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目的探讨眼眶壁爆裂性骨折手术治疗的方法和效果。方法总结我院1998年8月至2007年1月,因眼眶壁爆裂性骨折而行修复手术治疗的患者81例(85只眼)。结果所有患者术后随访6~24个月,52例眼球运动障碍患者中,31例眼动恢复正常,复视消失。其中伤后2周内手术者21只眼,占75.0%(21/28)。2周至2个月者8只眼,占44.4%(8/18)。超过2个月者2眼,占33.3%(2/6)。超过2周以上者眼球内陷的术前均值3.5mm,术后均值1.5mm,明显改善。眶内填入材料种类与矫正眼球内陷的效果无明显关系。结论对于伴有复视、眼球运动障碍的眼眶壁爆裂性骨折应尽早手术治疗。当双眼突出度相差大于2mm,即应手术矫正。手术应于骨膜下进行,以避免并发症。骨水泥和MEDPOR使用起来安全,效果肯定。  相似文献   

目的 探讨眶壁爆裂性骨折继发眼球内陷畸形的修复方法。方法1996年12月~2004年3月,共治疗眶壁爆裂性骨折继发眼球内陷患者56例,男30例,女26例。年龄22~48岁,平均32.5岁。受伤至手术时间16d~5年,合并复视患者34例,视力较受伤前降低者35例。采用下睑缘切口,于下眶缘骨膜下沿内下眶壁向眶尖方向潜行剥离。充分暴露骨折部位和松解嵌入上颌窦的眼眶组织并使其复位,使之成为骨膜下间隙。依据眼球的内陷程度,采用高密度多孔聚乙烯(porous high-density polyethylene,PHDPE)Medpor修复眶内下壁及其他眶壁缺损,矫正眼球内陷畸形。结果术后所有患者经2个月~5年随访,眼球内陷程度均稳定在2mm以内,无畸形复发及其他并发症发生。术后眼球内陷畸形均得到明显改善。34例复视患者中27例恢复,35例视力下降患者中9例视力较术前有不同程度改善,无复视加重和视力下降现象。大多数患者外观改善明显,其他患者也有不同程度改善,患者对手术效果满意。结论眶壁骨折整复术安全有效,手术应及早进行。Medpor组织相容性好、塑形容易、硬度适中、吸收率低、并发症少及手术效果稳定持久,是首选植人物。为防止眼球内陷畸形矫正不足,术中一般需矫正超过对侧1~2mm,严重的内陷者,术中矫正应超过2mm以上。  相似文献   

总结了6年来所行51例眼球尚存的眶骨骨折畸形的手术治疗经验。包括男34人、女17人。我们认为:术前的仔细检查、拍 X 线片及 CT,据以制定手术方案;手术采用冠状切口或附加睑下缘切口;到达眶上缘后在骨膜下剥离,松解嵌顿的软组织,使眼球复位;显露眶骨缺损处,取肋骨充填:将断裂移位的内眦韧带复位固定等步骤,是保证手术后外形功能改善的关键。  相似文献   

总结了6年来所行51例眼球尚存的眶骨骨折畸形的手术治疗经验。包括男34人、女17人。我们认为:术前的仔细检查、拍X线片及CT,据以制定手术方案;手术采用冠状切口或附加睑下缘切口;到达眶上缘后在骨膜下剥离,松解嵌顿的软组织,使眼球复位;显露眶骨缺损处,取肋骨充填;将断裂移位的内眦韧带复位固定等步骤,是保证手术后外形功能改善的关键。  相似文献   

眶骨骨折的手术矫治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
总结了6年来所行51例眼球尚存的眶骨骨折畸形的手术治疗经验。包括男34人、女17人。我们认为:术前的仔细检查、拍X线片及CT,据以制定手术方案;手术采用冠状切口或附加睑下缘切口;到达眶上缘后在骨膜下剥离,松解嵌顿的软组织,使眼球复位;显露眶骨缺损处,取肋骨充填;将断裂移位的内毗韧带复位固定等步骤,是保证手术后外形功能改善的关键。  相似文献   

单纯型眶壁爆裂骨折晚期畸形的诊断及整复   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的:探讨眶壁爆裂骨折所致眶壁畸形、眼球内陷的发生机制及其整复手术。方法:应用三维CT影像学技术及计算机三维诊断系统,观察眶壁畸形特征,测量眶腔容积变化,分析眼球内陷和复视的发生机制。并采用自体骨或羟基磷灰石人工骨植人恢复眶腔容积的方法进行整复。结果本组11例,未出现植人骨感染、外露等并发症。其中10例眼球突出度、眼球运动功能恢复,复视得以矫正,眶、眼睑外形良好;1例复视未得到矫正,眼球运动功能恢复欠佳。结论:眶壁爆裂骨折眼球内陷的原因主要是眶腔容积增大、眶内容疝出,还纳眶内容后植骨恢复眶腔容积,是治疗此类畸形的有效方法。  相似文献   

