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The genus Caragana is a member of the family Fabaceae, subfamily Faboideae and is native to arid and semi-arid areas of the temperate zones of Asia and Eastern Europe. Many species are cultured for dune-fixation, livestock forage and biological resources for fuel energy and fiber production. More than 10 species in this genus have a long history of use in traditional Chinese, Mongolian and Tibetan medicines and are believed to “nourish yin, invigorate the spleen, temper the blood and promote blood flow”. They have been used for the treatment of a wide range of ailments including fevers, inflammation, wounds and infections, dizziness, headache, hypertension, female disorders, arthritis and cancer. Over 100 phytochemicals have been identified with flavonoids and stilbenoids being the major constituents of this genus. Clinical studies have demonstrated the pharmacological activities of different Caraganum species, e.g. Caragana sinica for the treatment of hypertension, and in vivo and/or in vitro studies have provided some support for other traditional uses, e.g. anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, phytoestrogenic, immunostimulant and immunosuppressant activities. However, further studies to identify the active components and further verify the pharmacological activities are warranted. This review presents a comprehensive analysis of the ethnobotany, phytochemistry and pharmacology of the genus Caragana.  相似文献   


Ethnopharmacological relevance

Pongamia pinnata (L.) Pierre is one of the many plants with diverse medicinal properties where all its parts have been used as traditional medicine in the treatment and prevention of several kinds of ailments in many countries such as for treatment of piles, skin diseases, and wounds.

Aim of this review

This review discusses the current knowledge of traditional uses, phytochemistry, biological activities, and toxicity of this species in order to reveal its therapeutic and gaps requiring future research opportunities.

Material and methods

This review is based on literature study on scientific journals and books from library and electronic sources such as ScienceDirect, PubMed, ACS, etc.


Several different classes of flavonoid derivatives, such as flavones, flavans, and chalcones, and several types of compounds including terpenes, steroid, and fatty acids have been isolated from all parts of this plant. The pharmacological studies revealed that various types of preparations, extracts, and single compounds of this species exhibited a broad spectrum of biological activities such as antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-diabetic activities.


The results of several toxicity studies indicated that extracts and single compounds isolated from this species did not show any significant toxicity and did not cause abnormality on some rats' organs. Thus, this plant has a potential to be used as an effective therapeutic remedy due to its low toxicity towards mammalian cells. However, further study on chemical constituents and their mechanisms in exhibiting certain biological activities are needed to understand the full phytochemical profile and the complex pharmacological effects of this plant. In addition, further study on the toxicity of the other compounds isolated from this plant required to be assessed to ensure their eligibility to be used as sources of drugs.  相似文献   


Ethnopharmacological relevance

Hyptis verticillata Jacq. (Lamiaceae) (John Charles) is an important medicinal plant with a long history of traditional use, originating in Central America and now extending from Florida to Colombia and across the Caribbean. Records of its earliest use date back to the ancient Mayan and Aztec cultures of Mesoamerica. There is no indication that this plant is being used outside of the Americas.

Aim of the review

This review aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the traditional use, phytochemistry, pharmacological activity and toxicology of Hyptis verticillata and to highlight the opportunities for greater development of the plant's medicinal properties at a local and international level.

Materials and methods

An extensive and systematic review of the literature was undertaken and all relevant abstracts and full-text articles analysed and included in the review.

Key findings

A wide range of traditional uses are cited in the literature, from internal uses for conditions affecting the respiratory system, digestive tract and gynaecological system to external uses for conditions affecting the skin and musculoskeletal system. Pharmacological studies to date have demonstrated significant activity which support the traditional use of the plant as an antiinflammatory, antimicrobial, antisecretory agent and hormone modulator. In addition studies have identified anti-cancer, acaricidal, insecticidal and molluscicidal activity. No clinical trials had been completed at the time of this review. A number of key phytochemicals have been isolated, identified and published to date including: 17 lignans; 4 triterpenes; 11 diterpenes, 3 sesquiterpenes, 3 monoterpenes, 2 flavonoids, 1 polyphenol and 1 alkaloid. Nine of these phytochemicals are novel to Hyptis verticillata. Plant extracts and isolated phytochemicals exhibit a broad range of activities that include: antimitotic; antiproliferative; cytotoxic; antioxidant; antiinflammatory; antibacterial; antifungal; antiviral; anti-HIV; antisecretory; hepatoprotective; insecticidal and acaricidal.


