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目的 探讨围绝经期及绝经后女性骨密度与性激素以及人体成分的相关性.方法 选择2019年11月至2021年6月中山市博爱医院就诊的围绝经期及绝经后女性162例为研究对象,采用双能X线吸收检测仪(DXA)检测腰椎2-4及左侧股骨颈骨密度(BMD)和骨矿含量(BMC),采用人体成分分析仪测定人体成分,根据测定结果分为正常组(n=83)、骨量减少组(n=59)和骨质疏松组(n=20).比较不同年龄段骨质疏松和肌少症的患病率,探讨BMD与性激素、人体成分之间的关系,进一步分析骨质疏松的影响因素.结果 162例研究对象中骨质疏松20例(12.35%),肌少症15例(9.26%),不同年龄组骨质疏松患病率比较差异有统计学意义(χ2=7.099,P<0.05),>60岁年龄组患病率显著高于40~50岁和51~60岁年龄组(χ2值分别为4.993、5.198,均P<0.05),不同年龄组肌少症患病率比较差异无统计学意义(χ2=2.794,P>0.029).三组不同骨密度患者血清FS H、L H、E2、DHEAS水平比较差异均有统计学意义(F值为3.216~4.357,P<0.05),骨质疏松组患者血清FSH、LH水平均显著高于骨量减少组和正常组(t值为3.794~5.218,P<0.05),而骨量减少组患者血清上述指标均显著高于正常组(t值分别为2.425、2.963,P<0.05).骨质疏松组患者血清E2、DHEAS水平均显著低于骨量减少组和正常组(t值为2.890~5.002,P<0.05),而骨量减少组患者上述指标均显著低于正常组(t值为2.786、2.976,P<0.05).三组患者人体成分BFM、BFP和BMC比较差异均有统计学意义(F值为2.657、2.598、3.509,P<0.05),骨质疏松组患者上述指标均显著低于骨量减少组和正常组(t值为3.012~4.063,P<0.05),而骨量减少组患者均显著低于正常组(t值为2.379~2.954,P<0.05).Pearson相关性分析结果表明围绝经期和绝经后女性BMD与FSH、LH、BFM、BFP、BMC均呈显著负相关性(r值为-0.603~-0.811,P<0.05),而均与DHEAS、SMM、E2呈显著正相关(r值为0.563~0.601,P<0.05).多因素Logistic回归分析结果显示年龄(≥50岁)、绝经、产次(≥2次)、肌少症是骨质疏松的危险因素(OR值为2.035~3.014,P<0.05).结论 围绝经期及绝经后女性伴有不同程度的BMD下降,且与性激素、人体成分存在明显相关性,此人群易患骨质疏松和肌少症,女性如无绝经激素治疗禁忌证,应适时进行治疗.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Body composition changes with age, with increases in fat mass and visceral fat and declines in skeletal muscle mass; lung function also declines with age. Age-related changes in body composition and fat distribution may be associated with the pulmonary impairment observed in the elderly. OBJECTIVE: Our goal was to evaluate the relations between body composition, fat distribution, and lung function in elderly men. DESIGN: We studied 97 men aged 67-78 y with body mass indexes (BMIs; in kg/m2) ranging from 19.8 to 37.1. Body composition was evaluated by using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry and fat distribution was evaluated by using waist and hip circumferences, waist-to-hip ratio, and sagittal abdominal diameter (SAD). Spirometry was done in all subjects and the distance walked by each subject during a 6-min walking test was evaluated as was leg strength. RESULTS: A significant negative correlation was found between adiposity, fat distribution indexes, forced vital capacity (FVC), and forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1). A positive correlation was found between fat-free mass and FVC. After adjustment for age, height, and weight, SAD still correlated negatively with FVC and FEV1 (r = -0.367 and -0.348, respectively; P < 0.01), whereas percentage body fat and fat mass correlated negatively and fat-free mass correlated positively with FVC (r = -0.313, -0.323, and 0.299, respectively; all P < 0.01). After the sample was subdivided by tertile of fat-free mass adjusted for age and BMI, FVC and FEV1 were significantly lower in the lowest fat-free mass tertile (P < 0.01). Stepwise multiple regression analysis performed with use of lung function variables as the dependent variables and age, height, fat mass, fat-free mass, waist circumference, and SAD as the independent variables showed that 3 variables entered the regression for predicting FVC: height, which entered the regression first; SAD, which entered second; and fat-free mass, which entered third. Only 2 variables entered the regression for predicting FEV1: height, which entered the regression first, and SAD, which entered second. CONCLUSION: Our cross-sectional data show a significant association between body composition, fat distribution, and lung function in elderly men.