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Wheat flour and modified-starch from African breadfruit (MS) were used in ratios of 100:0; 90:10; 80:20; 70:30; 60:40 and 50:50 to produce noodles. Chemical composition, culinary and sensory attributes of the noodles were investigated. The protein, fat, ash, crude fiber, moisture and calorific values of the flour noodles ranged from 4.76 to 0.33%, 0.35 to 0.57%, 0.83 to 0.57%, 0.53 to 0.57%, 8.03 to 0.15% and 349.51 to 355.81 kcal/100 g respectively. Moisture content increased with increasing addition of MS and later reduced. Addition of MS flour up to 30% had no significant effect on the overall acceptance of noodles. The results showed that MS flour can be incorporated up to 30% for noodles to improve the nutrient value without affecting the acceptability. There were no significant difference (p < 0.05) in the sensory attributes of the noodles up till 30% level of inclusion with MS.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effects of replacing wheat flour (WF) with fermented breadfruit flour (FBF) at between 10 to 40% substitution level on the qualities of biscuit produced from the blends of composite flour. Farinograph and gluten properties of the flour were determined. Baking, proximate, and sensory qualities of the biscuit were also evaluated. Substitution of WF for FBF decreased gluten and dough stability from 10.01 to 8.31% and 10.01 to 6.50 minutes, while water absorption and mixing tolerance index increased from 57.61% and 20.1 Brabender unit (BU) to 63.91% and 60.0 BU, respectively. Biscuit flow, break strength, and oven spring decreased from 93.84 to 14.29%, 2.12 to 0.92 kg and 3.38 to 0.45 mm, respectively. Protein contents of the biscuit decreased significantly (p < 0.05) from 12.01 to 9.41% while fiber and ash increased from 2.40 to 2.60 and 1.45 to 2.45%, respectively. Biscuit of acceptable qualities were obtained from blends at 20% substitution level.  相似文献   


A study was conducted on the eating qualities of muffins prepared with 10% and 20% soy flour. Results showed that muffins prepared with or without soy flour were not significantly different in tenderness, flavor and overall quality. The addition of soy flour did not impart any adverse flavor. In fact, there was a tendency for muffins prepared with 10% soy flour to be rated better than the standard muffins, especially in the “flavor” and “desire to buy” qualities. The results suggested that 10% soy flour substitution in muffin recipes can be a viable alternative to achieve great taste and health benefits of soy.  相似文献   

This study aimed to develop a new food product, attractive from the organoleptic point of view and with the advantage of being rich in phenolic compounds with antioxidant activity. For that, a phenolic-rich solution was obtained from wine and included in the recipe of the yogurts. The product developed was therefore a yogurt with wine antioxidants, prepared in different aroma variations. The results showed that the addition of the phenolic-rich solution caused an increase in the content of antioxidants without affecting acidity. On the other hand, based on sensory analysis, it was possible to choose two final products which were the favorite among the members of the sensorial panel, namely the yogurt with flavor of mixed fruits and sugar and the addition of the wine antioxidants solution and the yogurt with flavor of cinnamon and sugar and the addition of wine antioxidants.  相似文献   

Kokoro is a popular maize-based snack in Nigeria, which is consumed by adults and children but characterized by low protein content. The snacks were produced from blends of maize flour supplemented with protein hydrolysate from pigeon pea at 100:0 (control), 95:5, 90:10, 85:15, and 80:20. Flour blends were evaluated for functional and pasting properties, while snacks were analyzed for proximate composition and sensory qualities. Proximate analysis results showed significant (p < 0.05) increase in protein (9.64–11.12%), fat (13.40–20.17%), ash (1.83–2.38%) content, and energy value (431.84–468.97 kcal/100 g), while fiber (1.19–0.96%) and carbohydrate (68.17–60.74%) content decreased with inclusion of protein hydrolysate. No significant difference (p < 0.05) occurred in the sensory qualities of products from 100% maize and 80:20 flour blend. Hence, acceptable Kokoro snacks from an 80:20 (maize: protein hydrolysate) blend have been formulated, which could enhance the nutritional wellness of the target consumers.  相似文献   

