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在《"健康中国2030"规划纲要》的战略背景下,对江苏省健康产业的现状、驱动因素及问题进行研究分析,发现江苏省健康产业在稳步发展的同时也存在医药产业两极分化严重,复合型人才少、人才保有量低,健康服务业市场不规范等诸多问题。为推进江苏省健康产业进一步发展升级,针对性提出对策:发挥政府职能、完善配套政策;制定高层次人才引进计划和发展战略;增加高质量健康产品及服务的供给;加快"互联网+"融入健康产业。  相似文献   

健康管理产业将成为医疗服务行业中的重要产业。本文扼要分析当前健康管理产业的现状,重点探讨健康管理产业的发展方向。提出了成立健康管理部,配备专业健康师,实施个体化健康管理,应用于健康保险,结合社区医疗服务,实现服务升级和扩大服务范围,开拓健康互动双赢局面等七大健康产业发展方向。  相似文献   

健康是人民幸福之本、城市发展之基,为推进健康上海建设,上海市出台了《"健康上海2030"规划纲要》,为未来十多年的健康上海建设指明了方向,明确了要求。本文从三个角度解读纲要:要推进理念转变,把健康融入所有政策;要实施新战略,普及健康生活、优化健康服务、完善健康保障、建设健康环境、发展健康产业,全面推进健康上海建设;要完善保障能力,强化医学科技创新对健康的支撑引领作用。  相似文献   

对我国健康产业发展的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着人们对健康的认识不断深入,健康产业的定义和内涵也随之扩展。本文分析总结了健康产业的内涵及特点、国外健康产业发展概况、我国健康产业发展现状及存在问题,并提出一些建议,以期促进我国健康产业快速发展,推进人民健康水平不断提高。  相似文献   

目前国内对健康服务业的内涵、属性等问题研究仍不够深入,认识尚不统一,发展定位也不清晰。本文通过综述健康服务业理论研究和政策实践的进展,提出了健康服务业是以维护和促进健康为目的,主要由提供健康服务的消费性和相关生产性服务业组成,广义上也可以包含产品制造等相关支撑产业和其他服务关联产业。通过深入分析健康服务业所具有的服务业、医疗卫生行业、福利性、产业经济、公共服务业等属性和特点,提出如下政策启示:发展健康服务业要遵循服务业和经济产业发展的一般规律,注重发挥政府在政策规制等方面的主导作用,充分发挥市场机制在优化资源配置、激发行业活力等方面的独特优势,大力推动健康服务提供主体的多元化发展等。  相似文献   

我国健康产业发展现状研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前我国健康产业已形成了相对完整的产业体系,但各相关领域仍存在诸多问题。本文重点分析医疗服务、医药行业、医疗器械、医疗保险以及家庭护理等健康产业重点领域的现状和存在的问题,提出促进我国健康产业快速发展的建议。  相似文献   

医疗装备是医疗卫生和健康事业的重要物质基础,直接关系到人民群众的生命安全和身体健康.党中央、国务院高度重视医疗装备产业发展,将补齐我国高端医疗装备的短板作为国家的战略方向之一.2021年是国家"十四五"规划开局之年,12月28日,工业和信息化部、国家卫生健康委、国家发展改革委等十部门联合印发《"十四五"医疗装备产业发展...  相似文献   

陈凯先 《健康研究》2023,(2):121-124
《“健康中国2030”规划纲要》指出,发展健康产业,催生健康新产业、新业态、新模式。党的二十大报告提出对推进健康中国建设作出全面部署。健康服务业以维护和促进人民群众身心健康为目标,主要包括医疗服务、健康管理与促进、健康保险以及相关服务,加快发展健康服务业,对全面建成小康社会具有重要意义。文章根据陈凯先院士在第十五届中国健康服务业大会上的同名报告整理而成,从健康服务业发展的需求出发,分析了中国健康服务业发展现状、方向,对我国健康服务业未来的发展趋势进行展望,为进一步推进健康中国建设、深入发展健康服务业提供理论和现实依据。  相似文献   

创建健康城市是实现城市可持续发展的重要措施,发展健康产业是其重要内容之一。文章主要对健康城市创建之健康产业发展目标、原则、思路、措施与支持体系等问题进行综述。  相似文献   

