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The use of telemedicine is becoming indispensable for a continuous and economical delivery of a high quality of care. However, data protection requirements have to be considered. For the selection of solutions, vendor-independent components based on standards are a prerequisite for a seamless integration into the existing, often heterogeneous, IT infrastructure. The "Internet protocol" TCP/IP and the DICOM standard with it's new security extensions form the basis for an internationally standardized and accepted procedure for a secure interchange of radiological images beyond platform boundaries.  相似文献   

Sudden death in association with metabolic crises due to dysfunction of the thyroid and parathyroid glands (e.g. thyrotoxicosis, parathyrotoxic crisis, myxedema and acute hypoparathyroidism) is rarely seen in forensic practice. If disorders of these organs are unknown during lifetime and further information is unavailable, it can be difficult to elucidate the cause of death. Dysfunction can be seen in inflammatory, hyperplastic and neoplastic processes, therefore, careful examination of the organs can provide useful information. This article gives a summary of macroscopic and histological features and clinical symptoms of thyroid and parathyroid disorders associated with metabolic crises.  相似文献   

Tönnis D  Skamel HJ 《Der Radiologe》2003,43(9):735-739
Zusammenfassung Für die Computertomographie hat sich eine neue Aufgabe ergeben. Es hat sich gezeigt, dass verringerte Pfannenanteversion und Schenkelhalsantetorsion häufige Ursachen von Hüftschmerz und -arthrose sind, v. a. wenn beide gegen 0° gehen. Da operative Maßnahmen vor Eintreten der Arthrose ergriffen werden sollten, sind genaue Messwerte erforderlich. Die Untersuchung sollte in Bauchlage durchgeführt werden, um eine einheitliche und weitgehend normale Beckenkippung zu gewährleisten. Die Schenkelhalstorsion wird zwischen der Kniegelenk- und der Schenkelhalsachse gemessen. Zur Festlegung der Sagittalebene legt man am besten eine Mittellinie zwischen die Beckenschaufeln. Die Messung der Pfannenanteversion sollte in der Schnitthöhe erfolgen, wo die Bewegungseinschränkung der Innenrotation auftritt.

Hintergrund und Ziel: Die Strahlentherapie bei Kopf-Hals-Tumoren führt in aller Regel zu einer Schädigung der Speicheldrüsen und somit auch zu einer dauerhaften Mundtrockenheit. Ziel dieser Untersuchung war es, eine moderne dreidimensionale Konformationsbestrahlungstechnik („three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy“ [3D-CRT]) für Kopf-Hals-Tumoren zu etablieren, um im Vergleich zur konventionellen Bestrahlungstechnik (K-RT) mit Photonen und Elektronen Xerostomien zu vermeiden.Patienten und Methodik: Zwischen April 2002 und September 2003 wurden in einer prospektiven, nicht randomisierten Studie 32 Patienten (25 Männer, sieben Frauen, mittleres Alter: 58 Jahre) mit malignen Tumoren im Kopf-Hals-Bereich nach Operation oder bei Inoperabilität mit einer kurativen Radiotherapie bzw. Radiochemotherapie behandelt. 10/32 Patienten (31%) erhielten die übliche K-RT, die übrigen 22/32 Patienten (69%) wurden mittels 3D-CRT (sechs bis acht Photonenstehfelder) behandelt. Als Maß für die Strahlenbelastung der Parotiden wurde die mediane Parotisdosis in Gray (Dmean-Wert) als Mittelwert der Dmean-Dosen beider Parotiden aus den Dosis-Volumen-Histogrammen (DVH) anhand der CT-Schnitte bei der dreidimensionalen Planung bestimmt. Die Ermittlung der Dosis-Wirkungs-Kurven erfolgte mit Hilfe des logistischen Modells. Gemessen wurde der quantitative Faktor des Speichels als die stimulierte Speichelfließrate (in ml/5 min) vor, zum Ende sowie 1, 6 und 12 Monate nach Abschluss der Behandlung.Ergebnisse: Im Trend war über den gesamten Beobachtungszeitraum der Speichelfluss in der Gruppe mit 3D-CRT höher als in der Gruppe mit K-RT (Zeitpunkt 10 Wochen nach Radiotherapiebeginn 3D-CRT vs. K-RT mit 1,56 ± 1,6 vs. 0,82 ± 1,2 ml/5 min; p < 0,1). Die mit K-RT behandelten Patienten hatten im Mittel signifikant höhere gemittelte Dmean-Werte als die mit 3D-CRT bestrahlten Patienten (p < 0,012). Patienten, die mit 3D-CRT wegen eines Larynx-/Hypopharynxkarzinoms behandelt wurden, hatten im Mittel signifikant niedrigere Dmean-Werte als Patienten, die wegen eines Mundhöhlen-/Oropharynxkarzinoms mit 3D-CRT oder gleich welchen Tumorsitzes mit K-RT bestrahlt wurden (p < 0,003). Die nach NLSF-Methode berechnete 50%-Komplikationsrate der Speicheldrüsen (TD50) lag bei 36,9 Gy (30,9–43,5 Gy; 95%-Vorhersageintervall). Der Anstieg k im Punkt TD50 wurde mit 7,7 (4,8–15,8; 95%-Vorhersageintervall) bestimmt.Schlussfolgerung: Die 3D-CRT eignet sich als Standard grundsätzlich für Patienten mit Karzinomen im Mundhöhlen-, Oro- und Hypopharynxbereich. Vor allem bei Patienten mit Larynx- und Hypopharynxkarzinomen können mittlere Dmean-Werte (ipsilaterale plus kontralaterale Glandula parotidea) erreicht werden, die nachweislich den Speichelfluss erhalten.  相似文献   


Clinical/methodical issue

Complications, such as loosening or infections are common problems after hip or knee arthroplasty.

