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The purpose of this study was to explore the subjective wellbeing, health-related quality of life and lived experience of women living with endometriosis. In 2015 five hundred participants between the ages of 18–63 (M = 30.5, SD = 7.46) were recruited through Endometriosis Australia and social media, completing an online questionnaire comprising the Personal Wellbeing Index, the Endometriosis Health Profile-30 and various open-ended questions. Results found that women with endometriosis reported low levels of subjective wellbeing (mean PWI total scores of 51.5 ± 2.03), considerably below the normative range of 70–80 for western populations. The mean Endometriosis Health Profile total score indicated a very low health-related quality of life amongst the women in this sample (78.9, ±13.14). There was also a significant relationship between scores on the Endometriosis Health Profile and Personal Wellbeing Index. The findings from the qualitative data suggest that endometriosis impacts negatively on women's lives in several areas such as; social life, relationships and future plans, this in turn affects women's overall life quality. The study highlights the strong negative impact that endometriosis can have on women's subjective wellbeing and health related quality of life, contributing to productivity issues, relationship difficulties and social dissatisfaction and increasing the risk of psychological comorbidities.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The purpose was to determine the effects of recurrent breast cancer on health-related quality of life (HRQOL). METHODS: We administered the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) QLQ-C30 and QLQ-BR23, McGill Quality of Life Questionnaire (MQOL), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), and Brief Fatigue Inventory (BFI) to 152 women experiencing recurrence 1 year after being diagnosed with stage I to III breast cancer. We classified recurrent women as post-, ongoing-, and non-treatment group and performed multivariate-adjusted analyses in HRQOL comparisons with data available from disease-free survivors and general population. RESULTS: Groups not completing treatment were more symptomatic and had poorer functioning in HRQOL than the post-treatment group. Compared to the general population, the post-treatment group showed worse scores concerning role, cognitive, and social functioning, fatigue, and financial difficulties. The post-treatment group showed identical scores to disease-free survivors in most HRQOL domains; however, they reported less fatigue and depression than the disease-free group. Higher overall QOL was related to absence of comorbidity, completing treatment, being involved in decision making, no problems before surgery, and good overall medical care. CONCLUSION: Treatment completed, most degraded aspects of HRQOL in recurrent breast cancer women can return to levels observed in disease-free survivors.  相似文献   



Higher survival rates for breast cancer patients have led to concerns in dealing with short- and long-term side effects. The most common complications are impairment of shoulder functions, pain, lymphedema, and dysesthesia of the injured arm; psychological consequences concern: emotional distress, anxiety, and depression, thereby, deeply impacting/affecting daily living activity, and health-related quality of life.


To perform a systematic review for assessing the efficacy or effectiveness of interventions aiming at improving health-related quality of life, return to daily activity, and correct lifestyles among breast cancer patients.


A literature search was conducted in December 2016 using the databases PubMed and Scopus. Search terms included: (counseling) AND (breast cancer) AND (quality of life). Articles on counseling interventions to improve quality of life, physical and psychological outcomes were included.


Thirty-five articles met the inclusion criteria. The interventions were grouped in five main areas: concerning lifestyle counseling interventions, related to combined interventions (physical activity and nutritional counseling), physical therapy, peer counseling, multidisciplinary approach, included psychological, psycho-educational interventions, and cognitive-behavior therapy (CBT). Exercise counseling as well as physical therapy are effective to improve shoulder mobility, healing wounds, and limb strength. Psychological therapies such as psychoeducation and CBT may help to realize a social and psychological rehabilitation.


A multidisciplinary approach can help in sustaining and restoring impaired physical, psychosocial, and occupational outcomes of breast cancer patients.

BACKGROUND: Despite studies showing that physically active individuals report higher quality-of-life scores, few data exist on the impact of changing physical activity levels on subsequent changes in quality of life. METHODS: Subjects were 63,152 women in the Nurses' Health Study aged 40 to 67 years in 1986. Women reported their physical activity on questionnaires in 1986, 1988, 1992, 1994, and 1996, and were grouped according to quartile of change in activity from 1986 to 1996. Women also reported seven health-related quality-of-life dimensions in 1996 and 2000 using the Medical Outcomes Study Short-Form 36 Health Status Survey. The main outcome measures were scores for each of these seven dimensions in 1996, as well as changes in each of these dimensions from 1996 to 2000. Data were analyzed in 2006. RESULTS: In age and baseline activity adjusted analyses, compared to women whose physical activity was relatively stable from 1986 to 1996, women who saw any increase in physical activity levels had higher quality-of-life scores in 1996. Among women with a clear increase in physical activity, the increase in quality-of-life scores ranged from 2.23 (95% confidence intervals [CI]=1.94-2.52) for mental health to 8.23 (95% CI=7.49-8.97) for role limitations due to physical problems. Increasing physical activity also was associated with greater increases in quality-of-life scores from 1996 to 2000 compared to women whose physical activity level was stable. The strongest association was for role limitations due to physical problems, where women with a clear increase in physical activity had a significant improvement (1.81, 95% CI=1.09-2.53) in the outcome. CONCLUSIONS: Long-term physical activity patterns are an important determinant of health-related quality of life.  相似文献   

