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[Purpose] The purpose of this study was to analyze the effects of different shoe types on lower extremity muscle activity in healthy young women by using electromyography. [Subjects and Methods] Fifteen healthy young women in their 20s were included in this single-group repeated measures study. The subjects were divided into three groups: Converse sneakers, rain boots, and combat boots. The subjects walked on a treadmill at 4 km/h for 30 min, during which six muscles were examined using electromyography: the rectus femoris, vastus medialis, semimembranosus, tibialis anterior, peroneus longus, and medial head of the gastrocnemius. Between switching shoe types, a 24-h rest period was instated to prevent the fatigue effect from treadmill walking. [Results] One-way analysis of variance used to compare electromyography results among the three groups showed that the main effect of group differed significantly for the vastus medialis. Vastus medialis activity was higher in the rain boots group than the Converse sneakers group, and it was higher in the combat boots group than rain boots group. [Conclusion] Shoe type affects lower extremity muscle activity. Our findings may help individuals choose the ideal shoes for daily walking.Key words: Electromyography, Lower extremity, Shoe type  相似文献   

[Purpose] This study aims to investigate how squat exercises on a decline board and how the knee joint angles affect the muscle activity of the lower limbs. [Subjects] The subjects were 26 normal adults. [Methods] A Tumble Forms wedge device was used as the decline board, and the knee joint angles were measured with a goniometer. To examine the muscle activity of the biceps femoris, rectus femoris, gastrocnemius lateralis, and tibialis anterior of the lower limbs, a comparison analysis with electromyography was conducted. [Results] The muscle activity of the biceps femoris, rectus femoris, gastrocnemius lateralis, and tibialis anterior increased with increased knee joint angles, both for squat exercises on the decline board and on a flat floor. When the knee joint angle was 45°, 60°, and 90°, the muscle activity of the rectus femoris was significantly higher and that of the tibialis anterior was significantly lower during squat exercises on the decline board than on the flat floor. When the knee joint angle was 90°, the muscle activity of the gastrocnemius lateralis was significantly lower. [Conclusion] Squat exercises on a decline board are an effective intervention to increase the muscle activity of the rectus femoris with increased knee joint angles.Key words: Decline board, Squat exercise, Range of motion  相似文献   

This retrospective investigation was undertaken to describe and compare the initial and discharge strength deficits of eight upper extremity muscle groups of 42 patients who were hemiparetic secondary to cerebrovascular accidents (CVAs). Static strengths of the eight muscle groups were measured using a hand-held dynamometer, and strength deficits were calculated against the side ipsilateral to the side affected by the CVA. A two-way analysis of variance for repeated measures revealed significant differences (p less than .001) in the strength deficits of the eight muscle groups and between initial and discharge strength deficits. The strength deficits of the shoulder medial rotator and abductor muscle groups were significantly less than those of any other muscle group. No difference was found in the proportion of muscle groups improving in strength in patients tested within six weeks after the onset of hemiplegia versus patients tested six weeks later. Our results do not confirm the common expectation of relatively lesser involvement of the elbow flexor muscles after a CVA. The results do suggest that patients improve in muscle strength concurrent with a rehabilitation program.  相似文献   

[Purpose] This study compared the electromyographic activity of the quadriceps in hemiplegic patients during the downward, maintenance, and upward phases of squat exercises performed with the feet parallel and with the non-paretic foot lifted. [Subjects] A total of 17 hemiplegic patients (9 males and 8 females) volunteered for this study. [Methods] All subjects performed squat exercises with the knees flexed to 30° and with the feet parallel (shoulder-width apart) or with lifting of the non-paretic foot (normalized to 25% of the knee height). [Results] The activity of the rectus femoris, vastus medialis oblique, and vastus lateralis muscles was significantly higher during squat exercises performed with the non-paretic foot lifted than with the feet parallel to each other. The activity of all muscles during the maintenance phase of the exercises was greater than that during the downward and upward phases. [Conclusion] Lifting the non-paretic foot during squats may represent an effective exercise for motor function rehabilitation in hemiplegic patients.Key words: EMG, Foot lifting, Squat exercise  相似文献   