Hyptis verticillata is a medicinal plant with current widespread traditional use in the Americas that warrants further research, clinical trials and product development to fully exploit its medicinal value.  相似文献   


Ethnopharmacological relevance

Plants of the genus Desmodium (Fabaceae), such as Desmodium styracifolium (Osbeck) Merr. and Desmodium gyrans (L. f.) DC., have a long history of medical use in Traditional Chinese Medicine to treat various ailments including rheumatism, pyrexia, dysentery, wounds, cough, malaria, hepatitis, hemoptysis, etc. In the theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine, most species have the effect of relieving internal heat or fever, neutralizing toxins, inhibiting pain, invigorating blood circulation, suppressing cough and alleviating dyspnea.

Materials and methods

A bibliographic investigation was accomplished by analyzing secondary sources including Chinese Herbal Classics, and worldwide accepted scientific databases (Pubmed, Scopus and Web of Science, SciFinder) were scrutinized for the available information on the ethnopharmacological uses in Chinese medicine, phytochemistry, pharmacology and toxicology of Desmodium species.


The genus Desmodium is a large member of the Papilionaceae (Fabaceae) family. It contains about 350 plant species used for both feeding stuffs and herbal medicines, of which only about 30 species have been phytochemically or pharmacologically investigated. Desmodium plant extracts, as well as the active principles, have been experimentally studied for their anti-inflammatory, cytotoxic, antidiabetic, antinephrolithic, antibacterial, and nootropic activities in vitro or in vivo. And so far, a total of 212 compounds have been isolated from 15 Desmodium species and characterized mainly as flavonoids and alkaloids, followed by terpenoids, steroids, phenols, phenylpropanoids, glycosides and a number of volatile oils. The remaining unrevealed species are recorded chiefly in Asia and Africa being used in empirical treatment for various diseases.


Desmodium species have long been used in TCM to treat various ailments. Available scientific references revealed that the traditional medical uses of some important Desmodium species in TCM have been evaluated by modern pharmacological studies. As literature demonstrated, flavonoids and alkaloids are perhaps responsible for most of the activities shown by the plants of this genus. Further studies are still required to reveal the structure-activity relationship of these active constituents.  相似文献   


Ethnopharmacological relevance

In the genus Gelsemium, Gelsemium elegans (Gardn. & Champ.) Benth. has been recognized as a toxic plant that is widely distributed in Southeast Asia and has been used as traditional Chinese medicine for the treatment of rheumatoid pain, neuropathic pain, spasticity, skin ulcers and cancers for many years. Gelsemium sempervirens (L.) J.St.-Hil. has been used since the nineteenth century in homeopathy for treating anxiety, neuralgia, migraine and spasmodic disorders, such as asthma and whooping cough in North America. This review aims to provide comprehensive information on the botany, traditional uses, phytochemistry, pharmacological research and toxicology of medicinal plants in the genus Gelsemium. The overall objective is to explore the evidence supporting its ethnopharmacological effectiveness.

Materials and methods

A literature survey was performed by searching the scientific databases Pubmed, Google Scholar, SciFinder, Scopus, Web of Science and the Chinese CNKI, in addition to traditional Chinese medicine and homeopathic texts for information on Gelsemium.


Plants of the genus Gelsemium have been used in traditional medicine for the treatment of migraines, neuralgia, sciatica, cancer and various types of sores. Studies into the phytochemical composition of this genus have shown that all of the species are rich sources of monoterpene indole alkaloids and that they have attracted the attention of many researchers due to their markedly diverse and complex architecture. To date, a total of 121 alkaloids have been isolated and identified from the genus. The crude extracts, as well as the monomeric compounds, from the genus possess anti-tumor, analgesic, anxiolytic, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulating pharmacological activities.


