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The morbidity following conservative management of fracture dislocations of the mandibular condyle is considered, and the theoretical advantages of open reduction discussed. The various methods described in the past are reviewed and a new technique is described whereby a Kirschner wire is drilled into the condylar fragment and then inlaid into the ramus. Advantages over previous methods include easy manipulation of the fragment and lack of danger to the facial nerve.  相似文献   

目的探讨颌面部拆除坚固内固定术后钛板的原因和适应证。方法收集永康市第一人民医院口腔科2001—2005年内行颌面部坚固内固定术后87例取钛板患者,就其原因进行分析。结果本组病例取钛板原因中患者要求31例、感染12例、钛板外露13例、影响发育12例、颞下颌关节功能障碍9例、影响修复8例、其他2例。结论颌面部钛板内固定术后取板原因和适应证包括心理因素、局部因素、功能障碍因素、其他因素。  相似文献   

Tacks: a new technique for craniofacial fixation.   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Biodegradable fixation in craniofacial surgery provides secure fixation while eliminating much of the concern over intracranial migration of metallic plates and screws. One limitation of present biodegradable systems, however, is the need for tapping the drill hole before screw insertion. Herein, a new method of rigid, biodegradable fixation with tacks (Macrapore, Inc., San Diego, CA) is described. The tacks are made of a 70:30 ratio of the L and DL form of polylactic acid (L,DL-PLA). Degradation times range from 18 to 36 months. Newer prototypes are nearly developed for more rapid dissolution times. From April 1999 to February 2000, tack fixation has been applied in 100 patients (51 males, 49 females aged 3 months to 61 years). Indications for operation were craniosynostosis (n = 33); craniofacial trauma or post-traumatic deformities (n = 11); cleft lip and palate (n = 13); craniofacial syndromes (n = 18); other diagnoses (n = 11). Patients underwent fronto-orbital advancement with cranial reshaping; monobloc osteotomy, open reduction-internal fixation of fractures; hypertelorbitism repair; cranioplasty; stabilization of grafts; major cranial reconstruction; zygomatic advancement; alveolar cleft repair; and iliac bone graft donor site protection. Tacks were also used for temporalis muscle and lateral canthal suspension. Follow-up ranged from 16 to 28 months. Complications occurred in 7 patients, 4 of whom had infections and during debridement had biodegradable implants removed. None of the complications appeared to be related to the use of tacks. The tacks are carried in a specially designed holder and may be placed by hand or with the light tap of a mallet on the tack driver. An automatic driver has been developed. Overall, the performance of the tacks has been excellent. They are easily handled by the nursing personnel and rapidly inserted by the surgeon. Stability appears to be excellent. At this time, it is probably preferable to employ tap and screws for orthognathic surgery or other osteotomies with substantial load bearing.  相似文献   

Occlusal discrepancies that occur after orthognathic surgery in which rigid internal fixation was used are technically difficult to correct. These discrepancies often lead to prolonged postoperative orthodontics and possibly to compromised results. The effectiveness of the removal of rigid internal fixation in correcting these changes was studied retrospectively. Of 169 patients who underwent bilateral sagittal osteotomies of the mandible, 13 developed postoperative malocclusions, and their rigid internal fixation was removed (an average of 21 days postoperatively). Occlusion was improved in 11 of the patients. In the two patients who showed no improvement in occlusion, fixation had been removed at 5 weeks in one and at 6 weeks in the other. One patient had a slight relapse 6 months postoperatively. All other patients had stable occlusions and experienced no complications. Recommendations for use of the technique and potential complications are discussed.  相似文献   

A technique, the "Loma Linda pouch," is introduced for repairing the perforated maxillary sinus membrane during sinus grafting procedures. A collagen membrane is placed against the perforated site and subsequently covers the internal surface of the maxillary sinus. The collagen membrane is then folded along the lateral access window to form a pouch that surrounds and isolates the graft material.  相似文献   

The diagnosis and management of mandible fractures in the pediatric patient population can pose multiple challenges to the oral and maxillofacial surgeon. Resorbable plates and screws for fixation in this population are both well tolerated and effective. They enable realignment and stable positioning of rapidly healing fracture segments, while obviating any potential impediments to long-term metal retention.  相似文献   

