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选择1 998年1月至2 0 0 3年6月我院、上海第二医科大学附属仁济医院、苏州大学附属第一医院1 0 5例临床诊断为女性下尿路梗阻患者的尿动力学资料,分别进行排尿期尿道测压,现将结果报告如下。材料与方法 本组1 0 5例。年龄2 9~6 9岁,平均4 4岁。均有尿频、尿急、排尿困难、下腹酸胀等下尿路症状,临床诊断为女性下尿路梗阻。病程3~4 8个月,平均8.8个月。体检未发现尿道肉阜、尿道旁腺囊肿、尿道憩室,无子宫、膀胱、直肠脱垂,无尿道、膀胱肿瘤,无尿道手术史,无神经系统疾病。多次尿常规及中段尿培养阴性。对照组(健康志愿人员及压力性尿失禁…  相似文献   

目的探讨排尿期尿道超声显像在男性尿道疾病诊断中的临床应用价值。方法对58例尿道疾病患者及8例正常尿道行排尿期尿道的经会阴及经阴茎超声检查。其中膀胱颈口尿道梗阻8例,良性前列腺增生(BPH)致尿道梗阻16例,急性尿道炎19例,慢性尿道炎7例、合并狭窄2例,尿道外伤性狭窄2例,尿道瘘2例,假性尿道、尿道炎性息肉、尿道尖锐湿疣和尿道癌各1例。结果排尿期尿道超声显像可动态观察膀胱颈口开放及后尿道顺应性扩张情况,膀胱颈口梗阻及良性前列腺梗阻表现为随着膀胱底及基底部下降,尿道内口被挤压形成颈口狭窄,而其以下水平尿道扩张正常或降低,患者愈用力排尿,梗阻愈加重。对急慢性尿道炎可明确炎症部位、范围、程度、有无脓栓附着等,同时对尿道慢性炎性狭窄或外伤性狭窄以及假性尿道、尿道瘘、尿道赘生物及恶性肿瘤等显像良好。结论排尿期尿道超声检查为非侵入性检查、可重复性强,对尿道疾病的诊断及治疗效果评价具有重要的临床意义。  相似文献   

排尿期尿道压力测定在膀胱出口梗阻疾病诊断中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 研究排尿期尿道压力测定 (MUPP)在膀胱出口梗阻 (BOO)疾病诊断中的应用。方法 下尿路梗阻患者 4 5例 ,其中良性前列腺增生 (BPH) 38例 ,前尿道狭窄 3例 ,女性尿道狭窄 4例。对照组为健康志愿者 4例。按常规方法行压力 流率测定 ,静态尿道压力测定 (UPP)及MUPP。以压力下降梯度计算梗阻程度。数据分析采用t检验。研究不同疾病梗阻患者尿道压力下降点及下降梯度 ,MUPP对梗阻部位的诊断价值 ,MUPP与压力 流率研究对可疑梗阻诊断的比较 ,MUPP与压力 流率研究判断梗阻程度的比较。 结果 对照组 2例男性 ,外括约肌以上尿道内压与膀胱内压力相等 ,尿道压在外括约肌处快速下降 ;2例女性 ,膀胱压与全部尿道压几乎相等 ,尿道末端 1cm处尿道压下降。 38例BPH患者最大排尿压增高 ,平均为 (99.33± 4 1.0 9)cmH2 O(1cmH2 O =0 .0 98kPa) ,尿道压力在膀胱颈或前列腺尖部下降。 3例前尿道狭窄患者后尿道近端压力与膀胱压相等 ,球部及远端尿道压力下降。 4例女性远端尿道狭窄患者尿道压力在狭窄远端区域下降。BPH、前尿道狭窄、女性远端尿道狭窄平均MUPP压力下降梯度分别为 (71.6 3± 37.4 1)cmH2 O、(43.5 1± 15 .71)cmH2 O、(41.4 8± 17.34)cmH2 O ,与正常对照组的 (2 4 .2 5± 2 .99)cmH2 O相比 ,差别有  相似文献   