It is evident from the available literature that Gelsemium species possess potential for use as a beneficial therapeutic remedy. However, the analysis of previous pharmacological research suggests that a clear assignment of active molecules and mechanisms of action is remain lacking. Due to their high toxicity, the studies available on toxicity and safety are inadequate for providing information on clinical utilization.  相似文献   

Psidium guajava, is an important food crop and medicinal plant in tropical and subtropical countries is widely used like food and in folk medicine around of the world. This aims a comprehensive of the chemical constituents, pharmacological, and clinical uses. Different pharmacological experiments in a number of in vitro and in vivo models have been carried out. Also have been identified the medicinally important phyto-constituents. A number of metabolites in good yield and some have been shown to possess useful biological activities belonging mainly to phenolic, flavonoid, carotenoid, terpenoid and triterpene. Extracts and metabolites of this plant, particularly those from leaves and fruits possess useful pharmacological activities. A survey of the literature shows P. guajava is mainly known for its antispasmodic and antimicrobial properties in the treatment of diarrhoea and dysentery. Has also been used extensively as a hypoglycaemic agent. Many pharmacological studies have demonstrated the ability of this plant to exhibit antioxidant, hepatoprotection, anti-allergy, antimicrobial, antigenotoxic, antiplasmodial, cytotoxic, antispasmodic, cardioactive, anticough, antidiabetic, antiinflamatory and antinociceptive activities, supporting its traditional uses. Suggest a wide range of clinical applications for the treatment of infantile rotaviral enteritis, diarrhoea and diabetes.  相似文献   

The old traditional phytomedicine asafoetida, an oleo-gum-resin obtained from the roots of different Ferula assa-foetida, is used in different countries for various purposes. Asafoetida is not only used as a culinary spice but also traditionally used to treat various diseases, including asthma, gastrointestinal disorders, intestinal parasites, etc. This oleo-gum-resin has been known to possess antifungal, anti-diabetic, anti-inflammatory, anti-mutagenic and antiviral activities. A wide range of chemical compounds including sugars, sesquiterpene coumarins and polysulfides have been isolated from this plant. Recent studies have shown new promising antiviral sesquiterpene coumarins from this old phytomedicine. The present review summarizes the information concerning the traditional uses, phytochemistry and biological activities of asafoetida.  相似文献   


Ethnopharmacological relevance

Ficus religiosa L. (Moraceae) has been extensively used in traditional medicine for a wide range of ailments of the central nervous system, endocrine system, gastrointestinal tract, reproductive system, respiratory system and infectious disorders.

Aim of the review

To comprehend the fragmented information available on the botany, traditional uses, phytochemistry, pharmacology and toxicology of F. religiosa to explore its therapeutic potential and future research opportunities.

Materials and methods

All the available information on F. religiosa was collected via electronic search (using Pubmed, SciFinder, Scirus, Google Scholar, Agricola and Web of Science) and a library search.


Ethnomedical uses of F. religiosa are recorded throughout South Asia, where it has been used for about 50 types of disorders. Phytochemical research had led to the isolation of phytosterols, amino acids, furanocoumarins, phenolic components, hydrocarbons, aliphatic alcohols, volatile components and few other classes of secondary metabolites from F. religiosa. Fresh plant materials, crude extracts and isolated components of F. religiosa showed a wide spectrum of in vitro and in vivo pharmacological activities like, antidiabetic, cognitive enhancer, wound healing, anticonvulsant, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antimicrobial, antiviral, hypolipidemic, antioxidant, immunomodulatory, antiasthmatic, parasympathetic modulatory, esterogenic, antitumor, antiulcer, antianxiety, antihelmintic, endotheilin receptor antagonistic, apoptosis inducer and hypotensive.


