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There have been few studies addressing uptake of predictive testing for BRCA1/2 , only one comparing a proactive with usual family networking approach to dissemination. We report uptake of predictive genetic testing after directly offering BRCA1 presymptomatic genetic testing to 100 individuals in two generations of 5 large BRCA1 families compared with service testing of 196 families since that time. Uptake was significantly higher in the first generation (group 1), who were directly offered testing, and much higher in females. Seventy-four percent of unaffected women in the first generation proceeded to testing, 42% of men. This decreased to 44% of women in the second generation (group 2) and 9% males (p = 0.0003). Uptake in unaffected individuals in the final group (group 3) with no proactive approach was significantly lower than that in the first group. Overall uptake after 10 years was 56% (95% confidence interval, CI, 50–62%) for group 1 and 36% (95% CI 34.3–37.7%) for 1084 group 3 individuals (p = 0.0003). Among women, uptake was 74% (95% CI 67–81%) in group 1 at 10 years compared with 51.5% (95% CI 49–54%) in 552 group 3 women (p = 0.023). In men, uptake was 42% (95% CI 33–52%) in group 1 and 21.1% (95% CI 18.1–23.1%) among 532 men in group 3 (p = 0.0098). Although these results are not from a randomized trial, they show particularly among men a substantially higher uptake of genetic services with a direct approach. Importance should be given to more proactive approaches to ensure that men in BRCA1/2 -positive families receive the appropriate information.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to review ethical and clinical guidelines and position papers concerning the presymptomatic and predictive genetic testing of minors. The databases Medline, Philosopher's Index, Biological Abstracts, Web of Science and Google Scholar were searched using keywords relating to the presymptomatic and predictive testing of children. We also searched the websites of the national bioethics committees indexed on the websites of World Health Organization (WHO) and the German Reference Centre for Ethics in the Life Sciences, the websites of the Human Genetics Societies of various nations indexed on the website of the International Federation of Human Genetics Societies and related links and the national medical associations indexed on the website of the World Medical Association. We retrieved 27 different papers dealing with guidelines or position papers that fulfilled our search criteria. They encompassed the period 1991-2005 and originated from 31 different organizations. The main justification for presymptomatic and predictive genetic testing was the direct benefit to the minor through either medical intervention or preventive measures. If there were no urgent medical reasons, all guidelines recommend postponing testing until the child could consent to testing as a competent adolescent or as an adult. Ambiguity existed for childhood-onset disorders for which preventive or therapeutic measures are not available and for the timing of testing for childhood-onset disorders. Although the guidelines covering presymptomatic and predictive genetic testing of minors agree strongly that medical benefit is the main justification for testing, a lack of consensus remains in the case of childhood-onset disorders for which preventive or therapeutic measures are not available.  相似文献   

Summary We did a linkage study of 2 multigenerational pedigrees with dominant olivopontocerebellar atrophy (OPCA) other than SCA1, with chromosome 12q microsatellites. Multipoint linkage analysis led to the conclusion that the disease locus locates within the 6.2 cM interval between IGF1 and D12S84/D12S105. This result coincides with that of Cuban ataxia pedigrees designated as SCA2. Our study provides genetic evidence that dominant OPCA in the Japanese consists of at least two genetically different disorders: SCA1 and SCA2.  相似文献   

Summary SCA1 is caused by expansion of an unstable CAG triplet repeat in a novel gene located on the short arm of chromosome 6. In 126 Japanese individuals from 12 pedigrees with SCA1, studies were done to determine if they carried this mutant gene. All the affected and presymptomatic individuals, determined by haplotype segregation analyses, carried an abnormally expanded allele with the range of 39–63 repeat units. This repeat size inversely correlated with the age at onset. However, contrary to reported results, size of the repeat did not correlate with gender of the transmitting parent. Therefore, the CAG triplet repeat instability on paternal transmission is not likely to be fundamental to SCA1.  相似文献   

Spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 is a familial spinocerebellar ataxia with autosomal dominant inheritance. The gene responsible was recently cloned and this disorder was found to be the result of a CAG expansion in its open reading frame. We analysed 13 SCA2 patients in seven unrelated families in Gunma Prefecture, Japan. In four of the seven families, we detected CCG or CCGCCG interruptions in only the expanded alleles. Cosegregation of these polymorphisms with SCA2 patients was established within each family. Together with the results of haplotype analyses, we considered that at least two founders were present in our area and that these (CCG)1-2 polymorphisms may make analysis of founder effects easier. By sequencing analysis we found that although the number of the long CAG repeat varied in each subclone of expanded alleles, these polymorphisms did not change their configuration. This finding suggests that CCG or CCGCCG sequences are stable when surrounded by the long CAG repeat and a single CAG. Moreover, the presence of these polymorphisms may lead to miscounting the repeat size by conventional estimation using a size marker such as an M13 sequencing ladder. Therefore we should consider these polymorphisms and accurately determine the repeat size by sequencing.  相似文献   

Evans DG, Raymond FL, Barwell JG, Halliday D. Genetic testing and screening of individuals at risk of NF2. Genetic testing and management of the at-risk individual for neurofibromatosis type 2 (NF2) is complicated by the well-documented risk of mosaicism that causes a milder later onset more asymmetrical disease course. Risks of NF2 were derived from genetic testing of over 1000 individuals through the Manchester NF2-testing service. Individuals are at risk of NF2 or have 'potential' NF2 if they have features of the disease that fall short of diagnostic criteria or are the first-degree relative of someone with NF2 or suspected NF2. The present protocol devised for the Nationally Commissioned Group (NCG) NF2 service in England addresses the risks, genetic testing and screening protocol for individuals at risk of NF2. Screening with cranial magnetic resonance imaging is advised until the risk of NF2 falls below a pragmatic threshold of 1%. Multiple case scenarios are shown to illustrate how to use the protocol.  相似文献   

Before the mutation causing Huntington disease was identified, predictive testing of 25% at-risk persons with a 50% at-risk parent who did not wish to know his/her genetic status, was only possible by exclusion testing. The exclusion test, using linked markers, ensures the parent's wish not to know because the parent's risk is not changed. When mutation analysis became available in 1993, new testing options for 25% at-risk persons emerged: viz., the exclusion-definitive test and direct mutation analysis. These new tests not only disclose the risk of the test candidate, but may also change the risk of the at-risk parent and siblings. The testing options for 25% at-risk test applicants and their consequences are discussed and the testing procedures and results of testing 64 25% at-risk persons in the period 1987 to 1997 are described. Relatives received unsought information in 56% of the test procedures before and 34% after the mutation was identified. A decision tree and guidelines for predictive testing of 25% at-risk test applicants are proposed. Am. J. Med. Genet. (Neuropsychiatr. Genet.) 88:662–668, 1999. © 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Spinocerebellar ataxia type 28 is an autosomal dominant form of cerebellar ataxia (ADCA) caused by mutations in AFG3L2, a gene that encodes a subunit of the mitochondrial m‐AAA protease. We screened 366 primarily Caucasian ADCA families, negative for the most common triplet expansions, for point mutations in AFG3L2 using DHPLC. Whole‐gene deletions were excluded in 300 of the patients, and duplications were excluded in 129 patients. We found six missense mutations in nine unrelated index cases (9/366, 2.6%): c.1961C>T (p.Thr654Ile) in exon 15, c.1996A>G (p.Met666Val), c.1997T>G (p.Met666Arg), c.1997T>C (p.Met666Thr), c.2011G>A (p.Gly671Arg), and c.2012G>A (p.Gly671Glu) in exon 16. All mutated amino acids were located in the C‐terminal proteolytic domain. In available cases, we demonstrated the mutations segregated with the disease. Mutated amino acids are highly conserved, and bioinformatic analysis indicates the substitutions are likely deleterious. This investigation demonstrates that SCA28 accounts for ~3% of ADCA Caucasian cases negative for triplet expansions and, in extenso, to ~1.5% of all ADCA. We further confirm both the involvement of AFG3L2 gene in SCA28 and the presence of a mutational hotspot in exons 15–16. Screening for SCA28, is warranted in patients who test negative for more common SCAs and present with a slowly progressive cerebellar ataxia accompanied by oculomotor signs. Hum Mutat 31:1–8, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Sixty-six percent of the at-risk persons and 74% of the partners in a large survey in Belgium have the intention of making use of predictive testing for Huntington's disease. One third of them, however, have expressed the intention of postponing the final decision for various reasons. The intention to be tested is not at all related to sociodemographic characteristics. A thorough exploration of the reasons for being in favour of or against taking the test reveals that the motivation inspiring this very personal decision is very complex. In the group of at-risk persons, less than half of the variation in the intention to be tested is explained by the role of a series of specific reasons as predictor variables in a regression analysis. The proportion of explained variation is slightly higher in the group of partners. 'To have certainty about my own future' and 'to make arrangements for the future' play a major part in the decision of the total group. 'Making decisions concerning children' and to a larger extent 'informing children about their risk status' are important factors in deciding in favour of the test.  相似文献   

