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Following an inquiry from the workers of a large newspaper plant in Milan, Italy, a mortality study was undertaken to investigate the reportedly high occurrence of cancer. The study covered the period from 1956 to 1975. Among the 700 workers participating, for a total of 12,198 person-years, 199 deaths had occurred. Overall mortality was not lower than expected and a significant excess was found among the workers aged 25-54 years. Cancer mortality was higher than expected; the only significant excess, however, was found among packers and forwarders who had a greater incidence of all neoplasms, all respiratory cancers, and lung cancer. Some possible explanations concerning personal life-style and occupational exposure previously not considered are proposed. Mortality from circulatory diseases and ischemic heart disease was significantly in excess among the workers aged 25-54 years and was associated with length of employment, age at the time of hiring, and duration of follow-up; analysis by job category revealed a significant mortality excess from these causes among packers and forwarders. It is suggested that the mortality pattern observed for cardiovascular disease, as well as for all causes, could be interpreted in the light of the peculiar characteristics of newspaper production. The initial complaint, instigating the study, arose from the packers and forwarders department.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Numerous studies have investigated adverse effects of exposure to cotton dust on respiratory health, but very limited longitudinal data are available with regard to the early pulmonary response to cotton dust. Moreover, the adverse effects of occupational exposure to cotton dust have been difficult to separate from the confounding effects of smoking. This setting provided a unique opportunity to evaluate early respiratory effects in newly hired and non-smoking female textile workers. METHODS: To identify early pulmonary responses to cotton dust exposure and associated gram-negative bacterial endotoxin, respiratory symptoms and pulmonary function in 225 newly-hired textile workers were assessed at work initiation, and at three and twelve months later. RESULTS: All the workers were females and nonsmokers, with an average age of 18 years. Symptom incidence at three months was 3.6% for usual cough with phlegm, and 6.7% for usual dry cough. Lung function changes were detectable at one year: FEV1 declined by 70 ml and FVC by 124 ml over the year, and workers reporting respiratory symptoms at three months showed a significantly greater cross-shift drop in FEV1 (- 2.3%) than those without the symptoms (- 0.7%). CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that the occurrence of respiratory symptoms represents the earliest response to cotton dust exposure, followed by lung function changes. Early respiratory symptoms may be a risk factor for subsequent loss of pulmonary function in cotton textile workers.  相似文献   

甲醛对作业工人呼吸系统及肺功能影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 探讨甲醛对作业工人呼吸系统及肺功能的影响。方法 运用职业流行病学调查方法,对65名甲醛作业工人(暴露组)和70名对照工人呼吸系统症状进行问卷调查和肺功能测定。结果 结果表明,暴露组流泪、流涕、疲乏无力、记忆力减退、腹痛和咳嗽等6项自觉症状的出现率与对照组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。肺功能测定结果暴露组与对照组比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。作业组工人主要以小气道通气功能异常为主,且工龄越长肺功能损伤越严重。结论 工人刺激症状明显,导致工人阻塞性肺功能通气功能障碍,肺功能测定可为作业工人健康监护的理想指标。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND—A patient with unexplained minor behavioural changes associated with an axonal sensorimotor polyneuropathy had a history of chronic occupational exposure to cadmium (Cd). Although animal studies have shown that Cd is a potent neurotoxicant, little is known about its toxicity for the human central nervous system. The aim of this study was to investigate the toxic potential of chronic occupational exposure to Cd on neurobehavioural functions.
METHODS—A cross sectional epidemiological study was conducted in a group of Cd workers and an age matched control group. Eighty nine adult men (42 exposed to Cd and 47 control workers) were given a blinded standardised examination that consisted of computer assisted neurobehavioural tests (neurobehavioural examination system), a validated questionnaire to assess neurotoxic complaints (neurotoxicity symptom checklist-60, NSC-60), and a standardised self administered questionnaire to detect complaints consistent with peripheral neuropathy and dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system. Historical and current data on biomonitoring of exposure to Cd, either the highest value of Cd in urine (CdU in µg Cd/g creatinine) of each Cd worker during work (CdUmax) or the current value (CdUcurrent) of each control, were available as well as data on microproteinuria.
RESULTS—Cd workers (CdUmax: mean (range), 12.6 (0.4-38.4)) performed worse than the controls (CdUcurrent: mean (range), 0.7 (0.1-2.0)) on visuomotor tasks, symbol digit substitution (p=0.008), and simple reaction time to direction (p=0.058) or location (p=0.042) of a stimulus. In multiple linear regression analysis, symbol digit substitution, simple direction reaction time test, and simple location reaction time test were significantly related to CdUmax, (β=0.35 ( p<0.001), β= 0.25 (p=0.012), and β=0.23 (p=0.021) respectively). More complaints consistent with peripheral neuropathy (p=0.004), complaints about equilibrium (p=0.015), and complaints about concentration ability (p=0.053) were found in the group exposed to Cd than in the control group, and these variables correlated positively with CdUmax (peripheral neuropathy: β=0.38, p<0.001; equilibrium: β=0.22, p=0.057; concentration ability: β=0.27, p=0.020).
CONCLUSION—Slowing of visuomotor functioning on neurobehavioural testing and increase in complaints consistent with peripheral neuropathy, complaints about equilibrium, and complaints about concentration ability were dose dependently associated with CdU. Age, exposure to other neurotoxicants, or status of renal function could not explain these findings. The present study also indicates that an excess of complaints may be detected in Cd workers before signs of microproteinuria induced by Cd occur.