目的分析广东省健康服务产业发展中的优势与劣势,为制定健康服务产业发展策略提供依据。方法采用SWOT分析法,对广东省健康服务产业的优势、劣势、机遇和威胁进行系统分析。结果广东省健康服务产业已初具规模,具备经济、资源等方面的优势,但仍存在产业结构不完善、品牌创新能力较弱,缺乏健全的配套监管机制等问题。结论广东省在发展健康服务业中,应立足该省社会经济实际,充分发挥优势,克服劣势,抓住机会,回避威胁,制定正确的健康服务产业发展策略,促进广东省健康服务产业快速发展。  相似文献   

本文基于历史和环境视角分析了全球环境与卫生之间关联性的科学认知的变化。环境问题对人类健康的影响越来越受到国际社会的关注和重视,现有科学研究已充分证明,环境问题与人类健康风险之间存在明显的因果关系,环境问题是导致人类各种疾病的重大因素之一;从全球层面对环境问题的健康影响进行量化研究是当前相关研究的重点、亮点和难点,目前国际上在研究方法和具体结论上都存在许多分歧,但定量研究方兴未艾;如何将现有的科学认知与全球层面的政策制定与实施有机结合起来是摆在全球环境与卫生治理面前的一大课题。  相似文献   

While significant progress has been made on several fronts in child health research in recent years, research findings have not always been readily translated to better policies and programs for creating healthy conditions for children. Child health policies and research have not always aligned in a manner that would inform each other to the benefit of children. In this paper it is argued that child health research and interventions need to proceed from an explicit recognition of the fundamental causes of poor child health, namely parents’ socioeconomic status and the social context in which children live. A conceptual framework is presented that organizes the key domains of child health determinants and the possible causal pathways that link these domains to produce health outcomes. This framework assisted the development of a multi-method research program specifically linking community members, program developers and policy-makers in the research process. It also helped to identify methodological issues inherent in a comprehensive approach to child health research, which is commented on drawing from illustrative examples from the authors’ research program. The article concludes with some observations on the authors’ experience in engaging policy and civil society constituents in order to better align research, policy and intervention programs.  相似文献   

While growing evidence suggests that microfinance is an effective approach for improved women’s health, a significant gap remains in our understanding. The objective of this review is to synthesise the findings from published literature focused on microfinance and health issues particularly affecting women, including HIV/AIDS, reproductive health, mental health, and violence. Forty-one articles that examine the impact of microfinance participation on women’s health were identified through a systematic search of electronic databases, coded using a structured abstraction form, and synthesised. Review results indicate that the impact of microfinance on women’s health is an area in great need of research and publication attention. Varied quality and reporting in the identified articles restricted the ability to draw concrete conclusions regarding the relationship between microfinance participation and women’s health, but led to the identification of current gaps in existing published research. Future research should work to address the recommendations provided in order to offer additional evidence to better understand the use of microfinance programming as a structural intervention to improve women’s health.  相似文献   


Rural communities face disparities and barriers to health care access that may be addressed through telehealth programs; yet little research is available detailing rural women’s attitudes toward telehealth. Researchers partnered with a women’s reproductive health organization to conduct formative audience research to understand rural women’s perspectives of telehealth in their communities. Qualitative research was conducted to improve understandings of women’s perceptions of telehealth in rural South Carolina. In-depth interviews with 52 women aged 18–44 years were conducted in five rural counties in South Carolina during June – August 2015. Analytical techniques from grounded theory methodology were used throughout data collection and analysis. Participants believed a telehealth intervention would benefit the community by addressing reproductive health barriers, such as cost, transportation, and long wait times at local health care facilities. Participants’ concerns included issues of confidentiality in a small town, discomfort with mediated communication, privacy, and the importance of relationship-centered care, including patient-provider communication and approachability of health care providers. Findings provide insight to design and implement telehealth interventions to improve women’s health in rural communities.  相似文献   