In a cross-sectional study, we sent a self-administered questionnaire to all the women’s shelters in Norway to describe health-related quality of life among women who had experienced violence from an intimate partner. Every woman who could understand Norwegian and was staying at a women’s shelter in Norway for more than 1 week from October 2002 to May 2003 was asked to participate. We described violence by intimate partners by using the Severity of Violence against Women Scale and the Psychological Maltreatment of Women Index. We used the SF-36 Health Survey to measure health-related quality of life. These women experienced a multitude of threats and actual physical and psychological violence during their partnership. Their health-related quality of life was low and significantly (p<0.001) below the norm for the female population of Norway in all dimensions. The SF-36 mental health dimension was 2.5 standard deviations below the norm. Women at women’s shelters in Norway who had experienced domestic violence had very low and clinically significantly reduced health-related quality of life scores. Health care workers must give priority to developing intervention plans for victims of violence from intimate partners.  相似文献   

Objective   To delineate the relationship between optimism and health-related quality of life (HRQOL) and quality of life (QOL) in adolescents with cancer living in the Bronx, New York.
Methods   Optimism was assessed using the Life Orientation Test, Revised (LOT-R). HRQOL and QOL were measured using the Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory, Cancer Module, Acute Version and The Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory, Generic Core Scale, respectively. Associations between optimism and HRQOL and QOL were assessed using Pearson's product-moment correlations.
Results   Twenty-three adolescents participated in this study; the mean age was 16 and the majority was male. This sample was highly optimistic and reported high HRQOL and QOL. Optimism was correlated with less reported pain and hurt, better communication with doctors, higher reported psychological functioning and higher overall QOL.
Conclusion   Optimism is associated with higher QOL in inner city adolescents with cancer. Further research should assess whether interventions that increase optimism lead to greater QOL in this population.  相似文献   



Most studies that have identified variables associated with the health-related quality of life (HRQL) of patients with colorectal cancer have been cross-sectional or included patients with other diagnoses. The objectives of this study were to identify predictors of HRQL in patients with colorectal cancer and interpret the clinical importance of the results.  相似文献   

目的 探讨负性情绪对子宫内膜癌化疗妇女健康相关生活质量的影响.方法 以2015年12月26日至2016年10月7日在首都医科大学附属北京妇产医院肿瘤科接受术后化疗的62例子宫内膜癌患者为研究对象,使用汉密尔顿焦虑量表(HAMA)、汉密尔顿抑郁量表(HADA)和生活质量核心问卷(QLQ-C30)对患者进行调查.结果 在62例子宫内膜癌化疗患者中有焦虑症状者38例(61.29%),包括可能有焦虑18例(29.03%),肯定有焦虑14例(22.58%),肯定有明显焦虑6例(9.68%).62例子宫内膜癌化疗患者中有抑郁35例(56.45%),包括轻度抑郁21例(33.87%),中度抑郁11例(17.74%),重度抑郁3例(4.84%).30例患者同时存在焦虑和抑郁,占48.39%.焦虑和抑郁组角色功能、社会功能、躯体功能、认知功能、情绪功能评分均显著低于非焦虑和抑郁组(t值分别为3.407、3.070、2.354、2.234、3.599,均P<0.05),而疲乏、疼痛、恶心呕吐评分均显著高于非焦虑和抑郁组(t值分别为2.310、2.420、2.527,均P<0.05).结论 子宫内膜癌化疗妇女易发生负性情绪,进而影响患者的生活质量.  相似文献   



Patients’ values for health outcomes are central to treatment decisions in bladder cancer (BCa). An instrument incorporating the expressed preferences of BCa patients, as measured by utility, can inform clinical guidelines, resource allocation and policy decisions. Developing this instrument requires a formal conceptual framework summarizing the important domains comprising global health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in BCa.


We performed a systematic literature search on the HRQOL effects of BCa and its treatments to generate initial items in Medline, Embase, CINAHL and PsychInfo up to January 2013. Thematic synthesis was used to group related items into overarching themes (domains) and create a provisional conceptual framework. In focus groups, 12 BCa experts and 47 BCa patients with diverse clinical histories generated further items to inform the final conceptual framework.


We retrieved 1,275 citations and reviewed 170 full-text publications. One hundred and sixty-nine items were extracted into 12 domains. Study investigators used the findings from the focus groups to confirm the domains and condense the list to 83 clinically important items. Functional limitations in work, travel, social interaction and sleep lowered HRQOL in many domains. The final conceptual framework included BCa-specific (urinary, sexual, bowel, body image) and generic domains (pain, vigor, social, psychological, sleep, functional, family relationship, medical care relationship).


