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If practice development (PD) is to be implemented in diverse mental health‐care settings, it is important that managers, researchers, and policy makers are all clear about the nature of the processes involved. The authors draw on the literature to broadly set out local strategies, practicalities, and issues that should be considered and addressed by those planning to undertake PD projects in mental health. Before implementing PD projects, pre‐existing requirements should be recognized and expedited. All aspects of who does what, when, and how should be widely communicated so that continuous evaluation and improvements are generated. Staff need to be adult learners, be aware of their practice values, be able to access supervision, and confront contradictions and tensions between values and practice. PD programmes that are effective are built into mainstream activities, considered core business, utilize existing resources to build sustainable and realistic improvements, take direction from practitioners, and incorporate client needs.  相似文献   

Various authors suggest mental health nursing is dominated by knowledge borrowed from psychiatry, pharmacology and the behavioural sciences. These disciplines favour knowledge developed using quantitative methodologies so they and evidence-based practice (EBP) and evidence-based nursing (EBN), increasingly called for in mental health nursing, fit seamlessly together. Nevertheless, as these movements dismiss qualitative approaches to knowledge (evidence) development, I argue against the move toward EBP/EBN in mental health nursing. This is because the specialty's primary interests - human experiences of illness/health care and human relationships, often do not lend themselves to being quantitatively researched. Using nursing examples, I demonstrate how qualitative research, wholly unacceptable in relation to EBP/EBN quality of evidence scales, is indispensable to mental health nursing. The need for evidence arising from qualitative research in no way precludes the need for quantitatively derived evidence. Indeed, the specialty's twofold interest - the work of nurses with clients and the explication of phenomena which inform practice, require diverse knowledge and thus, diverse research approaches. This twofold interest defines the area of mental health nursing practice, and knowledge informing it is referred to as nursing based evidence (NBE). Because it values multiple approaches to knowledge development, NBE provides a way to articulate the specialty's distinct contribution to the health care of people experiencing mental illness and advances mental health nursing.  相似文献   

The introduction of evidence‐based practice (EBP) and the hierarchical approach to evidence it engenders within research and evaluation has aroused controversy in the mental health professions. The aim of this paper is to present a critique of EBP with a specific relationship to mental health nursing. It will be argued that in its current form, EBP presents a potential impediment to the facilitation of consumer participation in mental health services and to the recovery model. The need for the consumer voice and the importance of the lived experience of mental illness are not readily reconciled with a strong scientific paradigm that promotes detachment and objectivity. The importance of evidence in contemporary mental health care will also be acknowledged and discussed in light of the current climate of increased consumer knowledge, fiscal constraint, and extensive social criticism of mental health‐care services. The current approach to EBP requires reconstruction to support the consumer‐focused nature of mental health nursing, and to facilitate the implementation of a recovery model for mental health care.  相似文献   

Mental health nurses need to be aware that their knowledge base does not exist in isolation from other cultural practices. They/I/we must become more willing to engage in theoretical problem solving that directly affects clinical practice issues such as the introduction of evidence‐based practice. Critical discussion of evidence‐based practice should be informed by the complex issues that permeate all our socio‐cultural and linguistic practices. This paper examines some of the major philosophical problems in the debate over the use of evidence‐based practice in mental health nursing using both Foucault’s formulation of discourse analysis and Derrida’s construal of deconstruction. The conclusion reached is that postmodern philosophy offers a way to rid nursing of incessant naiive attacks on either quantitative or qualitative research methods which underpin the debate over evidence‐based practice in mental health nursing.  相似文献   

Rationale, aims and objectives Within the field of evidence‐based practice, a process termed ‘evidence mapping’ is emerging as a less exhaustive yet systematic and replicable methodology that allows an understanding of the extent and distribution of evidence in a broad clinical area, highlighting both what is known and where gaps in evidence exist. This article describes the general principles of mapping methodology by using illustrations derived from our experience conducting an evidence map of interventions for youth mental‐health disorders. Methods Evidence maps are based on an explicit research question relating to the field of enquiry, which may vary in depth, but should be informed by end‐users. The research question then drives the search for, and collection of, appropriate studies utilizing explicit and reproducible methods at each stage. This includes clear definition of components of the research question, development of a thorough and reproducible search strategy, development of explicit inclusion and exclusion criteria, and transparent decisions about the level of information to be obtained from each study. Discussion Evidence mapping is emerging as a rigorous methodology for gathering and disseminating up‐to‐date information to end‐users. Thoughtful planning and assessment of available resources (e.g. staff, time, budget) are required by those applying this methodology to their particular field of clinical enquiry given the potential scope of the work. The needs of the end‐user need to be balanced with available resources. Information derived needs to be effectively communicated, with the uptake of that evidence into clinical practice the ultimate aim.  相似文献   

