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新型视力自动测试仪的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了一种新研制成功的视力自动测试仪,被检者通过操作手持遥控器判别视标的开口方向,系统自动检测并判别其正误,最后打印出检测报告.系统测定的视力范围从对数视力3.0到5.3,同时,系统带有红外超声自动测距功能,以保证测量结果的准确性.  相似文献   

为积极开展学生视力保护工作,射阳县合兴乡卫生院于1998年9月对全乡15所小学、3所初中4577名学生进行了视力调查,现将调查结果报告如下。1调查对象及方法1.1调查对象与方法采用E字标准对数灯光视力表箱,由专业人员对全乡15所小学,3所初级中学所有在校学生进行检测。1.2判断标准以有一眼裸眼视力低于5.0的为视力不良。视力不良程度分为三度,4.9为轻度,4.6~4.8为中度,4.5以下为重度;双眼视力不良的以差的一眼划分不良程度。2结果视力不良情况,4577名中小学生中,视力不良的占17.5%…  相似文献   

霍乱弧菌三种试验的诊断效果比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用纯培养菌制备标本,以生理盐水为空白对照,共检测117例,并试验了实际标本的处理方法。从PCR法、菌培养、凝集试验入选判别模型的顺序、真实性评价及ROC曲线面积大小比较3个诊断试验的判别能力的大小。结果表明,3个诊断试验均入选判别模型,它们对诊断霍乱的判别能力均显著,3个指标的入选顺序为:PCR试验→菌培养→凝集试验,第一个入选的指标是X1(PCR),其对判别函数的贡献最大,判别能力也最大,其次是菌培养,最后是凝集试验;以判别函数为标准,PCR试验的灵敏度及特异度均可达到100%,细菌培养灵敏度为100%,特异度为96.55%,假阳性率为3.45%;凝集试验灵敏度为64.77%,特异度为96.55%,假阳性率为3.45%,假阴性率为35.23%,3种试验的真实性评价表明PCR试验的真实性高于其他两个试验;3种试验的ROC曲线面积由大到小顺序是:PCR试验(0.9617)>菌培养(0.9596)>凝集试验(0.6334),故诊断霍乱的判别能力由大到小的顺序是:PCR试验>菌培养>凝集试验。PCR试验的判别能力大于菌培养、凝集试验  相似文献   

自操作式视力测定仪   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本文介绍一种自操作式视力测定仪。在标准视力表面每一视标下方安装发光二极管,通过发光二极管的发光与否来指定某一视标供受检者判别。受检者通过键盘输入自己对视标开口方向的判别。判别信号的鉴别,视标换行及同一行视标的随机选择由数字电路实现。所测定的视力由数码管显示。经试用与人工视力检查对照,相关系数R=0.87(P<0.001)。  相似文献   

鹤壁市高中学生戴镜情况分析王淑琴1徐俊娥2王惠21对象、内容与方法1.1对象是鹤壁市高中一至三年级视力低下佩戴眼镜的492名男、女学生。1.2调查内容:视力低下眼的屈光度数、裸眼视力、矫正视力、眼孔距离、眼镜的光学中心、中心距、屈光度数。1.3视力检...  相似文献   

为了在幼儿期尽早筛出斜视、弱视和近视,进行视力和眼位的检查非常重要。我所儿保科连续3年对辖区内的重棉一厂幼儿园的儿童进行视力和眼位检查,检查结果如下。1对象和方法 1995~1997年,每年6月下旬对幼儿园的全体儿童进行视力和眼位检查。3年共查657人次,其中3~岁组185人,4~岁组 227人, 5~岁组 245人, 99%是城市儿童, 98%为独生子女。用有标准照明的视力箱进行远视力检查。用遮盖-去遮盖试验、交替遮盖试验筛查眼位。2结果2.13年远视力检查结果比较通过3年的筛查,幼儿左、右眼远视力…  相似文献   

浅谈如何做好儿童视力检查大庆市大同医院张今贵视力检查是眼科诊断与治疗的重要环节,为早期掌握儿童视力情况,依据儿童年龄与发育不同而采用不同的检查方法是非常必要的。现将本科对不同年龄组儿童视力检查方法介绍如下:1.3岁以下儿童视力检查:采用大小不等的玻璃...  相似文献   

北京市3—6岁异常视力儿童屈光状态分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 了解北京市3-6岁异常视力儿童屈光状态。方法 采用分层随机整群抽样的方法,对北京市3-6岁儿童(5586名)的视功能进行调查,本文仅就单眼裸眼视力〈0.9者(370例〉740只眼)的屈光状态及伴斜视、弱视患儿的屈光状态进行了分析。结果屈光不正总患率为6.53%,远视、混合散光、近视患病率依次为:4.76%、1.56%、0.30%、;轻、中、重度屈光不正患病率依次为3.68%、2.05%、0.  相似文献   