The first presymptomatic test for Huntington's disease was developed in the 1980s. With the detection of the gene causing the disorder in 1993, it became possible to do direct mutation tests with almost 100% sensitivity and specificity. The author discusses some of the ethical issues that arise when an adult child at 25% risk for the disease wishes to have the test, but the parent(s) at 50% risk refuses to have one. If the child tests positive, the genetic status of the parent will also be disclosed. No matter what course of action is chosen in this situation, the ethically legitimate interests of either child or parent might be violated. The author examines different alternatives and suggests a solution that might be acceptable to all parties.  相似文献   

Spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 (SCA2) is a hereditary neurodegenerative disorder caused by the expansion of the trinucleotide CAG repeats encoding elongated polyglutamine tract in ataxin‐2, the SCA2 gene product. Polyglutamine diseases comprise nine genetic entities, including seven different forms of spinocerebellar ataxias, Huntington's disease, and spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy. These are pathologically characterized by neuronal loss and intranuclear aggregates or inclusions of mutant proteins including expanded polyglutamine in selected neuronal groups. Previously, we examined immunolocalization of ubiquitin, expanded polyglutamine (probed by 1C2 antibody), and ataxin‐2 in genetically confirmed SCA2 patients. In the present study, we expanded this approach by distinguishing different patterns of subcellular 1C2 immunoreactivity (“granular cytoplasmic,” “cytoplasmic and nuclear” and “nuclear with inclusions.”) and by quantifying their regional frequencies in three autopsied SCA2 brains at different stage of the disease. Comparison with neuronal loss and gliosis revealed that overall 1C2 immunoreactivity was paralleled with their severity. Furthermore, appearance of granular cytoplasmic pattern corresponded to early stage, cytoplasmic and nuclear pattern to active stage, and nuclear with inclusions pattern to final stage. We conclude that this 1C2‐immunoreactive typing may be useful for evaluating the overall severity and extent of affected regions and estimating the neuropathological stage of SCA2.  相似文献   

The promise of genetic medicine is to provide information, based on genotype, to persons not yet sick about their risk of future illness. However, little is known of the long-term psychological effects for asymptomatic persons learning their risk of having a serious disease. Predictive genetic testing for Huntington's disease (HD) has been offered for the longest time for any disease. In the present study, the psychological consequences of predictive testing were assessed prospectively in individuals at risk for HD during seven visits over 5 years. Questionnaires of standard measures of psychological distress (the General Severity Index of the Symptom Check List-90-Revised), depression (the Beck Depression Inventory), and general well-being (the General Well-Being Scale) were administered to the participants. A significant reduction in psychological distress was observed for both result groups throughout 2 years (p < 0.001) and at 5 years (p = 0.002). Despite the overall improvement of the psychological well-being, 6.9% (14 of 202) of the participants experienced an adverse event during the first 2 years after predictive testing that was clinically significant. The frequency of all defined adverse events in the participants was 21.8%, with higher frequency in the increased risk group (p = 0.03) and most occurring within 12 months of receiving results.  相似文献   

