent with the evidence of the existence of a specific mechanism destined to analyze, in an automatic and implicit fashion, motor-relevant information of manipulable objects and tools, which are important for identification process. Results are discussed in relation to current models of organization of conceptual knowledge within the framework of different processes performed by the two hemispheres.  相似文献   

Patients with neglect veer to one side when walking or driving a wheelchair, however there is a contradiction in the literature about the direction of this deviation. The study investigated the navigational trajectory of a sample of neglect patients of mixed mobility status in an ecological setting. Fifteen patients with left-sided neglect after right hemisphere stroke were recorded walking or driving a powered wheelchair along a stretch of corridor. Their position in the corridor and the number of collisions was recorded. The results showed that the patients' path was dependent on their mobility status: wheelchair patients with neglect consistently deviated to the left of the centre of the corridor and walking patients with neglect consistently deviated to the right. A further two ambulant patients with neglect were recorded both walking and using the wheelchair to determine whether the differences were task or patient dependent. These two patients also exhibited leftward deviation when driving the wheelchair, but a rightward deviation when walking. These results suggest that the direction of the deviation is task dependent. Further work will be required to identify what features of the two modes of navigation lead to this dissociation.  相似文献   

Patients with neglect veer to one side when walking or driving a wheelchair, however there is a contradiction in the literature about the direction of this deviation. The study investigated the navigational trajectory of a sample of neglect patients of mixed mobility status in an ecological setting. Fifteen patients with left-sided neglect after right hemisphere stroke were recorded walking or driving a powered wheelchair along a stretch of corridor. Their position in the corridor and the number of collisions was recorded. The results showed that the patients' path was dependent on their mobility status: wheelchair patients with neglect consistently deviated to the left of the centre of the corridor and walking patients with neglect consistently deviated to the right. A further two ambulant patients with neglect were recorded both walking and using the wheelchair to determine whether the differences were task or patient dependent. These two patients also exhibited leftward deviation when driving the wheelchair, but a rightward deviation when walking. These results suggest that the direction of the deviation is task dependent. Further work will be required to identify what features of the two modes of navigation lead to this dissociation.  相似文献   

We asked 12 patients with left visual neglect to bisect the gap between two cylinders or to reach rapidly between them to a more distal target zone. Both tasks demanded a motor response but these responses were quite different in nature. The bisection response was a communicative act whereby the patient indicated the perceived midpoint. The reaching task carried no imperative to bisect the gap, only to maintain a safe distance from either cylinder while steering to the target zone. Optimal performance on either task could only be achieved by reference to the location of both cylinders. Our analysis focused upon the relative influence of the left and right cylinders on the lateral location of the response. In the bisection task, all neglect patients showed qualitatively the same asymmetry, with the left cylinder exerting less influence than the right. In the reaching task, the neglect group behaved like normal subjects, being influenced approximately equally by the two cylinders. This was true for all bar two of the patients, who showed clear neglect in both tasks. We conclude that the visuomotor processing underlying obstacle avoidance during reaching is preserved in most patients with left visual neglect.  相似文献   

A 64-year-old right-handed woman with no left-handers in the family developed aphasia associated with moderate left hemiparesis and dense left homonymous hemianopia following rupture of a right middle cerebral artery aneurysm and subsequent selective surgery confined to the right hemisphere. Severe left spatial neglect and constructional apraxia were also present. The patient was an achondroplasic dwarf whose previous medical and neurological history was otherwise unremarkable. Computed tomography of the brain showed a large right temporo-insulofrontoparietal lesion. Language and nonverbal cognitive functions were assessed after 2 and 6 months, and then four years later. A reportedly overall language disruption in the acute period evolved into Wernicke's aphasia and then into a mild form of conduction aphasia. The associated left spatial neglect eventually shrank to a minimum. The patient never had clinically detectable visual agnosia, but on specific tests of visual recognition and perception some impairment was found four years after onset. The left hemiparesis disappeared in time while the left hemianopia persisted. This case is a convincing example of an entirely righthanded person in whom both linguistic and visuospatial functions are represented in the right hemisphere. Received: 12 May 2002 / Accepted in revised form: 18 November 2002 Correspondence to L.A. Vignolo  相似文献   

