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Zusammenfassung Kaninchen erhielten J131-markiertes Fibrinogen und danach intravenös homogenisiertes autologes oder homologes Fettgewebe. Hiernach zeigte sich sehr rasch eine kurze Zeit anhaltende Erhöhung der Radioaktivität (intravasale Koagulation) in den Lungen. Die Zufuhr von Heparin hatte einen sicheren Effekt auf sowohl die Letalität als auch die morphologischen Veränderungen nach der intravenösen Fettinjektion. Die Bedeutung der Resultate für das Verständnis des Fettemboliesyndromes wird diskutiert.
Summary In experiments with rabbits given I131-labelled fibrinogen, intravenous injection of autologous or homologous fat tissue was followed by a rapid increase (of short duration) of radioactivity (intravascular coagulation) in the lungs. Treatment with heparin prevented both the patho-anatomical changes and deaths after intravenous fat injection. The importance of the results for the understanding of the fat embolism syndrome is discussed.

Ohne Zusammenfassung*) Referat beim Symposium der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kassenarztrecht e. V. am 13. 11. 2003 in Berlin zum Thema GKV-Modernisierungsgesetz 2004.  相似文献   



Dosage measurements in brachytherapy of cervix carcinoma are usually obtained with semiconductor dosimeters intrarectally and calculated using approximation methods for additional points, e. g. chosen according to ICRU Report 38. This procedure allows minimizing organ risk dosages and avoiding side effects. This study compares actual dosage measurements with computed approximations.

Method s

In 75 applications the measured actual rectum dosage was analyzed retrospectively. Using graphic approximation methods in conjunction with the localization radiographs the expected dose values at 5 detector points of the intrarectal semiconductor dosimeter and at the ICRU rectal reference point were determined. Prospectively for 11 additional applications the expected dosage for various points within the rectum were computed during therapy planning and additionally for specific reference points corresponding to Fletcher’s lymphatic trapezoid and Chassagne’s pelvic wall points.


The retrospective evaluation showed that 95% of values determined by graphic approximation methods varied by as much as ±30% from measured values. Factors causing errors were incorrect assessment of the applicator’s spatial positioning, non-orthogonal radiographs, incorrect calibration of the semiconductor probe, movement of applicator and/or probe in the time between radiograph and application. In the prospective group 95% of deviations between measured and calculated values lay within an interval of ±40% (Figure 1). Possible sources of error could be similar to those in using the graphic approximation, although the reconstruction of spatial positioning of the applicator is possibly more exact. Doses determined at the ICRU rectal reference point were 5.6±2.5 Gy in the retrospective analysis and 6.1±1.6 Gy in the prospective study (Figure 2). The standard deviation of measured values at the specific reference points was ±30%. The mean dosage distribution was nearly symmetrical with regard to the body axis, i. e. to the applicator position. Reasons for the relatively large standard deviation are e. g. difficulties in defining the reference points as well as in identifying them on the radiographs, also differences in applicator positioning.


The retrospective analysis led to a larger error than the prospective one. The graphic approximation method should only be utilized when computer-assisted treatment planning is not possible. Conspicuous are the differences between values obtained in computer planning and actual measured values. As these deviations cannot always be explained unequivocally, both computation and measurement should always be conducted in order to obtain an adequate survey of dosage distribution within the rectum. Computer planning offers the additional advantage of determining the dose at various other reference points.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die in einer früheren Arbeit mitgeteilte Feststellung, wonach im Entstehungsmechanismus des Nabelringes die unterschiedliche Festigkeit von Haut- und Amnionnabel, sowie der von den Atembewegungen auf die Bauchwand (auf die Grenze von Bauch- und Amnionnabel) entfaltete Saugwirkung eine bedeutende Rolle spielen, konnte in Modellversuchen erwiesen werden.Bei allen drei Modellen: Glasrohr-Gummifinger, Zigarettenhülse-Zigarettenmundstück sowie auf eine Saugflasche gespannter fetaler Bauchwandteil kam es auf die Saugwirkung gleichermaßen zu einer kreisrunden Eindellung (zu einer Nabelring-ähnlichen Einstülpung) und zwar so, daß das weniger feste Gewebe sich in Richtung des festeren einstülpte, Versuche am Nabelschnurstumpf toter Kinder zeigten eine in jeder Beziehung dem in vivo entstandenen Nabelring ähnliche Einstülpung.
Summary Our statement we made in our former work—that in the mechanism of the development of the navel-ring the divergent stability from one another of the amniotic and skin-navels and the suction effect exerted by the respiratory movements on the abdominal wall (on the limit of the amniotic and skin-navel) should have a significant role—we have proved by model experiments.Accordingly the three model experiments: glass tube; rubber-finger; cylindrical cigarette-paper; as well as on the suction bottle fastened fetal abdominal wall, the ring formed retraction (a fold similar to the navel-ring) always followed on the limit of the materials which have a divergent stability, namely so that the material with lesser stability folded in the direction of the more stable one. The experiments we made by the umbilical cord stumps of dead fetuses showed a similar fold as the navel-ring of the live born infants.

