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目的 对不同产区种植的栝楼加工获得的瓜蒌进行性状的测定和比较,指出传统道地产区瓜蒌的性状特征。方法 同时采收6个不同产区种植的栝楼果实各20个,在北京的实验室内统一阴干后,测定纵径、横径、纵横比、单果重、果皮重量占比、水溶性浸出物等性状指标,取平均值进行比较和分析。结果 传统道地产区的山东长清庄科产栝楼果实阴干获得的瓜蒌,单果重最重,为95.39 g;纵径最长,为10.22 mm;横径最短,为7.19 mm;纵横比最大,为1.43;果皮重量占比最轻,为23.07%;水溶性浸出物含量较高,为50.44%。结论 山东长清在悠久的瓜蒌生产历史中,形成了外观为长圆形,单果重,水溶性浸出物含量高,成熟度高的性状,具有其他产区种植的栝楼果实所没有的特征,当为道地产区瓜蒌的性状特征。 相似文献
基因编辑是对基因组实现定点修饰的一项技术,其中CRISPR/Cas9系统以其操作难度低、编辑效率高、编辑范围广、投入成本少等优势成为新一代基因编辑技术,并在植物基因组学的研究中得到了广泛的应用。本文介绍了CRISPR/Cas9系统及其相关技术的工作原理,论述了编辑效率的影响因素、编辑系统的转化方式以及编辑结果的分析方法;从药用植物基因功能鉴定和转录调控两个方向,着重综述了该技术在药用植物功能基因组研究中的应用情况,并对其面临的问题和应用前景进行了总结与展望。 相似文献
蚓激酶,是从蚯蚓(地龙)中提取的一种蛋白水解酶,具有良好的纤维蛋白溶解活性,在抗血栓及缺血性心脑血管疾病中有着较好的疗效。目前开发的蚓激酶纳米靶向给药系统或蚓激酶与其他药物的联合应用,可进一步提高蚓激酶的生物利用度和安全性,已广泛应用于溶栓、抗肿瘤等疾病的治疗,疗效显著。本文就蚓激酶的相关组分及蚓激酶在溶栓、心脑血管、抗肿瘤、心脑血管保护等方面的药理作用进行综述,为其进一步的开发利用提供依据。 相似文献
随着人民生活水平的不断提高,痛风的患病率呈逐年上升趋势。痛风如果治疗不当,反复发作可逐步导致组织破坏、骨侵蚀、关节疼痛和僵硬,给患者带来巨大痛苦,影响生活质量。西医治疗痛风主要目标是终止急性发作、控制血清尿酸及避免复发,虽然在终止急性发作和控制血清尿酸方面效果良好,但是实际应用中发现血尿酸的良好控制及达标并没有很好的避免痛风的复发。而且对于尿酸盐沉积的清除这个核心问题没有有效的治疗手段。中医药在改善临床症状及控制复发等方面往往有独特的疗效,同时还可以避免血尿酸控制的过低而带来的潜在风险,但背后的现代药理作用机制尚不明确,限制了临床应用和推广。此外,中医药是否可以促进核心问题尿酸盐沉积的溶解清除,还需要深入探索研究。现就痛风的中西医研究现状加以综述。 相似文献
蕲蛇是《中国药典》收载的三种蛇类药材(含蕲蛇、乌梢蛇、金钱白花蛇)之一,具有祛风、通络、定惊止痉等功效,其药用价值和经济价值较高,市场需求量较大,为贵细药材。近年来,由于野生资源逐渐匮乏,在经济利益驱使下,蕲蛇商品普遍存在着伪品、混淆品、掺假品,这种质量不一、以次充好、以假代真的情况容易导致用药安全问题。本文通过总结蕲蛇的性状鉴别、显微鉴别、理化鉴别和分子鉴别,以期为蕲蛇等蛇类药材的真伪鉴别和质量的优劣检测提供思路,为进一步鉴别研究、制剂开发提供参考依据,确保用药质量。 相似文献
目的 采用高通量测序数据和新组装手段对药用植物菝葜的叶绿体基因组进行精细组装,并以此为基础厘清其分类地位,开发分子鉴定标记。方法 利用两种测序手段重新测定并精细组装菝葜叶绿体基因组;重建菝葜近缘物种在时间尺度下的系统发育关系;分析菝葜叶绿体基因组一级结构并检测编码区选择压力;筛选并验证具备种群特异性的SSR引物。结果 混合组装结果显示菝葜叶绿体基因组全长157959 bp,内含编码基因86个。菝葜族与油点草族和百合族互为姐妹群;其内部约26.5Mya开始出现分化。在accD、rbcL及rpl20基因中存正选择信号。247个SSR位点中的3个具备作为菝葜分子鉴定标记的潜力。结论 利用短读长和长读长共同组装菝葜叶绿体基因组的结果更佳。已探明的3个SSR位点能为筛选分子标记提供数据支撑。 相似文献
中药具有多成分、多靶点的特性,药效物质基础及药物代谢途径不明确严重制约中药的发展。中药小分子经过体内代谢后转化成代谢物发挥药效或者清除。近年来随着MS技术的飞速发展,通过LC-MS技术进行精准定性定量分析,以阐明中药代谢物与机体生理及病理相关变化的关系,从而明确中药的药效物质基础及体内代谢路径。本文从中药代谢研究思路、研究方法、影响因素以及应用等方面,就近年来中药代谢分析领域的研究进展进行综述。 相似文献
药用植物分子遗传图谱研究进展 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
遗传连锁图谱的构建是基因组研究中的重要环节,是基因定位与克隆乃至基因组结构与功能研究的基础.对遗传图谱的构建方法 进行简要描述,通过列举一些实例概括了国内外药用植物遗传图谱的研究现状,提出了当前构建和应用遗传图谱所面临的主要问题. 相似文献
药用植物基因工程的研究进展 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
虽然伴随着一定的质疑,但基因工程技术在现代农业中的应用显示了其在应对粮食短缺等全球性问题上的出色作用和巨大潜力。药用植物同样面临着资源匮乏、生长环境恶化、种质衰退等一系列问题,使药用植物传统种植和采集模型受到极大的挑战。基因工程技术由于可以赋予传统植物新的特性从而给药用植物的发展带来了希望和曙光。基因工程技术可以用来提高药用植物的抗病、抗虫、抗除草剂的能力,提高药用植物的产量,增加药用植物中活性物质的含量,改善药材的品质等方面,有利于药用植物的大面积种植和保护。在发展药用植物基因工程过程中,转基因药用植物的安全性也应受到重视,在充分认识到药用植物特殊性的基础上建立一套科学的,适用于转基因药用植物的安全性评价体系和判断标准,促进转基因技术在药用植物领域健康、可持续发展。在保证安全性的前提下,使基因工程技术的优势在药用植物研究和应用中得到充分的利用。 相似文献
药用植物DNA条形码研究进展 总被引:9,自引:5,他引:4
近10年来,DNA条形码(DNA barcoding)技术飞速发展,已经成为国际上生物学研究的热点之一。该技术在鉴别动物物种上已经得到了广泛的认同和应用,但是在药用植物领域存在极大的挑战,至今还没能得出一个通用的候选序列。候选序列主要有单序列如matK、rbcL等,复合序列如rbcL+trnH-psbA等。现综述DNA条形码在药用植物鉴定中的应用研究,并对常用单序列和复合序列的鉴定应用展开了讨论;同时针对近期提出的以叶绿体全基因组作为"超级条形码"的可行性进行了分析讨论和展望,以期为中药药用植物的快速准确鉴定提供新的研究思路。 相似文献
药用植物空间育种研究进展 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