In a search task where four letters were displayed to the right of a central fixation point, right brain-damaged patients with visual neglect showed the fastest response when the target was at the rightmost position and progressively slower responses as it moved towards the center of the display. This finding confirms Kinsbourne's claim that in visual neglect an important role is played by the magnetic attraction that the extreme end of the right structured space exerts on the patient's attention.  相似文献   

It is well documented that right brain damaged patients with left unilateral neglect may show unconscious processing of contralesional stimuli. However, the anatomical correlates of this phenomenon are still not well defined. Here we report the case of a neglect patient with a circumscribed lesion of the dorsal parietal-occipital white matter showing clear implicit processing of the contralesional side of line drawings and object based neglect. The patient was able to perform correct semantic analysis of the symmetry (or asymmetry) of the drawings. Additional testing disclosed denial of the existence of the contralesional side of asymmetrical geometrical shapes with correct perception of symmetrical ones and of shapes without the left side. These findings provide direct evidence supporting a critical role of the dorsal visual system in the activation of conscious representations of visual stimuli.  相似文献   

To explain relative leftward overextension in a line extension task by left unilateral neglect subjects, Bisiach et al. (1998) suggested that the representation of space is distorted--i.e., dilated towards the left side. If perception of the velocity of a moving stimulus is due to a calculation of the distance covered per unit time in representational space, then a stimulus with uniform linear motion should be perceived as decelerating when moving leftwards in the visual field of a subject with left unilateral neglect. We investigated the perception of acceleration in a patient with left unilateral neglect and spatial distortion (revealed as relative left overextension in a line extension task) using a task in which the stimuli were right and left moving targets with variable acceleration. The patient's ability to perceive acceleration was much lower (higher acceleration threshold) for leftward movements than rightward movements. Fourteen months later unilateral neglect had improved, and the relative left overextension and decreasing acceleration threshold for leftward movements were reduced. By contrast, alterations in the perception of acceleration for leftward movements were not found in a patient with left unilateral neglect and left underextension and in a patient with right brain damage and left hemianopia. These findings in one patient with left spatial unilateral neglect and a relative left overextension in a line extension task are consistent with the hypothesis that representational space is distorted, with a disproportionate leftward expansion, that affects perception of movement.  相似文献   

Spontaneous recovery and possible fluctuation in left visual neglect, and its relation to stroke severity, basic activities of daily living (ADL) and extended ADL were examined at 10 days, at 3, 6, and 12 months after onset. Twenty-one of 56 right hemisphere stroke patients had visual neglect. Three visual neglect recovery groups were identified: continuous, fluctuating and poor recovery. We concentrated on the comparison of the continuous and the fluctuating recovery groups. At the acute phase the fluctuating recovery group had larger infarcts, more severe neglect and stroke, and a lower level of basic ADL compared to the continuous recovery group. In the continuous recovery group stable recovery was detected up to 6 months, whereas in the fluctuating recovery group recovery was incoherent in neglect and in extended ADL. A minimum follow-up period of 6 months including the evaluation of extended ADL is recommended for neglect patients due to possible fluctuation in visual neglect.  相似文献   

It is widely accepted that the posterior parietal cortex is critical for the on-line control of action and optic ataxia patients are unable to correct their movements in-flight to changes in target position. The current study investigated on-line correction in patients with left visual neglect, right brain damaged patients without neglect and healthy controls. Participants were asked to reach towards a central target that could jump unexpectedly, at movement onset, to the right or left sides of space. In response to the jump, participants were asked either to follow the target or to stop their movement. Neglect patients were able to correct their ongoing movements smoothly and accurately towards right and left target jumps. They did so even when told to stop their movement, indicating that these corrections occurred automatically (i.e., without instruction). However, the timing of corrections to the left was delayed in neglect patients and this produced a drastic increase in movement time. To our surprise, we also found that neglect patients were impaired at stopping their ongoing reaches, when compared to the control groups, in response to either left or right jump trials. We suggest that the 'automatic pilot' system for the hand is spared in neglect, but its processing speed is unilaterally slowed due to a deficit in orienting of attention to the contralesional side. We relate these findings to the breakdown of a system that combines information for attention, perception and action. Damage to this system may not only slow corrective movements to the contralesional side, but also produce non-lateralized deficits in interrupting an ongoing reach.  相似文献   