眶骨结构复杂,骨质菲薄,整复难度大,治疗涉及眼科、口腔颌面外科,有时还涉及脑外科等多个学科。近3年来,我们对所收治的15例爆裂性眼眶壁骨折的病人,进行了手术治疗,效果满意,报道如下。  相似文献   

目的 探讨复合性眶周骨折的综合修复方法.方法 根据患者骨折的解剖结构、症状、外形及创口特点,应用表面微小切口或冠状切口,松解复位后,以钛板坚固内固定颅颌眶骨,辅以预成型钛网、羟基磷灰石修复骨缺损;对于继发鼻畸形者,可Ⅱ期鼻整形修复;对于伴眼内容物创伤者,联合眼科行肌肉松解、眶内衬垫填充法眶壁修补术;对于严重的眼球损伤,则由眼科医师行眼内容物剜除+义眼台植入术;对于伴发内眦韧带断裂致眼角变形者,手术探查内眦韧带并将之固定于鼻嵴相应处或Ⅱ期行眼角开大术,同期请眼科医师探查泪道损伤;对于伴发眶尖综合征或眶上裂综合征者,联合神经外科进行手术或通过Ⅱ期手术矫正上睑下垂.结果 本组共28例患者(32只眼),术后随访3~12个月.1例伴发眶尖综合征患儿术后仍存在轻度上睑下垂,2例眼球内陷患者术后仍存在眼球突度不对称,1例伴发低鼻歪鼻患者术后仍存在轻度的歪鼻畸形;其余24例患者外形较满意,眼睑及眼球运动自如,眼球突度对称,复视消失,鼻部及面形良好.结论 对于复合性眶周骨折的修复,既应对局部进行针对性骨折片复位,又需考虑整体进行综合修复,以达到最佳的治疗效果.  相似文献   

眶壁爆裂性骨折经鼻内窥镜手术治疗   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 探讨经鼻内窥镜整复眶壁爆裂性骨折的疗效。方法 60例眶壁骨折中,眶下壁骨折28例,眶内壁骨折20例,内下壁复合骨折12例,均采用经鼻内窥镜手术整复。结果 41例复视中38例显效,2例有效,1例无效。17例眼球内陷、复视中16显效,1例有效(眼球内陷矫正良好,复视未能消失)。2例仅眼球内陷术后双眼突出度对称(显效)。总有效率98.3%(59/60)。结论 经鼻内窥镜行眶壁骨折整复术,无面部伤口,视野清晰,对周围组织损伤轻,疗效好,恢复快。  相似文献   

目的通过对眶骨折后容积扩大量与眼球内陷值以及分别对眶内壁、眶下壁容积扩大量与眼球内陷值之间完成相关性研究,探讨对眼球内陷影响较大的变量,为临床诊断和治疗提供依据。方法对17例单侧眼眶骨折(内壁下壁联合骨折)继发晚期眼球内陷的患者行螺旋CT扫描(64排),层厚0.625mm,以Dicom格式存储并输入Mimics软件,对眶容积、眼球突出度、眶内壁容积扩大量、眶下壁容积扩大量分别进行测量。对眼眶容积和眼球内陷值进行直线相关与回归分析,对眶内壁扩大量、眶下壁扩大量和眼球内陷值进行多元线性相关与回归分析。结果眼眶容积扩大量(V)和眼球内陷值(E)之间的直线回归方程:E=0.851—0.197(Pearson法,r=0.969,P〈0.01,回归系数95%的可信区间0.732~0.970);眼球内陷值(E)与眶内壁容积扩大值(VM)、眶下壁容积扩大值(VF)之间的标准化多元回归方程:E=0.690VF+0.413VM-0.086(Setpwise法,入选为0.5,剔除为0.1,P%0.01);比较自变量的标准化回归系数,bF(0.690)〉bM(0.413)。结论眼眶骨折后眶容扩大量和眼球内陷值呈高度正相关,眼眶容积每扩大1ml,眼球内陷约0.8mm;眶下壁骨折容积扩大量对眼球内陷值的影响比眶内壁骨折容积扩大量大,前者是后者的1.56倍。  相似文献   