The demand for gluten-free food due to allergic autoimmune diseases and sensitivity keeps growing. Usually, the treatment is a strictly gluten-free diet. In the absence of gluten, bread making becomes a technological challenge since wheat is the only cereal able to develop a viscoelastic dough. The objective of this research was to develop a gluten-free bread using buckwheat, rice, and cassava flours. Increasing buckwheat flour causes an increase of insoluble fiber, crumb cell circularity, and loaf specific volume. A sensory test showed that buckwheat flour has a positive impact on bread quality.  相似文献   

Common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) are an important source of nutrients with beneficial effects on human health. However, they contain lectins, that limit the direct use of flour in food preparations without thermal treatment, and phytic acid, that reduces mineral cation bioavailability. The objectives of this research were: to obtain biofortified snacks and a cream using an untreated common bean flour devoid of active lectins (lec) and with reduced content of phytic acid (lpa) and to evaluate the sensorial appreciation for these products. The main results of the present work were: the products with the lpa lec flour did not retain residual hemagglutinating activity due to lectins; they showed higher residual α-amylase inhibitor activity (from 2.2 to 135 times), reduced in vitro predicted glycemic index (about 5 units reduction) and increased iron bioavailability compared to the products with wild type flour; products with common bean flour were less appreciated than the reference ones without this flour, but the presence of an intense umami taste can be a positive attribute. Results confirmed that the use of the lpa lec flour has important advantages in the preparation of safe and nutritionally improved products, and provide useful information to identify target consumers, such as children and elderly people.  相似文献   

Wheat flour was replaced with cassava flour (30 to 100%) to produce cake. Composition and pasting properties of the flours and their composite flour blends were determined. Baking and sensory qualities of the resulting cake samples were evaluated. Protein starch and fiber contents of the cassava and wheat flours were 1.5; 71.50; 1.94% and 10.9; 69.89; 2.81% respectively, which significantly influenced their pasting and baking characteristics and also reflected in their composite blends. Peak, holding, breakdown and final viscosities of the blends ranges from 90.1 to 121.1; 51.6 to 82.7; 38.21 to 42.62; and 93.4 to 125.8 Rapid Visco Unit (RVU) respectively. Specific volume decreased from 1.49 to 1.18 ml/g. Cake of comparable qualities with that obtained from wheat were obtained within 40% substitution level.  相似文献   

The fortification of wheat flour with micronutrients is a common strategy to increase vitamin and mineral intake. While wheat flour mills are often inspected by agencies affiliated with national ministries to ensure compliance with national fortification standards, few countries use data derived from these inspections to construct an external monitoring system for use in program management and evaluation. The primary objective of this paper is to assess the performance of the external monitoring system utilized in Jordan according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Updated Guidelines for Evaluating Public Health Surveillance Systems. A secondary objective is to present mill monitoring results from 2009 to 2010 in order to demonstrate the data generated by the system. The review concludes that the data required for the system is representative, simple to collect, and can be collected in a flexible manner. The external monitoring system is acceptable to participating agencies and millers and is stable due to mandatory fortification legislation which provides the legal framework for external monitoring. Data on production of fortified flour and utilization of premix can be provided in a timely manner, but on-site mill monitoring and flour sample collection are more challenging due to resource constraints. The frequent collection of a small number of indicators can provide fortification program managers with timely information with which to base decisions. Jordan’s external monitoring system successfully documented the performance of each mill and the entire flour fortification program, and can serve as a model for other national fortification programs considering external monitoring approaches.  相似文献   

Due to the rise in the number of people suffering from diet-related noncommunicable diseases, major scientific studies have recently been focused on the development of functional foods that are rich sources of resistant starch and bioactive compounds with health-promoting properties. The nutritional composition, in vitro starch digestibility, and antioxidant properties of composite flour derived from wheat and mature, unripe pawpaw fruit flour are all discussed in this study. The proximate composition, functional and pasting properties, in vitro starch digestibility, antioxidant activities and storage stability of the composite flours were determined. When compared to 100% wheat flour, the crude fiber, ash, water absorption capacity, swelling capacity, and bulk density of the composite flours increased by 40.5–63.3%, 209.7–318%, 2–109%, 3–66%, and 28–162%, respectively. Increased addition of mature, unripe pawpaw fruit flour to wheat flour resulted in a rise in the composite flour’s TPC, ABTS, and ORAC values. Comparing the composite flour made with 50% mature, unripe pawpaw fruit flour to 100% wheat flour, the resistant starch and slowly digested starch rose by 2836% and 1321%, respectively. Additionally, compared to 100% wheat flour, the composite flours also demonstrated decreased fat acidity. It can be argued that the composite flour is a good source of resistant starch and bioactive ingredients that can be used in a variety of functional food products.  相似文献   

