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T G Gard  B Bernstein  P R Larsen 《Endocrinology》1981,108(6):2046-2053
A double column perifusion procedure was used to study the feedback inhibition of L-T3 on TSH secretion from rat anterior pituitary fragments. Matching pituitary halves were pretreated with T3 (10(-7) M) for 2 h before exposure to 10(-8) M TRH, 59 mM K+, or 5 mM Ba2+ . TRH, high K+, and Ba2+ resulted in a 2-fold or greater stimulation of TSH release. T3 significantly inhibited the stimulation by these secretagogues to 0.77, 0.78, and 0.52 of control for TRH, high K+, and Ba2+, respectively. Neither rT3 (10(-7) M) nor T3 added together with TRH had an effect on TSH release by this secretagogue. Perifusion with 3.5 x 10(-5) M cycloheximide or 10(-6) M actinomycin D 1 h before and during T3 administration led to greater TSH release with TRH than in the presence of T3 alone. Neither protein synthetic inhibitor increased TRH responsiveness of pituitary fragments when perifused alone. When cycloheximide was perifused in a similar protocol before high K+ or Ba2+, there again was a significant decrease in the T3-induced inhibition of TSH release by these secretagogues. Cycloheximide alone did not increase TSH release in response to high K+ or Ba2+, eliminating this as a possible explanation for the enhanced TSH response when antibiotic was present with T3. These results indicate that the in vitro effect of T3 on secretagogue-induced TSH release can be blocked by an inhibitor of protein synthesis. The inhibitory effect of T3 on high K+- and Ba2+-induced TSH release suggests that the site of the acute T3 inhibition of TSH release may be subsequent to TRH interaction with its receptor.  相似文献   

The effects of hypo- and hyperthyroidism were investigated on brain levels and accumulation rates (after pargyline) of 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT), norepinephrine (NE) and dopamine (DA) in discrete brain regions of the adult rat. Whereas NE remained unchanged in all brain areas except in the cerebellum, alterations in brain 5-HT and DA suggest that the behavioral abnormalities associated with thyroid dysfunction in adulthood may be related to neurotransmission disturbances. In hypothyroidism, 5-HT content decreased in cerebral hemispheres and mesodiencephalon and DA content decreased in these regions and also in cerebellum and pons-medulla. Concomitantly, accumulation rate of 5-HT was lower in pons-medulla whereas that of DA was increased in cerebral hemispheres and mesodiencephalon. In hyperthyroidism, 5-HT levels increased in cerebral hemispheres alone. Accumulation rate of 5-HT increased in pons-medulla and that of DA increased in mesodiencephalon. These data indicate that the influence of thyroid hormones on monoamines (MAs) in the adult brain varies with the neurotransmitter and the brain area considered.  相似文献   

In this study hind-limb perfusion was used to investigate the influence of thyroid hormones on some metabolic parameters in the skeletal muscle of the rat. Daily injection of 20 microng L-thyroxine (T4) per 100 g b. w. for a week caused a 25% increase in oxygen consumption. Further enlargement of the T4 dose had little additive effect. In the dose range 20--80 microng T4/100g b.w., no important changes occurred in lactate production or glucose consumption. Only at the highest T4 dose did the glucose consumption increase significantly. The most profound effect of T4 was on lipolysis. A daily dose of 20 microng T4/100 g b. w. gave a doubling of glycerol production rate, the maximum occuring at a dose of 40 microng T4/100 g b. w. Inactivation of the nervous system was without influence on the T4-induced increase in oxygen consumption. However, the T4-induced elevation of lipolysis disappeared after abolition of the nervous activity. This raises the possibility that the T4 effect on lipolysis in skeletal muscle is a potentiation of catecholamine effects. The T4-induced oxygen consumption increase might be dependent not on the lipolytic process but rather on other energy-consuming cell processes.  相似文献   