[Purpose] This study aimed to determine the difference in self-satisfaction in patients by comparing class-based task-oriented circuit training (CTCT) and individual-based task-oriented circuit training (ITCT). [Subjects and Methods] The subjects were 30 patients who had been diagnosed with hemiplegia due to stroke more than six month previously. They were divided into Group I (n=9) for conventional therapy, Group II (n=10) for conventional therapy and ITCT, and Group III (n=11) for conventional therapy and CTCT. In order to determine self-satisfaction as a psychological factor in patients, we used a self-esteem scale (SES), motivation of rehabilitation scale (MR), and relationship change (RCS) scale. [Results] SES, MR, and RCS, which were measured to determine self satisfaction as a psychological factor were significantly different between groups. The Bonferroni post hoc test revealed a significant difference between Group I and Group III in SES, a significant difference between Group I and Group III and Group II and Group III in MR, and a significant difference between Group I and Group III were found. [Conclusion] Based on the above results, task-oriented circuit training was more effective when performed in a class than when performed individually in terms of self-satisfaction. Based on this result, we determined that CTCT has as positive an effect on the mental aspects of stroke patients compared with ITCT.Key words: Self-satisfaction, Stroke, Task-oriented circuit training  相似文献   

[Purpose] This study investigated the effects of the slow speed-targeting squat exercise on the vastus medialis oblique/vastus lateralis ratio. [Subjects] Ten asymptomatic men were recruited. [Methods] The EMG activities of the vastus medialis oblique and vastus lateralis muscles were recorded using surface electrodes. The subject performed the squat exercise under 3 different conditions. [Results] The vastus medialis oblique/vastus lateralis ratio in condition 2 (1.5 ± 0.7) was significantly higher than that in conditions 1 and 3 (1.0 ± 0.5, 1.1 ± 0.8, respectively) [Conclusion] Therefore, an effectively slow movement speed is recommended for selective strengthening of vastus medialis oblique using a slow speed-targeting device that provides biofeedback.Key words: Slow movement speed, Squat exercise, VMO  相似文献   

[Purpose] The aim of the present study was to identify the effects of an unstable support surface (USS) on the activities of trunk and lower extremity muscles during pulley-based shoulder exercise (PBSE). [Subjects] Twenty healthy college students were included in this study. [Methods] Surface EMG was carried out in twenty healthy adult men. The activities of trunk and lower extremity muscles performed during PBSE using a resistance of 14 kg on a stable or unstable support surface were compared. The PBSE included shoulder abduction, adduction, flexion, extension, internal rotation, and external rotation. [Results] On the unstable surface, the rectus abdominis and erector spinae showed significantly less activation during shoulder external rotation, but the extent of activation was not significantly different during other shoulder exercises. The external oblique and rectus femoris showed no significant difference during any shoulder exercises. The tibialis anterior showed significantly greater activation during all shoulder exercises, except flexion and extension. The gastrocnemius showed significantly greater activation during shoulder abduction, extension, and internal rotation. However, during shoulder adduction, flexion, and external rotation, the gastrocnemius showed no significant difference. [Conclusion] The use of USS to increase core stability during PBSE is probably not effective owing to compensatory strategies of the ankle.Key words: Electromyography, Core stability, Ankle strategy  相似文献   

[Purpose] This study examined the effects of neck exercises using PNF on the swallowing function of stroke patients with dysphasia. [Subjects and Methods] A total of 26 study subjects were selected and randomly divided into an experimental group of 13 subjects, who received the PNF-based short neck flexion exercises, and a control group of 13 subjects, who received the Shaker exercise. [Results] The experimental group showed statistically significant improvements in premature bolus loss, residue in the valleculae, laryngeal elevation, epiglottic closure, residue in the pyriform sinuses, and coating of the pharyngeal wall after swallowing, and improvements in pharyngeal transit time, and aspiration on both the new VFSS scale and the ASHA NOMS scale. [Conclusion] PNF-based short neck flexion exercises appear to be effective at improving swallowing function of stroke patients with dysphagia.Key words: Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation, Dysphagia, Stroke  相似文献   