药用植物空间育种是我国特色,我国的空间技术在药用植物上的应用与其他植物相比,尽管数量相对较少,但特色较明显.药用植物搭载研究也已经深入到各个方面,如生物学性状,生理生化,基因组以及化学成分的差异,另外化学成分分析也有涉及.但与其他植物特别是农作物和蔬菜的空间生物学研究相比存在着明显的缺陷,主要体现在遗传育种方面的研究明显不足,对性状遗传稳定性的研究未能一代一代地跟踪研究,且未能在品种选育方面深入系统的研究下去.若能从空间搭载资源中选育出遗传稳定性好的优良种质资源,对于解决药用植物资源匮乏的问题,缓解野生药用植物资源压力具有重要作用,同时推动我国空间药用植物学的发展和中药现代化的实施. 相似文献
Ethanol extracts of eight plant species used traditionally in South Africa for the treatment of oral diseases were investigated for in vitro antimicrobial activity against oral pathogens namely Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans, Actinomyces naeslundii, Actinomyces israelii, Candida albicans, Porphyromonus gingivalis, Privotella intermedia and Streptococcus mutans using the disk diffusion method. Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) of ethanol extracts were determined against these microorganisms using micro dilution. The cytotoxicity and therapeutic index (TI) of selected active extracts were also determined. Out of eight plants, six (Annona senegalensis, Englerophytum magalismontanum, Dicerocarym senecioides, Euclea divinorum, Euclea natalensis, Solanum panduriforme and Parinari curatellifolia) exhibited MIC values ranging from 25.0 mg/ml to 0.8 mg/ml. Gram negative bacteria were found to be more resistant to the plant extracts than Gram positive bacteria, except for Euclea natalensis which inhibited all three Gram negative bacteria tested in this study. All plant extracts showed moderate cytotoxicity on the Vero cell line. The fifty percent inhibitory concentration (IC50) of all plants tested range from 92.3 to 285.1 μg/ml. 相似文献
Katarina Šavikin Gordana Zdunić Nebojša Menković Jelena Živković Nada Ćujić Milena Tereščenko Dubravka Bigović 《Journal of ethnopharmacology》2013
Ethnopharmacological relevance: This paper provides significant ethnobotanical information on medicinal plant uses in the Zlatibor district, South-Western Serbia. 相似文献
Aim of the study
The present study was an ethnobotanical survey of three Local Government areas of the Ijebu area of Ogun State in southwest Nigeria for plants used in the treatment of measles.Materials and methods
Unstructured interviews were conducted among both urban and rural dwellers of three major groups of Ijebu people inhabiting the area (Ijebu North, Ijebu northeast and Ijebu Ode Local Governments).Results
A total of 20 respondents constituted by herbalists, herbsellers and old people that have privileged information on the plants used in the treatment of measles among children were encountered during the survey. Twenty-three plant species belonging to 18 Angiosperm families were said to possess curative properties for the cure of measles among the local populace. Amongst the most frequently used plants are Elytraria marginata Vahl, Peperomia pellucida (L.) Humb., Bonpl. & Kunth, Vernonia amygdalina Del., Momordica charantia L., Newbouldia laevis (P. Beauv.) Seem. ex Bureau, and Ocimum gratissimum L.Conclusion
The most frequently mentioned family is Cucurbitaceae. The mode of preparation and recommended dosages are enumerated in this paper. The results of the study call for an urgent need of the introduction of a strategy for the conservation of indigenous medicinal plants in the area. 相似文献18.
