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The number of cases of imported malaria diagnosed by the Parasitology Laboratory of the Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital Group in Paris has shown a significant increase in recent years. From 1970 to 1979, 443 cases were diagnosed and the annual number recorded during this period rose from seven to 93 cases. This is causing anxiety since Plasmodium falciparum is the principal species observed, affecting two out of three patients. The principal epidemiological characters of malaria imported into France, the diagnostic difficulties and the therapeutic schedules are shown in a study of 192 case histories of patients observed by the authors.  相似文献   

Concurrent with the increase in the number of imported cases of malaria into non-endemic Kuwait during the past 5 years, induced infections have been identified for the first time. We report 10 such cases over a 4-year-period. Of 8 transfusion-induced infections, 4 were due to Plasmodium falciparum and 4 to P. vivax. The mean incubation period for P. falciparum patients was 13 d and for P. vivax, 17 d. An accidental syringe-needle transmission and a congenital infection were due to P. falciparum and P. vivax respectively. Malarial antibody levels were assayed on commercially-available cultured P. falciparum schizonts by the indirect fluorescent antibody (IFA) test. To establish a base line, the sera of patients with blood film-confirmed P. falciparum and P. vivax were assayed. 96% of the P. falciparum sera were positive, the geometric mean titre (GMT) being 10,280. However, all sera from P. vivax patients were reactive but the GMT was lower at 505. 28% of sera from Kuwaitis and 45% of sera of a consecutive group of blood donors were also reactive, the respective GMTs being 38 and 51. The risk of transfusion malaria was calculated as 79 per million units drawn, an unacceptably high figure for a non-endemic country. We suggest a revised blood donor policy.  相似文献   

There is no indigenous mosquito-borne transmission of malaria in Kuwait. However, in a five year period at a district general hospital, the number of laboratory-diagnosed cases of malaria increased annually from 25 to 84, a rise of 336%. Except for two induced infections, all were imported, mainly from the Indian subcontinent. Plasmodium vivax was responsible for 87.29% of the cases; P. falciparum (12.05%), a mixed infection of P. vivax and P. falciparum (0.33%) and a case of P. ovale (0.33%) were also identified. Rapid preparation of acetone-fixed, Giemsa-stained thick blood films, a heightened awareness of the infection, examination of multiple samples of blood from patients and the general resurgence of malaria in endemic areas were some of the factors responsible for the high number of cases diagnosed. Most patients were young males and presented with clinical malaria due to P. vivax between May and October each year, an apparent seasonal peak. However, many were already resident in the country for a variable period. Patients with P. falciparum though, presented clinically within two weeks of arrival in the country. Parasite densities were calculated to monitor the progress of treatment and identify quickly any possible chloroquine-resistant P. falciparum strains. A policy of active prophylaxis is suggested to stem the tide of imported malaria.Corresponding author.  相似文献   

Malaria is frequently imported into nonendemic industrialized areas. In this study we collated data on the reported malaria cases in industrialized countries during the period 1985-95, with the object of identifying trends and promising strategies. The main outcome measures were incidence, case-fatality rates (CFRs), and attack rates in tourists returning from Kenya. Our survey showed gross underreporting and marked heterogeneity in the type and availability of national data. The total incidence or reported numbers of malaria infections in Europe increased from 6840 in 1985 to 7244 in 1995, with a peak of 8438 in 1989. The principal importing countries were France, Germany, Italy, and the United Kingdom. In the former USSR, the reported annual incidence dropped from 1145 in 1989 to 356 in 1990 after cessation of activities in Afghanistan. Among the imported species of malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum was identified in an increasing proportion, the CFR ranging from 0% to 3.6%, with consistently high rates in Germany. The attack rates among travellers to Kenya in 1990-95 were high, ranging from 18 to 207 per 100,000 travellers. Our findings indicate that in industrialized countries malaria is associated with a high CFR and remains a public health problem. Irregular surveillance and lack of homogeneity in the collected data hinder the assessment of incidences, risk groups, and the efficacy of chemoprophylaxis.  相似文献   