The enzyme transglutaminase 2 (TG2) plays a crucial role in the initiation of celiac disease by catalyzing the deamidation of gluten peptides. In susceptible individuals, the deamidated peptides initiate an immune response leading to celiac disease. Several studies have addressed lactic fermentation plus addition of enzymes as a means to degrade gluten in order to prevent adverse response in celiacs. Processing for complete gluten degradation is often harsh and is not likely to yield products that are of comparable characteristics as their gluten-containing counterparts. We are concerned that incomplete degradation of gluten may have adverse effects because it leads to more available TG2-binding sites on gluten peptides. Therefore, we have investigated how lactic acid fermentation affects the potential binding of TG2 to gluten protein in wheat flour by means of estimating TG2-mediated transamidation in addition to measuring the available TG2-binding motif QLP, in α2-gliadin. We show that lactic fermentation of wheat flour, as slurry or as part of sourdough bread, did not decrease the TG2-mediated transamidation, in the presence of a primary amine, to an efficient level (73%–102% of unfermented flour). Nor did the lactic fermentation decrease the available TG2 binding motif QLP in α2-gliadin to a sufficient extent in sourdough bread (73%–122% of unfermented control) to be useful for celiac safe food.  相似文献   

The effects of replacing wheat flour with 0–15% debittered moringa seed (DBMS) flour on the dough rheology of wheat flour and physical, sensory and chemical properties of bread were studied. Incorporation of an increasing amount of DBMS from 0 to 15% decreased farinograph water absorption, dough stability, amylograph peak viscosity and overall quality of bread. The bread with 10% DBMS had a typical moringa seed taste and was acceptable. Addition of combination of additives improved the dough strength and quality of bread with 10% DBMS flour. Replacement of wheat flour with 10%, 20% and 30% DBMS grits was found to affect cookies quality. Cookies with 20% DBMS grits had the nutty taste of moringa seeds and were acceptable. Bread with 10% DBMS flour and cookies with 20% DBMS grits had more protein, iron and calcium. Incorporating moringa seeds in baked foods may be exploited as a means of boosting nutrition in Africa and Asia where malnutrition is prevalent.  相似文献   

The study investigates the effects of wheat biscuits supplemented with plant flours originating from legumes/seeds enriched either in L-arginine (L-arg) or branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) on postprandial glucose response of healthy subjects. Gastrointestinal hormone and amino acid responses as well as subjective appetite sensations are also evaluated. Subjects consumed wheat-based biscuits, enriched either in L-arg (ArgB) or BCAAs (BCAAsB) or a conventional wheat biscuit (CB) or a glucose solution (GS) in an acute randomized crossover design. Responses of glucose, insulin, ghrelin, glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), peptide YY (PYY) and glicentin, as well as those of L-arginine, L-leucine, L-isoleucine and L-valine, were evaluated over 180 min. Consumption of ArgB and BCAAsB elicited lower glucose iAUC compared to GS (p < 0.05). A lower iAUC for insulin was observed after consumption of BCAAsB (p < 0.05 compared to CB and ArgB), while ArgB elicited higher iAUC for GLP-1 accompanied by higher glicentin response (p < 0.05 compared to CB). BCAAsB and ArgB increased postprandial amino acid concentrations and caused stronger satiety effects compared to CB. Increasing protein content of wheat biscuits with supplementation of plant flours originating from legumes/seeds decreases postprandial glycemia and provides with healthier snack alternatives which can easily be incorporated into diet.  相似文献   


This proof-of-concept study investigated the effects of an innovative nutrition concept, comprising texture modification, enrichment, and reshaping, on dietary intake and nutritional status of 16 nursing home residents with chewing and/or swallowing problems (mean age 86.5?±?7.4 years) in a pre-test post-test design. During 6?weeks with usual texture-modified diet (P1) energy and protein intake were constant. After the implementation of the innovative diet, daily energy intake increased by 204.2 (median) [interquartile range 95.8–444.4] kcal (P?=?0.011), and protein intake by 18.3 [9.9–26.3] g (P?<?0.001) and remained constant during the following 6?weeks (P2). Body weight decreased during P1 (–0.5 [–1.4 to 0.2] kg), and increased during P2 (+1.1 [0.0 to 1.7] kg, P?=?0.004). The present nutrition concept turned out to be a promising strategy for nutritional management of chewing and/or swallowing problems, however, the effects need to be confirmed in larger studies.  相似文献   

