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产后避孕最主要的问题是节育器脱落和带器妊娠。近年,有学者认为产后立即放置(immediate postplacental insertion,IPPI)含铜宫内节育器(IUD))是较好的产后避孕方法。我们在固定式宫内节育器广泛用于人工流产术后即时放置的基础上,在剖宫产术后即时放置固定式宫内节育器,探讨固定式宫内节育器用于产后避孕的安全性及可行性。  相似文献   

本文对产后42~60天的哺乳妇女放置每天释放10mg天然黄体酮的阴道环(160例)与铜T380A宫内节育器(100例)进行避孕效果及其安全性比较研究。结果表明:通过宣教,产后42~60天落实节育方法是可行的,放置铜T380A宫内节育器在哺乳期无妊娠发生,哺乳期避孕对母儿健康无不良影响。围产保健和计划生育并行对提高母乳喂养率,落实计划生育方法,降低人工流产率,保障母儿健康收效显著,值得推广。  相似文献   

本文对产后42 ̄60天的哺乳妇女放置每天释放10mg天然黄体酮的阴道环(160例)与铜T380A宫内节育器(100例)进行避孕效果及其安全性比较研究。结果表明:通过宣教,产后42 ̄60天落实节育方法是可行的,放置铜T380A宫内节育器在哺乳期无妊娠发生,哺乳期避孕对母儿健康无不良影响,围产保健和计划生育并行对提高母乳喂养率,落实计划生育方法,降低人工流产率,保障母儿健康收效显著,值得推广。  相似文献   

孕妇产后的避孕意愿及其影响因素   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文对上海市黄浦区、普陀区、青浦县、奉贤县 40 37名孕妇对产后避孕意愿及影响因素进行了分析。结果显示 :79.96 %的妇女考虑产后避孕。2 5~ 2 9岁的妇女较其它年龄段的妇女考虑产后避孕的比例要高。产后避孕意愿与本人文化程度及职业无关 ,而亲戚朋友的文化程度对产后避孕意愿有影响。工作单位要求在 1年内落实避孕措施、接受过有关避孕知识教育或为此进行咨询或查阅书籍的妇女考虑产后使用避孕方法的比例较高。单位或计划生育部门建议使用的避孕方法以宫内节育器最高 ,占 97.1 4% ,避孕套仅为 1 .0 2 % ;妇女自我选择的避孕方法中宫内节育器为多 ,占 82 .34% ;其次为避孕套 ,占 1 1 .2 1 %。 L ogistic回归分析表明 :年龄、文化程度、职业、家庭收入等对产后避孕意愿影响不大。产后愿意哺乳者、接受过避孕教育、咨询或查阅书籍者、了解避孕知识年龄较小者、知晓宫内节育器者对产后避孕意愿有正面作用。建议在计划生育服务中 ,今后需加强产后避孕教育 ,开展各种避孕方法知情选择的教育和咨询 ,指导妇女在产后选择最适合于自己的避孕方法 ,从而减少产后意外妊娠的发生  相似文献   

<正> 宫内节育器已在临床广泛应用,但其详尽避孕机制的说法不一。多数学者认为,子宫内节育器的避孕机制是由于节育器对子宫内膜的物理性刺激引起子宫内膜非细菌性炎症反应改变,从而导致避孕效果的产生。亦有人报道,宫内节育器可使子宫内膜过氧化氢生成率增加,其相关的过氧化物酶活性会发生相应的改变。本文旨在通过测定放置宫内节育器及慢性岔腔炎妇女月经血浆中过氧化物酶活性,来初步探讨置宫内节育器妇女月经血浆中过氧化物酶活性变化的意义。  相似文献   

1 病例报告患者,33岁,因反复右下腹隐痛4年,发现宫内节育器异位1个月入院。患者于7年前足月妊娠在外院行子宫下段剖宫产术,产后恢复良好,哺乳至产后11个月月经复潮。产后6个月在某市级医院放置“T”形宫内节育器,术中、术后无腹痛及阴道流血。平素月经规则,经量中等、无痛经。4年前出现右下腹刺痛,在外院就医排除阑尾炎可能,给予静脉滴注抗生素治疗3天后症状缓解。此后4年反复发作右下腹刺痛,可自行缓解。1月余前,因早孕5 0 + 天,在本院行人工流产,术中宫颈口未见节育器尾丝,手术结束时仍不能探及宫内节育器。经腹部X线平片示“T”环位于…  相似文献   

