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The sensitivity and specificity of the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), the indirect haemagglutination (IHA) test and the counter-current immuno-electrophoresis test (CIEP) were assessed in the diagnosis of filariasis. Positive reactions were observed in 91% and 86% of cases by ELISA and IHA respectively. CIEP detected only 31.5% of cases. Cross-reaction due to intestinal nematodes was observed in 80% of cases by both ELISA and IHA whereas with CIEP cross-reaction was observed in 10% of cases. The microfilaria count was inversely proportional to the antibody titre among asymptomatic carriers. ELISA was the most sensitive test, followed by IHA and then CIEP. CIEP, though it detected only a small number of cases, was observed to be the most specific.  相似文献   

Solanki A  Ahluwalia J 《Blood》2011,117(14):3707

舟山市地处浙东北海岛 ,东经 12 1°30′~ 12 3°2 5′,北纬 2 9°32′~ 31°0 4′,属亚热带海洋性气候 ,年平均气温 16 .70℃。境内共有耕地 31.2 1万亩 ,其中 5 0 %种植水稻。全市辖 4个县 (区 ) 92个乡镇 ,总人口 984 2 16人 ,丝虫病流行区为 76个乡镇 ,流行区人口6 82 0 34人。市内为班氏、马来丝虫病混合流行区 ,主要传播媒介为致倦库蚊 ,次为淡色库蚊、中华按蚊和海滨伊蚊 ,蚊媒自然感染率为 3.97% (195 4年 )。全市在防治前 (195 6年 )微丝蚴阳性率为 7.6 7% ,丝虫病患病人数 37784人 ,其中微丝蚴血症者 310 2 3例 ,晚期丝虫病患者…  相似文献   

丝虫病流行于我国山东、河南、湖北、安徽、江苏、上海、浙江、江西、福建、广东、海南、湖南、广西、贵州、四川和重庆 16个省、自治区、直辖市的 86 4个县、市 ,其中班氏丝虫病流行区有 4 6 2个县、市 ,马来丝虫病流行区有 2 2 1个县、市 ,班氏、马来丝虫病混合流行区有181个县、市。以乡为单位 ,全国丝虫病流行区人口约3.3亿。据防治前估计 ,全国有丝虫病病人 30 99.4万(微丝蚴血症 2 5 5 9.4万 ,症状体征 5 4 0万 ) ,其中班氏丝虫病病人 2 196 .2万 ,马来丝虫病病人 90 3.2万。自5 0年代以来 ,经大规模积极防治 ,至 1994年实现了全国基…  相似文献   

Michael E  Malecela-Lazaro MN  Kazura JW 《Lancet》2006,368(9533):362-3; author reply 363-4

波阳县历史上丝虫病流行严重 ,解放后在各级党和政府的领导下 ,经疫区广大群众和卫生人员的共同努力 ,采取了以消灭丝虫病传染源为主的综合防治措施 ,取得了显著的成效 ,于1986年经省卫生厅考核达基本消灭丝虫病标准。为了系统观察疫情的变化 ,作者一直坚持了对丝虫病的病原学 ,蚊媒监测和对慢性丝虫病患者的随访治疗 ,现将结果报告如下。1 资料与方法1.1 基本情况及防治概况 波阳县位于赣东北部 ,鄱阳湖东岸 ,东经 116°2 4′~ 117°13′ ,北纬 2 8°47′~ 2 9°42′ ,地形东北高西南低 ,东北多为丘陵山区 ,西南为湖滨平原 ,全县总面…  相似文献   

Bancroftian filariasis can be detected by using the ICT Filariasis test kit which is composed of specific polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies to Wuchereria bancrofti antigen. Chromatographic reaction with serum or plasma shows a result within 5 minutes. When compared with 454 thick blood films (standard smear method) within the same study, the ICT Filariasis test had sensitivity = 100%, specificity = 96.37%, efficiency = 96.70%, predictive value positive (PVP) = 70.70%, predictive value negative (PVN) = 100%. Compared with 454 membrane filtration technic (MFT), the MFT had sensitivity = 95.10%, specificity = 99.50%, efficiency = 99.12%, PVP = 95.10%, PVN = 99.50%. When we compared capillary tube technic (CAP) with TBF, CAP showed sensitivity = 85.40%, specificity = 100%, efficiency = 98.68%, PVP = 100%, PVN = 98.60%. With the convenience, high sensitivity-efficiency, lack of cross-reactions, no night blood collection, single reagent and rapidity of the test, the ICT Filariasis test can be recommended for screening of Bancroftian filariasis, and is suitable for the confirmation of suspected cases in the field where microscopic diagnosis is not available.  相似文献   

In a Bancroftian filariasis survey on the coast of Tanzania microfilaria rates rose with age reaching 53% in the 60-69 year group followed by a slight fall above this age. The most important clinical manifestations were hydrocoele, funiculitis and elephantiasis, with hydrocoele presenting the most serious public health problem. Hydrocoele rates increased with age reaching 90% above the age of 70. The highest proportion of large hydrocoeles were also in the older age groups. A satisfactory methodology was established for the planning of future surveys leading to control.  相似文献   

The in vitro diffusion of the organophosphate famphur from polydimethylsiloxane (PDS) capsules into plasma and their effects on Litomosoides carinii and Dipetalonema witei in jirds was studied. The in vitro rate of diffusion per 24 hours was constant and was directly proportional to the capsule lumen surface area and inversely proportional to the capsule wall thickness. One capsule implanted subcutaneously into each jird almost completely eliminated the microfilaremia of L. carinii while in situ (5 weeks) but had no effect on the levels of microfilaremia of D. witei. The adults of both species were unaffected. The capsules were well tolerated by the jirds and little tissue response to them was noted. The possibilities of using PDS-incapsulated drugs for prophylactic chemotherapy of canine and human filariasis is discussed.  相似文献   

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