This retrospective review compares the results of using rigid internal fixation (RIF) and wire fixation for orthognathic surgery patients. The records of two groups of demographically similar patients who underwent comparable surgery, performed by the same four attending surgeons at the same institutions during the same time period (1983 to 1986), were evaluated for complications and unanticipated treatment results. The most striking finding of this study is the general similarity between the two groups. However, differences in frequency of excessive weight loss and persistent restriction of mandibular opening suggest a benefit from early mobility of the mandible that comes with RIF. Because there was no concomitant increase in complications or unexpected results of treatment, the introduction of RIF for orthognathic surgery may offer patients some potential advantages.  相似文献   

目的:总结髁突颈下部骨折口内入路的治疗体会。方法:回顾2017年10月—2019年6月经手术治疗的髁突颈下部骨折患者17例,其中实验组7例行口内切口内固定,对照组10例行颌后切口内固定,比较2组的手术时间、骨折内固定情况、术后伤口感染率。术后随访3个月,观察开口及咬合功能恢复、术后面部瘢痕、术后面神经损伤情况。结果:实验组平均手术时间2 h,对照组2.5 h。实验组7例均采取单钛板固定,对照组10例均采用双钛板固定。实验组术后2例发生伤口感染,感染率28%;对照组伤口未出现感染。实验组术后常伴开口受限及咬合关系不协调,均需配合颌间牵引1~2周左右,随访3个月开口及咬合功能基本恢复正常。对照组术后开口受限较实验组轻,术后咬合关系基本恢复正常;随访3个月,开口及咬合功能恢复正常。实验组术后面部仅遗留1~2个3 mm左右穿颊小切口,瘢痕不明显;对照组术后于颌后区遗留3 cm左右手术切口,瘢痕较明显。2组均未发现面神经损伤。结论:口内入路髁突颈下部骨折的治疗可以达到与颌后入路相近的疗效,面部遗留瘢痕较轻。但伤口感染风险高,视野及操作空间受限,手术创伤较口外入路大,术后需要配合较长时间颌间牵引,开口及咬合功能恢复时间较长。  相似文献   

An internal mattress suture is described for suturing labial papillae to palatal flaps when using the "curtain technique." The suture is simple to perform and does not violate the intact labial sulci. It gives stability to both the labial papillae and palatal flap while maintaining maximum esthetic results.  相似文献   

目的 :对钢丝结扎内固定及小夹板内固定的治疗效果进行分析 ,以帮助医生确定适宜的内固定方法。方法 :对 86例下颌骨骨折进行上述两种内固定方法治疗。手术方案由主治医师及副主任医师制定。术后追踪随访 6周 ,记录术后咬牙合关系不良及开口时颞颌关节疼痛的发生情况 ,将术后合并症发生率与内固定方法、术者经验及骨折情况等因素一起进行统计学分析。结果 :两组不同内固定方法的治疗效果无显著性差异 ,但在双处骨折中 ,小夹板内固定的术后合并症发生率明显高于钢丝内固定组。两组医生完成的手术治疗效果无显著性差异 ,但主治医师完成的小夹板内固定术后合并症发生率明显高于副主任医师组。片层状断面或合并有片层状断面的骨折术后合并症发生率较高。结论 :影响下颌骨骨折治疗效果的因素有许多 ,选择适宜的内固定方法是取得良好治疗效果的关键。  相似文献   

Wax additive techniques have focused on the formation of the occlusal surface. The four-step flow technique was developed to provide an accurate wax pattern before the formation of the occlusal surface, provide for the development of correct axial contours, and reestablish the primary importance of such contours in the development of successful cast restoration.  相似文献   

In an attempt to define the most simple and inexpensive method of achieving postreduction stability in zygomatic fractures, the authors compared two different methods of internal rigid fixation of the frontozygomatic suture line in one group with miniplates and in another group with Panfix lag screws. The randomized study protocol consisted of a control group of 20 patients and 40 patients with laterally displaced body fractures of the zygoma. Statistical differences were not seen between the control subjects and the patients who required open reduction and internal fixation either with one osteosynthesis plate at the frontozygomatic suture line or a lag screw osteosynthesis. Lag screw fixation in malar type B fractures could lower hardware treatment costs and is an alternative method that provides sufficient stability in indicated patients.  相似文献   

The successful use of the newly developed Micro System for internal fixation is discussed. The Micro System provides a firm three-dimensional fixation of segments. Since it cannot withstand extreme muscle or masticatory forces, it should be used selectively. Its usefulness in the fields of craniofacial surgery, neurosurgery, and hand surgery is viewed optimistically.  相似文献   

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