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Our understanding of the role of nutrients in bone development in children is limited. OBJECTIVE: We examined the associations between urinary potassium, urinary sodium, usual dietary intake, and bone mineral density (BMD) in prepubertal children. DESIGN: This was a cross-sectional study of 330 boys and girls aged 8 y. Urinary measures were assessed in a single, timed, overnight urine specimen. Usual diet was assessed with a food-frequency questionnaire completed by a parent or guardian. BMD at the femoral neck, lumbar spine, and total body was measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. RESULTS: Urinary potassium correlated significantly with BMD at all sites (femoral neck: r = 0.20, P < 0.001; lumbar spine: r = 0.19, P = 0.001; total body: r = 0.24, P < 0.001). After adjustment for confounders (primarily lean body mass), this association was lower in magnitude but remained significant at 2 sites with a consistent trend at the third (femoral neck: P = 0.15; lumbar spine: P = 0.046; total body: P = 0.028). Urinary sodium was not associated with BMD at any site. No nutrient or food intake estimate was associated with BMD, although urinary potassium correlated significantly with potassium intake (r = 0.14, P = 0.016) and fruit and vegetable intake (r = 0.12, P = 0.033). CONCLUSIONS: Urinary potassium was associated with both dietary intake and BMD independent of lean body mass in these well-nourished, calcium-replete young children. These findings should be confirmed in further longitudinal studies. Nevertheless, this association is likely to represent dietary intake of potassium and suggests that measurement of urinary potassium is superior to food-frequency questionnaires for assessing potassium intake in this age group.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To describe the relation between body composition and age measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) in healthy Japanese adults. DESIGN: Cross-sectional study. SUBJECTS AND MEASUREMENTS: The subjects were 2411 healthy Japanese adults (males 625, females 1786, age 20--79 y) who attended the Fukuoka Health Promotion Center, Fukuoka, Japan for health check-up. Body composition was determined by DXA (QDR-2000, Hologic) for the whole body and three anatomical regions of arms, legs and trunk. RESULTS: The mean values of body mass index (BMI) and percentage fat mass (%FM) were 23.2+/-3.1 (s.d.) kg/m(2) and 21.8+/-6.8% for males and 22.1+/-3.3 kg/m(2) and 32.0+/-7.5% for females, respectively. For males, curvilinear relations with the peaks in their forties or fifties were seen for the variables associated adiposity, ie BMI, waist and hip circumference, waist-hip ratio, total or regional fat mass (FM), %FM and ratio of trunk FM to leg FM. For females, most of these variables increased linearly in older subjects. Lean mass (LM), bone mineral content (BMC) and bone mineral density (BMD) of the whole body and appendicular LM were relatively constant until the forties and then decreased in both sexes. The rates of decrease in the total or appendicular LM were larger for males than for females, whereas those in BMC or BMD were larger for females than for males. CONCLUSIONS: This study presents the first detailed data on body composition in Japanese, which may be useful when comparing with populations of different racial and ethnic backgrounds and studying ill subjects.