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接触振动的作业有铆接、锻压、造型、清砂、捣固、凿岩、钻探、割锯、研磨、抛光、铣旋等。其所接触的振动源有铆钉机、风铲、风锤、锻锤、电钻、电锯、钻机、造型机、落砂机、捣固机、砂轮机、抛光机、铣床、旋床等。生产过程中,长期接触振动作业的工人,可引起局部振动病。1983年伦敦国际会  相似文献   

全身振动(Whole-bodyvibration,WBV)图1和图2中的机械性全身振动加速度有效值(rms)之限值和时间限值(列于表1和表2),是指在此限值下几乎所有工人反复接触,发生腰背痛,但对腰背有害作用的危险性最小,并且不影响操作地面运输工具。...  相似文献   

生产过程中,长期接触振动作业的工人,可以引起局部振动病。1983年伦敦国际会议将局部振动病统一命名为手臂振动综合征(Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome, HAVS)。HAVS在职业危害中占重要地位。 1 发病机理 近年研究发现,振动病发病机理为:a.微循环障碍,致使毛细血管氧弥散功能障碍;b.(局部振动使细胞膜、线粒体、肌浆膜受损,以及抗氧化系统活性降低,脂类过氧化反应  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The objectives are to summarise the fundamental neurophysiological base for quantitative sensory testing (QST), and to discuss associated methodological and practical aspects necessary to consider with respect to applicability and reliability as a screening or diagnostic aid for vibration-induced sensory neuropathy. RESULTS: QST is the use of psychophysical techniques to measure the intensity of stimuli needed to produce specific sensory perceptions. The physical components are graded stimuli presented to the skin, eye or ear. The psychological component is mental recognition of the physical stimulus. Sensory modalities are named after the subjective feelings elicited, i.e. touch, pressure, vibration, warmth, cold and thermal pain. Since an exposure to vibration may cause symptoms and signs of sensory neuropathy in the hand and arm, the use of QST as an aid for screening and diagnosis has gained an increasing interest. The "Stockholm Workshop" classification scale for sensorineural stages also requires QST. Further, QST has also spread into many other areas, such as in the screening and diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy or polyneuropathy induced by different types of illness, exposure to toxic substances, compression and nerve entrapment. CONCLUSION: QST is in general easy to perform, usually not associated with pain (except thermal pain), suitable for screening and can readily be conducted in the field. QST is, however, known to be susceptible to the effects of multiple covariates and test methodologies. It is thus important that the relative influence on test results from all significant covariates are identified, and to standardise test methodology accordingly before QST can become a reliable and useful tool for diagnostic and screening purposes in the field of vibration-induced sensory neuropathy. The sensitivity, specificity and reliability of different methods for QST for this type of disorder is still very much unknown. Lack of normative values, standardisation of methods and of a "gold standard" for the presence of sensory neuropathy are some reasons.  相似文献   

第8届国际手臂振动会议(8thInternationalConferenceonHandArmVibration,HAV’98)于1998年6月在瑞典的Umeas市召开。这次会议是由国际职业卫生协会(ICOH)振动噪声科学委员会(SCVN)、手臂振动国际顾问委员会等国际学术组织召开的。来自近20个国家和地区的120余名专家、学者出席了会议。会上交流论文80余篇(包括作者的1篇),大体分为以下专题:(1)手臂振动与工效学;(2)手臂振动的医学评价;(3)手臂振动的暴露反应关系和流行病学;(4)…  相似文献   

振动性神经病与腕管综合征非常相似,两者的鉴别具有重要的意义。通过对1例曾接触局部振动职业病危害的患者临床分析和现场劳动卫生学调查,认为在进行局部振动病诊断时应注意职业接触史的调查,诊断的关键在于接触振动因素的振动强度、振动频率和接触时间,临床上手臂振动病累及双手,常以一手为重,多神经损害;而腕管综合征常以一手为重,只累及正中神经。  相似文献   

手臂振动病(hand-arm vibration disease,HAVD)是公认的职业病之一。近年来,HAVD在我国南方地区金属制造业等行业高发,严重影响企业的正常生产和劳动者的生活质量。本文拟从HAVD的发现、分布特点、临床症状、诊断、防治等方面进行阐述,以期为保护劳动者健康及相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Objectives: It is suspected that there is a large number of patients suffering from hand–arm vibration syndrome (HAVS) in Korea. However, no cases have been reported since 1992. This study was conducted to identify HAVS cases and determine the characteristics of the syndrome. Methods: In April 2001, the Busan, Ulsan, and Gyeong-Nam Province Occupational Disease Surveillance System (BUGODSS) was established to identify work-related HAVS and other occupational diseases. In the 2 years of this project, occupational physicians from five hospitals in these provinces collected information by way of interviews and questionnaires during mandatory occupational medical examinations. Among the initial 189 suspected HAVS cases, 58 volunteers were given cold-water provocation tests in order to diagnose the vascular component of the disorder. Results: One hundred fifty-four approximately occupational HAVS cases were identified from ca. 21,000 workers. One hundred fifty about of these cases were male. The cases were most often found in workers from the shipbuilding industry, and the grinder was the most common source of vibration exposure. Cases of sensorineural disorder (SD) were more common than cases of vascular disorder (VD). The mean values of the finger skin temperature and its recovery rate at 5 min and 10 min after cold-water provocation were significantly lower in the group with the VD than in the group with the SD. Conclusions: We identified 154 occupational HAVS cases, although no cases have been reported during the occupational medical examinations mandated by the state. The majority of the cases were in workers that used grinders in the shipbuilding industry. We determined that peripheral VD and peripheral SD can progress independently of each other. We conclude that exposure to hand-transmitted vibration (HTV) and HAVS cases are common in shipbuilding industry in Korea. The recovery rate of finger skin temperature after cold-water provocation is one of the useful methods for diagnosing the vascular component of HAVS.  相似文献   

