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据世界卫生组织的数据显示[1].听力障碍在给国家、社会、个人带来负担的所有慢性病中居第三位.特别是听力障碍儿童带来的负担更加沉重。2006年第二次全国残疾人抽样调查显示,我国有听力残疾人2780万,较1987年第一次全国残疾人抽样调查听力语言残疾约1770万人有所增加[2]。听力残疾的致残原因很复杂。  相似文献   

1听力障碍与听力康复概况听力障碍是指听觉系统中的传音、感音、听神经或/和其各级听中枢发生病变,听功能出现障碍,发生不同程度的听力下降。听力障碍病因包括先天性、中毒性、感染性、老年性、噪声性和特发性等。听力障碍相当一部分为感音神经性聋。而绝大多数感音神经性聋的病理基础源于毛细胞的丧失或功能缺陷,实可称为感音性聋;只有少数是听觉中枢通路或皮层上的病变,此为真正的神经性聋。  相似文献   

腭裂患者的中耳功能和听力障碍   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
腭裂患常伴中耳功能障碍和听力损失,本对其发病情况、主要病因及治疗方法等进行综述,期望腭裂患得到更好的康复。  相似文献   

根据世界卫生组织报道,全球大概有2.5亿患者的听力损失至少在中度以上,其中三分之二的人群居住在发展中国家。国外报道正常活产儿和新生儿重症监护室(neonatal intensive care unit,NICU)听力障碍的发生率分别为1‰~3‰和2‰~4‰。成人的听力损失发病率在10%。如果将听力损失定义为超过25dB HL以上,美国报告的65岁以上老年人听力损失发病率约为30%~40%。  相似文献   

7老年听力康复和干预的模式和策略老年性听力损失对老年人的生活质量有着不容忽视的影响。老年性听力损失从轻度到极重度不等,衰老引起的其他身体健康水平降低的程度也不尽相同。老年个体对听障的主观感受是听力康复必须考虑的重要因素之一,我们不能仅仅关注听力损失本身。在确  相似文献   

听力残疾研究现状及发展趋势   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
听力障碍是影响人类健康水平和生活质量的重要因素之一.严重影响人们的交往和社会的发展.被认为是目前最普遍的残疾。预防聋和听力损失已成为世界关注的项目。由于许多聋和听力损失是可以预防和治疗的,如先天性聋、感染性聋、药物中毒性聋和噪声性聋等.因此.1985年和1995年两次世界卫生大会都呼吁各成员国与世界卫生组织(World Health Organization.WHO)密切合作,建立国家预防聋和听力损失计划.制定预防策略并积极实施.为在2010年前减少半数可避免的主要致聋原因而努力。  相似文献   

听觉功能重建是指运用听力重建、听觉助听和听觉植入技术恢复或提高各种类型听力损失患者听觉能力的技术手段.纵观近10年来听觉功能重建技术的发展历程,毋容置疑的是,我们既取得了有目共睹的成就,又面临前着所未有的困难与挑战.  相似文献   

残疾人残疾分类和分级(classification and grading criteria of disability)是由中华人民共和国国家质量监督检验检疫总局及中国国家标准化管理委员会2011年1月14日发布的国家标准(GB/T2634-2010),自2011年5月1日开始实施。国家标准按不同残疾分为视力残疾、听力残疾、言语残疾、肢体残疾、智力残疾、精神残疾和多重残疾。本  相似文献   

听力损失是全球流行最广的感觉器官致残性疾病,不仅影响个人和家庭,而且成为沉重的社会负担,是世界关注的重大公共卫生问题。《WHO全球防聋计划》明确提出了目的、任务、优先考虑、行动方案和期望成果。为保障计划完成,世界卫生大会再次通过了《预防聋和听力损失决议(WHA70.13)》,敦促成员国政府做出政治承诺,做好9项工作。我国和WHO密切合作,积极响应号召,不仅在国内做了大量工作,而且在全球发挥作用。  相似文献   

1中国听力康复事业发展回顾听觉功能是衡量生活质量的重要要素之一,听力障碍是所有慢性病中给国家、社会和个人带来第三大负担的疾病,特别是给听力障碍儿童和新生儿带来的负担更加沉重和长期。  相似文献   

The prevalence of hearing impairment (HI) in older people and its detrimental effects on their quality of life and well-being is well known. To date however, there have been few studies investigating the impact on the person's spouse. To investigate this topic, a qualitative study consisting of in-depth interviews was conducted with five female and five male spouses of older people with HI. The aims of the study were: (1) to describe the spouses' experiences of living with someone with a HI; (2) to describe the effect of HI on the couples' communication and relationship; and (3) to identify coping strategies adopted by spouses. An interpretive analysis revealed four themes that described the experience of spouses of older people with HI: (1) the broad ranging effects of the HI on the spouses' everyday lives; (2) the spouses' need to constantly adapt to their partners' HI; (3) the effect of acceptance of the HI on the spouse; and (4) the impact of ageing and retirement. Spouses in this study experienced a wide range of effects as a result of their partners' HI. Implications for audiological rehabilitation are discussed.  相似文献   