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) WorkLife Initiative (WLI) [http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/worklife] seeks to promote workplace programs, policies, and practices that result in healthier, more productive employees through a focus simultaneously on disease prevention, health promotion, and accommodations to age, family, and life stage. The Initiative incorporates the Institute's foundational commitment to workplaces free of recognized hazards into broader consideration of the factors that affect worker health and wellbeing. Workplace hazards, such as physical demands, chemical exposures, and work organization, often interact with non-work factors such as family demands and health behaviors to increase health and safety risks. New workplace interventions being tested by the first three NIOSH WLI Centers of WorkLife Excellence are exploring innovative models for employee health programs to reduce the human, social, and economic costs of compromised health and quality of life. Many parties in industry, labor, and government share the goals of improving employee health while controlling health care costs. NIOSH convened a workshop in 2008 with representatives of the three Centers of Excellence to develop a comprehensive, long-range strategy for advancing the WorkLife Initiative. The recommendations below fall into three areas: practice, research, and policy. Responding to these recommendations would permit the WorkLife Center system to establish a new infrastructure for workplace prevention programs by compiling and disseminating the innovative practices being developed and tested at the Centers, and elsewhere. The WLI would also extend the customary scope of NIOSH by engaging with multiple NIH Institutes that are already generating research-to-practice programs involving the working-age population, in areas such as chronic disease prevention and management. Research to Practice (r2p) is a concept focused on the translation of research findings, technologies, and information into evidence-based prevention practices and products that are adopted in the workplace or other "real-world" settings. NIOSH's goal is to overcome the translational issues that now prevent state-of-the-art occupational health, health promotion, and chronic disease research findings from benefiting working age populations immediately, regardless of workplace size, work sector, or region of the country.  相似文献   

《Global public health》2013,8(6):713-724
Interest in global health is growing among students across many disciplines and fields of study. In response, an increasing number of academic programmes integrate and promote opportunities for international research, service or clinical placements. These activities raise a range of ethical issues and are associated with important training needs for those who participate. In this paper, we focus on research fieldwork conducted in lower income nations by students from more affluent countries and the ethics preparation they would benefit from receiving prior to embarking on these projects. Global health research is closely associated with questions of justice and equity that extend beyond concerns of procedural ethics. Research takes place in and is shaped by matrices of political, social and cultural contexts and concerns. These realities warrant analysis and discussion during research ethics training. Training activities present an opportunity to encourage students to link global health research to questions of global justice, account for issues of justice in planning their own research, and prepare for ‘ethics-in-practice’ issues when conducting research in contexts of widespread inequality. Sustained engagement with questions of justice and equity during research ethics training will help support students for involvement in global health research.  相似文献   

This article offers a critical analysis of how to address social inequalities in mental health. In public mental health, inequalities are commonly construed as a problem of reach, implying that existing mental health expertise often fails to reach low-income groups. We discuss two critiques on the ‘reach-paradigm’ in mental health promotion: the impoverishment of idioms of distress and the tendency to transform complex political issues into clinical ones that are assumed to be backed by evidence. Furthermore, we present the findings of our ethnographic research of an alternative approach to mental health promotion that used media storytelling focused on local knowledge and social context. Our analysis is guided by anthropological research on idioms of distress and sociological literature on health promotion and social inequalities.  相似文献   

Summary Consideration of gender issues in German language public health research: results of a survey of public health projectsObjectives: The project "Gender Bias – Gender Research" investigates how far gender issues are considered in German-language public health research. The contribution presents the results of the survey of all current and terminated projects, which were carried out in the German public health research combines.Methods: The especially developed questionnaire is based on a manual of the Canadian Ministry of Health and considered two main topics: the own research work and the estimate of the necessity for gender specific research. The questionnaire was sent to 317 public health projects between May and August 2000, the response rate was 58.4%.Results: The results show a consciousness for the necessity for the inclusion of gender issues, but this is not consistently considered it in the own research. In particular the conclusions don't show appropriate consideration of women and men.Conclusions: The results illustrate that women and men have to be concerned in the entire research process and not only in the sampling procedures. This should be regarded from the researchers themselves as well as the foundation of research and the publisher of results.  相似文献   

There is an extensive body of research literature on female sex trade workers’ risks of sexually transmitted infections including the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). We also have a vast literature on the physical assaults and violence experienced by female sex trade workers while working. However, we know relatively little about other aspects of the women's health, and especially the ways in which social relations within both their working and private lives affect their emotional health. This qualitative research, which is based on 68 semi-structured interviews with female sex trade workers who work in a variety of different settings, describes and examines the emotional stressors in female prostitutes lives, and shows how stressors permeate both their working and home lives. Although some of the women utilize various strategies to reduce the stressors and are not simply victims of their circumstances and the conditions that shape their lives, their stories point to a clear opening for a critical public health to support the development of programmes and policies that might respond to these issues and improve the health and well-being of many women who work in the industry.  相似文献   

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