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Summary A linear DNA plasmid, designated pCF637, was isolated from the fungus Ceratocystis fimbriata Ell. & Halst. strain CF637. It has an apparent molecular weight of 5.3 × 106 daltons (8.2 kb). A restriction pattern of pCF637 using the enzymes AvaI, EcoRV and HpaII, was done. That pCF637 was sensitive to exonuclease III, but resistant to -exonuclease, suggest that there might be a protein associated with the 5 termini. The blocking action of the protein on -exonuclease was not eliminated by treatment with either pronase or proteinase K. The plasmid was also checked for homology with pFQ501, a linear plasmid found in strain CF560 of Ceratocystis fimbriata. By Southern hybridization under moderate stringency conditions, no homology was detected. The approximate copy number of the plasmid was estimated to be about 20–30 copies per cell by scanning, with a laser densitometer, a gel electrophoretic PolaroidTM negative. No function is known for these plasmids.  相似文献   

Summary In one particular myxamoebal strain (NG7; mF+) of Physarum polycephalum, a linear mitochondrial plasmid (mF plasmid) which promotes mitochondrial fusion has been identified. A mating between mF- strains, that do not carry the mF plasmid, resulted in uniparental inheritance of the mtDNA. In matings between mF+ and mF- strains a recombination occurred between the mtDNA and the mF plasmid, and recombinant mtDNA was generated with the end of the mF plasmid as its ends. The DNA sequences of the recombination site in the mtDNA and the mF plasmid, and of the recombinant mtDNA, revealed that the mF plasmid had a 473-bp sequence that was identical to, but slightly shorter than, a 477-bp sequence of the mtDNA. This so-called identical sequence was found at the junction between unique sequences of the mF plasmid and the mtDNA in the recombinant mtDNA. Thus, the recombination between the mtDNA and the mF plasmid was due to reciprocal crossing-over at the identical sequence.  相似文献   

Genetic transformation of the fungal plant wilt pathogen,Fusarium oxysporum   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary A system for transformation of the fungal plant pathogen Fusarium oxysporum has been developed. The system employs plasmids which contain a bacterial hygromycin B phosphotransferase gene (hph) linked to Aspergillus regulatory sequences and which confer hygromycin B resistance in Fusarium. Transformation resulted from integration of the vectors into heterologous regions of the Fusarium genome and occurred at a frequency of approximately one transformant per µg DNA. No evidence was found for autonomous replication of the vector in the fungus. The transformed, drug resistant phenotype was mitotically stable with or without selection. However, modification of integrated DNA could occur during vegetative growth.  相似文献   

Summary An efficient DNA-mediated transformation system for the pathogen of chestnut, Cryphonectria parasitica, is reported. Ten vectors, each containing a promoter from Cochliobolus heterostrophus, Aspergillus nidulans, Ustilago maydis, Cephalosporium acremonium, Neurospora crassa or cauliflower mosaic virus, were creened for their ability to confer resistance to hygromycin B, benomyl or G418 sulfate. Transformants were obtained with all vectors screened and, in each case, transformation occurred by integration of the foreign DNA into the host genome. The initial transformation efficiency ranged from approximately 1–60 transformants/g circular DNA. Under optimized transformation conditions, the transformation rate of the vector pDH25, which contains the trpC promoter and terminator of A. nidulans, exceeded 105 transformants/g DNA. The ease with which C. parasitica is transformed should greatly facilitate the genetic manipulation of this fungal plant pathogen.  相似文献   

A 7.4-kilobase (kb) DNA plasmid was isolated from Glomerella musae isolate 927 and designated pGML1. Exonuclease treatments indicated that pGML1 was a linear plasmid with blocked 5′ termini. Cell-fractionation experiments combined with sequence-specific PCR amplification revealed that pGML1 resided in mitochondria. The pGML1 plasmid hybridized to cesium chloride-fractionated nuclear DNA but not to A + T-rich mitochondrial DNA. An internal 7.0-kb section of pGML1 was cloned and did not hybridize with either nuclear or mitochondrial DNA from G. musae. Sequence analysis revealed identical terminal inverted repeats (TIR) of 520 bp at the ends of the cloned 7.0-kb section of pGML1. The occurrence of pGML1 did not correspond with the pathogenicity of G. musae on banana fruit. Four additional isolates of G. musae possessed extrachromosomal DNA fragments similar in size and sequence to pGML1. Received: 27 June 1996 / 2 April 1997  相似文献   

Summary By use of linear DNA plasmid pGKL2 from the yeast Kluyveromyces lactis we have constructed hybrid plasmids carrying a LEU2 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a selectable marker. The replication properties of hybrid plasmids in yeasts were investigated. We demonstrated that the insertion of a LEU2 gene into pGKL2 resulted in circularization of the hybrid plasmids and pGKL2 segment supported autonomous replication of the plasmids. Moreover, the hybrid plasmids propagated autonomously, independently of the presence of the natural pGKL2 plasmid.  相似文献   