Foetal growth restriction (FGR), reflective of an adverse intrauterine environment, confers a significantly increased risk of perinatal mortality and morbidity. In addition, low birthweight associates with adult diseases including hypertension, metabolic dysfunction and behavioural disorders. A key mechanism underlying FGR is exposure of the foetus to glucocorticoids which, while critical for foetal development, in excess can reduce foetal growth and permanently alter organ structure and function, predisposing to disease in later life. Foetal glucocorticoid exposure is regulated, at least in part, by the enzyme 11β‐hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 (11β‐HSD2), which catalyses the intracellular inactivation of glucocorticoids. This enzyme is highly expressed within the placenta at the maternal–foetal interface, limiting the passage of glucocorticoids to the foetus. Expression of 11β‐HSD2 is also high in foetal tissues, particularly within the developing central nervous system. Down‐regulation or genetic deficiency of placental 11β‐HSD2 is associated with significant reductions in foetal growth and birth weight, and programmed outcomes in adulthood. To unravel the direct significance of 11β‐HSD2 for developmental programming, placental function, neurodevelopment and adult behaviour have been extensively investigated in a mouse knockout of 11β‐HSD2. This review highlights the evidence obtained from this mouse model for a critical role of feto‐placental 11β‐HSD2 in determining the adverse programming outcomes.  相似文献   

In a French national cohort of unaffected females carriers/non-carriers of a BRCA1/2 mutation, long-term preventive strategies and breast/ovarian cancer risk perceptions were followed up to 5 years after test result disclosure, using self-administered questionnaires. Response rate was 74%. Carriers (N=101) were younger (average age ± SD=37 ± 10) than non-carriers (N=145; 42 ± 12). There were four management strategies that comprised 88% of the decisions made by the unaffected carriers: 50% opted for breast surveillance alone, based on either magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and other imaging (31%) or mammography alone (19%); 38% opted for either risk reducing salpingo-oophorectomy (RRSO) and breast surveillance, based on MRI and other imaging (28%) or mammography alone (10%). The other three strategies were: risk reducing mastectomy (RRM) and RRSO (5%), RRM alone (2%) and neither RRM/RRSO nor surveillance (6%). The results obtained for various age groups are presented here. Non-carriers often opted for screening despite their low cancer risk. Result disclosure increased carriers' short-term high breast/ovarian cancer risk perceptions (P ≤ 0.02) and decreased non-carriers' short- and long-term perceptions (P<0.001). During follow-up, high breast cancer risk perceptions increased with time among those who had no RRM and decreased in the opposite case; high ovarian cancer risk perceptions increased further with time among those who had no RRSO and decreased in the opposite case; RRSO did not affect breast cancer risk perceptions. Informed decision-making involves letting women know whether opting for RRSO and breast MRI surveillance is as effective in terms of survival as RRM and RRSO.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to identify the relative frequency of Huntington's disease (HD) and HD‐like (HDL) disorders HDL1, HDL2, spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 (SCA2), SCA17, dentatorubral‐pallidoluysian degeneration (DRPLA), benign hereditary chorea, neuroferritinopathy and chorea‐acanthocytosis (CHAC), in a series of Brazilian families. Patients were recruited in seven centers if they or their relatives presented at least chorea, besides other findings. Molecular studies of HTT, ATXN2, TBP, ATN1, JPH3, FTL, NKX2‐1/TITF1 and VPS13A genes were performed. A total of 104 families were ascertained from 2001 to 2012: 71 families from South, 25 from Southeast and 8 from Northeast Brazil. There were 93 HD, 4 HDL2 and 1 SCA2 families. Eleven of 104 index cases did not have a family history: 10 with HD. Clinical characteristics were similar between HD and non‐HD cases. In HD, the median expanded (CAG)n (range) was 44 (40–81) units; R2 between expanded HTT and age‐at‐onset (AO) was 0.55 (p = 0.0001, Pearson). HDL2 was found in Rio de Janeiro (2 of 9 families) and Rio Grande do Sul states (2 of 68 families). We detected HD in 89.4%, HDL2 in 3.8% and SCA2 in 1% of 104 Brazilian families. There were no cases of HDL1, SCA17, DRPLA, neuroferritinopathy, benign hereditary chorea or CHAC. Only six families (5.8%) remained without diagnosis.  相似文献   

