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To understand and curb intergenerational transmission of stress-related disorder, it is important to identify how trauma-related psychopathology in mothers impacts their psychophysiological stress regulation, particularly in the context of parenting their infants. In this study we investigated associations between mothers’ trauma-related psychopathology and life stress and HPA axis response to a personally relevant stressor (infant separation stress) in a non-clinical sample followed longitudinally postpartum. A community sample of low-income mothers (n = 73) and their infants completed laboratory sessions at 3, 6, 12, and 18 months postnatal, and salivary cortisol samples collected before and after dyadic stress tasks at the latter three sessions. These tasks were used to assess HPA function. A three-level hierarchical linear model of repeated cortisol measures nested within sessions within mother-infant dyads did not reveal significant main effects of trauma-related psychopathology on maternal cortisol response, but there was evidence that both a clinical interviewer-rated diagnosis of PTSD and ongoing self-reported trauma symptoms blunted effects of life events on cortisol reactivity. Region of significance analyses indicated that current life stress predicted more pronounced cortisol reactivity only among mothers without trauma-related psychopathology; for those with trauma-related psychopathology, life stress did not relate to cortisol response. Effects held when controlling for childhood trauma and previous (prenatal) maternal distress symptoms, suggesting they did not reflect ongoing impacts of past trauma exposure and/or psychopathology. Blunting effects of trauma-related psychopathology on maternal life stress responsiveness may help clarify how stress sensitivities and mental health are transmitted from parent to child.


Despite the nearly universal finding that life event stress is related to psychopathology, the strength of these relationships is weak. In an attempt to increase the strength of the correlation between life event stress and psychopathology, this study evaluated the simultaneous contribution of life event stress and coping style, as well as the independent contribution of each, to psychopathology. Seventy-six male and 74 female college students served as primary subjects, while an additional 57 male and 60 female college students served as a cross validation sample. Each subject completed the Life Experiences Survey, the Coping Strategies Inventory, and the MMPI. Sex differences were found in the type of coping style related to psychopathology, the relative contributions of coping style and negative life stress to psychopathology, and the percentage of variance accounted for in psychopathology. Future research was recommended to include other variables, such as chronic life stress and physiological reactivity, and to control better for such methodological problems as response sets.  相似文献   

This study assessed whether consistent relationships exist between the content of self-reported coping behaviors, sustaining fantasies, and ordinary daydreams. A second goal was the identification of coping behaviors associated with psychopathology and an exploration of connections between coping behaviors, fantasies, and daydreams correlated with pathology. College students (N = 119) completed the Tanck and Robbins Coping Behaviors Scale, the Sustaining Fantasy Questionnaire, and 12 Imaginal Processes Inventory scales. Pearson correlations indicated strong support for similar content between coping behaviors and the two types of fantasy. Previously reported relationships between coping behaviors and psychopathology were replicated. Significant intercorrelations were found between sustaining fantasies, daydreams, and coping behaviors that, separately, were found to be significantly associated with psychopathology. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

This report was designed to clarify links among self-reports of psychiatric symptomatology, stress, and adult attachment insecurity, as operationalized using measures drawn from both the developmental and social psychological literatures. Based on a sample of 160 college students, this study demonstrated that insecurity reflected in the Adult Attachment Interview (AAI) was associated with self-reports of psychiatric symptomatology principally for individuals experiencing high levels of life stress (consistent with a diathesis-stress model) whereas self-reports of attachment-related avoidance and anxiety correlated robustly with psychopathology under conditions of both relatively high and low life stress (consistent with a risk model). Results provide further evidence that social psychological and developmental approaches to the assessment of adult attachment-related variation are associated with domains of adaptation central to Bowlby's account of human development in empirically distinct ways.  相似文献   

This study assessed whether consistent relationships exist between the content of self‐reported coping behaviors, sustaining fantasies, and ordinary daydreams. A second goal was the identification of coping behaviors associated with psychopathology and an exploration of connections between coping behaviors, fantasies, and daydreams correlated with pathology. College students (N = 119) completed the Tanck and Robbins Coping Behaviors Scale, the Sustaining Fantasy Questionnaire, and 12 Imaginal Processes Inventory scales. Pearson correlations indicated strong support for similar content between coping behaviors and the two types of fantasy. Previously reported relationships between coping behaviors and psychopathology were replicated. Significant intercorrelations were found between sustaining fantasies, daydreams, and coping behaviors that, separately, were found to be significantly associated with psychopathology. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Clin Psychol, 2003.  相似文献   