Fortification of wheat flour with iron and folic acid became mandatory in Ivory Coast in 2007. The purpose of this study was to determine the time trend relation between mandatory double fortification of wheat flour with iron and folic acid and markers and prevalence of anemia by comparing the data between pre- and post-fortification periods in Ivory Coast children. Data were derived from the pediatric unit of the University Hospital of Treichville, Abidjan, Ivory Coast. Medical records of 467 children from 5 to 14 years old were analyzed from the years 2004 through 2010. Periods from 1 January 2004 to 31 December 2006 and 1 January 2008 to 31 December 2010 were considered as pre- and post-fortification periods, respectively. Data on hemoglobin, hematocrit, red blood cell count (RBC), mean corpuscular volume (MCV), and anemia between pre- and post-fortification periods were compared. There were no significant differences in hemoglobin, hematocrit, RBC, and prevalence of anemia between pre- and post-fortification periods. However, MCV in post-fortification period was significantly higher compared to pre-fortification period in all subjects (77.6 fL vs. 76.8 fL; p = 0.02) and in young girls (79.1 fL vs. 75.2 fL; p = 0.01). Lack of significant differences in anemia and in markers of anemia between pre- and post-fortification periods need further investigation in children of Ivory Coast.  相似文献   

采用生态学方法对长江马鞍山段水质状况进行评估,并用理化指标的水质分析作对照。结果显示,该段水质污染的生态学分布属甲型中污带至寡污带之间;水质标测分析提示所标8项指标均符合国家地面水二级标准。认为传统的生态学水质污染评价方法,在一定范围内仍具有应用价值。  相似文献   

TPPA法测定梅毒特异性抗体室间质量评价结果分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的回顾分析TPPA法测定梅毒血清学标志物室间质评样本结果。方法采用密螺旋体颗粒凝集试验检测45例梅毒血清学标志物室间质评样本及77例临床标本,并加做原血清检测。结果对于室间质评样本,我室定性检测梅毒抗体阳性检出率与标准血清的阳性率差异没有统计学意义(P>0.05);原血清检测阳性率显著高于定性检测(P<0.05)。结论对于临床标本必须加做原血清标本避免TPPA法导致的漏诊。  相似文献   

目的 测量与评价SARS患者出院一个月后的生存质量。方法 对本院 80例出院一个月后的SARS患者运用生存质量量表 (SF -3 6)进行问卷调查 ,构建数据库 ,进行统计分析。结果 八个维度中只有躯体功能得分 >80分 ,总体健康、活力以及心理健康这三个维度得分都 <60分。是否重症SARS患者在八个维度方面的比较差异均无显著性 (P >0 0 5 )。结论 SARS出院患者生存质量不高 ,需进一步康复治疗。康复治疗应包括功能恢复和心理治疗二方面。  相似文献   

Although vegetables and fruits are readily available and consumed in most areas of Tanzania, vitamin A deficiency is still prevalent. The objective of the present study was to measure the in vitro accessibility (available for absorption) of α-carotene and β-carotene in vegetable relishes prepared with or without oil. Derived results were used to calculate the contribution of vegetable relish to recommended daily intake of retinol. Five sundried green leafy vegetables from Tanzania were cooked without oil, with sunflower oil or with red palm oil. The total amount and in vitro accessibility of α-carotene and β-carotene from a portion (100 g) of vegetable relish was determined. The in vitro method used simulated the digestion process in the gastrointestinal tract. Carotenoids released after digestion were quantified using high-performance liquid chromatography. The total amount of β-carotene varied between 1211 and 3659 μ g/100 g among the five vegetable sources studied. From green leaves cooked without oil, 8-29% of the β-carotene content became accessible after in vitro digestion and 39-94% from leaves cooked with sunflower oil or red palm oil. Adding red palm oil instead of sunflower oil resulted in about twice as much accessible β-carotene, due to the high accessibility of its β-carotene content. The red palm oil contributed also a considerable amount of α-carotene. The results showed that by eating vegetable relishes with added oil daily, it should be possible to provide the recommended intake level of vitamin A.  相似文献   

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