Recent studies have demonstrated that rat liver type I iodothyronine 5'-monodeiodinase (5'-MD) characteristically contains selenocysteine. The present study was undertaken to characterize rat placental type III iodothyronine 5-MD and to compare it with 5'-MD. Solubilized rat placental microsomes were delipidated by carboxymethyl cellulose-Sephadex chromatography. Phospholipids and proteins were recovered in two distinct peaks, which did not show 5-MD activity. 5-MD activity was recovered fully, however, by combining the two components (phospholipids and protein) and partially after the addition of exogenous phospholipids to protein. Tissue selenoproteins were labeled by injection of radioactive selenium (75Se; 50 microCi, iv; on days 5, 10, and 15 of gestation) to pregnant rats. Subcellular fractions of maternal and fetal tissues were resolved by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, followed by autoradiography. No specific seleno-labeled proteins were evident in the microsomes of placenta or maternal or fetal brain. A 27- to 29-kilodalton (kDa) band previously suggested to be 5'-MD was observed, however, in maternal liver and kidney microsomes. Aurothioglucose inhibited rat placental 5-MD, but the dose required for 50% inhibition was over 50-fold greater than that for Se-containing hepatic 5'-MD (430 vs. 8 nM). The mechanism of the inhibition was noncompetitive for 5-MD, whereas it was competitive for 5'-MD. A synthetic peptide of 16 amino acids corresponding to the carboxy-terminal portion of 5'-MD was synthesized, and rabbits were immunized with the peptide-BSA conjugate. Western blots studies using the rabbit antiserum showed one specific 29-kDa band in rat liver microsomes. However, no specific bands were observed in 5-MD-rich placental or fetal brain microsomes. Bromoacetyl T3 (BrAcT3) was a potent inhibitor of rat placental 5-MD. Affinity labeling of solubilized rat placental microsomes with [125I]BrAcT3 showed a predominant band of 31 kDa, distinct from the 27- to 29-kDa band found in liver and kidney. The labeling of the 31-kDa band was enhanced by 10 mM dithiothreitol, inhibited 60% by 150 microM T3, and prevented by 40 microM aurothioglucose. A dominant affinity-labeled 31-kDa band was also observed in fetal brain microsomes. Some tissues without 5-MD activity (testes and spleen) also showed weak binding.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Enzymatic 5'-deiodination of 3,3',5'-triiodothyronine (rT3) and 3,3',5,5'-tetraiodothyronine (thyroxine, T4) was studied in microsomal preparations of rat cerebral cortex. Evidence was obtained for the existence of two thiol-dependent 5'-deiodinase entities. One of these predominates in tissue from euthyroid and long-term hypothyroid rats, is specific for rT3, follows "ping-pong" kinetics with dithiothreitol as the cosubstrate, and is inhibited by propylthiouracil (PrSUra) and iodoacetate. Inhibition by PrSUra is uncompetitive with rT3 and competitive with dithiothreitol. These properties are shared with the 5'-deiodinase activity of liver and kidney. The activity of a second type of 5'-deiodinase is highest in cerebral cortex from short-term hypothyroid rats, prefers T4 to rT3 as the substrate, is insensitive to PrSUra and iodoacetate, and follows "sequential" reaction kinetics. A similar PrSUra-insensitive 5'-deiodinase activity is also found in pituitary but is not detectable in liver and kidney; it seems, therefore, characteristic of tissues in which local T4 to 3,3',5-triiodothyronine (T3) conversion supplies a major portion of the total intracellular T3.  相似文献   

The effect of age on the responsiveness of rat thymocytes to 3,5,3'-tri-iodothyronine (T3) was studied. It has been demonstrated previously that the plasma membrane-mediated effect of T3 to increase sugar uptake by rat thymocytes is influenced by age and sex. In both sexes, T3 given in vitro stimulated sugar uptake in cells from animals of 15 days of age, had no effect at 21 days and was again effective at 26 days. In the male, thymocytes from animals of 40 days of age and older were refractory to T3. However, in the female, T3, although less effective than in cells from 26-day-old animals, remained stimulatory in cells from 40- and 60-day-old rats. T3 had no effect in cells from animals of 90 days of age and older. In in-vivo studies in which female rats of 26, 60 and 90 days of age were first injected with T3 and 1 h later with [3H]2-deoxyglucose, the responsiveness of thymocytes to T3 also declined progressively with advancing age; T3 was most effective in cells from 26-day-old animals, less stimulatory in 60-day-old and essentially without effect in cells from 90-day-old animals. From these observations we have concluded that in both male and female rats the responsiveness of thymocytes to T3 declines progressively with age, and that this decline occurs at an earlier age in cells obtained from males.  相似文献   

