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职业人群生物样本数据库建立初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 建立职业人群生物样本库,收集、保存生物样本,为今后对职业病的深入研究提供资源.方法 根据接触因素的不同,制定不同的生物样本采集方案,对职业接触人群进行样本采集;以计算机软件技术和数据库技术为基础,对职业接触人群的生物样本及其基本信息进行管理.结果 体系建立后收集并保存了1061例职业病病人及职业危害因素接触人群的生物样本及相关信息;建立了将标本相关信息与标本的储存、管理整合在同一平台上的数据管理系统.结论 建立的数据库能够对职业人群生物样本的采集、分离、储存和使用进行管理,可使生物样本资源得到更加科学合理的利用.  相似文献   

For registration of agricultural pesticides, the risks for humans, animals, and the environment must be determined. The risk assessment is based on an appraisal of the levels of exposure and the hazards of the active substance(s) in the plant protection product, that is, the agricultural pesticide. Funded by the European Commission (AIR3 CT93-1370), the EUROPOEM database has been developed by a group of experts, representing governments, industry, and academia. The currently available exposure database reflects exposure to operators (mixer/loaders and applicators). The EUROPOEM approach is based on a harmonized protocol for conduct of field studies of operator exposure (presently published as an Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development [OECD] Guidance Document) and a tiered approach to exposure and risk assessment. The database is constructed from exposure data obtained in representative field studies. These field studies are considered according to criteria reflecting the quality of documentation, study design, adequate methodology, number of replicates, and QA/QC elements, for use of the inhalation and dermal exposure data. The resulting exposure data were combined according to comparable use scenarios. From the resulting databases typical surrogate potential exposure values have been obtained, which are determined by their use for either acute or chronic health effects, and the size of the database. For large databases (over 50-100 data points), from many different field studies (10 or more), the 75th percentile is taken if the exposure is considered leading to chronic effects. For smaller databases, a more conservative 90th percentile is taken as surrogate value, or none at all for very small databases (15-20 or less data points from 3 or less different field studies). The choice for the 75th percentile is based on the assumed or observed lognormal distribution of the exposure data, as being the most relevant typical value for long-term effects, since the 75th percentile of log-normal distributions is nominally very similar to a calculated arithmetic mean (AM). The AM, as such however, is irrelevant for log-normal distributions.  相似文献   

目的 了解东莞市某制鞋企业化学有害因素产生的职业健康风险,为制鞋行业职业病危害防控提供科学依据。
方法 于2019年对东莞市某制鞋企业进行职业卫生调查、职业病危害因素检测,根据《工作场所化学有害因素职业健康风险评估技术导则》(GBZ/T 298-2017)采用半定量模型进行职业健康风险评估。
结果 该制鞋企业现有生产人员445人,实行每周工作6 d、每天11 h。该企业存在的17种化学有害因素中,丁酮、三氯乙烯、乙酸甲酯和乙酸乙酯存在超标情况。刷胶、擦拭、水印和补色4个岗位丁酮、二氯甲烷、环己酮、三氯甲烷、三氯乙烯、乙酸甲酯、乙酸乙酯、正庚烷的健康损害风险等级为低风险;补色、刷胶、水印3个岗位丙酮的健康损害风险等级为低风险;擦拭岗位乙酸丁酯、甲醇的健康损害风险等级为低风险。其余物质对各岗位工作人员健康损害的风险等级为可忽略风险。酯类、卤代烃联合接触引起的健康风险等级高于苯系物。刷胶岗位酯类、卤代烃联合接触有中等健康风险,高于其他岗位。
结论 东莞市制鞋企业中化学有害因素可诱发潜在的职业健康风险,企业及职业卫生部门应采取有效的防控措施。