[Purpose] The purpose of this study was to compare the muscle activities of upper extremities during a drinking task between the stroke-affected and less-affected sides. [Subjects] Eight stroke patients (8 men; age 45.3 years; stroke duration 21.9 months) participated in this study. [Methods] Electromyography (EMG) was used to measure nine muscle activities of the upper extremity. The drinking task was divided into 5 phases. [Results] Analysis of the EMG data showed that the percentage of maximum voluntary isometric contraction (%MVIC) across all phases of drinking differed between the affected and less-affected sides. Participants used relatively higher levels of %MVIC in the anterior deltoid, flexor muscles, brachioradialis, and infraspinatus on the stoke-affected side. [Conclusion] The difference in muscle activation across all phases of the drinking movement allowed us to determine how upper extremity muscle activation may influence drinking performance on the stroke-affected and less-affected sides.Key words: Drinking, EMG, Stroke  相似文献   

目的:探讨卒中恢复期偏瘫患者下肢膝关节屈伸肌行视觉反馈等速肌力训练的效果,以及下肢功能评定与步行能力之间的相关性。方法:188例脑卒中患者随机分为观察组(95例)和对照组(93例),二组患者康复训练相同,观察组增加双下肢股四头肌、腘绳肌视觉反馈等速肌力训练18d。治疗前后分别采用Fugl-Meyer法、Barthel指数法及足印法对二组患者下肢功能及步态进行分析[1]。结果:观察组患者步态较对照组有明显改善(P<0.01),运动功能与活动能力显著提高(P<0.01)。步态的对称性与下肢运动功能、平衡功能显著相关(r=-0.77,-0.73,P<0.01),与活动能力无关(r=-0.23,P>0.05) ;步速与下肢运动功能、平衡功能、活动能力均显著相关(r=0.82,0.77,0.75,P<0.01)。结论:偏瘫患者早期运用双下肢膝屈伸肌群视觉反馈等速肌力训练对提高运动功能、步态改善和日常生活活动能力提高具有重要作用。  相似文献   

[Purpose] The aim of the study was to evaluate the effects of a very early mirror therapy program on functional improvement of the upper extremity in acute stroke patients. [Subjects] Eight stroke patients who were treated in an acute neurology unit were included in the study. [Methods] The patients were assigned alternatively to either the mirror therapy group receiving mirror therapy and neurodevelopmental treatment or the neurodevelopmental treatment only group. The primary outcome measures were the upper extremity motor subscale of the Fugl-Meyer Assessment, Motricity Index upper extremity score, and the Stroke Upper Limb Capacity Scale. Somatosensory assessment with the Ayres Southern California Sensory Integration Test, and the Barthel Index were used as secondary outcome measures. [Results] No statistically significant improvements were found for any measures in either group after the treatment. In terms of minimally clinically important differences, there were improvements in Fugl-Meyer Assessment and Barthel Index in both mirror therapy and neurodevelopmental treatment groups. [Conclusion] The results of this pilot study revealed that very early mirror therapy has no additional effect on functional improvement of upper extremity function in acute stroke patients. Multicenter trials are needed to determine the results of early application of mirror therapy in stroke rehabilitation.Key words: Acute stroke, Mirror therapy, Upper extremity  相似文献   

[Purpose] This research demonstrated a forced intensive strength technique as a novel treatment for muscle power and function in the affected upper extremity muscle to determine the clinical feasibility with respect to upper extremity performance in a stroke hemiparesis. [Subject and Methods] The subject was a patient with chronic stroke who was dependent on others for performing the functional activities of his affected upper extremity. The technique incorporates a comprehensive approach of forced, intensive, and strength-inducing activities to enhance morphological changes associated with motor learning of the upper extremity. The forced intensive strength technique consisted of a 6-week course of sessions lasting 60 minutes per day, five times a week. [Results] After the 6-week intervention, the difference between relaxation and contraction of the affected extensor carpi radialis muscle increased from 0.28 to 0.63 cm2, and that of the affected triceps brachii muscle increased from 0.30 to 0.90 cm2. The results of clinical tests including the modified Ashworth scale (MAS; from 1+ to 1), muscle strength (from 15 to 32 kg), the manual function test (MFT; scores of 16/32 to 27/32 score), the Fugl-Meyer assessment (FMA; scores of 29/66 to 49/66 score), and the Jebsen-Taylor hand function test (JTHFT; from 38/60 to 19/60 sec) were improved. [Conclusion] Our results suggest that the forced intensive strength technique may have a beneficial effect on the muscle size of the upper extremity and motor function in patients with chronic stroke.Key words: Upper extremity, Strength, Stroke  相似文献   