Keywords: cadmium; neurotoxicity; occupational exposure  相似文献   

长江港口装卸作业水泥粉尘对工人健康影响的预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨水泥粉尘对码头装卸工人健康的影响。方法 将长江沿岸码头 8个岗位暴露于水泥粉尘环境的装卸工人作为研究的控制组样本 ,其监测数据通过Logistic回归模型对其影响程度进行影响评估。结果 各作业场所起尘点除超重司机室和皮带机廊道粉尘浓度未超标外 ,其余均超标 ,船舱超标 18 3倍 ,库场超标 17 4倍 ,水泥中游离SIO2 含量为 3 %~5 %。不同的接尘时间和不同环境浓度对工人健康危害影响明显不同。 3 0a~工龄尘肺检出率达 3 3 3 3 % ;累计接尘量10 0~ 119 99mg/(m3 ·a)工人尘肺检出率达 8 3 3 %。结论 尘肺病发病率与累积接尘量有直接关系。如果环境粉尘在安全的范围内 ,工作年限对尘肺病的发病率影响并不明显 ,从而可为制定不同工作环境中各种的工作年限提供依据。  相似文献   

Occupational exposure to organic compounds can induce obvious immunological disorders or more subtle modifications. We investigated peripheral blood lymphocyte subsets in 34 bakers and 82 millers exposed to wheat flour dust, and 51 salt factory workers. Significantly decreased levels of CD4 +, CD8 +, CD57 + and CD8 + /57 + cells were noted in mill workers, and of CD57+ cells in bakers. CD29 + and CD4 + /CD29 + cells were significantly lower in millers, CD4 + /CD45RA + cells higher in all exposed workers. The lower numbers of positive cells noted in millers appeared associated to significantly higher (p<0.001) levels of CD29 and CD45RA expression as measured by fluorescence intensity. These data are opposite to those previously reported in asthmatic workers exposed to flour dust. Since the individuals tested here were clinically healthy, the alterations of T-cell subsets observed could be interpreted as a successful attempt at immunoregulation maintaining homeostasis.  相似文献   

A survey was carried out in the processing department of a paper mill, consisting of environmental and personal monitoring, a short questionnaire concerning chronic non-specific lung disease (CNSLD), spirometry, and intradermal tests. Spirometry was performed on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Exposures to paper dust regularly exceeded the Dutch Maximal Allowable Concentrations (MACs) for total and respirable dust. There were indications of a qualitatively different exposure to molds inside the mill in comparison with the outdoor air. A comparison between a group of workers exposed to paper dust and a control group showed significantly more persons with positive late and delayed intradermal test reactions in the exposed population. The analysis of the spirometric measurements after correction for differences between the groups in age, height, and smoking habits gave evidence of the existence of lower FEV1, MMEF, MEF50, and MEF25 among exposed workers with a positive immediate intradermal reaction on Friday. The same workers showed a decline in pulmonary function over the week compared with the controls. These changes suggest an obstructive airway reaction with an immunologic mechanism to dust exposure in a paper mill.  相似文献   