F. religiosa emerged as a good source of traditional medicine for the treatment of asthma, diabetes, diarrhea, epilepsy, gastric problems, inflammatory disorders, infectious disorders and sexual disorders. Although many of the experimental studies validated its traditional medicinal uses, but employed uncharacterized crude extracts. Thus, it is difficult to reproduce the results and pinpoint the bioactive metabolite. Hence, there is a need of phytochemical standardization and bioactivity-guided identification of bioactive metabolites. The results of few pharmacological studies and bioactive metabolites already reported in F. religiosa warrant detailed investigation for its potential against cancer, cardiovascular disorders, neuroinflammatory disorders, neuropsychiatric disorders, oxidative stress related disorders and parasitic infections. The outcome of these studies will further expand the existing therapeutic potential of F. religiosa and provide a convincing support to its future clinical use in modern medicine.  相似文献   


Ethnopharmacological relevance

Phyllanthus amarus Schum. &; Thonn. belongs to the family Euphorbiaceae is a small herb well known for its medicinal properties and widely used worldwide. P. amarus is an important plant of Indian Ayurvedic system of medicine which is used in the problems of stomach, genitourinary system, liver, kidney and spleen. It is bitter, astringent, stomachic, diuretic, febrifuge and antiseptic. The whole plant is used in gonorrhea, menorrhagia and other genital affections. It is useful in gastropathy, diarrhoea, dysentery, intermittent fevers, ophthalmopathy, scabies, ulcers and wounds.

Materials and methods

The present review covers a literature across from 1980 to 2011. Some information collected from traditional Ayurvedic texts and published literature on ethanomedicinal uses of Phyllanthus amarus in different countries worldwide.


Phytochemical studies have shown the presence of many valuable compounds such as lignans, flavonoids, hydrolysable tannins (ellagitannins), polyphenols, triterpenes, sterols and alkaloids. The extracts and the compounds isolated from P. amarus show a wide spectrum of pharmacological activities including antiviral, antibacterial, antiplasmodial, anti-inflammatory, antimalarial, antimicrobial, anticancer, antidiabetic, hypolipidemic, antioxidant, hepatoprotective nephroprotective and diurectic properties.


The present review summarizes information concerning the morphology, ecology, ethnopharmacology, phytochemistry, biological activities, clinical applications and toxicological reports of P. amarus. This review aims at gathering the research work undertaken till date on this plant in order to provide sufficient baseline information for future works and commercial exploitation.  相似文献   

白贞芳  刘勇  王晓琴 《中国中药杂志》2014,39(23):4548-4552
通过野外资源调查、整理各大标本馆标本原始记录和查阅文献记载等方法,系统整理、总结、归纳了列当属、肉苁蓉属和草苁蓉属民族药用植物种类、功效及民间使用情况,结果表明列当属6种药用植物在4个少数民族间作为7种民族药应用,草苁蓉属2种药用植物在8个少数民族间作为10种民族药应用,肉苁蓉属2种药用植物在3个少数民族间作为3种民族药应用,且同种药用植物常作不同民族药;发现3属植物的传统疗效主要集中在补肾壮阳、止血和止痛3个方面,并且该传统疗效与现代药理研究结果基本吻合。因此深入研究植物种类丰富的列当属植物资源对缓解肉苁蓉植物资源匮乏局面和扩大药源具有积极意义。  相似文献   


Ethnopharmacological relevance

Wolfiporia cocos (Schwein.) Ryvarden et Gilb. has a long history as a Chinese traditional medicine with uses of inducing diuresis, excreting dampness, invigorating the spleen, and tranquilizing the mind. Recently, Wolfiporia cocos has received increasing interest, and phytochemical and pharmacological studies have validated the traditional uses of this species.

Aims of the review

To provide an up-to-date and comprehensive overview of the mycology, cultivation, traditional uses, chemical constituents and pharmacological activities aspects of Wolfiporia cocos in order to highlight its ethnopharmacological use and to explore its therapeutic potentials and to provide a basis for future research.

Materials and methods

The accessible literature, from 1980 to 2012, on Wolfiporia cocos written in English, Chinese, French, Korean, Spanish and Turkish were selected and analyzed.


The phytochemical and modern pharmacological studies demonstrated that Wolfiporia cocos possess a wide spectrum of pharmacological activities, such as anti-tumor, anti-oxidant, anti-rejection, nematicidal, anti-hyperglycemic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-hypertonic stress activities, which could be explained by the presence of various triterpenes and polysaccharides.