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To compare the relationship between body mass index (BMI) and body fat percentage (BF%) in children of different ethnic background. DESIGN: Cross-sectional observational study. SETTINGS: The study was performed in three different locations, Singapore, Beijing and Wageningen (The Netherlands). SUBJECTS: In each centre 25 boys and 25 girls, aged 7-12 y, were selected. They were matched on age, sex and body height. METHODS: Body weight and body height was measured following standardized procedures. The body mass index (BMI) was calculated as weight/height squared (kg/m(2)). Body fat was measured by densitometry in Beijing and Wageningen and by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) in Singapore. The DXA measurements in Singapore were validated against densitometry. RESULTS: There were no significant differences in BF% or BMI within each gender group across the three study sites. However, after controlling for (non-significant) differences in age and BF%, the Singapore children had a lower (mean+/-s.e.) BMI (15.6+/-0.3) than the Beijing 17.6+/-0.3) and Wageningen (16.9+/-0.3) children. For the same BMI, age and sex the Singapore children had a significant higher BF% (24.6+/-0.7) than the Beijing (19.2+/-0.8) and Wageningen (20.3+/-0.7) children. CONCLUSIONS: The study strongly suggests that the relationship between BF% and BMI (or weight and height) is different among children of different ethnic background. Consequently growth charts and BMI cut-off points for underweight, overweight and obesity in children may have to be ethnic-specific.  相似文献   

目的 调查上海市学龄期儿童有氧运动能力现状,探讨人体成分与有氧运动能力之间的关系。方法 以上海市杨浦区一所小学63名儿童为研究对象,分析人体成分(生物电阻抗法)和有氧运动能力(固定功率运动试验,间接测定法),测定体脂比例(FAT%)、去脂体质量(FFM)、肥胖度、最大氧摄取量(VO2max)、最大氧脉搏等指标,分析各项指标之间的关系,比较超重肥胖儿童与非超重肥胖儿童各项指标的差异。结果 除1名未进行人体成分测试者外,余62名受试儿童中,超重肥胖组男生与非超重肥胖组相比,VO2max绝对值更高而VO2max相对值更低[(1 038.50±157.93)ml/min比(923.90±82.03)ml/min, F=4.812, P=0.005;(23.62±4.22)ml/(kg·min)比(27.75±2.41)ml/(kg·min),F=5.633,P=0.002],差异有统计学意义;超重肥胖组的最大氧脉搏有升高趋势,但差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。女生中,与非超重肥胖组相比,超重肥胖组的VO2max绝对值有升高趋势[(966.70±131.22)ml/min比(892.55±108.71)ml/min],但无统计学意义(P>0.05);超重肥胖组的VO2max相对值低于非超重肥胖组[(23.84±4.30)ml/(kg·min)比(28.09±4.52)ml/(kg·min)],差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);最大氧脉搏高于非超重肥胖组 ,但差异无统计学意义。控制年龄因素后,VO2max相对值与体质量指数(BMI)、肥胖度、FAT%、脂肪量(FM)、FFM、脂肪含量指数(FMI)、去脂体质量(FFMI)均呈显著负相关(男:r=-0.675,P<0.000 1;r=-0.634,P<0.000 1;r=-0.667,P<0.000 1;r=-0.726,P<0.000 1;r=-0.594,P<0.000 1;r=-0.686,P<0.000 ; r=-0.456,P=0.010。女:r=-0.651,P<0.000 1;r=-0.552,P=0.002; r=-0.527,P=0.003; r=-0.633,P<0.000 1; r=-0.520,P=0.004;r=-0.579,P=0.001;r=-0.597,P=0.001)。男生中,最大氧脉搏与BMI、FFM、FFMI均显著正相关(r=0.358,P=0.048;r=0.543,P=0.002;r=0.554,P=0.001);女生中,最大氧脉搏与FFM、FFMI呈正相关(r=0.378,P=0.043;r=0.449,P=0.014)。结论 学龄期儿童的有氧运动能力与人体成分有关。肥胖程度越高,有氧运动能力越差。最大氧脉搏与去脂体质量有一定相关性。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In studies of adult humans and in animal models, dietary intakes of the macronutrients, particularly fat, are related to body composition; however, data on children are more scarce. OBJECTIVE: We sought to determine whether diet composition is related to percentage body fat in children aged 1.5-4.5 y. DESIGN: In 77 preschool children, a 4-d weighed-food record was used to determine intakes of total energy and energy from each macronutrient. An oxygen-18 dilution method was used to calculate percentage body fat. Habitual physical activity level was determined by calculating the ratio of total energy expenditure (from stable isotope analyses) to predicted