目的:探讨非受累侧上肢运动训练对脑卒中患者躯干控制能力及平衡功能的影响。方法:选取我科收治的脑卒中患者36例,随机分配至试验组与对照组各18例,两组患者均接收常规康复治疗,试验组在此基础上增加非受累侧上肢运动训练,训练4周后评估两组患者的TIS、BBS、TUG以及ABC评分。结果:治疗后两组TIS、BBS、TUG和ABC均显著改善(P<0.001),试验组TIS(t=2.94,P=0.006)、BBS(t=2.82,P=0.006)、TUG(t=3.70,P=0.001)和ABC(t=﹣2.17,P=0.037)均显著优于对照组,差异有显著性意义。结论:非受累侧上肢运动训练可以提高脑卒中患者躯干控制能力和平衡功能。  相似文献   

[Purpose] The aim of this study was to determine the effects that task-oriented training has on upper extremity function and performance of daily activities by chronic stroke patients. [Subjects and Methods] Task-oriented training was applied to two chronic hemiplegic patients in this research. The training was provided to each patient for 30 minutes a day, five times a week for two weeks. The treatment program included six different types of training that could be performed by the patients themselves. Evaluation was performed four times, that is, once a week for three weeks before the intervention and once after the intervention. The change in upper extremity function was measured with the Manual Function Test, and the change in performance of daily activity was measured with the Functional Independence Measure. [Results] The upper extremity function of both subjects was improved after application of task-oriented training. However, in the performance of daily activities, subject one showed improvement compared to with before the intervention, whereas subject two showed the same results. [Conclusion] This research confirmed that two weeks of task-oriented training for chronic stroke patients is effective for improvement of upper extremity function and performance of daily activities by chronic stroke patients.Key words: Task-oriented training, Upper function, Stroke  相似文献   

bstract. [Purpose] The purpose of this study was to identify the effects of trunk stabilization exercises on the spasticity of the lower limbs in stroke patients. [Subject] The subject of this study was a 38-year-old male patient who experienced a spontaneous intracranial hemorrhage, and had motor paralysis symptoms and spasticity on the left side. [Methods] The Hmax/Mmax ratio was measured before and after the trunk stabilization exercises, by using proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation techniques. [Results] The Hmax/Mmax ratio changed from 37% to 20%. [Conclusion] Trunk stabilization exercises help control the muscle tone in stroke patients.Key words: Trunk stability, Stroke, Spasticity  相似文献   

目的 探讨快吸慢呼训练对慢性心力衰竭患者运动耐力的影响。 方法 选取 2014 年12 月至 2015 年 10 月入住我院心内科病房的慢性心力衰竭患者,按照病区进行分组,将十五(一)病区的 42 例患者作为实验组,十五(二)病区的 39 例患者作为对照组。两组均接受心内科常规治疗及护理,实验组进行快吸慢呼训练,于住院期间、干预 1 个月、 3 个月测量患者 6 min 步行距离、评估肺功能、静息心率(入院第 2 天)并计算平均静息心率(干预 1 个月、 3 个月)。 结果 重复测 量方差分析结果显示,两组 6 min 步行距离、静息心率、用力肺活量、第一秒用力呼气量、最大自主分钟通气量的组间效应及时间效应差异有统计学意义( P<0.05 ),其中 6 min 步行距离、静息心率、用力肺活量、最大自主分钟通气量的干预与时间因素存在交互效应( P<0.05 )。 结论 快吸慢呼训练可提高慢性心力衰竭患者的运动耐力。  相似文献   