目的了解近年来我国境外输入性恶性疟疫情,探讨现阶段恶性疟预防与控制措施。方法查阅了2006年以来所有详细报道我国国境口岸输入性恶性疟的文献,对有关感染地区、诊疗状况等相关资料进行分析。结果输入性恶性疟最主要的感染地为非洲和东南亚地区,其中非洲地区的尼日利亚、安哥拉、几内亚、赤道几内亚,东南亚的缅甸是我国输入性恶性疟来源最多的国家。恶性疟易引起误诊,感染者常因未得到及时有效的抗疟治疗而死亡。疟疾病人的实验室诊断率有待提高,采用疟原虫抗原快速检测法和PCR法等疟疾诊断新技术作为镜检的补充,有助于提高疟疾诊断水平。赴非洲等恶性疟高发区的归国劳务人员,恶性疟发病率高、复燃比例高,采用以青蒿素类药物为主的联合疗法可提高疗效和阻止疾病传播。结论我国国境口岸输入性恶性疟防治重点是加强境外输入性疟疾监测与管理,提升恶性疟的诊疗水平,提高出国人员疟疾的自我防护能力。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Falciparum malaria or malaria tropica is one of the leading causes of childhood mortality worldwide. Malaria-related deaths occur mainly in sub-Saharan Africa, where an estimated 365 million clinical cases of Plasmodium falciparum malaria occur each year. In Europe, imported malaria cases occur due to returning travellers or immigration mostly from African countries. Children are more at risk than adults. The objective of this study was to identify high risk groups for imported childhood malaria in Europe in order to guide development of strategies for prevention, early recognition and management. METHODS: In the period May 2003-January 2005 we reviewed all cases of paediatric malaria in the Netherlands notified by the Dutch Paediatric Surveillance System (Nederland Signalerings Centrum Kindergeneeskunde, NSCK) and the literature on imported malaria in children in Europe published between 1996 and 2006. RESULTS: Malaria occurred mainly in children of long-term (n = 15, 47%) and new (n = 8, 25%) immigrants and was mostly acquired in sub-Saharan Africa. The dominant species was P. falciparum. Only one quarter of children had used adequate malaria chemoprophylaxis. Complicated disease occurred in 10 (31%) of cases. We also reviewed the literature and found 6082 reported cases of imported malaria among children in Europe; among these, four died and only one was reported to develop neurological sequelae. CONCLUSION: Imported malaria in children remains an important problem and is unlikely to decrease unless the reasons for inadequate prophylaxis are addressed.  相似文献   

Indoor radon measurements were carried out in 300 dwellings in Kuwait using duplicate sets of charcoal detectors. Measurements were made at three different locations in the dwellings: living rooms, bedrooms, and basements. The results show that the radon concentration in the dwellings of Kuwait was found to vary in the range of 4.0-241.8 Bq m(-3) with a mean value of 32.8 Bq m(-3), and most values are confined within the range of 10-50 Bq m(-3) for all locations with few cases above the value of 100 Bq m(-3). Overall results show that the indoor radon concentration levels in Kuwait are relatively low, which is attributed to the use of air conditioning in summer and possible natural ventilation in winter. The radon concentration in basements was found to be relatively higher when compared to other rooms of the dwellings.  相似文献   

A large-scale community screening study is proposed for Kuwait, using a schedule based on the 1980 WHO Classification of Impairments, Disabilities and Handicaps. The needs for accurate prevalence data are reviewed from the standpoints of establishing aetiological patterns, pinpointing opportunities for prevention and furnishing a sound basis for planning in a country with a rapidly growing population and still-developing network of care services. A permanent mechanism for monitoring prevalence trends and service needs is proposed in the form of a Multidisciplinary Handicap Register. Details of these proposals and their feasibility are discussed in the light of previous work.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: We report a retrospective study in the medical intensive care unit of the Casablanca Ibn-Rochd University hospital. MATERIAL AND METHODS: All patients over 14 years of age with falciparum malaria, who were admitted to ICUs between 1996 and 2001, were included. The main epidemiological features, criteria of admission, treatment, and outcome were investigated. RESULTS: Ten patients were included for severe imported malaria. The mean age was 32+/-4 years. All patients had acquired falciparum malaria in sub-Saharan Africa. Chemoprophylaxis was inadequate in all patients. The mean time from symptom onset to treatment initiation was 9+/-2 days. Criteria of admission were impaired consciousness (7), acute renal failure (4), and respiratory distress (3). The most worrying factors were the severity of consciousness disorders, the acute respiratory distress syndrome, the metabolic acidosis, and the refractory shock. All patients presented with nosocomial respiratory infection related to Gram-negative bacilli, in the evolution. All patients received quinine therapy with loading dose and symptomatic treatment. Five patients died. CONCLUSION: The lethality of severe imported malaria is still high despite optimal management in ICUs. Improving chemoprophylaxis and an earlier diagnosis may reduce significantly the mortality rate.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Trisomy 18 (Edwards' syndrome, T18) is the second most common trisomy in man. We describe 118 children with regular T18 who were ascertained clinically and cytogenetically in the Kuwait Medical Genetics Centre during 1980-1997. METHODS: Ascertainment of T18 cases was performed shortly after birth. Chromosomal studies were carried out in addition to other relevant investigations. To investigate the factors associated with T18, a case-control study was carried out with 131 normal healthy newborns. Studied factors included maternal and paternal age, birth order, abortion, associated malformation, and survival. Multiple logistic regression analysis was used to adjust for confounding between variables. RESULTS: There was a preponderance of females among T18 cases (female:male ratio 2.1:1). The majority of T18 cases (53%) died before the second week of life. The most common associated anomalies were: congenital heart (38.1%) and gastrointestinal (25.4%). Multiplicity of malformations was also observed. Significant seasonal variation in T18 cases was detected with a peak in spring. Of the 118 T18 cases, 59 were delivered during 1994-1997 (average overall T18 birth prevalence rate 8.95 per 10 000 live births [95% CI: 6.66-11.23]). Concerning maternal age, 30.5% of the T18 cases' mothers were > or =35 years compared to 10.7% in the control group. The difference was statistically significant, P = 0.002. Logistic regression analysis showed that maternal age >30 years was a significant risk factor for T18, after adjusting for confounding with paternal age. Paternal age and abortion were not found to be significant risk factors. CONCLUSION: Trisomy 18 birth prevalence rate is high in Kuwait with advanced maternal age as a significant risk factor.  相似文献   