目的分析集中供应模式下消毒供应中心(CSSD)工人锐器伤的发生现状及影响因素。方法 2012年10—11月采用问卷调查法对湖南省16所医院CSSD的95名工人进行多中心横断面调查。结果 89名(93.68%)工人自进入CSSD工作后发生了锐器伤,其中46名(48.42%)发生1~5次,22名(23.16%)发生6~10次,11名(11.58%)发生10次以上。81名(85.26%)工人在调查前1年内至少发生过1次锐器伤,52名(54.73%)工人被患者污染的针头或锐器所伤。logistic回归分析结果显示,教育程度高是锐器伤发生的保护因素(OR90%CI:0.05~0.87),睡眠情况差(OR90%CI:1.03~17.94)、接触锐器频率高(OR90%CI:1.11~12.15)、其他医务人员(手术室的医生、护士)对物品的归位不合理(OR90%CI:1.23~16.98)是锐器伤发生的危险因素。结论 CSSD工人锐器伤发生率高,与个人因素及环境因素有关,应引起有关部门的重视,加强个人相关知识培训,提高其防范意识。  相似文献   

The fabrication of integrated circuits in the semiconductor industry involves worker exposures to multiple chemical and physical agents. The potential for a high degree of correlation among exposure variables was of concern in the Semiconductor Health Study. Hierarchical cluster analysis was used to identify groups or “clusters” of correlated variables. Several variations of hierarchical cluster analysis were performed on 14 chemical and physical agents, using exposure data on 882 subjects from the historical cohort of the epidemiological studies. Similarity between agent pairs was determined by calculating two metrics of dissimilarity, and hierarchical trees were constructed using three clustering methods. Among subjects exposed to ethylene-based glycol ethers (EGE), xylene, or n-butyl acetate (nBA), 83% were exposed to EGE and xylene, 86% to EGE and nBA, and 94% to xylene and nBA, suggesting that exposures to EGE, xylene, and nBA were highly correlated. A high correlation was also found for subjects exposed to boron and phosphorus (80%). The trees also revealed cluster groups containing agents associated with work-group exposure categories developed for the epidemiologic analyses.  相似文献   

Objectives To evaluate acute and chronic effects of long-term exposure to organic dust on respiratory disorders and lung function among employees at 41 composting facilities in Germany. Methods A total of 218 compost workers and 66 control subjects were enrolled in the cohort. They were evaluated using a standardized questionnaire, a clinical examination, and spirometric measurements. Changes of symptoms, respiratory disorders, and lung function were determined in a first survey after 5 years of exposure in 123 compost workers and 48 controls. Exposure measurements were performed at six composting facilities for respirable dust, cultivable microorganisms, and endotoxins. Results Exposure measurements revealed high concentrations of thermo-tolerant/thermophilic actinomycetes and filamentous fungi in the bioaerosols at the composting sites. A significantly higher job fluctuation was observed among the compost workers compared to control subjects (95 vs. 18; p < 0.05). Compost workers reported a significantly higher prevalence of mucosal membrane irritation (MMI) of the eyes and upper airways than control subjects. Conjunctivitis was diagnosed significantly more often in compost workers. Forced vital capacity in percent of predicted (FVC%) of the non-smoking compost workers declined significantly (−5.4%) during the observation period compared to control subjects. The decline of FVC% in 16 compost workers exceeded 10% of initial values. A significant increase was observed in the number of compost workers suffering from chronic bronchitis (RR = 1.41; 95% CI = 1.28–1.55). Allergic alveolitis was diagnosed clinically in two compost workers. Conclusions The exposure to organic dust at workplaces of composting facilities is associated with adverse acute and chronic respiratory health effects, including MMI, chronic bronchitis, and an accelerated decline of FVC%. The pattern of health effects differs from those at other workplaces with exposures to organic dust possibly due to high concentrations of thermo-tolerant/thermophilic actinomycetes and filamentous fungi at composting plants.  相似文献   