同步膀胱膜部尿道测压的临床意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 探讨同步膀胱膜部尿道压力测定的临床意义。方法 采用ANTEC Duet尿动力学仪同步测定412例泌尿系病人和6例健康者充盈和排尿时的膀胱和膜部尿道压力,肌电图用直肠电极测定。结果 (1)健康人充盈期膜部尿道压,男性为40-50cmH2O,女性为20-30cmH2O,充盈期膜部尿道压高于膀胱压,且全充盈期没有明显变化,排尿时膜部尿道压力明显下降低于膀胱压。(2)逼尿肌尿道协同失调的病人,排尿时膜部尿道压升高,其中逼尿肌外括约肌协同失调(EDES)时合并有肌电活动明显增加,逼尿肌膀胱颈协同失调(DBDS)肌电活动正常,排尿期尿道测压膀胱颈处压力呈斜坡样下降。(3)尿道关闭机制下降或不全时充盈期膜部尿道压明显低,且充盈期膜部尿道膀胱压力差为负值。(4)尿道不稳定充盈期膜部尿道压突然下降且幅度≥15cmH2O。(5)正常尿道腹压传递率为20%-35%,而压力性尿失禁(GUI)病人尿道腹压传递率<20%。结论 同步膀胱膜部尿道压力测定操作简单,在判断尿道关闭机制的正常与否、逼尿肌尿道的协同与否、尿道稳定性及腹压向尿道的传递效率方面有重要价值。  相似文献   

目的探讨前列腺增生症(BPH)致膀胱流出道梗阻(BOO),及其相关问题。方法采用排尿期尿道测压(MUPP)检测43例BPH患者,以压力下降梯度(MUPPG)计算梗阻程度,同时行膀胱等容收缩试验测最大逼尿肌等容收缩压(Piso);进行国际前列腺症状评分(IPSS),经腹壁B超测前列腺体积(V)。结果43例BPH中38例存在BOO(88%),梗阻位于膀胱颈部28例(77%);MUPPG与IPSS、V、Piso呈正相关。结论MUPP能检测并计算BOO程度;BOO是BPH的病理基础,临床症状、逼尿肌代偿与其相关。  相似文献   

良性前列腺增生症术前膀胱尿道测压的意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对手术和病理证实的BPH患者49例,按前列腺大小分为两类行膀胱尿道测压并与正常男性37例对照。结果表明,膀胱尿道测压能准确反映有否梗阻、梗阻部位和膀胱功能。前列腺大小不是判断梗阻程度的唯一指标,膀胱功能与有否残余尿及上尿路扩张密切相关。膀胱尿道测压对诊断、手术时机、手术方式及术后处理均有较大意义。  相似文献   

膀胱下尿路梗阻的尿流力学分析   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  

正影像尿动力学检查(video urodynamic study,VUDS)是在普通尿动力学测定膀胱压力和记录尿动力学参数的基础上,同时显示膀胱和尿道的X线形态变化,为临床诊断和治疗提供依据。对于复杂膀胱尿道功能障碍、下尿路梗阻及压力性尿失禁等疾病,特别是当患者合并解剖异常时,影像尿动力学检查可更准确的反映下尿路潜在的病理  相似文献   

Micturitional static urethral pressure profilometry is an accurate method to identify the location and degree of bladder outlet and urethral obstruction in men. Described herein are the results of micturitional static urethral pressure profilometry in 17 women: 13 were nonobstructed, 3 were obstructed, and 1 voided by abdominal straining. The location of the static pressure drop was in the terminal urethral segment in all patients and was clearly distal to the location of the maximum urethral pressure determined on urethral closure pressure profilometry. It is concluded that the terminal urethral segment controls urinary flow, determines the voiding pressure, and that micturitional static urethral pressure profilometry can accurately identify the location of physiologic obstructions in the female urethra.  相似文献   