Modern phytochemical and pharmacological investigations showed that major active components separated from Wolfiporia cocos had anti-tumor, anti-oxidant, anti-rejection activities, and so on. Further investigations are needed to explore the relationship of the molecular mass, chain stiffness, and water solubility of polysaccharide from Wolfiporia cocos with the antitumor activities.  相似文献   

The genus Artocarpus (Moraceae) comprises about 50 species of evergreen and deciduous trees. Economically, the genus is of appreciable importance as a source of edible fruit, yield fairly good timber and is widely used in folk medicines. The aim of the present review is to present comprehensive information of the chemical constituents, biological and pharmacological research on Artocarpus which will be presented and critically evaluated. The close connection between traditional and modern sources for ethnopharmacological uses of Artocarpus species, especially for treatment against inflammation, malarial fever, diarrhoea, diabetes and tapeworm infection. Artocarpus species are rich in phenolic compounds including flavonoids, stilbenoids, arylbenzofurons and Jacalin, a lectin. The extracts and metabolites of Artocarpus particularly those from leaves, bark, stem and fruit possess several useful bioactive compounds and recently additional data are available on exploitation of these compounds in the various biological activities including antibacterial, antitubercular, antiviral, antifungal, antiplatelet, antiarthritic, tyrosinase inhibitory and cytotoxicity. Several pharmacological studies of the natural products from Artocarpus have conclusively established their mode of action in treatment of various diseases and other health benefits. Jacalin, a lectin present in seeds of this plant has a wide range of activities. Strong interdisciplinary programmes that incorporate conventional and new technologies will be critical for the future development of Artocarpus as a promising source of medicinal products. In the present review, attempts on the important findings have been made on identification; synthesis and bioactivity of metabolites present in Artocarpus which have been highlighted along with the current trends in research on Artocarpus.  相似文献   


Ethnopharmacological relevance

In the genus Curculigo, Curculigo orchioides Gaertn, Curculigo capitulata (Lour) O. Ktze and Curculigo pilosa (Schumach. & Thonn.) Engl are often used in traditional medicine. Curculigo orchioides is used for the treatment of impotence, limb limpness, arthritis of the lumbar and knee joints, and watery diarrhea in traditional Chinese medicine, and also used as a potent immunomodulator and aphrodisiac in the Ayurvedic medical system. Curculigo capitulata is used for the treatment of consumptive cough, kidney asthenia, impotence and spermatorrhea, hemorrhoids, asthma, jaundice, diarrhea, colic and gonorrhea in traditional Chinese and India medicine, and to treat urinary tract infection, acute renal pelvis and nephritis, nephritis-edema, cystitis, nephrolithiasis, hypertension and rheumatic arthritis in traditional Dai medicine. Curculigo pilosa are applied to treat gastrointestinal and heart diseases in Africa.

Aim of the review

This review aims to exhibit up-to-date and comprehensive information about traditional uses, phytochemistry, pharmacology and toxicology of medicinal plants in the genus Curculigo, and has an insight into the opportunities for the future research and development of Curculigo plant.


A bibliographic investigation was performed by analyzing the information available on Curculigo plant from worldwide accepted scientific databases (Pubmed, Scopus and Web of Science, SciFinder, Google Scholar, Yahoo). Furthermore, information also was obtained from some local and foreign books on ethnobotany and ethnomedicines.


Curculigo orchioides, Curculigo capitulata and Curculigo pilosa have been used as traditional medicine to treat kinds of diseases such as impotence, limb limpness, gastrointestinal and heart diseases, etc. Phytochemical investigation of eight species of the genus Curculigo has resulted in identification of more than 110 compounds. The content of curculigoside is used as an indicator to evaluate the quality of rhizome of Curculigo orchioides. The medicinal plants have showed a wide spectrum pharmacological activities, including adaptive, immunostimulatory, taste-modifying and sweet-tasting, antioxidant, mast cell stabilization, antihistaminic and antiasthmatic, hepatoprotective and neuroprotective activity. Toxicological test indicated that Curculigo orchioides at the dose of 120 g/kg after administrating rats for 180 days may cause injury of liver and kidney.