Current widespread use of the same youth assessment measures and scales across different nations assumes that youth psychopathology syndromes do not differ meaningfully across nations. By contrast, the authors' syndromal sensitivity model posits 3 processes through which cultural differences can lead to cross-national differences in psychopathology syndromes. The authors tested this model in a comparison of Child Behavior Checklist syndromes for adolescents in Thailand and the United States. In support of the model, about half of the Thai-U.S. syndrome comparisons showed poor agreement (kappa = .40), and distinctive Thai syndromes emerged reflecting 3 prominent themes in Thai research literature: delayed maturation, indirect aggression and/or delinquency, and sex problems in boys. Such syndromal dissimilarity carries significant implications for assessment, diagnosis, epidemiology, and intervention across national boundaries.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship of sensitivities of Gray's behavioral inhibition system (BIS) and behavioral approach system (BAS) to cardiac autonomic stress responses during laboratory tasks among 65 healthy men (n=34) and women (n=31) aged 22-37 years. Carver and White's BIS-BAS scales were used to measure BIS and BAS sensitivities. We measured heart rate (HR), respiratory sinus arrhythmia, and preejection period during mental arithmetic, a reaction time task, and a speech task. Results revealed that BAS sensitivity was related to HR reactivity and parasympathetic withdrawal during the tasks, but was unrelated to baseline levels. BIS sensitivity was unrelated to both reactivity and baseline levels of all measures. Overall, our results suggest that the relationship of the BAS with cardiac reactivity seems to be mediated by the parasympathetic nervous system.  相似文献   

Whether treatment programs are effective at rehabilitating rapists is yet to be determined empirically. From a scientist-practitioner perspective, treatment should be based on an empirical understanding of rape and rapists, and evidence-based knowledge of treatment outcome with rapists. In this paper we comprehensively review the characteristics of rapists, etiological features implicated in the commission of rape, and relevant treatment outcome research. We pay particular attention to contemporary knowledge about the core vulnerabilities and features required to understand and treat rapists effectively, and, where possible, highlight similarities and differences between rapists, child molesters and non-sexual violent offenders. We use an epistemological framework to (a) critique the various etiological accounts of rape available and (b) help guide professionals' use of such knowledge in both treatment design and evaluation. Gaps in the understanding of rapists' characteristics and etiological features are highlighted, as are discrepancies between current knowledge and treatment approaches. We conclude by highlighting areas for future research and practice innovation.  相似文献   

There is strong evidence from animal studies that prenatal stress has different effects on male and female offspring. In general, although not always, prenatal stress increases anxiety, depression and stress responses, both hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal and cardiovascular, in female offspring rather than in male. Males are more likely to show learning and memory deficits. There have been few studies so far in humans which differentiate effects of prenatal stress on male and female psychopathology. Some studies support the animal models, but the evidence is inconsistent. The mediating mechanisms for any sex specific effects are little understood, but there is evidence that placental function can differ depending on the sex of the fetus. We suggest that there may be an evolutionary reason for any sex differences in the long term effects of prenatal stress. In a stressful environment it may be adaptive for females, who are more likely to stay in one place and look after children, to be more vigilant, alert to danger and thus show more stress responsiveness. This can give rise to a more anxious or depressed phenotype. With males it may be more adaptive to go out and explore new environments, compete with other males, and be more aggressive. For this it may help to be less responsive to external stressors. More research is needed into sex differences in the effects of prenatal stress in humans, to test these ideas.  相似文献   

157 males and females divided into four psychodiagnostic groups have been examined according to a specially defined physiotherapeutic (ad modum Sundsvold). In this paper, results from the evaluation of passive and active movements in five body significant differences concerning inhibited movements between the four groups were found, the psychotic group being most inhibited followed by the ego-week neurotic group, the substance-abusing group and the healthy control group. With regard to the slack movements, significant differences were found in the two extremity regions. The substance-abusing group had the most slack movements, next came the ego-weak neurotic group, the psychotic group and lastly the control group. Men were more inhibited than women in three regions, mostly in the lumbosacral region. This finding is discussed in relationship to the high frequency of lumbar disc herniation in men. Women were more significantly inhibited in the temporomandibular region, a finding which may explain why mostly women are suffering from the myofacial pain syndrome.  相似文献   