Standard radiological methods

If conventional X-rays are equivocal bone scintigraphy is the classical second-line imaging modality.

Methodical innovations

Single photon emission computed tomography/computed tomography (SPECT/CT) offers metabolic and morphologic information in one imaging step and is becoming increasingly more available in larger hospitals.


The SPECT/CT procedure is a promising method and is increasingly being used in daily routine to evaluate joint arthroplasty. The additional benefit compared with classical conventional bone scintigraphy has to be evaluated in further prospective studies.


In our hospital SPECT/CT regularly gives important additional information regarding prosthetic joint complications.

Practical recommendations

SPECT/CT is increasingly being used as the second step imaging standard modality if conventional X-rays are equivocal.  相似文献   

Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) is a non-invasive method for measuring cerebral metabolite concentrations in various pathologic conditions. This review discusses the MRS findings in the most common infectious and inflammatory brain diseases.  相似文献   

Ohne ZusammenfassungNach einem Vortrag, gehalten auf der 18. Tagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für gerichtliche Medizin in Heidelberg1929.  相似文献   

Graf R 《Der Radiologe》2002,42(6):467-473
DDH, septic coxarthritis and slipped capital epiphysis should be diagnosed as soon as possible. Hip sonography is the goal of DDH examination technique, anatomical identification and 3 landmarks check up are there most important points of the method. With the progress of ossification and loss of the 3 landmarks consecutively, x-rays become increasingly important. Septic coxarthritis is an orthopaedic emergency case, sonography is the most important tool in primary diagnosis. Slipped capital epiphysis requires an x-ray in 2 planes, MRI oder CT scans respectively makes sense in special cases to localize the area of necrosis and to plan further reconstructive procedures.  相似文献   

Ohne ZusammenfassungNach einem am 23. IV. 1925 auf der 8. Jahresversammlung der pommerschen Vereinigung für Neurologie und Psychiatrie in Stettin gehaltenen Vortrag.  相似文献   



In the treatment of differentiated thyroid carcinomas the indication for adjuvant radiotherapy is discussed contradictory. The following study analyzes the long-term survival rates of patients with follicular and papillar thyroid carcinomas after percutaneous radiotherapy.

Patients and Method

Records of 178 patients with differentiated thyroid carcinomas (132 female, median age 46 years: 46 male, median age 47 years) were evaluated. Following thyroid-resection and radioiodine therapy external beam irradiation was performed with a telecobalt device and high energy electrons (mean reference dose 54.7 Gy). Hundred and twenty patients (67.4%) had a histologically confirmed papillary carcinoma, 58 (32.6%) patients had follicular carcinoma. In the group with papillary carcinoma 57 patients (47.5%) were classified as stage I, 11 patients (9.2%) as stage II, 48 patients (40.0%) as stage III, 4 patients (3.3%) as stage IV, respectively, in the group with follicular carcinoma 21 patients (36.2%) were classified as stage I, 4 patients (6.9%) as stage II, 28 patients (48,3%) as stage III and 5 patients (8.6%) as stage IV. Survival, recurrence rate and prognostic factors were analyzed.


The 10-year relapse free survival for the patients with papillary carcinoma was 95.1%, with follicular carcinoma 87.6%. Twelve patients (6.7%), all over 45 years old, died from tumor disease. In the group with papillary carcinoma females showed significantly higher relapse free survivals than males. The 10-year relapse free survival depended on tumor grading: G1 100%, G2 90%, G3 81.7%, G4 78.1%, and stage of disease: I 100%, II 100%, III 88.6%, IV 28.2%. After radiotherapy 150 patients (84.3%) presented no evidence of metastases and had a 10-years relapse free survival of 99.2% After percutaneous radiotherapy locoregional lymph node metastases occurred in 4 patients with follicular carcinoma (6.9%) and 7 patients with papillary carcinoma (5.5%). In this group the 10-year relapse free survival was 66.7%. Distant metastases were observed in 8 patients with follicular carcinoma (13.8%) and 7 patients with papillary carcinoma (7.5%) which occurred in 15 cases (88.7%) after radiotherapy. In this group the 10-year relapse free survival was 43.7%. Recurrences after radiation therapy were observed in 2 cases (3.4%). only in the patients with follicular carcinomas.


Age and Sex of the patients, histologic grading, lymph node status and the UICC-stage of disease are significant prognostic factors. The described results demonstrate that adjuvant percutanous radiotherapy is indicated in patients with carcinoma Stage III/IV or with lymph node involvement.  相似文献   

Examination of the central nervous system in premature and full-term infants requires a sensible selection of the available diagnostic procedures such as ultrasound, MRI and CT to allow sufficient and accurate diagnosis and management. ULTRASOUND: Ultrasound, including the various Doppler techniques, is a very reliable, safe, noninvasive diagnostic tool that allows evaluation of even severely ill patients in intensive care units. It is especially well suited for the study of intracranial hemorrhage, hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, congenital malformations of the brain and lesions produced by intrauterine and acquired infections. Sonography is also very reliable in examination of spinal dysraphism and spinal cord injuries during birth. The necessity of surgical intervention (i.e. shunt implantation) as well as subsequent postoperative follow-up can be provided. MRI: In contrast to ultrasound, MRI is most useful to demonstrate the age-dependent myelinization pattern and clearly discriminates between the white and gray matter of the central nervous system. We therefore use MRI for the detection of complex malformations of the central nervous system in particular disorders of cell migration and for a final estimation of a perinatal brain injury.Conclusion: A precise ultrasound examination performed by an experienced physician who is familiar with the expected pathology and has access to a well-adjusted ultrasound machine should help to minimize the use of confirming CT and MRI investigations and to optimize their optional use in more complex cases.  相似文献   

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