Aims and objectives. The primary aim of this study was to identify the core competencies of mental health telephone triage, including key role tasks, skills, knowledge and responsibilities, in which clinicians are required to be competent to perform safe and effective triage. Background. Recent global trends indicate an increased reliance on telephone‐based health services to facilitate access to health care across large populations. The trend towards telephone‐based health services has also extended to mental health settings, evidenced by the growing number of mental health telephone triage services providing 24‐hour access to specialist mental health assessment and treatment. Mental health telephone triage services are critical to the early identification of mental health problems and the provision of timely, appropriate interventions. In spite of the rapid growth in mental health telephone triage and the important role these services play in the assessment and management of mental illness and related risks, there has been very little research investigating this area of practice. Design. An observational design was employed to address the research aims. Methods. Structured observations (using dual wireless headphones) were undertaken on 197 occasions of mental health telephone triage over a three‐month period from January to March 2011. Results. The research identified seven core areas of mental health telephone triage practice in which clinicians are required to be competent in to perform effective mental health telephone triage, including opening the call; performing mental status examination; risk assessment; planning and action; termination of call; referral and reporting; and documentation. Conclusions. The findings of this research contribute to the evidence base for mental health telephone triage by articulating the core competencies for practice. Relevance to clinical practice. The mental health telephone triage competencies identified in this research may be used to define an evidence‐based framework for mental health telephone triage practice that aims to improve the quality, consistency and accuracy of telephone‐based mental health triage assessment.  相似文献   

This ethnographic account of mental health nursing in a 22-bed acute inpatient facility in New South Wales, Australia, uncovered cultural meaning and cultural realities associated with the delivery of nursing care within the context of current challenges, demands, and influences brought about by service reforms. The findings demonstrate that mental health nurses have been responsive to changes brought about by the reforms. The ability of nurses to readily identify service gaps in their everyday practice provides them with the opportunity to develop strategies to respond to workplace challenges. As such, findings of the study contribute to current discussions concerning acute inpatient mental health nursing practice.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Evidence‐based practice (EBP) has become a dominant epistemology in nursing education, and has devalued the complex interpersonal components of mental health nursing. A curriculum for mental health nursing, which values the personhood of service users, should focus on those processes that promote recovery within a therapeutic relationship committed to collaboration and respect for diversity. These relationships become possible where the preparation of mental health nurses for practice includes an examination of self in terms of beliefs and values and their consequences on others. The combination of action and reflection in praxis provides a means by which self‐examination and professional obligation can be examined in order to construct a moral identity, which is responsive to the needs of people with mental health problems. Praxis is more than a means of reflecting on practice: it draws together skill, practice knowledge, attitudinal style, and moral reasoning. For this reason, ethical values have a vital role to play in the development of contemporary nursing praxis.  相似文献   

Responding to a call for quantitative outcome evidence about the therapeutic relationship between creative activity and mental health, this study examined the mental health outcomes of inpatients participating in art- and craft-based creative therapies at a private psychiatric hospital over a 5-year period. The creative activity group sample (n= 403) improved from admission to discharge across four different psychometric measures with moderate to strong mean effect sizes. Reductions from pre- to post-treatment in both self-reported and clinician-rated symptoms are clearly demonstrated for the creative activity group participant sample. Research findings establish that participation in creative activity has potential benefits for people experiencing mental health problems.  相似文献   

This article outlines the development of practice standards for the adult mental health workforce for addressing the needs of families where a parent has a mental illness (FaPMI). The practice standards recommended here were formulated using a modified cooperative inquiry process with a group of senior clinical leaders in adult mental health services in Australia, following consultation with the available literature and policy documents. The aim of the project was to generate, align, and operationalize family‐inclusive practice standards within the core activities of the adult mental health workforce and integrate into the continuum of care and recovery for service users who are parents of dependent children. As part of a modified Delphi method, the standards were also ranked by the senior clinical leaders to determine what they believe to be essential and recommended practices for the adult mental health workforce they manage. We argue that developing practice standards that provide practical and realistic expectations of the adult mental health service workforce enable services and workers to better adapt practice to respond to FaPMI.  相似文献   