子宫内放置节育器是一种安全、简便、有效的避孕措施,为解决剖宫产术后的避孕问题,我院1983年5月至1984年7月,对120例剖宫产者同时宫内置环,并进行了近期随访,报道如下。资料与方法一、对象:我院1983年5月至1984年7月分娩总数2013例,从212例剖宫产中选择165例无产前感染者,行剖宫产术时置宫内节育器。年龄24~35岁,初产妇占95%。二、节育器种类:我们选用上海医用缝合针厂出  相似文献   

产后立即放置GyneFix^TMPP型宫内节育器对产褥期的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的探讨产后立即放置GyneFixTMPP型宫内节育器(GyneFixTMPP-IUD)对产后出血、血性恶露及产后子宫内膜炎的影响。方法以产后放置GyneFixTMPP-IUD者为放器组(126例),产后未放置宫内节育器(IUD)者为对照组(118例),分别记录两组研究对象产时、产后2小时、产后24小时的出血量、血性恶露持续时间及产后子宫内膜炎的发生率。结果与产后出血及产褥期感染有关的因素两组间差异均无显著性(P>0.05);两组间的产时或术时出血量、产后2小时出血量及24小时的出血总量、子宫内膜炎的发生率,差异亦无显著性(P>0.05),两组间的血性恶露持续时间差异有显著性(P<0.05)。结论GyneFixTMPP-IUD对产后出血及产褥期感染无明显影响,具有较好的安全性,是产后立即避孕的一种较好方法,对血性恶露持续时间的影响及产生原因有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

目的通过调查产后意外妊娠妇女的避孕状况,探讨产后避孕失败的原因。方法将2008年11月至2013年5月北京大学人民医院计划生育科189例产后1年内意外妊娠妇女作为研究组,同期326例产后1年内未妊娠妇女作为对照组,对其临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果研究组妇女的平均年龄[(30.15±4.15)岁]与对照组[(33.51±6.03)岁]比较,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05);两组妇女的文化程度及职业比较,差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。研究组未避孕率(28.57%,54/189)与对照组(19.94%,65/326)比较,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。研究组妇女中,阴道分娩组未避孕率(20.93%,27/129)与剖宫产组(45.00%,27/60)比较,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。研究组因避孕措施失败而导致意外妊娠135例(71.43%),其采用的避孕方法分别为避孕套107例(79.26%),安全期21例(15.56%),体外排精6例(4.44%),宫内节育器1例(0.74%)。结论不避孕或使用效果不稳定的避孕方法,是导致妇女产后1年内意外妊娠的主要原因。  相似文献   

产时放置宫内节育器的临床应用及效果观察黄艳实行计划生育,控制人口增长是我国的一项基本国策。宫内量节育器是目前国内妇女使用最多的避孕方法,它具有安全、经济、长效和简便的优点。因许多妇女产后未采取避孕措施,造成哺乳期人工流产甚至引产的结果。所以我们从19...  相似文献   

Ovulation returns soon after abortion, with half of the women ovulating by 21 days after the procedure. Immediate post-abortion insertion provides immediate contraceptive protection. Clinicians have feared that rates of uterine perforation due to intrauterine devices (IUDs) and expulsion of IUDs may be higher in the post-abortal uterus due to its softness and enlargement. This study was carried out to assess the safety and efficacy of IUD insertion immediately after induced abortion compared with insertion during the first menstrual cycle after abortion. All women were counseled about a method of contraception, particularly copper T-380A, and divided into two groups: Group 1 included 226 women who preferred immediate IUD insertion, and Group 2 included 100 women who opted for interval-IUD insertion during the first menstrual cycle after abortion. All women were followed-up at two and eight weeks after insertion of the IUDs. Severe bleeding was observed 10.62% in Group 1 and 6% in Group 2. Expulsion rate was 7.08% and 8% in Groups 1 and 2, respectively, which was not statistically significant. Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) was observed in one case in Group 1. However uterine perforation was not noted in either group. In conclusion, insertion of an IUD immediately after an induced abortion is safe and if a woman asks for a modern contraceptive method it could be offered.  相似文献   