一、局部振动病的患病情况近年的流行病学调查表明,局部振动病在我国的地区和工种分布是相当广泛的。东北地区报道较多,最近,江西、福建亚热带地区也发现了振动病。已调查的工种有凿岩工、风铲清  相似文献   

职业性手臂振动病(hand-arm vibration disease,HAVD)是我国法定职业病,指长期从事手臂振动作业所引起的以手臂末梢循环或神经功能障碍、骨关节损伤为主的全身性疾病。一般难以治愈,严重影响生活质量。近年来随着振动工具以及生产方式更新,HAVD发病特点发生明显改变。本文从HAVD临床症状、生化指标改变、损伤分析、诊断指标、治疗技术、治疗效果评价等方面作一概述,为HAVD治疗技术更新与防治规范制定提供参考,保护职业性手臂振动接触者健康。  相似文献   

对某发动机公司314名接触手臂振动作业工人进行了职业危害调查,并对6种常用振动工具的振动参数进行了测量。结果表明,接触手臂振动作业每日累计接振时间基本在2 h以内,年累计接振时间为104~457 h,4 h等能量频率计权加速度值为3.94~18.26 m/s2,白指发生率仅抛光工为3.04%,未检出手臂振动病。 更多还原  相似文献   

手臂振动对神经功能影响的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文结合近年来相关文献,对振动性神经功能损伤的基础研究及应用研究进展进行了综述,旨在为振动性神经损伤的研究及其防治提供一定依据。  相似文献   

在欧洲、北美洲和日本 ,应用不同水温和手浸入时间进行冷应激试验作为手臂振动综合征诊断指标一直在研究。近年来 ,外周循环和感觉试验 ,包括一只手浸入 1 0℃的冷水中 1 0 min后测定手指皮肤温度试验 ,在日本已广泛使用。此外 ,国际标准化组织正在讨论血管评定方法的标准化问题。作者对冷应激试验时手指皮温的测定 ,特别是影响试验结果的因素及其诊断意义等方面在日本的研究结果作了回顾。作者认为 ,为了建立冷应激试验用于对手臂振动综合征进行流行病学研究 ,影响试验结果的环境因素必须标准化 ,并应报告该试验的敏感性和特异性。摘译者注…  相似文献   

第八届国际手臂振动会议(8thIn-ternationalConferenceonHand-ArmVibration,HAV’98),于1998年6月在瑞典的Umea市召开。这次会议是由国际卫生协会(ICOH)振动噪声科学委员会(SCVN)、手臂振动国际顾问委员会等国际学术组织召开的。来自美国、比利时、加拿大、中国、捷克、芬兰、法国、德国、日本、意大利、俄罗斯、瑞典、英国等近20个国家的120余名专家、学者出席了会议。在会上交流的论文80余篇(包括作者的一篇),内容十分丰富,基本上反映了近几年在…  相似文献   

患者,栾某,男性,43岁,住院号86071。韧磨工,接触振动作业27年。自1979年初以来,自觉无明显诱因的开始右侧上肢前臂及远端麻木、隐痛,持物无力,间歇出现,并有白指;夜间时因手麻木而醒,活动后症状减轻。余关节无麻木、疼痛、红肿及发热,收入院观察治疗。查体:一般状况好,血压(右  相似文献   

目的 分析某汽车车轮制造厂职业性手臂振动病的发生原因,为制定职业性手臂振动病防治策略提供依据。
方法 调查分析该企业的基本情况、生产工艺、劳动时间、操作方式、打磨工具,检查工作地点并测量手传振动的强度,对发病原因进行综合分析。
结果 轮毂车间操作人员以手持打磨工具立位(强迫性体位)打磨为主且操作不规范,发生病例的铝铸坯打磨工段日平均接振时间11 h;轮毂车间岗位手传振动检测结果符合要求。Spearman等级相关分析得出,日接振时间与振动诊断级别存在相关性(rs=0.932,P < 0.01);企业近三年未开展手传振动岗位检测与评价工作以及手传振动的职业健康检查工作。
结论 企业应及早识别手传振动危害,改变强迫性体位和握力,严格控制振动作业时间,加强个体防护,完善工作场所检测与评价工作和职业健康检查工作,以预防和减少职业性手臂振动病的发生。

手臂振动作业对工人血压影响的调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林立  张强 《中国公共卫生》2001,17(7):649-649
手臂振动作业可致植物神经功能紊乱 ,可能对血压造成影响。我们对某金矿凿岩工人和某机械厂砂轮磨光作业工人进行了血压的测量和高血压患病的调查。报告如下。对象与方法  (1)研究对象 :以某金矿凿岩工人 (66名 )和某机械厂砂轮磨光作业工人 (5 0名 )作为研究对象。其中男10 1名 ,女 15名 ;年龄 2 5~ 5 0 (36 2± 7 6)岁 ;工龄 1~ 2 5 (8 7± 6 4)年。凿岩和砂轮磨光工人中有 16名和 2 0名 (共 36名 )振动性白指 (vibration -inducedwhitefinger,VWF)患者 (VWF 组 ) ,其余 80名作为VWF -组。选择在…  相似文献   

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