Consumer recovery is now enshrined in the national mental health policy of many countries. If this construct, which stems from the consumer/user/survivor movement, is truly to be the official and formal goal of mental health services, then it must be the yardstick against which evidence‐based practice (EBP) is judged. From a consumer‐recovery perspective, this paper re‐examines aspects of services chosen for study, methodologies, outcomes measures, and standards of evidence associated with EBP, those previously having been identified as deficient and in need of expansion. One of the significant differences between previous investigations and the present study is that the work, writing, perspectives, and advocacy of the consumer movement has developed to such a degree that we now have a much more extensive body of material upon which to critique EBP and inform and support the expansion of EBP. Our examination reinforces previous findings and the ongoing need for expansion. The consumer recovery‐focused direction, resources, frameworks, and approaches identified through the present paper should be used to expand the aspects of services chosen for study, methodologies, outcomes measures, and standards of evidence. This expansion will ultimately enable services to practice in a manner consistent with the key characteristics of supporting personal recovery.  相似文献   

The therapeutic relationship constitutes the central axis of mental health nursing. The clinical practice environment has been empirically related to the quality of care. However, the relationship between the two constructs is unknown in the setting of mental health units. We aimed to examine whether the practice environment and nurses’ characteristics influence the therapeutic relationship in mental health units. Through a cross‐sectional design, data were collected via an online form completed by nurses in 18 mental health units. Linear regression was used to examine the relationship between the clinical practice environment and the therapeutic relationship. Questionnaires were completed by 198 participants. The mean age was 33.8 (SD 9.1) years, 71.7% were women, and only 20.2% had a specialist qualification in mental health. The therapeutic relationship was better when there was a more favourable practice environment (B: 3.111; 95% CI: 1.46–4.75). The most influential environment‐related factor was the nursing foundations for quality of care (B: 2.124; 95% CI: 0.17–4.07). The factors associated with a high‐quality therapeutic relationship were a more favourable practice environment and the presence of more foundations for quality nursing care, coupled with higher academic attainment and longer nursing experience. Institutions should take into account the importance of the nursing practice environment in mental health units. Aspects related to the quality of nursing foundations, such as training, the use of nursing language and taxonomy, and the existence of a common nursing philosophy, are influential for a high‐quality therapeutic relationship.  相似文献   

Aim and objective.  The purpose of this article is to draw attention to problems in the Canadian health system that must be overcome if Canada is to ensure that older people can access the services they need.
Background.  Projections suggest that 20% of Canadians will be aged 65+ by 2021. If current prevalence rates for mental illness continue, this will result in a significant increase in the number of older Canadians with or at risk for mental illness and mental health problems.
Design.  Findings of the final report of the Standing Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology are summarized and related to the intended role and primary strategy of the proposed Canadian Mental Health Commission.
Methods.  The relevance of the Interprofessional Education for Collaborative Patient-Centred Practice initiative launched by Health Canada is then considered in light of the intention that the Commission adopt collaboration with relevant stakeholders as its primary strategy for achieving mental health reform.
Conclusions.  Fragmentation in service delivery must be overcome if older Canadians are to receive age appropriate mental health services when and where they need them. Yet there is little evidence that the degree of interprofessional collaboration required can be achieved.
Relevance to clinical practice The reforms advocated by the Senate Committee are widely embraced but evidence is needed on how mental health and other professionals can best learn to work together in the interests of older people and other mental health consumers.  相似文献   

Family‐focused practice improves outcomes for families where parents have a mental illness. However, there is limited understanding regarding the factors that predict and enable these practices. This study aimed to identify factors that predict and enable mental health nurses’ family‐focused practice. A sequential mixed methods design was used. A total of 343 mental health nurses, practicing in 12 mental health services (in acute inpatient and community settings), throughout Ireland completed the Family Focused Mental Health Practice Questionnaire, measuring family‐focused behaviours and other factors that impact family‐focused activities. Hierarchical multiple regression identified 14 predictors of family‐focused practice. The most important predictors noted were nurses’ skill and knowledge, own parenting experience, and work setting (i.e. community). Fourteen nurses, who achieved high scores on the questionnaire, subsequently participated in semistructured interviews to elaborate on enablers of family‐focused practice. Participants described drawing on their parenting experiences to normalize parenting challenges, encouraging service users to disclose parenting concerns, and promoting trust. The opportunity to visit a service user's home allowed them to observe how the parent was coping and forge a close relationship with them. Nurses’ personal characteristics and work setting are key factors in determining family‐focused practice. This study extends current research by clearly highlighting predictors of family‐focused practice and reporting how various enablers promoted family‐focused practice. The capacity of nurses to support families has training, organizational and policy implications within adult mental health services in Ireland and elsewhere.  相似文献   

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