为了解深圳市学龄前儿童视功能(视力、光觉、色觉、立体视觉等多种功能)状况,我们采用自行设计方法,对深圳市865例学龄前儿童进行视功能普查。结果显示:我市学龄前儿童视功能较差,视力正常者仅为44.86%,色觉和三级功能异常者分别为1.85%和4.51%;弱视发病率为3.47%,斜视发病率为3.00%,近视和其他眼病发病率分别为0.35%和1.73%,发病率较低,考虑与本次普查的年龄组有关;4、5、6岁年龄组视力正常比例分别为10.31%、39.43%、50.25%,有显著性差异(P<0.01),视…  相似文献   

1990~1995年对张掖、高台3所小学217名小学生进行了连续6年视力动态追踪观察。现将观察情况报告如下。对象与方法(1)选择对象:城区3所小学新入学的7~9岁男女一年级小学生,双眼远、近视力在5.0以上的视力正常者为观察对象。剔除留级、转学,追踪...  相似文献   

We present an evaluation of the cost-effectiveness of an automated multiphasic health testing system (AMHTS) compared with a manual system for providing comprehensive health examinations of large populations. The automated technology was found to be more economical (50–75% less/examinee) than the traditional system in performing each phase of the comprehensive screening and overall battery at a certain examinee load per month. Direct costs had a larger effect on cost per examinee than indirect costs and equipment depreciation. Highly automated phases (tests) were relatively more cost-effective than phases requiring more time and participation of physicians or trained personnel. This study demonstrates that an AMHTS can be utilized (within its parent medical care delivery organization) as an efficient, economical, and convenient method for conducting large-scale multiphasic screening.  相似文献   

CT非检查区域体表屏蔽防护是降低受检者辐射剂量简单而有效的方法,也是国家行业标准规定的基本要求。一些调查报道回顾显示,在我国的不同的地区和不同级别的医疗机构CT受检者个人放射防护用品配置合理性欠缺、使用率不高、穿戴方法不当、日常维护不到位以及医务人员、公众或受检者对放射防护的基本知识认知不足等问题不同程度地存在,需要不断改进。  相似文献   



To estimate the cost-effectiveness of a two-step clinical rule using symptoms, signs and dipstick testing to guide the diagnosis and antibiotic treatment of urinary tract infection (UTI) in acutely unwell young children presenting to primary care.


Decision analytic model synthesising data from a multicentre, prospective cohort study (DUTY) and the wider literature to estimate the short-term and lifetime costs and healthcare outcomes (symptomatic days, recurrent UTI, quality adjusted life years) of eight diagnostic strategies. We compared GP clinical judgement with three strategies based on a ‘coefficient score’ combining seven symptoms and signs independently associated with UTI and four strategies based on weighted scores according to the presence/absence of five symptoms and signs. We compared dipstick testing versus laboratory culture in children at intermediate risk of UTI.


Sampling, culture and antibiotic costs were lowest in high-specificity DUTY strategies (£1.22 and £1.08) compared to clinical judgement (£1.99). These strategies also approximately halved urine sampling (4.8% versus 9.1% in clinical judgement) without reducing sensitivity (58.2% versus 56.4%). Outcomes were very similar across all diagnostic strategies. High-specificity DUTY strategies were more cost-effective than clinical judgement in the short- (iNMB = £0.78 and £0.84) and long-term (iNMB =£2.31 and £2.50). Dipstick tests had poorer cost-effectiveness than laboratory culture in children at intermediate risk of UTI (iNMB = £-1.41).


Compared to GPs’ clinical judgement, high specificity clinical rules from the DUTY study could substantially reduce urine sampling, achieving lower costs and equivalent patient outcomes. Dipstick testing children for UTI is not cost-effective.  相似文献   

Current legislation establishes the general methods and standards of judgement concerning fitness of workers to perform particular jobs. The object of this study was to verify particular criteria and methods that, in observance of the law, allow the physician to maintain in productive activity workers with chronic disease or permanent consequences of industrial accidents in Apulia, Southern Italy. In accordance with the law, 156 workers and their work environment are regularly under surveillance. In the last few years it was possible to accurately diagnose all diseases that may be involved in particular work fitness checks. 3 workers suffered the permanent consequences of very serious labour accidents amputation of II, III, IV fingers of the right hand; a slight post-traumatic shortening (shrinkage) of the right femur; tympanic membrane perforation). 7 workers suffered from non-work related disease (substitution of aortic valve, allergic asthma, virus B chronic hepatitis, chronic glomerulonephritis, replacement of right knee, rheumatoid arthritis, thrombosis of the retinal central vein without a vision reduction). The criteria for an "fitness judgement" are: an accurate diagnosis and evaluation of residual functional ability, analysis of the original job, with an investigation in the field, and break down into the single operations in order to assess all work-related risks (concerning health, safety and physical resources), and evaluation of work organization per job. It was thus possible to define particular adjustments to the original job, so as to be compatible with the current physical conditions the workers. Workers, factory directors and union officers accepted these particular criteria and standard of "work fitness judgement, which made it possible to apply them in practice with consequent reinstatement of workers in productive activity.  相似文献   



The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is facing large challenges in managing environmental chemicals with increasingly complex requirements for assessing risk that push the limits of our current approaches. To address some of these challenges, the National Research Council (NRC) developed a new vision for toxicity testing. Although the report focused only on toxicity testing, it recognized that exposure science will play a crucial role in a new risk-based framework.