basal metabolic rate. Dietary intake and body-composition data were analyzed to evaluate whether diet composition was related to body fat. Further analyses incorporating physical activity level were performed. RESULTS: Percentage body fat was not significantly correlated with dietary intake variables (total energy or percentage of energy from fat, carbohydrate, or protein) and did not differ significantly among 3 increasing levels of each dietary intake variable by analysis of variance. In multiple regression analysis, physical activity level was related to body fat whereas diet composition was not. CONCLUSIONS: We found no relations between dietary intakes of total energy, fat, carbohydrate, or protein and percentage body fat in children. The relation between fat intake and body fat may develop over time and may not be evident in preschool children. Energy expenditure, in particular physical activity level, may have a greater influence on body composition in early childhood.  相似文献   

目的 探讨学龄期儿童运动能量消耗(AEE)与人体成分之间的关系。方法 以上海市杨浦区二联小学三、四年级62名学生为研究对象,使用代谢车测定运动能量消耗,利用生物电阻抗法测定人体成分,包括体质量、体质量指数、体脂率、脂肪含量、去脂体质量、脂肪含量指数、去脂体质量指数、肥胖度和AEE,比较超重肥胖组与非超重肥胖组儿童各指标的差异,并探讨其关系。结果 男生超重肥胖组和非超重肥胖组的运动时间[(9.70±1.91)min 比(10.00±1.97)min;t=0.336,P=0.739]、总AEE[(198.74±53.33)kJ 比 (171.54±41.75)kJ;t=-1.422,P=0.165]、AEE相对值[(0.46±0.09)kJ/(min·kg)比(0.51±0.04)kJ/(min·kg); t=2.043,P=0.051]差异均无统计学意义,超重肥胖组AEE绝对值高于非超重肥胖男生组[(20.06±3.14)kJ/min比(16.93±1.85)kJ/min;t=-2.910,P=0.007]。女生超重肥胖组与非超重肥胖组相比运动时间更短[(7.35±3.05)min 比 (9.98±1.82)min;t=2.509,P=0.027]、AEE相对值更小[(0.41±0.09)kJ/(min·kg)比 (0.51±0.07)kJ/(min·kg);t=3.244,P=0.003],但两组总AEE[(129.29±71.13)kJ 比 (161.50±35.38)kJ;t=1.351,P=0.203]、AEE绝对值[(16.82±3.26)kJ/min 比 (16.17±2.00)kJ/min; t=-0.676,P=0.504]差异均无统计学意义。控制年龄和性别因素后,男生AEE绝对值与体质量指数(P=0.015)、肥胖度(P=0.010)、脂肪含量(P=0.047)、去脂体质量(P=0.010)和去脂体质量指数(P=0.003)呈显著正相关,女生AEE绝对值与体成分各指标无相关性。AEE相对值与体质量指数(男:P=0.000,女:P=0.000)、肥胖度(男:P=0.002,女:P=0.000)、体脂率(男:P=0.000,女:P=0.001)、脂肪含量(男:P=0.000,女:P=0.000)、去脂体质量(男:P=0.002,女:P=0.022)和脂肪含量指数(男:P=0.000,女:P=0.000)呈显著负相关。结论 肥胖儿童AEE与体成分有关,肥胖程度越高,AEE相对值越少。儿童的体型、体成分与能量代谢存在着复杂的联系。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Heritability estimates for body mass index (BMI; in kg/m(2)) in children generally have been derived from twin and adoption studies. However, BMI does not reflect total or regional body composition. OBJECTIVE: We evaluated the familial resemblance of body composition between prepubertal girls of normal weight and body fatness and their parents by using state-of-the-art technology. DESIGN: The subjects were 101 girls [mean age: 8.5 +/- 0.4 y; percentage body fat (%BF): 12-30%] and their biological parents. Weight, height, and body composition [fat mass (FM), fat-free mass (FFM), and %BF] were measured with dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) and total body potassium (TBK). RESULTS: Weight, height, and BMI showed low-to-moderate similarity between the girls and both their parents (r = 0.29-0.44, P < 0.01). The girls' FM, FFM, and %BF were significantly related to both parents' body composition. Cross-generational equations were developed for DXA, eg, child's %BF = 12.4 + (0.158 paternal %BF) + (0.145 maternal %BF) (adjusted r(2) = 0.16, P < 0.001). Regional analysis with DXA showed that the adjusted r(2) values for the arm, trunk, and leg regions, respectively, were 0.17, 0.33, and 0.31 for lean tissue mass and 0.11, 0.14, and 0.09 for FM. TBK showed a similar relation between parents and girls (r = 0.28-0.47, P < 0.01). Significant heritability (h(2) +/- SE) was detected for BMI (0.35 +/- 0.17, P = 0.03) and %BF measured with DXA (0.50 +/- 0.12, P = 0.0001). CONCLUSION: The body composition of prepubertal girls of normal weight and body fatness is significantly related to the body composition of both biological parents.