[Purpose] The aim of this study was to determine the effect of spatial target reaching training (TRT) based on visual biofeedback (VB) on the upper extremity (UE) function of hemiplegic subjects. [Subjects and Methods] Forty subjects between six and eighteen months post-stroke were enrolled in this study. They were randomly allocated to an experimental group (EG, n=20) and a control group (CG, n=20). All subjects received an hour of routine therapy for stroke three times a week for four weeks. Subjects in EG received additional spatial TRT based on VB using a 2-dimensional motion capture analysis system. Both groups were tested at pre and post-intervention. The motor function of each subject’s UE was assessed using the Fugl-Meyer (FM) test of UE and the Wolf Motor Function Test (WMFT). The reaching speed, angle and maximum reach distance were recorded using the motion capture analysis system. The experimental data were analyzed using the paired and independent t-tests. [Results] The mean change scores of the FM Test of UE and WMFT show there was significantly more improvement at post-intervention in EG than in CG. Also, the speed and angle reached showed significantly more increase in the EG compared with the CG. [Conclusions] The findings indicate that UE motor recovery of hemiplegic stroke patients can be enhanced through the use of TRT based on VB.Key words: Target reaching training, Upper extremity function, Visual biofeedback  相似文献   

[Purpose] The purpose of this study was to compare hip range of motion between a lumbar stability group and a lumbar instability group, and to evaluate the effectiveness of hip exercises for low-back pain patients with lumbar instability. [Subjects] Seventy-eight patients with chronic low-back pain were the subjects. [Methods] The patients were divided into two groups: a lumbar stability group (n=45) and a lumbar instability group (n=33). They were assessed using the Korean version of the Oswestry Disability Index (KODI) to determine the level of disability of the patients with low-back pain. A 100 mm visual analog scale (VAS) was used to assess low-back pain. [Results] The limitation of hip range of motion of the lumbar instability group was significantly greater than that of the lumbar stability group. Comparisons among four groups at three weeks and six weeks after the start of hip exercises revealed that the VAS score of each group had significantly decreased. Comparisons among four groups at three weeks and at six weeks after the start of hip exercises revealed that the KODI score of each group had significantly decreased. [Conclusion] These findings suggest that the performance of hip exercises by chronic low-back pain patients with lumbar instability is more effective than conventional therapy at reducing low-back pain and levels of disability.Key words: Chronic low-back pain, Hip exercise, Lumbar instability  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the reliability of isokinetic concentric strength measures of both the hemiparetic and noninvolved limbs for flexion and extension motions of the hip, knee, and ankle joints in individuals who have had a stroke. DESIGN: Test-retest, repeated-measures intraobserver reliability design. SETTING: Tertiary rehabilitation center. PARTICIPANTS: Twenty community-dwelling individuals who have had a stroke, with motor deficits ranging from 3 to 6 on the Chedoke-McMaster Stroke Assessment; volunteer sample. INTERVENTIONS: Not applicable. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Peak torque and average torque (ie, mean over the range of motion tested) from an ensemble-averaged (3 trials) torque-angle curve during isokinetic concentric extension and flexion movements of the ankle, knee, and hip. RESULTS: Although peak and average torque were significantly less for the hemiparetic limb compared with the noninvolved limb, the intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) between the 2 test sessions were high (.95-.99 for peak torque,.88-.98 for average torque) for both limbs for all 3 joints. However, there was a learning effect, as observed by the slightly greater values attained from the second test session. CONCLUSIONS: Peak and average isokinetic torque can be used to assess reliably lower extremity strength in persons with chronic stroke. Practice sessions may be required before the actual test to reduce the effect of learning.  相似文献   

[Purpose] The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of a forced-use training program on gait, mobility and quality of life of post-acute stroke patients. [Subjects] Twenty-one individuals with unilateral stroke participated in this study. All participants had suffered from first-ever stroke with time since onset of at least 3 months. [Methods] A single-blinded, non-equivalent, pre-post controlled design with 1-month follow-up was adopted. Participants received either a forced-use or a conventional physical therapy program for 2 weeks. The main outcomes assessed were preferred and fastest walking velocities, spatial and temporal symmetry indexes of gait, the timed up and go test, the Rivermead Mobility Index, and the Stroke-Specific Quality of Life Scale (Taiwan version). [Results] Forced-use training induced greater improvements in gait and mobility than conventional physical therapy. In addition, compared to pre-training, patients in the conventional physical therapy group walked faster but more asymmetrically after training. However, neither program effectively improved in-hospital quality of life. [Conclusion] The forced-use approach can be successfully applied to the lower extremities of stroke patients to improve mobility, walking speeds and symmetry of gait.Key words: Stroke, Forced-use, Mobility  相似文献   

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