The medicinal plants of genus Curculigo have emerged as a good source of the traditional medicines. Some uses of these plants in the traditional medicines have been validated by pharmacological investigation. However, the mechanism of their actions should be further elucidated; the particular constituent responsible for toxicity should be isolated and identified, and the target tissue and mechanism of toxic ingredients also deserve to be further investigated; more reference substances should be prepared, and sophisticated analytical technologies should be developed to comprehensively assess the quality of Curculigo herbs. These investigations will be helpful for further utilization of the plants of genus Curculigo.  相似文献   


Ethnopharmacological relevance

The Vernonia genus has about one thousand species and members of the genus are widely used as food and medicine. The aim of this review is to analyze published data on the ethnomedicinal, ethnoveterinary and zoopharmacognostic uses of plants of the Vernonia genus. This will help to identify the state of ethnopharmacological knowledge in regard to this genus and to propose future research priorities.

Materials and methods

The major scientific databases including SciFinder, Sciencedirect, Medline and Google Scholar were queried for information on Vernonia genus using various keyword combinations. The International Plant Name Index was also used to verify the names of species and authors.


A total of 109 Vernonia species were reported in the literature to have medicinal properties. One hundred and five (105) plants were linked to the treatment or management of 44 human diseases or health conditions. Plants of the genus also feature in ethnoveterinary and zoopharmacognostic practices. A total of 12 vernonia species were identified to be used in ethnoveterinary medicine while 2 species are used in self medication practices by chimpanzees and gorillas. In vitro and in vivo research studies reporting the validation of the medicinal properties of some species were also reviewed. One hundred and three bioactive compounds isolated from various Vernonia species were also identified. Vernonia amygdalina was identified as the most frequently used member of the Vernonia genus. The Vernolides, a class of sesquiterpene lactone were identified as the most studied compounds from the genus and show interesting bioactivity in antiplasmodial, antileishmanial, antischistosomial, cytotoxicity, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory assays.


On the basis of results from a combination of in vitro and in vivo efficacy and toxicity studies reported, Vernonia amygdalina holds the most promise for development into a nutraceutical against diabetes and malaria while Vernonia cinerea has potential against cancer and inflammatory conditions. Vernolide A is so far the most promising single agent from a Vernonia species that has potential for development into an anticancer agent. The other Vernonia species and isolated compounds require further studies to ascertain their medicinal potentials.  相似文献   


Ethnopharmacological relevance

The resinous exudates of the Commiphora species, known as ‘myrrh’, are used in traditional Chinese medicine for the treatment of trauma, arthritis, fractures and diseases caused by blood stagnation. Myrrh has also been used in the Ayurvedic medical system because of its therapeutic effects against inflammatory diseases, coronary artery diseases, gynecological disease, obesity, etc.

Aim of the review

Based on a comprehensive review of traditional uses, phytochemistry, pharmacological and toxicological data on the genus Commiphora, opportunities for the future research and development as well as the genus’ therapeutic potential are analyzed.


Information on the Commiphora species was collected via electronic search (using Pubmed, SciFinder, Scirus, Google Scholar and Web of Science) and a library search for articles published in peer-reviewed journals. Furthermore, information also was obtained from some local books on ethnopharmacology. This paper covers the literature, primarily pharmacological, from 2000 to the end of December 2011.


The resinous exudates from the bark of plants of the genus Commiphora are important indigenous medicines, and have a long medicinal application for arthritis, hyperlipidemia, pain, wounds, fractures, blood stagnation, in Ayurvedic medicine, traditional Chinese medicine and other indigenous medical systems. Phytochemical investigation of this genus has resulted in identification of more than 300 secondary metabolites. The isolated metabolites and crude extract have exhibited a wide of in vitro and in vivo pharmacological effects, including antiproliferative, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial. The bioactive steroids guggulsterones have attracted most attention for their potent hypolipidemic effect targeting farnesoid X receptor, as well as their potent inhibitory effects on tumor cells and anti-inflammatory efficiency.