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Intrauterine programming of body composition [percentage body fat (%BF)] has been sparsely examined with multiple independent reference techniques in children. The effects on and consequences of body build (dimensions, mass, and length of body segments) are unclear. OBJECTIVE: The study examined whether percentage fat and relation of percentage fat to body mass index (BMI; in kg/m2) in prepubertal children are programmed during intrauterine development and are dependent on body build. It also aimed to examine the extent to which height can be predicted by parental height and birth weight. DESIGN: Eighty-five white children (44 boys, 41 girls; aged 6.5-9.1 y) had body composition measured with a 4-component model (n = 58), dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (n = 84), deuterium dilution (n = 81), densitometry (n = 62), and skinfold thicknesses (n = 85). RESULTS: An increase in birth weight of 1 SD was associated with a decrease of 1.95% fat as measured by the 4-component model (P = 0.012) and 0.82-2.75% by the other techniques. These associations were independent of age, sex, socioeconomic status, physical activity, BMI, and body build. Body build did not decrease the strength of the associations. Birth weight was a significantly better predictor of height than was self-reported midparental height, accounting for 19.4% of the variability at 5 y of age and 10.3% at 7.8 y of age (17.8% and 8.8% of which were independent of parental height at these ages, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: Consistent trends across body-composition measurement techniques add strength to the suggestion that percentage fat in prepubertal children is programmed in utero (independently of body build and BMI). It also suggests birth weight is a better predictor of prepubertal height than is self-reported midparental height.  相似文献   

  目的  了解儿童青少年体脂率(FM%)、体脂指数(FMI)、去脂体质量指数(FFMI)和体质量指数(BMI)与身体素质的关联性,为探讨身体成分指标对儿童青少年体育锻炼程度的潜在价值提供参考。  方法  数据来源于2013年教育部国家学生体质健康标准修订北京地区样本,采用Inbody 230对北京市4 069名6~20岁儿童青少年进行身体成分测定,用四分位数法将FM%、FMI、FFMI和BMI分别分成4组,用GraphPad Prism 8.0软件对4组的体测成绩进行差异性分析。  结果  男生FM%(20.03±10.39)和FMI[(4.35±2.84)kg/m2]均小于女生,而FFMI[(14.21±4.95)kg/m2]和BMI[(20.31±4.27)kg/m2]均大于女生(t值分别为-13.36,-7.66,11.49,8.16,P值均 < 0.01)。在男生中随着FM%和FMI增加,50 m跑、1 000 m跑、立定跳远和引体向上的成绩呈下降趋势; 随着FFMI增加,50 m跑、立定跳远和引体向上成绩有上升趋势。在女生中,随着FM%和FMI增加,50 m跑时间逐渐缩短,800 m跑时间逐渐增长;FFMI越大50 m跑时间呈现出下降趋势,而在800 m跑中未见FFMI的显著趋势性。4个体成分指标对于坐位体前屈和1 min仰卧起坐无明显预测作用。  结论  FM%、FMI、FFMI和BMI对于儿童青少年身体素质有很好的预测作用。FFMI较高、FM%和FMI较低者在肌肉爆发力、肌肉耐力、柔韧性、有氧能力、无氧能力方面有更好表现,且这种趋势在男生中更为明显。  相似文献   

观察肥胖幼儿的骨龄变化以及肥胖与骨龄发育的相关程度,为采取有效手段维持儿童青少年正常体质指标与激素水平提供参考.方法 随机整群抽取上海市30所幼儿园360名3~6岁肥胖儿童,统一进行骨龄评价和体质测试评分评级,观察肥胖程度与骨龄发育的相关关系以及骨龄与肥胖幼儿身体成分、身体素质之间的联系.结果 除4岁组外,不同年龄组肥胖幼儿的骨龄均高于实际年龄(P值均<0.01).幼儿体重与骨龄差值呈正相关,且肥胖程度越高,相关系数越大(轻、中、重度肥胖r值分别为0.22,0.29,0.57,P值均<0.01);骨龄与体质测试中的身高、体重、身体素质总评分间的相关均有统计学意义(P值均<0.05),与体成分中的肌肉量、脂肪量指标的相关均有统计学意义(P值均<0.01),其他单项指标均无统计学意义.结论 3~6岁单纯性肥胖幼儿的体重与骨龄显著相关.随着肥胖程度的加深,骨龄也会随之快速增长,带来一系列的激素水平异常等问题,影响幼儿的正常生长发育.