In a prospective study of 560 children treated for burns as in-patients over a period of four-and-a-half years in specialized hospitals responsible for the majority of burn cases in Kuwait, 388 patients (69%) had sustained scalds. The mean age of these 388 children, between 0 to 12 years, was 3.02 ± 2.08, and male to female ratio 1.5 to 1. They were categorized into three age groups, first, up to 1 year comprised 17.5% cases, who were solely dependent on parents or childminder; second, 2 to 5 years of age, who were inquisitive, independent, pre-school children, and constituted the majority of cases (73%), and third 6 to 12 years who were 9.5% school children. The pre-school children (2--5 yrs) thus formed a highly vulnerable group in the country. Accidents (99.4%) occurred at home and the kitchen being the commonest place. The hot water from pan and pots in the kitchen was the most common etiologic factor in 229 cases (59%), followed by tea/coffee 20.7%, soup 9.0%, hot oil 6.7%, and milk 4.6% patients. The most common circumstance was the child upsetting the pan of hot fluid in the kitchen. The mean total body surface areas of second and third degree burns were 14.21 ± 9.66 (range 1 to 60%). The average length of stay in the hospital was 16.90 ± 15.74 days, varying from one to 109 days. Thirty-nine children were ill prior to burn, and the commonest disease was respiratory tract infection. Three patients (0.8%) with 3rd degree burns were treated with primary excision and grafting, and 137 (35.3%) needed secondary skin grafting for residual burn wounds. Four patients (1%) died, one due to burn shock, two due to septicemia and one due to multiorgan failure. There is need for general awareness through public education, which may lead to the prevention of significant number of such accidents.  相似文献   

This study of imported cases of malaria, which was carried out in Bordeaux (France) in 1987-89, emphasizes the major part played by Plasmodium falciparum, especially in areas lying south of the Sahara in Africa, from where falciparum malaria is mainly imported to other countries. The study of these imported cases is strengthening our understanding of the epidemiology of malaria in relation to the country or area, whether the transmission occurs without interruptions or seasonally. The number of cases of P. falciparum per 1000 travellers (seen for vaccination against yellow fever at Bordeaux) gives an index for evaluating the risk of malaria. This risk changes with the epidemiological profile of falciparum malaria in the three major African ecosystems (rain forest, savannah, and sahelian belts), and is related to the progression of chloroquine resistance in Africa and influenced by the type of chemoprophylaxis proposed to travellers. The use of mefloquine for stays shorter than one month in Central Africa reduced the risk of malaria in 1988 and 1989, compared to 1987. [Editorial note. Recent data indicate some undesirable side-effects of mefloquine, e.g., its use during early pregnancy could lead to congenital defects.] Appropriate chemoprophylaxis and advice to travellers to areas lying south of the Sahara are therefore more and more necessary in order to arrest the increase in the number of imported falciparum malaria cases and reduce the number of serious cases, which are costly in terms of public health.  相似文献   

Murine typhus occurred in 254 individuals in Kuwait between April and August 1978; 81% of patients were aged between 15 and 44 years, and 63% were male. The highest attack rate occurred among people in the lowest socioeconomic class. The outbreak coincided with a period of high rat and flea density. A study of the first 104 cases suggested that infection was acquired in the home, but a case — control study revealed no significant differences between patients and control subjects in terms of exposure to rats or domestic animals, and other factors. This suggests that murine typhus is hyperendemic rather than epidemic in Kuwait. The disease is being controlled through reduction of both flea and rat populations. Murine typhus may be much more common in many areas than is generally realized, and its status should be re-evaluated regularly in all known and potential foci.  相似文献   

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