A conceptual framework including 12 domains can serve as the foundation for the development of an instruments measuring global HRQOL in BCa and in particular, one that can measure patient preferences and generate utilities.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between encouragement and health-related quality of life (HRQOL) among a sample of American Muslims, in tandem with the potential mediating effects of depression and spirituality. To conduct this cross-sectional study, a model was developed and tested using structural equation modeling (SEM) with a community sample of Muslims (N = 284). The results indicate that encouragement has a direct, positive effect on HRQOL. Neither depression nor spirituality mediated the relationship between encouragement and HRQOL. Rather, both variables exhibited a direct, independent effect on HRQOL. In addition, spirituality exhibited an indirect effect on HRQOL through attenuating depression. The findings underscore the importance of encouragement as a pathway to enhance HRQOL among Muslims in post-9/11 America. The results also suggest that spirituality can play a significant role in fostering HRQOL among Muslims, both directly and indirectly by reducing the effects of depression on HRQOL.  相似文献   

Quality of Life Research - Examining the associations of a-posteriori-defined dietary patterns and health-related quality of life (HRQOL) among Iranian adolescents. This cross-sectional study was...  相似文献   



The purpose of this secondary analysis was to test Ferrans et al.’s (J Nurs Scholarsh 37(4):336–342, 2005) revised model of health-related quality of life (HRQoL) (2005) modified from the Wilson and Cleary (J Am Med Assoc 273(1):59–65, 1995) model on women living with HIV. The primary aim was to test this model, examining the relations among the five central components (biological function, symptoms, functional status, general health perceptions, and HRQoL). The secondary aim was to explore the individual (age, children, race, marital status, education) and environmental (HIV-related stigma, social support) characteristics that may impact the main components of the model.


This study employed a cross-sectional correlational design using baseline data from 178 women living with HIV/AIDS who participated in one of the two independent randomized controlled trials designed to enhance HIV medication adherence. Path analysis using structural equation modeling was used to examine the hypothesized multivariate relations proposed in the revised Wilson and Cleary (J Am Med Assoc 273(1):59–65, 1995) model of HRQoL.


While the revised model did not fit, exploratory post hoc modified models with a path from depressive symptoms to overall general health had an adequate model fit. Women with lower depressive symptoms (r = ?.457, p < .01), lower HIV-related stigma (r = ?.462, p < .01), higher social support (r = .413, p < .01), higher physical functioning (r = .350, p < .01), and higher general health perceptions (r = .537, p < .01) had higher overall HRQoL.


The results of this study have the potential to assist healthcare professionals in improving HRQoL for women living with HIV/AIDS.



There are over 400,000 individuals living with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) in the U.S. These individuals experience unpredictable relapses of disabling conditions and poorer quality of life than the general population. Recent literature suggests self-compassion and resilience may improve wellness in this population.


The purpose of this study was to examine the roles of self-compassion and resilience on perceived health-related quality of life for individuals with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) using mediation analysis.


Two hundred fifty-nine adults with MS from MS advocacy, support, exercise, and education groups around the United States participated in the study. Participants' self-compassion, health-related quality of life (HRQoL), and resilience were assessed using self-report measures. A simple mediation analysis was conducted to examine the relationships between the independent variable, self-compassion, the depended variable, HRQoL, and the mediating variable, resilience.


Results showed a significant direct effect between self-compassion and health-related quality of life (β = 0.49, p < 0.0001, CI = 0.37–0.61), as well as an indirect relationship through resilience (β = 0.18 p < 0.0001, CI: 0.17, 0.47).


These results contribute to the theoretical knowledge of how self-compassion influences HRQoL in this population. For individuals with MS, engaging in self-compassion may provide a strategy to cope with debilitating conditions and reframe perceptions of their health. Additionally, increasing resilience may help individuals overcome stressful and traumatic events and experience quality of life with disability. Self-compassion and resilience are both modifiable constructs that can be targeted by programs seeking to improve overall wellness.  相似文献   

Purpose: To explore the relationship between perceived satisfaction with life and health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in a state-wide sample of 13–18-year-old adolescents (n=4914) in South Carolina, USA. Methods: Questions were added to the self-report Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) asking about perceived life satisfaction in six domains (self, family, friends, living environment, school, and overall) and HRQOL (self-rated health; and the number of poor physical health days, poor mental days, and activity limitation days during the past 30 days). Results: Adjusted logistic regression analyses and multivariate models constructed separately revealed that self-rated health, poor physical days (past 30 days), poor mental health days (past 30 days), and activity limitation days (past 30 days) were significantly related (p < 0.05) to reduced life satisfaction, regardless of race or gender. Moreover, as the number of reported poor health days increased, the greater the odds of reporting life dissatisfaction. Conclusions: This is the first study to document the relationship between poor physical health and perceived life satisfaction. This adds to the mounting evidence that life satisfaction is related to a variety of adolescent health behaviors and that life satisfaction may add additional information in longitudinal databases that track adolescent health because it appears to be related to HRQOL.  相似文献   

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