Predictive and pre-natal testing for Huntington's Disease (HD) has been available since 1987. Initially this was offered by linkage analysis, which was surpassed by the advent of the direct mutation test for HD in 1993. Direct mutation analysis provided an accurate test that not only enhanced predictive and pre-natal testing, but also permitted the diagnostic testing of symptomatic individuals. The objective of this study was to investigate the uptake, utilization, and outcome of predictive, pre-natal and diagnostic testing in Canada from 1987 to April 1, 2000. A retrospective design was used; all Canadian medical genetics centres and their affiliated laboratories offering genetic testing for HD were invited to participate. A total of 15 of 22 centres (68.2%), currently offering or ever having offered genetic testing for HD, responded, providing data on test results, demographics, and clinical history. A total of 1061 predictive tests, 15 pre-natal tests, and 626 diagnostic tests were performed. The uptake for predictive testing was approximately 18% of the estimated at-risk Canadian population, ranging from 12.5% in the Maritimes to 20.7% in British Columbia. There appears to have been a decline in the rate of testing in recent years. Of the predictive tests, 45.0% of individuals were found to have an increased risk, and a preponderance of females (60.2%) sought testing. A greater proportion of those at < or = 25% risk sought predictive testing once direct CAG mutation analysis had become available (10.9% after mutation analysis vs 4.7% before mutation analysis, p = 0.0077). Very few pre-natal tests were requested. Of the 15 pre-natal tests, 12 had an increased risk, resulting in termination of pregnancy in all but one. Diagnostic testing identified 68.5% of individuals to be positive by mutation analysis, while 31.5% of those with HD-like symptoms were not found to have the HD mutation. The positive diagnostic tests included 24.5% of individuals with no known prior family history of HD.  相似文献   

An investigation has been made of the social characteristics and knowledge and experience of Huntington disease (HD) for the first 80 individuals considering presymptomatic testing (applicants) at the medical genetics centres in Edinburgh and Glasgow and of attitudes to the test procedure and decisions made after testing for those who received a result. Sixty-one percent of applicants were female and 31% were over 40 years old. Almost all had a symptomatic parent but 38% did not know HD was in their family until they were over 25 years old and 48% had never received genetic counselling. Thirty-eight percent of applicants first heard of the test at the genetic clinic, 20% from a relative and 20% from the media, but none had received information from their GP. Thirty-one applicants did not have the test because they voluntarily withdrew (17 individuals), their family structure was unsuitable or no informative result was possible (11 individuals), or they were diagnosed clinically as being affected (3 individuals). Those who voluntarily withdrew did not differ significantly from the 49 who received a result in social characteristics or knowledge and experience of HD. Twenty-two individuals were found to be at increased risk (IR) (>50% of becoming affected) and 27 to be at decreased risk (DR) (< 50% of becoming affected). There was a median period of 9 months between entering the test procedure and receiving a result and the main criticism of the procedure was that it took too long to complete and several individuals experienced considerable anxiety while awaiting their result. One year after receiving their result, almost 40% of individuals had made major life decisions, mainly in the areas of personal relationships, career and financial matters and over a third of fecund individuals in both IR and DR groups had changed their decision about future childbearing. Eighty-five percent of the IR group and 53% of the DR group requested continued follow up after the 1-year follow-up visit. The majority wanted follow up by the genetic clinician, but we have found that in practice many individuals do not attend when offered clinic appointments after this time.  相似文献   

目的 建立伴帕金森氏病症状的脊髓小脑共济性失调2型家系永生细胞株,提供永久性的实验研究材料.方法 采用EB病毒加入环胞霉素A的转化细胞技术,建立了该家系的永生细胞株.并检测传代细胞与家系血液中的微卫星标记有无改变,确定细胞株的遗传稳定性.结果 成功建立此家系25株永生细胞株,所检测的微卫星位点未发生变化.结论 所建永生细胞株染色体核型检测无异常,转化细胞株与血液中的微卫星的遗传稳定性无差异.  相似文献   

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