The resins of Commiphora species have emerged as a good source of the traditional medicines for the treatment of inflammation, arthritis, obesity, microbial infection, wound, pain, fractures, tumor and gastrointestinal diseases. The resin of C. mukul in India and that of C. molmol in Egypt have been developed as anti-hyperlipidemia and antischistosomal agents. Pharmacological results have validated the use of this genus in the traditional medicines. Some bioassays are difficult to reproduce because the plant materials used have not been well identified, therefore analytical protocol and standardization of extracts should be established prior to biological evaluation. Stem, bark and leaf of this genus should receive more attention. Expansion of research materials would provide more opportunities for the discovery of new bioactive principles from the genus Commiphora.  相似文献   

金鸡菊属药用植物研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
金鸡菊属植物约有100种,主要分布于美洲、非洲南部及夏威夷群岛等地,其中我国常见的该属植物有7种。金鸡菊属植物两色金鸡菊Coreopsis tinctoria为我国维吾尔族民间草药雪菊的基原植物,《中华本草》名曰蛇目菊,具有清热解毒、化湿止痢之功效。金鸡菊属植物的化学成分主要为黄酮类、苯丙素类、倍半萜类、聚炔类及甾醇类,具有抗炎等多种活性。该文综述了金鸡菊属植物的化学成分和药理作用,并对其开发前景进行了展望,以期为该属植物的深入研究和开发利用提供参考。  相似文献   


Aims of the study

In South Africa, the genus Helichrysum is widely used in traditional medicine. The uses are well documented although renaming of species and the resulting confusing taxonomic nomenclature may cause uncertainty as to which specific species was referred to in some reports. The aim of this paper is to present a collated and coherent overview of the documented traditional uses of Helichrysum species and to update the botanical identity of previously studied species.

Materials and methods

Databases (Scifinder, ISI Web of Knowledge) and several books were used to collect in information on South African Helichrysum species.


The traditional uses, chemistry and biological activity of Helichrysum species have been summarized. It was attempted to give clarity as to exactly which species is refer to in the ethnobotanical literature.


Although a large number of ethnopharmacological uses have been documented and the chemistry of the genus has been studied extensively, only a few South African species have been investigated for their biological activity.  相似文献   


Ethnopharmacological relevance

Anemarrhena asphodeloides Bunge. (Asparagaceae) yields Anemarrhenae Rhizoma, which has a long history to be used as a traditional medicine to treat various ailments, like cold-induced febrile disease with arthralgia, hematochezia, tidal fever and night sweats by Yin deficiency, bone-steaming, cough, and hemoptysis. It is also used as an ingredient of healthy food, wine, tea, biological toothpaste. Its importance is demonstrated by large scale to treat kinds of diseases in eastern Asian countries. The aim of this review is to provide up-to-date information about phytochemistry, pharmacology, and toxicology of Anemarrhena asphodeloides based on scientific literatures. It will build up a new foundation for further study on mechanism and development of better therapeutic agent and healthy product from Anemarrhena asphodeloides.

Material and methods

All the available information on Anemarrhena asphodeloides was collected via electronic search (using PubMed, SciFinder Scholar, CNKI, TPL (www.theplantlist.org), Google Scholar, Baidu Scholar, and Web of Science).


Comprehensive analysis of the literatures searched through sources available above confirmed that the ethnomedical uses of Anemarrhena asphodeloides had been recorded in China, Japan, and Korea for thousands of years. The phytochemical investigation revealed the presence of steroidal saponins, flavonoids, phenylpropanoids, alkaloids, steroids, organic acids, anthraquinones, and others. Crude extracts and pure compounds from Anemarrhena asphodeloides exhibited significant pharmacological effects on the nervous system and the blood system. They also showed valuable bioactivities, such as antitumor, anti-oxidation, anti-microbial, anti-virus, anti-inflammation, anti-osteoporosis, anti-skin aging and damage as well as other activities.


In light of long traditional use and modern phytochemical and pharmacological studies summarized, Anemarrhena asphodeloides has demonstrated a strong potential for therapeutic and health-maintaining purposes. Both the extracts and chemical components isolated from the plant showed a wide range of biological activities. Thus more pharmacological mechanisms on main active compounds (TBII, TAIII, mangiferin and other ingredients) are necessary to be explored. In addition, as a good source of the traditional medicine, clinical studies of main therapeutic aspects (e.g. diabetes, Alzheimer?s disease, Parkinson?s disease, etc.), toxicity and adverse effect of Anemarrhena asphodeloides will also undoubtedly be the focus of future investigation.  相似文献   

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