In the extrachromosomal mutant AL2 of the ascomycete Podospora anserina longevity is correlated with the presence of the linear mitochondrial plasmid pAL2-1. In addition to this autonomous genetic element, two types of closely related pAL2-1-homologous molecules were detected in the high-molecular-weight mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). One of these molecules is of linear and the other of circular structure. Both molecules contain pAL2-1 sequences which appear to be integrated at the same site in the mtDNA. Sequence analysis of a DNA fragment cloned from one of these molecules revealed that it contains an almost full-length copy of pAL2-1. At the site of plasmid integration a 15-nucleotide AT-spacer and long inverted mtDNA sequences were identified. Finally, two giant linear plasmid-like DNAs of about 50 kbp and 70 kbp were detected in pulsed-field gels of mutant AL2. These molecules are composed of mtDNA and pAL2-1-specific sequences and may result from the integration of mtDNA sequences into linear plasmid pAL2-1.  相似文献   

Summary Integrated inverted repeat (IR) sequences similar to those of the S plasmids have been isolated from the genomes of the normal and S type male-sterile cytoplasms of maize mitochondria. The nucleotide sequences of both the IRs and their flanking regions have distinguished and characterized several different types of repeats. The repeats may be involved in the recombinational process that occurs continuously in the mitochondrial genome. One cloned fragment, derived from a fertile revertant and containing sequences similar to S-2, does not appear to act as atypical transposable element during reversion. Several of the flanking regions examined contain a small repeat of 34 base pairs, in which a nonanucleotide segment is found with similarity to the yeast mitochondrial promoter.  相似文献   

Although mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is transmitted to progeny from one parent only in Physarum polycephalum, the mtDNAs of progeny of mF+ plasmodia vary in structure. To clarify the mechanisms associated with the mitochondrial plasmid mF that generate mtDNA polymorphisms, 91 progeny of four strains (KM88 × JE8, KM88 × TU111, KM88 × NG111, Je90) were investigated using RFLP analysis, PCR, and pulse-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). Nine mtDNA rearrangement types were found, with rearrangements occurring exclusively in the mF regions. PFGE revealed that, in the groups containing rearranged mtDNA, the linear mF–mtDNA recombinants had recircularized. Sequencing the rearranged region of one of the progeny suggested that the mF plasmid and the mtDNA recombine primarily at the ID sequences, linearizing the circular mtDNA. Recombination between the terminal region of the mF plasmid and a region about 1 kbp upstream of the mitochondrial/plasmid ID sequence results in a rearranged circular mtDNA, with variations caused by differences in the secondary recombination region.  相似文献   

The molecular structure of plasmid-like DNAs (designated type-II) which were isolated from mitochondria in the ciliated protozoan Paramecium caudatum was characterized. These type-II DNAs are always detected as a set of four kinds with sizes of 8.2, 4.1, 2.8 and 1.4 kb. The DNAs of 8.2 and 2.8 kb exist as dimers consisting of 4.1- and 1.4-kb monomer molecules, respectively. Electron microscopic observations indicated configurations of a hairpin structure that had a protruding end of single-stranded DNA in one terminus and a loop in the other terminus. The monomers stick together with base-pairing in opposite directions at the protruding end to form the dimers, suggesting the presence of inverted repeats. These unusual dimers may have a role in replication of the DNAs in which the monomers can serve as a primer for each other.  相似文献   

Summary The mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of the true slime mould, Physarum polycephalum strain CH934xCH938, was isolated and characterized by restriction mapping. Cloned fragments of the mtDNA were assembled and used to construct the restriction map. This map showed that the mtDNA was a linear molecule of 86.0 kb with a tandem duplication of 19.6 kb. The terminal fragments were identified by sensitivity to Bal31 exonuclease. One of the duplications was located at the right end and the other was located 5 kb from the left end. Each duplicated segment contained 26 restriction sites for ten enzymes and these restriction sites were completely conserved in each duplication. Genes for the large and small rRNAs were mapped to positions about 30 kb from the right end of the mtDNA by hybridization with its own rRNAs. With the exception of a probe for the gene for the large rRNA in Tetrahymena pyriformis mtDNA, various probes from the mtDNAs of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and T. pyriformis showed no significant hybridization to any of the restriction fragments of the mtDNA from P. polycephalum.  相似文献   

The mitochondria of Physarum polycephalum have a linear plasmid (mF) which promotes mitochondrial fusion. To determine the terminal structure of the mF plasmid, restriction fragments derived from its ends were cloned and sequenced. The sequences showed that the mF plasmid has three kinds of terminal inverted repeats (TIRs). The most characteristic feature is a 144-bp repeating unit which exists between a 205-bp TIR at the extreme ends of the plasmid and another 591-bp TIR. All of the clones showed at least one of these 144-bp repeating units. The GC content of the 205-bp TIR (49%) was higher than those of the other TIRs and of another sequenced region (23%). This TIR can form three thermodynamically-stable hairpin structures based on complex internal palindromic components. Moreover, in the right terminal region of the mF plasmid, there is an open reading frame (ORF) which covers the entire 591-bp TIR and most of one of the 144-bp repeating units. This ORF encodes a 547-amino-acid polypeptide, ORF-547, and shows extensive homology with the polymerization domain of the putative DNA polymerases of linear mitochondrial plasmids from other sources.  相似文献   