Cecílio AB de Faria DB Oliveira Pde C Caldas S de Oliveira DA Sobral ME Duarte MG Moreira CP Silva CG de Almeida VL 《Journal of ethnopharmacology》2012,141(3):975-981
Ethnopharmacological relevance
Brazilian medicinal plants traditionally used for the treatment of diarrhoea were investigated for their in vitro antiviral activity against the simian rotavirus SA11.Materials and methods
The ethanolic crude extracts of plants collected in the cerrado of Minas Gerais, Brazil were submitted to phytochemical screening. The cytotoxicity of the extracts was inferred by cellular morphologic alterations. Antiviral activity was assessed by the ability of the extracts to inhibit the cytopathic effect (CPE) of rotavirus on the treated cells. RT-PCR was performed to confirm and/or confront antiviral assay data.Results
The maximum non-toxic concentration ranged from 50 to 500 μg/mL. All extracts were toxic at a concentration of 5000 μg/mL but no extract showed cytotoxicity at 50 μg/mL. The species Byrsonima verbascifolia, Myracrodruon urundeuva, Eugenia dysenterica and Hymenaea courbaril exhibited the strongest in vitro activity against rotavirus. Their extracts prevented the formation of CPE, and RT-PCR analysis detected no amplification of genetic material from rotavirus. Tannins, flavonoids, saponins, coumarins and terpenes were the major classes of natural products found in the leaf extracts that showed antiviral activity.Conclusion
Among the species studied, Byrsonima verbascifolia, Eugenia dysenterica, Hymenaea courbaril and Myracrodruon urundeuva showed potential activity against rotavirus and are worthy of further study. The present study corroborates ethnopharmacological data as a valuable source in the selection of plants with antiviral activity and to some extent validates their traditional uses. 相似文献19.
van Vuuren SF 《Journal of ethnopharmacology》2008,119(3):462-472
This paper reviews the antimicrobial research undertaken on South African medicinal plants during the period 1997-2008. Antimicrobial methods (disc diffusion, minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC), bio-autography) are briefly discussed and an analysis of the publications reviewed indicates that the majority of papers use MIC assays for antimicrobial determination. Antimicrobial investigations on extracts are presented where the most active plants are identified from screening publications. A summary of some bioactive compounds are given with data restricted to papers reporting quantitative antimicrobial activity equivalent to or below 200 microg/ml. Antimicrobial activities on the essential oils of indigenous medicinal aromatic plants are also reviewed. An overview is given on what activities (extracts, compounds and oils) should be considered noteworthy for publication. Studies focusing on geographical ethnobotany, specific pathogenesis, formulation aspects and in vivo investigations are examined. Future recommendations to consider include pathogen selection, interactive studies and dosage administrations. 相似文献