Use-effectiveness of oral and intrauterine contraception   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The use-effectiveness of oral contraception and intrauterine contraception was studied in 3 family planning centers in the United States: Grady Memorial Hospital in Atlanta, Georgia; State University of New York, Downstate Medical Center, in Brooklyn; and the Planned Parenthood Center in Buffalo, New York. In each locality 1000 women were selected for the study. 2900 women accepted intrauterine devices (IUDs) or oral contraceptives (OCs) as their first method of contraception. In Brooklyn 3 out of 4 women chose OCs; in Atlanta and Buffalo roughly equal numbers selected each method. The mean age of admission was 25.7 years in Buffalo, 24 years in Brooklyn, and 23.8 years in Atlanta. IUD acceptors were older than those choosing OCs. The difference was greatest in Buffalo (3.3 years) and smallest in Atlanta (.8 years). A special one-page, self-coding questionnaire was designed to collect the information required. In all 3 clinics contraceptive termination rates were markedly lower for the IUDs than for OCs. At 1 year of use for the first method only about one-fourth the women who chose the IUD had discontinued its use. Women on OCs terminated at rates from 10-20% higher. Termination rates for all contraception, both first-method and substitution, were lower than for first-method alone and lower for IUDs than for OCs. The highest continuation rate for all contraception was 92.5% for IUD users in Brooklyn while OC users in Atlanta were at the lowest level at 60.5%. Pregnancy rate studies demonstrated higher failure rates with OCs than with IUDs in all 3 clinics. Statistics by age showed that termination rates for both IUD and OC users declined with age. Women who selected IUDs as their method of contraception were more persistent users of contraception. Even after discontinuing IUD use, they were more likely to adopt another contraceptive method.  相似文献   

ObjectivesUse of an intrauterine contraceptive device (IUD) has not been recommended to nulliparous women in the past. There is now good evidence that there is no increased risk of pelvic inflammatory disease or infertility in nulliparas who use IUDs and the recommendations have changed. Our objective was to understand more about the motivations and experience of nulliparous women using IUDs.MethodsThis was a mixed method study. First, we asked 44 nulliparous women who had had an IUD inserted within the previous six months about their reasons for seeking the IUD, their history with other forms of contraception, their perception of the insertion experience, and their feelings after insertion. Questionnaires were then distributed to 154 nulliparous women presenting for IUDs, asking about their past experience with hormonal contraception.ResultsThe main theme arising from the interviews was a desire to avoid hormonal contraception. Other reasons for choosing the IUD were greater contraceptive effectiveness than other methods, convenience of use, and lower cost. Responses to the questionnaire indicated that 138 women (89.7%) had used hormonal contraception in the past and, of those, 98 (63.0%) complained of mood side effects, 64 (41.6%) of sexual side effects, and 64 (41.6%) of physical side effects.ConclusionThe most important motivation for nulliparous women in this study to choose IUDs was to avoid the potential or actual side effects of hormonal contraception. Despite experiencing some discomfort at the time of insertion, this group of nulliparous women was very positive about using IUDs for contraception.  相似文献   

The study objective was to examine the cervical flora during the insertion of an IUD and to determine whether the presence of the device in utero modified this flora. A secondary objective was to determine whether the colonization of the cervix with (occasionally) pathogenic bacteria warrants a prophylactic antibiotic treatment. IUDs were inserted in a group of 20 women, ranging in age from 23-40 years, at the Family Planning Clinic of Meir Hospital in Kfar Saba, Israel. The cervical bacterial flora was examined during insertion and again after a period of 3-12 months with the IUD in situ. None of the women received antibiotic or antifungal treatment for 3 months prior to or 12 months after insertion. The women were divided into 2 groups according to the type of IUD used. Group A consisted of 22 women with nonmedicated IUDs and Group B included 28 women with IUDs medicated with copper. A cervical swab was collected during insertion of the IUD and at 3-12 months afterwards. Of the 50 cervical cultures collected during the insertion, 48 (84%) were sterile, but only 27 of the cultures collected after 3-12 months with the IUD in utero were sterile. The medicated IUD had a more intense bacteriostatic effect on the bacterial cervical flora than the other devices. Among the copper IUDs the best results were obtained with the Nova T type and secondly with the Copper 7 (Gravigard). It is possible that the pathogenic organisms enter the uterine cavity and tubes from the cervix during insertion of the IUD. It may be concluded that during IUD insertion prophylactic treatment with a broad spectrum antibiotic would be indicated, but the study showed that this was not the case. The organisms isolated in the women studied were those normally found in the upper vagina and cervix and only occasionally became pathogenic. Medicated IUDs are preferable because of the bacteriostatic activity of the copper and to the fact that they are normally left in utero for a shorter time than the unmedicated IUDs.  相似文献   