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Glucocorticoid therapy retards growth during childhood and is believed to lead to a Cushingoid body habitus. However, despite prolonged, repeated courses of glucocorticoid, children with steroid-sensitive nephrotic syndrome (SSNS) have almost normal adult height. Little information exists on body composition. OBJECTIVE: We sought to assess the effect of glucocorticoids on height and body composition by comparing children with SSNS with concurrent healthy reference children. We hypothesized that chronic glucocorticoid therapy leads to obesity, decreased lean mass, and distorted distributions of fat and lean. DESIGN: We performed a cross-sectional study of 52 subjects with SSNS (4-21 y) and 259 reference subjects. The evaluation included height, weight, and pubertal status. Fat and lean masses were assessed by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry in all subjects. Lifetime glucocorticoid exposure was recorded for subjects with SSNS. Outcomes were expressed as SD scores (SDS). RESULTS: Forty-one percent of subjects with SSNS were obese [body mass index (BMI) > 95th percentile], but regional fat distribution was normal. Mean total lean mass-for-height was 0.43 SD (95% CI: 0.15, 0.72) higher and mean appendicular lean mass-for-total-lean-mass was lower (-0.39 SD; 95% CI: -0.64, -0.14) in SSNS compared with reference children. The mean height-SDS in SSNS was -0.08 SD (95% CI: -0.37, 0.21) relative to national reference data, but height-SDS was significantly decreased given the degree of obesity. Height-SDS was positively associated with BMI-SDS among subjects with SSNS. CONCLUSION: Glucocorticoid therapy for SSNS is complicated by obesity and relatively low appendicular lean mass. Overall height-SDS is normal because of a mitigating effect of elevated BMI on glucocorticoid-induced growth retardation.  相似文献   

Bioelectrical impedance (BIA) and anthropometric measurements were taken of 129 stunted and 32 non-stunted children aged 9-24 months in Kingston, Jamaica. The reliability of BIA in such young children was examined and the relationships between impedance and anthropometry were determined. The stunted children had significantly lower body mass index (BMI) and smaller triceps skinfolds than the non-stunted children, suggesting differences in body composition between the groups. Resistance was significantly higher in the stunted children than the non-stunted children and nutritional group (stunted or non-stunted) contributed significantly to the variance in resistance after controlling for length, weight, mid-upper arm circumference, triceps and subscapular skinfolds, age and sex. This suggests that there were differences in body composition and/or body shape between the groups beyond that measured by the anthropometric indices used. Total body water (TBW) was estimated using an equation for Jamaican children of comparable age. As a percentage of body weight the TBW estimates were the same for the two groups, a finding which is inconsistent with the anthropometric data.  相似文献   

目的 分析不同性别、体重状态、肥胖类型学龄儿童的体成分差异,探讨体重状态和肥胖类型对瘦体重与脂肪质量比值(MFR)、体脂百分比(FMP)的影响。 方法 2019-2020年随访山东莱州湾出生队列440名7岁儿童,用体成分仪测量并计算得到总体成分、去脂体重和体脂肪相关的12种体成分指标。依据BMI分为3种体重状态,依据体重指数(BMI)及腰围身高比分为4种肥胖类型,分析其与体成分的关系。 结果 体成分性别差异分析表明,男女生的MFR、FMP差异无统计学意义(t=1.16、0.39,P>0.05)。MFR在正常、超重、肥胖组间递减,在非肥胖、腹型肥胖、一般性肥胖、复合型肥胖组间也递减(F=141.65、63.96,P<0.05),而其他体成分指标在各组间呈递增趋势(P<0.05)。多重线性回归表明肥胖组比正常组儿童的MFR低3.28(95%CI:-3.69~-2.87,P<0.001),FMP高17.25%(95%CI:16.07~18.43,P<0.001);复合型肥胖组比非肥胖组儿童的MFR低3.18(95%CI:-3.65~-2.71,P<0.001),FMP高17.55%(95%CI:16.15~18.95,P<0.001)。 结论 肥胖儿童的增重主要归于体脂肪的增加,复合型肥胖儿童的肌肉和脂肪平衡失调,提示在儿童期防控复合型肥胖对降低其健康风险具有重要的公共卫生学意义。  相似文献   

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