A study of cross-shift change in pulmonary function was conducted among workers exposed to metal working fluids (MWF) in an automobile parts manufacturing company. Three hundred eighty-six workers (216 machinists exposed to straight or soluble MWFs, and 170 nonmachinists) were studied for 1 day, performing spirometry at the beginning and end of their shift. Airborne concentrations of inhalable particulate, culturable bacteria, and endotoxin were measured. We observed an approximately threefold increase in the incidence of 5% or greater cross-shift decrement in forced expiratory volume during the first second among those with exposures above about 0.15 mg/m3, compared to those with exposures below about 0.08 mg/m3. There was some evidence that chronic respiratory symptoms were more prevalent among machinists than among nonmachinists, notably for chronic cough. Baseline FEV1 was about 3% lower on average among those with soluble MWF exposure compared to nonmachinists. These findings are consistent with earlier studies showing respiratory effects of MWFs. Am. J. Ind. Med. 31:756–766, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

目的为了解重庆市长寿区小型煤矿工人上岗前的健康状况,及时发现职业健康损害,检出职业禁忌证或疑似职业病,为尘肺病的防治和管理工作提供科学依据。方法依据《中华人民共和国职业病防治法》《职业健康监护技术规范》和《尘肺诊断标准》,对该区小型煤矿企业的635名煤尘作业人员上岗前进行职业健康检查,检查时间为2009--2012年。结果煤尘作业工人岗前检查635人,各检查项目异常的235例,总检出率为37.00%。检出疑似煤工尘肺19例(最后均确诊为煤工尘肺),检出率为2.99%。635名上岗前职业健康检查的工人中97.22%的职工有1年以上煤矿工作职业史,疑似尘肺检出率随着接尘工人年龄及接尘工龄的增加而增高。结论企业应做好岗前、在岗、离岗的职业健康检查工作,而卫生机构在继续加强尘肺病防治工作的同时也应加强煤矿工人慢性病,尤其是心血管系统疾病、胃十二指肠疾病的防治工作。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In a study of wood dust exposure and lung function, we tested the effect on the exposure-response relationship of six different exposure metrics using the mean measured exposure of each subject versus the mean exposure based on various methods of grouping subjects, including job-based groups and groups based on an empirical model of the determinants of exposure. METHODS: Multiple linear regression was used to examine the association between wood dust concentration and forced expiratory volume in 1s (FEV(1)), adjusting for age, sex, height, race, pediatric asthma, and smoking. RESULTS: Stronger point estimates of the exposure-response relationships were observed when exposures were based on increasing levels of aggregation, allowing the relationships to be found statistically significant in four of the six metrics. The strongest point estimates were found when exposures were based on the determinants of exposure model. CONCLUSIONS: Determinants of exposure modeling offers the potential for improvement in risk estimation equivalent to or beyond that from job-based exposure grouping.  相似文献   

The objective of this investigation was to elucidate the pulmonary responses of an animal model to dust generated from leaf/wood compost which had caused a severe case of acute respiratory illness in an individual. Guinea pigs were exposed for 4 hr to 30 mg/m3 of aerosolized leaf/wood compost dust. Inhalation resulted in significant cellular activation and changes in pulmonary mechanics. Maximal elevation in breathing rate (↑ 36%) was observed 12–18 hr postexposure. Similarly, maximal granulocyte infiltration (↑ 1,600%) and activation of alveolar macrophages (↑ 65%) occurred 18 hr postexposure. In contrast, maximal airway obstruction (↑ 65%) occurred 18 hr postexposure. In contrast, maximal airway obstruction (↑ 120%) occurred immediately after exposure and returned toward normal (↑ 53%) by 18 hr postexposure. In several respects, the airway obstruction and pulmonary inflammation described in the animal model were comparable to the human response to compost dust. Therefore, this animal model may be useful in predicting the potential respiratory hazard associated with exposure to various organic dusts. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
  • 1 This article is a US Government work and, as such, is in the public domain in the United States of America.
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    本文利用煤矿综采工作面各工种作业工人在各种工作状态下工作地点的粉尘环境浓度和持续时间,采用时间加权粉尘浓度,结合职业史及出勤率,推算各工种及每个操作工人的实际接尘量,可反映各工种受粉尘危害的严重程度,考虑较全面。结果较为合理、准确。  相似文献   

    Summary The ventilatory function of 48 workers occupied on the average for six years in a plant producing diamond-cobalt circular saws was compared with that of 23 control subjects. The geometric mean airborne cobalt concentrations in the two main work areas amounted to 15.2 and 135.5 g/m3 respectively. The spirometric changes found in the exposed workers were compatible with a moderate restrictive syndrome and were correlated with duration of exposure.  相似文献   

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