Background Agriculture is one of the most hazardous sectors in both developing and industrialized countries. Agricultural workers suffer markedly higher rates of accidents and fatal injuries than other workers, with very few resources available for compensation. One of the difficulties in dealing with agriculture is that it is a very complex and heterogeneous sector. Due to inadequate and non-standardized recording and notification systems, official data on the incidence of agricultural occupational accidents and diseases are imprecise, notoriously underestimated, unsatisfactory and inadequate as an indicator for measuring the effect of interventions. Aim To explore the peculiarities of data reporting systems among agricultural sector focusing on the Italian situation. Results and conclusion In recent decades far-reaching national efforts in the sector of occupational safety and health have led to redefinitions and shifts in national policies and priorities, with wide-scale involvement of public and social bodies, field experts, companies, trade unions, public and private insurance agencies. Even so, compared to workers in other sectors, agricultural workers are still under-protected. Occupational safety and health in agriculture need to be addressed with a well-defined strategy and must be integrated into a rural development policy. Integration into the primary health care structure is strongly recommended.  相似文献   

Dermal exposure to industrial chemicals during work is of major concern in the risk assessment of chemicals. Current approaches in procedures for European legislation are not based on experimental data on dermal exposures in workplaces because these are lacking. A large project, with four interrelated work parts, was funded by the European Commission (DG Research) in order to overcome large parts of this problem. The 4 year project is now in its final year and an overview is given of an important part of the project: the development of a risk assessment and risk management toolkit for dermal exposure. Five other papers in this issue deal with various aspects of this development.  相似文献   

The present document, which describes recommended standardized procedures, aims to assist individual investigators plan a study on the effects of industrial chemicals on the auditory system, collect and analyze environmental and hearing sensitivity data that are accurate and comparable to data acquired by others. This draft document is currently being reviewed by the NoiseChem Research Group. In this peer review stage we are currently accepting critiques and suggestions to this proposal. Investigations on the aforementioned topic are necessary since there is strong evidence that occupational hearing loss may be caused not only by noise but also by exposure to certain chemicals in the work environment. Since some industrial chemicals are known to be ototoxic, it is plausible to expect that if these chemicals occurred in high enough concentrations in the workplace they could affect hearing. Laboratory studies have yielded a finding not expected, namely that when simultaneous exposure to noise and chemicals occur, the hearing loss observed was greater than the expected hearing loss from noise added to the expected hearing loss from the chemical. If this synergism is verified in humans, then changes will be required in the limits that are set for occupational hazards in order to prevent occupational hearing loss.  相似文献   

The Dutch procedure for standard setting for occupational exposure to chemicals, just like the European Union (EU) procedure, is characterized by an organizational separation between considerations of health on the one side, and of technology, economics, and policy on the other side. Health considerations form the basis for numerical guidelines. These guidelines are next combined with technical-economical considerations. Standards are then proposed, and are finally set by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment. An analysis of this procedure might be of relevance to the US, where other procedures are used and criticized. In this article we focus on the first stage of the standard-setting procedure. In this stage, the Dutch Expert Committee on Occupational Standards (DECOS) drafts a criteria document in which a health-based guideline is proposed. The drafting is based on a set of starting points for assessing toxicity. We raise the questions, “Does DECOS limit itself only to health considerations? And if not, what are the consequences of such a situation?” We discuss DECOS' starting points and analyze the relationships between those starting points, and then explore eight criteria documents where DECOS was considering reproductive risks as a possible critical effect. For various reasons, it will be concluded that the starting points leave much interpretative space, and that this space is widened further by the manner in which DECOS utilizes it. This is especially true in situations involving sex-specific risks and uncertainties in knowledge. Consequently, even at the first stage, where health considerations alone are intended to play a role, there is much room for other than health-related factors to influence decision making, although it is unavoidable that some interpretative space will remain. We argue that separating the various types of consideration should not be abandoned. Rather, through adjustments in the starting points and aspects of the procedure, clarity should be guaranteed about the way the interpretative space is being employed. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Paired-ion reversed-phase liquid chromatography was applied to the problem of determining the exposure of chemical workers to aerosols of chemical intermediates in the production of fabric brighteners, specifically: 4,4'-diaminostilbene-2,2'-disulfonic acid, disodium salt (DAS), 4,4'-dinitrostilbene-2,2'-disulfonic acid, disodium salt (DNS), and paranitrotoluene sulfonic acid, sodium salt (PNTSA), which are all light-sensitive ionic compounds. Personal samples were collected on Teflon-coated glass fiber filters through which air was drawn at 1.7 Lpm. DAS, DNS and PNTSA were desorbed quantitatively in water from the filters. Tetrabutylammonium phosphate served as the ion-pairing reagent to these anions and was added to the eluent solutions. The samples were separated on an octadecylsilyl column with a methanol/water gradient. These three compounds eluted with good separation in 15 min. Monitoring absorbance of light at 254 nm, one can easily obtain detection limits of 2 micrograms/mL or less. Air concentrations of 0.02 mg/m3 were measured readily by personal sampling. Airborne exposures in this facility were found to range from nondetectable levels up to 60 micrograms/m3 DAS. A fixed high volume sampler collected between 0.2 and 2 micrograms/m3 each of DAS, DNS and PNTSA. The enclosure of the reactors and transport of materials in solution or as a slurry minimize exposure.  相似文献   