Zusammenfassung Untersuchungen über den Einfluß der Therapie und zur Pathogenese der Schocklunge wurden in 79 Todesfällen nach extrathorakalem Trauma an den Lungen durchgeführt. Um Ödem, Perfusionszustand und proliferative Veränderungen zu erfassen, wurden der Gehalt an Wasser, das Hämoglobin und die DNS bestimmt. Anhand dieser Werte wurden die Fälle mit kurzer Überlebenszeit und ohne ärztliche Behandlung mit den Fällen der Intensivtherapie unter Berücksichtigung der Überlebenszeit statistischen Vergleichen unterzogen. In den Fällen mit klinischer Behandlung fanden ferner die Flüssigkeitsbilanzen, die Blutgaswerte, der zentrale Venendruck, die Serum-pH-Werte, das Serum-Gesamteiweiß und die Serum-Kreatininwerte Berücksichtigung. Die Ergebnisse lassen eine Drei-Phasen-Einteilung des akuten posttraumatischen Atemnotsyndrom zu: Es ist eine Phase I. oder Initialphase des Schockes mit vermehrter Blutfülle und beginnendem interstitiellem Ödem vor Einsetzen der Therapie mit Überlebenszeiten bis zu einer Stunde von einer Phase II. oder Frühphase der Schocklunge mit signifikant erhöhtem Lungenwasser, herabgesetzten Hb-Werten und Überlebenszeiten bis zu einer Woche, und schließlich eine Phase III. oder späte Phase der Schocklunge mit sehr hohen Lungengewichten infolge weiterer Zunahme des interstitiellen Ödems und der proliferativen Veränderungen, erkennbar an der signifikant erhöhten DNS, zu unterscheiden. Die durchschnittlichen Lungengewichte sind auf 397 g (s=170) in Phase I, auf 774 g (s=361) in Phase II und auf 1124 g (s=310) in Phase III erhöht. Die Überlebenszeiten zeigen eine signifikant positive Korrelation zu dem Lungenwasser und der DNS und eine signifikant negative zu dem Lungen-Hb, d.h. mit zunehmendem Ödem und den proliferativen Veränderungen nimmt die Perfusion der Lunge ab. Diese Relationen sind schon bei den unbehandelten Fällen mit sehr kurzer Überlebensdauer zu erkennen. Bei den behandelten Fällen besteht ferner eine signifikant negative Korrelation zwischen der Flüssigkeitsbilanz und dem Serum-Gesamteiweiß. Die Bedeutung dieser Ergebnisse für die Therapie wird diskutiert.
Examinations to phenomenon of shock-lung
Summary The pathogenesis of shock lung as well as the success of therapy in this condition was studied in 79 cases of extrathoracic trauma. The water-, hemoglobin-, and DNA contents of the lungs were measured in order to determine the extent of edema, the rate of perfusion, and proliferation. The cases were divided into two groups according to whether they had or had not received medical therapy before death. The data from these two groups were compared using statistical methods in which time of survival was especially taken into account. The fluid balance, pO2, pCO2, central venous pressure, pH of the serum, total serum protein and serum creatinine were also studied in these cases. Results of the study are as follows. Three phases of the posttraumatic syndrome of shock-lung could be distinguished: phase I (initial phase): blood perfusion is increased, edema is beginning to form, and medical treatment has not yet begun. Phase II (early phase = syndrome of early respiratory failure): pulmonary edema is developing rapidly while perfusion is decreasing. Phase III (late phase = syndrome of late respiratory failure): proliferative changes predominate and the edema is still increasing. The mean weight of the lungs was 397 g (s=170) in phase I, 774 g (s=361) in phase II, and 1124 g (s=310) in phase III. The survival times correlated significantly and positively with the amount of water and DNS in the lungs and significantly and negatively to the amount of hemoglobin in the lungs. Thus, increasing pulmonary edema and increasing proliferative changes occured with decreasing pulmonary perfusion. This correlation was even noted in groups of patients who had not received medical treatment and whose survival times were short. In treated cases, the fluid balance was significantly and negatively correlated to the total serum protein.

Abstrakt Eine über viele Jahre andauernde betriebs?rztliche T?tigkeit eines niedergelassenen Arztes erfüllt nicht die Voraussetzungen zur Berechtigung zum Führen der Zusatzbezeichnung „Betriebsmedizin“.  相似文献   

Eine über viele Jahre andauernde betriebs?rztliche T?tigkeit eines niedergelassenen Arztes erfüllt nicht die Voraussetzungen zur Berechtigung zum Führen der Zusatzbezeichnung „Betriebsmedizin“.  相似文献   

CLINICAL/METHODICAL ISSUE: Radiation therapy is a therapeutic option with curative intent for patients with prostate cancer. Monitoring of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) values is the current standard of care in the follow-up. Imaging is recommended only for symptomatic patients and/or for further therapeutic options. STANDARD RADIOLOGICAL METHODS: For detection of local recurrence magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the prostate is acknowledged as the method of choice. PERFORMANCE: Good results for primary diagnosis were found especially in combination with functional techniques, whereas in recurrent prostate cancer only few studies with heterogeneous study design are available for prostate MRI. Furthermore, changes in different MRI modalities due to radiation therapy have been insufficiently investigated to date. PRACTICAL RECOMMENDATIONS: As the initial results were promising prostate MRI and available therapeutic options for detection of local recurrence should be considered in patients with increased PSA.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The clinical usefulness of diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) was evaluated in patients with brain abscesses in comparison to patients with cystic brain tumors. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Five patients with surgically confirmed brain abscesses underwent beside a brain MRI examination with contrast media application diffusion weighted imaging. Apparent diffusion coefficients (rADC) in three orthogonal diffusion gradient were calculated. The same protocol was used to examine 5 patients with cystic brain tumors. RESULTS: Showing an rADC of 0.33 x 10(-3)/mm(2)/s abscesses have a highly restricted diffusion in comparison to cystic brain tumors with an rADC of 1,67 x 10(-3)/mm(2)/s. CONCLUSION: Diffusion weighted imaging is a usefull diagnostic tool in the work up of brain abscesses.  相似文献   

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