In this commentary we expand on the important role of exposure science in a fully integrated system for risk assessment. We also elaborate on the exposure research needed to achieve this vision.


Exposure science, when applied in an integrated systems approach for risk assessment, can be used to inform and prioritize toxicity testing, describe risks, and verify the outcomes of testing. Exposure research in several areas will be needed to achieve the NRC vision. For example, models are needed to screen chemicals based on exposure. Exposure, dose–response, and biological pathway models must be developed and linked. Advanced computational approaches are required for dose reconstruction. Monitoring methods are needed that easily measure exposure, internal dose, susceptibility, and biological outcome. Finally, population monitoring studies are needed to interpret toxicity test results in terms of real-world risk.


This commentary is a call for the exposure community to step up to the challenge by developing a predictive science with the knowledge and tools for moving into the 21st century.  相似文献   

目的通过调查邯郸市2012年高考考生体质健康状况,分析邯郸市高考考生引起专业受限的主要原因,以便给予有针对性的干预措施。方法根据《普通高等学校招生体检工作指导意见》的要求,对邯郸市全体高考考生进行体检。结果邯郸市2012年度高考考生身体条件受限主要原因是视力低下,在报考专业受限的学生中视力低下为43863人,视力低下受限率为83.83%,视力低下率占到报考专业受限率的99.60%。结论邯郸市近年来高考考生身体健康存在的主要问题是视力低下,提高高考考生体检合格率关键在于减轻学生课业负担,减少近距离用眼时间,增加户外活动,提倡营养素均衡摄入。  相似文献   

参考全球医学教育最基本要求的相关标准,采用问卷调查法和专家讨论法建立对参加我院住院医师培训考生综合素质评价的指标体系,确定相应的备选集及权重系数。在此基础上,依据模糊数学法提出了针对住院医师考生综合素质评价的Fuzzy计算模型,并举例对该模型的使用进行了说明。结果认为本模型能够相对全面、客观地对住院医师考生的综合素质做出评价。  相似文献   

人体失衡性实时测试系统研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用测试平台及计算机系统建立了人体失衡性实时测试系统,通过失衡性指数提出评价体系。对不同年龄组40名受试者进行失衡性动态检测。测试状态包括:睁眼状态、团眼状态、平台倾斜10度、平台倾斜20度、平台倾斜30度、横各视跟踪、纵向视跟踪、矢向视跟踪。结果表明:不同年龄人群在不同状态下表现出失衡的差异。  相似文献   

The antiepileptic drug vigabatrin causes an asymptotic concentric contraction of the visual field in 30 to 40% of the patients. The visual field loss seems to be correlated with the cumulative dose of vigabatrin and is not reversible. The cause of this field loss is located in the inner retina (the horizontal and/or amacrine cells). The exact mechanism is still unknown. Though abnormalities in electrophysiology and colour vision are found, regular visual field examination remains the cornerstone in detecting visual field loss. A careful judgement has to be made in individual patients before starting or continuing vigabatrin medication.  相似文献   



The vision of a National Research Council (NRC) committee (the Committee on Toxicity Testing and Assessment of Environmental Agents) for future toxicity testing involves the testing of human cells in in vitro assays for “toxicity pathways”—normal signaling pathways that when perturbed can lead to adverse effects. Risk assessments would eventually be conducted using mathematical models of toxicity pathways (TP models) to estimate exposures that will not cause biologically significant perturbations in these pathways.


In this commentary we present our vision of how risk assessment to support exposure standards will be developed once a suitable suite of in vitro assays becomes available.


Issues to be faced basing risk assessments on in vitro data are more complex than, but conceptually similar to, those faced currently when applying in vivo data. Absent some unforeseen technical breakthrough, in vitro data will be used in ways similar to current practices that involve applying uncertainty or safety factors to no observed adverse effect levels or benchmark doses. TP models are unlikely to contribute quantitatively to risk assessments for several reasons, including that the statistical variability inherent in such complex models severely limits their usefulness in estimating small changes in response, and that such models will likely continue to involve empirical modeling of dose responses.


The vision of the committee predicts that chemicals will be tested more quickly and cheaply and that animal testing will be reduced or eliminated. Progress toward achieving these goals will be expedited if the issues raised herein are given careful consideration.  相似文献   

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