Blindness following blowout fractures is an unfortunate complication. The ophthalmologist must be aware of the events and sites of injury to the optic nerve which lead to visual problems. Preventive measures include immediate recognition of the signs of impending optic nerve compression and execution of treatment without delay. The importance of monitoring vision cannot be overstressed. Judicious surgery involves a post-injury delay in cases that are improving daily. The avoidance of additional surgical trauma with implant insertion during that period may help prevent postoperative blowout blindness.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This study evaluates the usefulness of endoscopic repair compared to external repair in the treatment of blowout fracture (BOF) of the orbit. STUDY DESIGN AND SETTING: This retrospective study comprised 100 patients who had had surgical repair of orbital BOF since 1992. Forty-eight of the 100 had undergone endoscopic repair, 48 patients had had external repair, and four patients underwent surgery that combined the two approaches. The two basic approaches were evaluated and compared with respect to technique, results and complications. RESULTS: Endoscopically, transnasal and transantral approaches had been used for reduction and support of fractured medial and inferior walls, respectively. In the external approach, various transorbital incisions were made and the fractured wall was repaired with alloplastic or autologous materials. Complete or partial resolution of preoperative diplopia was achieved in 94% of the endoscopic group and 83% of the external group (NS). Enophthalmos was improved in 89% of the endoscopic group and 76% of the external group (NS). Though the endoscopic group had no significant complications, the external group had ectropions, significant facial scars, extrusion of inserted Medpor, and intra-orbital hematoma. CONCLUSIONS: Endoscopic repair appears to be a safe and effective technique for the treatment of BOF of the orbit.  相似文献   

Objectives: This study is to show the usefulness of the endoscopic endonasal approach in the surgical treatment of isolated blowout fractures of the orbital floor.Methods: Between 1997 and 2003 we operated on 65 patients complaining of diplopia due to isolated blowout fractures of the orbital floor, including 4 patients accompanied with enophthalmos. In 62 of the 65, only the endonasal approach with endoscope was used, while in the remaining 3 patients, we used the combined endonasal and transantral approach. To do the endonasal repair surgery smoothly under the endoscope, via the middle nasal meatus, septoplasty was supplemented in 13 patients and submucous conchotomy in 57. The bone fragments trapping the orbital content herniated into the maxillary sinus were carefully removed so as to keep the periorbita intact. Tampon gauzes or a balloon catheter for temporal fixation was placed in the maxillary sinus through the middle nasal meatus to support the orbital floor for 2 to 7 days. No permanent supporting material was used. Immediately following the repair and the fixation the eye traction test was respectively performed to confirm that the eyeball was freely moving.Results: Postoperatively diplopia disappeared in 50 of the 57 patients using only the endonasal approach, (87.7%) and enophthalmos improved 3 of 4 followed over 6 months.Conclusions: From this high success rate with respect especially to diplopia we conclude that the endoscopic endonasal approach is alternative to extranasal methods in view of cosmetics and the improvement of eye movement.  相似文献   

To obtain a wide and clean operative field for anatomic reconstruction of medial orbital blowout fractures, an alternative method called the subcaruncular approach has been performed. Between March 2008 and June 2010, this method was applied to the orbits of 41 patients with isolated pure medial orbital blowout fractures. A medial half conjunctival incision was made and extended meticulously to the subcaruncular area through preseptal plane under direct vision. Pre- and postoperative computed tomographic scans and ophthalmic examinations were performed, and clinical results were assessed. Postoperatively, computed tomographic scans revealed anatomic reduction of orbital soft tissues and the reconstructed medial orbital wall to be in proper position in all cases, and diplopia and eyeball motility limitation were resolved in most patients. There were no complications except severe chemosis in one case. We believe that this method can be a useful alternative option for the anatomic reconstruction of medial orbital blowout fractures.  相似文献   

Computed tomograms of blowout fractures of the pure medial and inferomedial wall that showed that the size of the orbital displacement exactly fitted the shape of the globe in many cases were investigated. To examine the veracity of a "globe-to-wall contact mechanism", we have analysed our own cases of medial or inferomedial blowout fractures (and also the charts of presumptive cases in which this mechanism was suspected), for the clinical information. The size of the displacement of the orbital wall exactly fitted the globe in 20/45 patients (44%). All fractures occurred in the inferomedial area of the orbital wall. In our study, serious complications such as corneal laceration, global rupture, paralysis of the cranial nerve, and ophthalmic nerve neuropathy were seen more often than in other studies.  相似文献   

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