职业性皮肤接触评估方法研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在工作场所中,工人可通过各种途径接触于众多化学物质,其中经皮肤接触是重要的途径。在最新颁布的GBZ2—2002《工作场所有害因素职业接触限值》中,有毒物质共330种,其中标注皮肤的为93项,占28.18%[1]。在其他各国职业接触限值中标注皮肤的有:芬兰165项,占27%;瑞典,23%;美国政府工业卫生学家协会(ACGIH)制定的阈限值(TLV)中则为25%。鉴于许多化学物都可以经皮肤吸收,因此建立职业性皮肤接触评估方法是非常必要的。首先,评估资料是阐明接触途径、定量分析污染的深度和广度所必需的;其次,评估防护服的效果;再次,对于经皮肤吸收是总接触水…  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: RISKOFDERM is a research project whose aim is to develop instruments to assess and manage occupational dermal exposure to chemical substances. METHODS: The research, funded by the European Commission, involves 15 Institutes from 10 member countries; it is a continuation of the Dermal Exposure Network experience and consists of four interrelated parts. The first phase (Qualitative survey) assumed that dermal exposure can be extrapolated from one compound to another when it is task-based: therefore six Dermal Exposure Operation units (DEOu) were defined that lead back to the variety of occupational dermal exposure conditions and an extensive Questionnaire was developed for on-site surveys to perform standard observations in selected working situations (scenarios). RESULTS: The Italian group, participating in the research, obtained a set of observations relating to two "scenarios" in different working sectors: asphalt, ceramic and pottery workers, spectacle decorators and paint production: the aim was to verify the validity of the methodology in assessing the risk of percutaneous absorption, time, frequency and extension of skin exposure. CONCLUSIONS: From the observations made it was shown that the perception of risk was poor; it is necessary to rationalise work organization, and train and inform the employees on the correct use of personal protection devices.  相似文献   

根据化学品中文文献题录检索系统的要求,利用计算机在图书情报工作中常用的顺排文件和倒排文件的基本原理,采用C语言设计和建立化学品中文文献题录数据库.以及数据库的设计方法和应用.  相似文献   

A system has been developed for the computer handling of industrial hygiene data in the Michigan Division of Dow Chemical U.S.A. With the implementation of this system, future epidemiological studies might be completed in a few weeks as opposed to months when done menually. The system is capable of providing lists, either current or historical, of the chemicals used in a particular building; and all the available exposure data for specific employees can be obtained throughout their entire periods of employment. The system is also capable of summarizing all available exposure information for a given chemical. The heart of the chemical exposure data system lies in the record content. Each record contains: 1. Chemical identification number; 2. Employee number; 3. Job classification number; 4. Department index number; 5. Data type code; 6. Exposure data; 7. Units code; 8. Date; 9. Building number and 10. Reference. A detailed discussion of each of these parameters is contained in the text.  相似文献   

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