A review of the literature on migraine and personality yielded strong evidence for secondary neuroticism and increased sensitivity to stress in patients with migraine. This study focused on the identification of specific stressful situations and coping strategies in such patients. We conducted a psychodiagnostic study of 30 migraine patients in accordance with the criteria of the Headache Classification Committee of the International Headache Society and 30 healthy control subjects matched for age, sex, and social status. All participants completed the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) and special questionnaires on stressful situations and coping strategies. The migraine patients had higher neuroticism and introversion scores on the MMPI than the healthy subjects. There was a positive correlation between the neuroticism score and headache duration (number of hours per week). The patients used coping strategies characterized by the development of physical symptoms, social isolation, and preoccupation with stress. They rated themselves as less calm, less capable of relaxing, and more irritable than did the healthy controls subjects, and they responded more often with internal tension, especially in work and other achievement situations. Questionnaires that measure constructs dealing with stress yield information that is more relevant for the treatment of migraines than do global personality tests.  相似文献   

The authors examined the relationship between maternal depression, paternal psychopathology, and adolescent diagnostic outcomes in a community sample of 522 Australian families. They also examined whether chronic family stress, father's expressed emotion, and parents' marital satisfaction mediated the relationship between parental psychopathology and adolescent outcomes. Mother's education, child's gender, and family income were covaried in all analyses. Results revealed that maternal depression and paternal depression had an additive effect on youth externalizing disorders. In addition, maternal depression interacted with both paternal depression and paternal substance abuse in predicting youth depression but not youth nondepressive disorders. Chronic family stress and father's expressed emotion appeared to mediate the relationship between parental psychopathology and youth depression.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine the association between sleep bruxism and psychological stress. The subjects consisted of 76 volunteers, who were divided into those with and without bruxism according to the diagnostic criteria for sleep bruxism outlined by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM). Stress sensitivity was evaluated before and after an experimental stress task, which involved simple mathematical calculations. It was assessed objectively by measuring the subjects' salivary chromogranin A (CgA) levels and subjectively using a ten-division visual analog scale (VAS). Compared with those observed before the stress task, the mean salivary CgA levels of the non-bruxism group (n = 54) were not significantly increased after the stress task. Conversely, the mean salivary CgA levels of the bruxism group (n = 22) were significantly increased after the stress task (P < 0.01). The mean VAS scores of the groups without (n = 54) and with (n = 22) bruxism were significantly (P < 0.01) increased after the stress task compared with those observed before the stress task, but no differences were detected between the two groups in the stress task. These findings suggest that there is an association between sleep bruxism and psychological stress sensitivity.  相似文献   

Age-related changes in astrocytes that could potentially affect neuroprotection have been largely unexplored. To test whether astrocyte function was diminished during the aging process, we examined cell growth, Ca2+ signaling, mitochondrial membrane potential (DeltaPsi) and neuroprotection of NGF-differentiated PC12 cells. We observed that cell growth was significantly slower for astrocytes cultured from old (26-29 months) mice as compared to young (4-6 months) mice. DeltaPsis in old astrocytes were also more depolarized (lower) than in young astrocytes and old astrocytes showed greater sensitivity to the oxidant tert-butyl hydrogen peroxide (t-BuOOH). ATP-induced Ca2+ responses in old astrocytes were consistently larger in amplitude and more frequently oscillatory than in young astrocytes, which may be attributable to lower mitochondrial Ca2+ sequestration. Finally, NGF-differentiated PC12 cells that were co-cultured with old astrocytes were significantly more sensitive to t-BuOOH treatment than co-cultures of NGF-differentiated PC12 cells with young astrocytes. Together, these data demonstrate that astrocyte physiology is significantly altered during the aging process and that the astrocyte's ability to protect neurons is compromised.  相似文献   

This study examined (1) emotional versus cognitive developmental trajectories and (2) the influence of age-extrinsic factors (i.e., sex and puberty). Using a cross-sectional design, adolescents (N = 252) divided into four age-groups (ages 13, 15, 17, 19) performed two versions of a mentalizing task, about emotions and actions, as well as the Tower task. First, performance on all tasks improved linearly into late adolescence (age 19). Thus no differential trajectories were found for emotional versus cognitive development. Second, girls outperformed boys in mentalizing speed regarding both emotions and actions. In boys, a later pubertal phase was associated with increased mentalizing speed after controlling for age-group.  相似文献   

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