目的探讨宫内节育器(IUD)异位及嵌顿的诊断、处理及预防。方法回顾性分析2007年1月至2012年6月郑州大学第一附属医院收治的66例IUD异位及嵌顿患者的临床资料。结果 66例患者临床表现不一,常见症状为下腹疼痛及异常子宫出血。其中14例为绝经后妇女,52例为生育期妇女。19例为产后及流产后放置,47例为正常月经后放置。3例为IUD术后异位妊娠手术中诊断,6例为放置IUD后妊娠流产中未发现IUD术后诊断,26例取器困难超声或宫腔镜诊断。T形IUD39例,圆形IUD16例,宫形IUD9例,吉尼环2例。部分嵌顿经宫腔镜或在超声引导下取出18例;部分嵌顿经宫腔镜或超声引导下取器失败者,经皮肾镜由异物钳取出5例;绝经后妇女行子宫切除2例;T形IUD纵臂部分嵌顿子宫颈管,宫腔镜检查后用长弯钳取出5例;宫型及T型IUD嵌顿于子宫壁达子宫浆膜层,腹腔镜或宫腹腔镜联合取出10例;异位于子宫直肠陷凹,超声引导后穹隆切开取出2例;异位于腹腔或盆腔内,经腹腔镜取出17例;异位妊娠术中发现并取出3例;阔韧带异位者腹腔镜取出1例;异位于膀胱内者经皮肾镜取出3例。结论超声或宫腔镜、盆腔X线检查是诊断IUD异位及嵌顿的主要手段,宫腔镜、超声引导、腹腔镜及经皮肾镜是取出IUD的有效手段。  相似文献   

The United States continues to have one of the highest rates of unintended pregnancy and elective abortion in developed countries. Intrauterine devices (IUDs) available today offer women safe and highly effective contraception along with noncontraceptive benefits, yet IUDs remain underutilized in part because of outdated and biased information about the risks associated with this method of fertility control. New research demonstrates that IUD use does not increase the risk of pelvic infections or subsequent infertility. IUD use decreases the absolute risk of ectopic pregnancies. In light of this data, the IUD should be made available to women at low-risk for sexually-transmitted infections and should not be denied to women on the basis of parity or marital status.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Modern intrauterine devices (IUDs) are safe, effective, and reversible, but only 2.1% of U.S. women use IUDs. We aimed to estimate young pregnant women's knowledge of IUDs. METHODS: We surveyed 190 women, aged 14-25 years, presenting for prenatal or abortion care about their contraceptive history, plans, and knowledge. We asked if they had heard of IUDs and queried them on IUD characteristics. RESULTS: The women were, on average, 20 years old, 27% had education past high school, and 47% had delivered a child. Half were in prenatal care, and 91% had not planned their current pregnancy. Fifty-two percent wished to wait 4 or more years before their next pregnancy, and 27% did not want to be pregnant ever again. Safety and efficacy were the most important factors in choosing a contraceptive method. Fifty percent had heard of IUDs, 71% did not know about IUDs' safety, and 58% did not know about IUDs' efficacy. Respondents who knew of IUDs were older (21 versus 19 years, P<.001) and more likely to be parous (55% versus 39%, P=.04). CONCLUSION: Young women choosing contraception after a pregnancy would benefit from counseling about the relative safety and effectiveness of IUDs, allowing them to make fully informed contraceptive decisions. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: II-2.  相似文献   

The use of copper medicated IUDs has replaced the use of inert IUDs, thanks to their increased effectiveness, a Pearl index of 1% as compared to 2.5%. There are very few reported cases of copper allergy due to IUDs; this article presents 1 such case. A 22 year old healthy woman was inserted with a Cu 250 IUD; 1 week after insertion she presented widespread erythematous patches all over her body, excluding her face. Cortisone and antihistamine treatment were ineffective; the IUD was removed, and all symptoms disappeared in less than 20 days; subsequent tests revealed the patient to be allergic to copper sulphate.  相似文献   

A survey was taken of 101 women, average age 27.6, who had undergone an abortion 4-18 months before the survey. 45 of the women were married, 23 were nulliparae. 57 were using an IUD at the time of the survey and 21 were using oral contraceptives. 19 were using no contraceptives, mainly because of infrequent intercourse. 12 women discontinued IUD use after the abortion. 73 of the women were satisfied with the form of contraception they were using at the time of the survey. 41 visited a physician twice a year, 50 went to the hospital for medical care and contraceptives. Only 49 knew how many days after menstruation a woman was most likely to become pregnant. 83 of the women admitted to having had an abortion during the survey; the majority of these had favorable attitudes toward abortion and reported that their abortion had gone well.  相似文献   

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