Patients with unilateral spatial neglect are impaired in directing focal attention toward the contralesional side of space. Provision of static spatial cues on the neglected side has previously been shown to help overcome this deficit. Common movement of visual stimuli may also guide the allocation of spatial attention, although such effects have not been examined in patients with unilateral spatial neglect. Eleven patients with right hemisphere damage and clinical evidence of left unilateral spatial neglect, and 11 matched, healthy controls were tested on a task of horizontal line bisection. Lines were presented on a computer display, with a neutral, static, or slowly drifting, random dot background. Under conditions of motion, background stimuli drifted either leftward or rightward, across the full width of the display, at speeds that did not elicit optokinetic nystagmus or perceptual aftereffects. Controls were accurate in all conditions, and showed minimal effects of background conditions. By contrast, patients with left unilateral spatial neglect were sensitive to leftward background motion, showing a significant leftward shift in bisection error, relative to neutral, static, and rightward moving backgrounds. There was no significant effect of rightward motion in comparison with the neutral and static conditions. The extent to which patients were susceptible to the effects of background motion was not related to severity of unilateral spatial neglect, as measured by clinical tests. The benefits of leftward motion may reflect activity of preserved motion processing mechanisms, which provide input to an otherwise dysfunctional attentional network. The use of visual motion to assist in contralesionally guiding focal attention may be useful in the rehabilitation of unilateral spatial neglect.  相似文献   

Patients with left- and right-hemispheric cortical lesions and right-handed control subjects were compared on a task requiring them to judge pairs of shapes as same or different. When the shapes were moved behind a narrow viewing slit, requiring the subjects to mentally construct their horizontal dimensions, patients with right-sided lesions showed relative neglect of the left sides of the shapes, while patients with left-sided lesions showed relative neglect of the right sides. Control patients showed no overall unilateral neglect. All patients exhibited contralesional neglect on this task even if they did not show visual hemineglect on more routine measures.  相似文献   

Preston C  Newport R 《Neurocase》2011,17(6):473-479
The existence of independent and dissociable representations of the body within the brain for perception (body image) and action (body schema) is currently under debate. Although demonstrations in which fake limbs are incorporated into the body image but not body schema are commonplace, such findings can be explained due to the strength of the illusion rather than autonomous representations. The current study, however, offers striking evidence in favor of a clear dissociation in a patient with visual neglect, such that different fake limbs were incorporated into the body image and body schema simultaneously.  相似文献   

Patients with left-sided visual neglect fail to copy the left part of drawings or the drawings on the left side of a sheet of paper. Our aim was to study the variations in copying drawings induced by passive stimulation in patients with left-sided visual neglect. No stimulation at all, tactile unilateral and bilateral, binaural auditory verbal, and nonverbal stimuli were randomly applied to 14 patients with right-hemisphere strokes. Only nonverbal stimuli decreased the neglect. As nonverbal stimuli mainly activate the right hemisphere, the decrease in neglect suggests right-hemispheric hypoactivity at rest in these patients. The absence of modification of neglect during verbal stimulation suggests a bilateral hemispheric activation and the persistence of interhemispheric imbalance. Our results showed that auditory pathways take part in the network involved with neglect. Passive nonverbal auditory stimuli may be of interest in the rehabilitation of patients with left visual neglect.  相似文献   


We describe a series of drawing/copying impairments in a patient with left neglect consequent upon right hemisphere damage. The patient bisects lines significantly to the right of true centre and omits stimuli located on the contralesional side of cancellation tasks. Some of her copies, however, also contain errors whereby elements from left space are transposed to positions in right-sided space. Providing the patient with verbally encoded spatial information appears to facilitate this process. The phenomenon is interpreted against a background of earlier studies of visual allesthesia and current theories of propositional and analogical representation.  相似文献   

The existence of independent and dissociable representations of the body within the brain for perception (body image) and action (body schema) is currently under debate. Although demonstrations in which fake limbs are incorporated into the body image but not body schema are commonplace, such findings can be explained due to the strength of the illusion rather than autonomous representations. The current study, however, offers striking evidence in favor of a clear dissociation in a patient with visual neglect, such that different fake limbs were incorporated into the body image and body schema simultaneously.  相似文献   

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