Simultaneous urethral pressure profilometry using a microtip transducer catheter was perfonned in 14 bitches to determnine the effects of the position of the animal and the transducer orientation. The technique was carried out in three positions of the bitch (right lateral, dorsal, and left lateral recumbency) and four orientations of the transducers (Diorsal, right, ventral, and left). Both functional profile length and maximum urethral closure pressure were significantly affected by the orientation of the transducer relative to the position of the bitch. The optimum position of the bitch and orientation of the transducers were detennined by evaluating the proportion of profiles from which measurements could not be made, the diagnostic value of profiles, and the Proportion of artefacts in functional profile length. It was concluded that the bitch should be positioned in right lateral recumbency with the transducers orientated dorsally as these positions result in the highest proportion of diagnostic and measurable profiles and the lowest proportion of artefacts in functional profile length.  相似文献   

Of 208 ambulatory female subjects evaluated for complaints of urinary incontinence, complete history, physical findings, and urodynamic dala were available on 163 patients allowing correlation of measures of perivaginal muscle activity to urcthral profilometry measurement of sphincter strength. Perivaginal measures included pelvic digital exam score as well as vaginal electromyography with a modified perinometer. Urethral profilometry was performed at rest and during pelvic muscle contractions in both supine and standing positions. There was a moderate and significant correlation (r = 0.19 to 0.32) between profilometry measures of voluntary sphincter contractions and perivaginal EMG parameters of endurance peak and area, as well as to the digital lest parameters of pressure and displacement. The correlation values between the vaginal EMG and the Digital Test scale of perivaginal strength were higher (r = 0.28 to 0.74). When the patients with pure stress incontinence were stratified by degrees of incontinence (mild, moderate, severe), urethral profilometry measures were a more accurate indicator of severity of incontinence than measures of perivaginal strength or the degree of bladder neck mobility as measured by the Q-tip test. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The existence of urethral instability as a pathological entity is debated, and this discussion is hampered by the lack of rational guidelines for its diagnosis. The literature is not uniform, as different authors have chosen arbitrary values of urethral pressure fluctuations for characterizing the condition. To attempt to clarify the situation, 85 healthy climacteric women have been examined. They had normal flow rates and were found to be normal on videocystourethrography. Their urethral pressure profile traces (microtransducer technique) were examined for fluctuations in the maximum urethral pressure (MUP). Given that the MUP decreases with age and that in this data set fluctuation in the MUP (Δ MUP) is dependent upon the MUP, the ratio of Δ MUP divided by MUP has been examined. Statistical analysis of the derived distribution suggests that fluctuations of MUP that are greater than one-third of the resting MUP fall outside the 99% confidence limit and so should be regarded as abnormal. If, when this occurs, the patient is regarded as having urethral instability, then the incidence of urethral instability in our normal climacteric women is 14 ± 4%. We suggest that this method of analysis should be employed to arrive at a rational statistical threshold for the diagnosis of urethral instability. Only then will it be possible to explore the clinical implications of this condition.  相似文献   

It has been demonstrated that when urethral pressure profiles are measured with microtip transducers on relatively stiff catheters, there is an important difference in the profile when measured with the transducers facing anteriorly and posteriorly. It has been suggested that patients with demonstrable genuine stress urinary incontinence had notably lower posteriorly derived urethral pressure profiles than anteriorly derived pressure profiles. A clinical consideration of this factor has been studied in 25 patients; 19 had accepted urodynamic evidence of genuine stress urinary incontinence and 6 did not. The use of posteriorly derived pressure profiles in comparison with anteriorly derived as a test for genuine stress urinary incontinence showed a sensitivity of 84% and specificity of only 33.3%. However, when correlated with patients showing lack of anatomic support of vaginal and paraurethral structures, the sensitivity and specificity is significant. Anatomic considerations leading to these findings are suggested.  相似文献   

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