The prevalence of hearing impairment (HI) in older people and its detrimental effects on their quality of life and well-being is well known. To date however, there have been few studies investigating the impact on the person's spouse. To investigate this topic, a qualitative study consisting of in-depth interviews was conducted with five female and five male spouses of older people with HI. The aims of the study were: (1) to describe the spouses’ experiences of living with someone with a HI; (2) to describe the effect of HI on the couples’ communication and relationship; and (3) to identify coping strategies adopted by spouses. An interpretive analysis revealed four themes that described the experience of spouses of older people with HI: (1) the broad ranging effects of the HI on the spouses’ everyday lives; (2) the spouses’ need to constantly adapt to their partners’ HI; (3) the effect of acceptance of the HI on the spouse; and (4) the impact of ageing and retirement. Spouses in this study experienced a wide range of effects as a result of their partners’ HI. Implications for audiological rehabilitation are discussed.  相似文献   

听力减退的流行病学研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
一、一般情况 据世界卫生组织(WHO)1985年估计全世界有听力残疾者4000余万,1992年开始在印度、印度尼西亚、肯尼亚等国做了WHO耳和听力障碍调查方案的调查后,1996年估计全世界有1.2亿听力残疾人,其中欠发达国家约7800万.发达国家约4200万。2001年增加到了2.5亿。根据WHO拟订的方案,部分国家听力残疾的患病率为:阿曼2.1%,印度尼西亚4.6%,缅甸、斯里兰卡、印度5.9%.  相似文献   


摘要:随着人口老龄化现象日趋显著,年龄相关性的听力下降(age related hearing impaiment,ARHI)和老年认知障碍发生率日益增加,两者的相关性也逐渐引起学者们广泛研究。为了改善年龄相关性听力下降患者的生活质量,本文拟就其两者间的相关性及其干预措施作一综述。


基于家庭的经济状况和家长的文化程度及对残疾子女的重视程度等原因,欠发达地区听障儿童的入学往往偏迟。如何对这些有一定残余听力却错过语言发展关键期的学龄听障儿童进行科学、系统、有效的听觉言语康复训练,使他们更快、更好地发展语言,值得广大特教工作者深思。  相似文献   

The application of auditory processing tests to patients with sensorineural hearing loss is controversial. Several studies have shown that it is difficult to separate peripheral from central hearing processes. In the present study, a Dutch auditory processing test battery was administered to 24 subjects with mild, relatively flat, symmetrical sensorineural hearing loss. Tests were administered twice; the second time, the presentation level in four out of the six tests was adjusted according to the speech reception threshold. The scores of the hearing-impaired subjects were significantly poorer than those of the subjects with normal hearing on five out of the six tests, even with the adjusted presentation level. Significant correlations were found between test scores and PTA (pure-tone average); scores on words-in-noise, filtered-speech and binaural-fusion tests were additionally corrected according to PTA. In contrast to previous studies in the literature, the present dichotic-digit and pattern-recognition tests were greatly influenced by mild hearing loss. Therefore, this auditory processing test battery cannot readily be used to diagnose central auditory processing disorders in patients with flat sensorineural hearing loss. At least, both adjustment of presentation level and additional correction are needed.  相似文献   

世界上约有10%的人有不同程度的耳聋[1],诸多因素如耳毒性药物、创伤、噪声和衰老等都可致聋。人们应用扩血管药、高能量化合物、清除氧自由基、供氧等方法来治疗耳聋。近十年来随着神经生物学研究的进展,对于多肽生长因子与听觉神经系统间相互关系的认识不断深入,其中神经营养素对于内耳听觉上皮和各级神经元的胚胎发育及至出生后正常形态的维持和生理、生化功能的调节均发挥着重要作用[2~4]。神经营养素对于许多后天病因所致的外周听觉神经系统损伤具有保护和促进修复等功能[5]。目前,神经营养素越来越广泛地应用于临床,为聋病患者带来了一种新的治疗方法。  相似文献   

In order to accurately evaluate the quality and quantity of hearing loss in diabetics and to identify the site of the lesions, Békésy audiometry, impedance audiometry with stapedius reflex test, speech discrimination and electrocochleography and brainstem auditory evoked potentials were performed in 43 patients with diabetes mellitus. The results were compared with those of 43 sex- and age-matched non-diabetic subjects. The results showed that the average acoustic thresholds and AP reactive thresholds were significantly elevated in diabetic subjects as compared with those in the controls. There was a significant decrease in mean PBmax% in the diabetic group. The incidence (48%) of hearing impairment in diabetics is higher than that (10%) in controls. The diabetic hearing impairment is characterized by bilaterally symmetrical high tone sensorineural deafness.  相似文献   

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