Summary A transformation system for Colletotrichum trifolii, a fungal pathogen of alfalfa, has been developed using whole cells as recipients. Hygromycin B and benomyl resistant colonies were isolated following treatment of fungal tissue with lithium acetate and separate plasmids containing the respective genes which confer resistance to these antibiotics. The DNA was stably integrated into the fungal chromosome. This approach to transformation has general utility for phytopathogenic fungi and represents an initial step in the molecular analysis of virulence determinants in this race specific fungus.  相似文献   

Homology of two linear, mitochondrial (mt) Claviceps purpurea plasmids, pC1K1 and pClT5, to the upstream region of the large ribosomal RNA gene in the mtDNA of three strains (W3, T5 and K) has been investigated in detail to explore the widespread phenomenon of homology between mt plasmids and mtDNA in C. purpurea. Sequence comparison indicates that recombination between free plasmids and mtDNA is the cause of the observed homology. The process is similar to the integration of the structurally related adenoviruses into the mammalian genome. As in other fungi, palindromic sequences seem to be involved in this mitochondrial recombination process.  相似文献   

Summary The nucleotide sequence of kalilo, a linear plasmid that induces senescence in Neurospora by intergrating into the mitochondrial chromosome, reveals structural and genetic features germane to the unique properties of this element. Prominent features include: (1) very long perfect terminal inverted repeats of nucleotide sequences which are devoid of obvious genetic functions, but are unusually GC-rich near both ends of the linear DNA; (2) small imperfect palindromes that are situated at the termini of the plasmid and are cognate with the active sites for plasmid integration into mtDNA; (3) two large, non-overlapping open-reading frames, ORF-1 and ORF-2, which are located on opposite strands of the plasmid and potentially encode RNA and DNA polymerases, respectively, and (4) a set of imperfect palindromes that coincide with similar structures that have been detected at more or less identical locations in the nucleotide sequences of other linear mitochondrial plasmids. The nucleotide sequence does not reveal a distinct gene that codes for the protein that is attached to the ends of the plasmid. However, a 335-amino acid, cryptic, N-terminal domain of the putative DNA polymersse might function as the terminal protein. Although the plasmid has been co-purifed with nuclei and mitochondria, its nucleotide composition and codon usage indicate that it is a mitochondrial genetic element.  相似文献   

This paper studies the relative strength of sources associated with the cell and the junction between cells of an equivalent single cardiac fiber. It is shown that the junctional source is negligible compared to the cellular source. On the other hand, the junctional resistance affects the magnitude of the cellular source reducing it by possibly an order of magnitude. The significance of these results to cardiac electrophysiology is that the effect of the junctional resistance may have to be considered separate from that of the cellular resistance.  相似文献   

Summary Mitochondrial (mt) DNA of the alkane yeast, Saccharomycopsis lipolytica, was isolated. Its buoyant density in CsCl was found to be of 1.687 g/cm3, indicating a GC content of 27.5% and its melting point Tm = 79.5 °C, indicating a GC content of 24.9%. The corresponding values for nuclear (n) DNA, are 1.709 g/cm3 (GC: 49.5%) and Tm = 90.5 (GC: 51.7%) respectively. Electron microscopy revealed that mtDNA has a circular structure with a contour length of about 14.5 µm corresponding to 45.5 kb per molecule. The size estimated from restriction analyses performed with 7 endonucleases was 48.35 kb/molecule. A restriction map was constructed, using the cleavage data of 4 endonucleases.  相似文献   

Summary A transformation system for the tomato pathogen Fulvia fulva has been developed. Hygromycin B resistant colonies were obtained after treatment of protoplasts with a plasmid containing an E. coli hygromycin B phosphotransferase gene fused to an Aspergillus nidulans promoter. The DNA was stably integrated into the genome. The number and sites of integrations varied among transformants. The demonstration of transformation opens the way for the molecular genetic analysis of the interaction of Fulvia with tomato.  相似文献   

Summary A mitochondrial plasmid was isolated from Physarum polycephalum and characterized by restriction mapping. Cloned fragments of the plasmid were assembled and used to construct a restriction map. This plasmid was a linear molecule with telomeric structures at each end. Southern hybridization with the ends of the plasmid as probes revealed that the plasmid included repeating units at both ends, with each unit being approximately 125 bp in length. The most extensive array of repeats consisted of at least 17 repetitions of the 125-bp unit. The sensitivity of these repeats to Bal31 exonuclease confirmed that they were at, or very near to, the ends of the plasmid. From the extent of the repetitions, the size of the plasmid was estimated to vary from 13.3 kbp to more than 18.3 kbp.  相似文献   

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