The glucose-fed rat, in contrast to the chow-fed animal, has a higher serum total T3 concentration and an increase in the hepatic content of T4 5'-deiodinase (type I) activity. The mechanism and significance of these glucose-induced changes in T3 metabolism are elucidated in this study. To focus on extrathyroidal thyroid hormone metabolism the kinetic parameters were determined in thyroidectomized T4-replaced rats (1.25 micrograms T4/100 g BW.day). Kinetics of T4 and T3 were studied separately by infusing labeled hormone to equilibrium. Glucose feeding for 72 h (G) significantly increased both the total and free serum T3 concentrations compared to the respective means in the chow-fed control group (P). The glucose-induced changes in serum T3 reflect the approximate doubling of T3 production to 14.7 +/- 0.6 ng/h.100 g in G rats compared to 7.6 +/- 0.7 ng/h.100 g in P rats. The higher T3 production rate in the G group is due to a significant increase in the fractional total body T4 to T3 conversion (0.33 +/- 0.02) compared to that in the P group (0.19 +/- 0.02). The tissue (liver, kidney, brain, and brown adipose tissue) concentration of T4 (nanograms per g wet wt) was significantly increased in the G group. The increase ranged from 54% in liver to 80% in kidney, brain, and brown adipose tissue. The tissue concentration of T3 (nanograms per g wet wt) was even more dramatically increased by glucose feeding than was T4. The glucose-induced increment in organ T3 ranged from 2.5-fold (kidney, muscle, and brain) to 5-fold (liver and white adipose tissue) to 12-fold (brown adipose tissue). These data indicate that the increase in serum total and free T3 concentrations associated with glucose feeding reflects augmented total body T3 production from T4. The effect of the enhanced T3 neogenesis was generalized, as the T3 content was increased in each organ studied. Thus, glucose feeding has unique effects on T3 metabolism.  相似文献   

Histomorphometric analysis of iliac crest biopsies was performed after tetracycline double-labelling in 22 hyperthyroid patients before and after medical antithyroid treatment for an average period of 4 months. The initially increased cortical porosity was normalized during treatment whereas the amount of trabecular bone was unchanged. The osteoclastic resorption in cortical bone decreased but was still elevated. The osteocytic osteolysis remained slightly increased. In trabecular bone, however, the bone turn-over decreased to a subnormal level following treatment and the surfaces were inactive in bone resorption and bone formation. An increase was observed in the amount, extent and width of osteoid seams due to an increase in the lifespan of bone forming sites and a prolongation of the maturity period of osteoid. The observed increased deposition of cortical bone after antithyroid treatment may explain the positive calcium balance in this period.  相似文献   

We have examined the relationship between the changes in resting metabolic rate (RMR) and those in hepatic metabolism induced by hyperthyroidism and fasting for 24 h. We found that hyperthyroidism induced a significant increase in RMR, while fasting for 24 h reduced RMR in euthyroid but not in hyperthyroid rats. We have also measured oxygen consumption in isolated hepatocytes from euthyroid and hyperthyroid rats, fed or fasted for 24 h. Hyperthyroidism induced an increase in oxygen consumption in rat liver cells; fasting for 24 h increased respiratory rates in isolated liver cells from euthyroid but not from hyperthyroid rats. The findings showed that hyperthyroidism and fasting for 24 h have opposite effects on RMR but similar effects on hepatic metabolism. The results also indicated that the increase in RMR found in hyperthyroid rats is partly due to an increase in hepatic metabolism, while no correlation exists between variations in resting and hepatic metabolism induced by 24-h fasting.  相似文献   

5-Monodeiodination of T4 and T3 and 5'-monodeiodination of T4 and rT3 were studied in brain homogenates of male Sprague-Dawley rats, aged 1-60 days. Portions of the homogenates were incubated with the substrates at 37 C for 30 min. The reaction products were estimated by specific RIAs. All of the four reactions were dependent upon time, temperature, pH, and upon the concentrations of substrate, thiol, and tissue protein. Maximal reactions were obtained between 40 and 160 mM dithioerythritol. T4 5'-deiodination proceeded optimally at pH 7.4 and 0.4 microM substrate, the other reactions at pH 8.5 and 10 microM substrate. The four reactions were inactivated by heat (56 C, 30 min) and inhibited by 10(-5) M iopanoic acid. Only rT3 5'-deiodination was inhibited by 3 X 10(-4) M propylthiouracil (greater than 95%). In cerebellum, basal ganglia, brainstem, and hypothalamus both T4 and T3 5-deiodinase activity were very high in perinatal rats [up to 5.56 pmol/(min X mg protein) in hypothalamus], and decreased rapidly with age. In cortex and olfactory bulb these enzyme activities were low after birth, followed by an increase during the growth spurt [up to 632 fmol/(min X mg protein) in olfactory bulb]. T4 and rT3 5'-deiodinase activity in all brain regions studied were at their lowest in perinatal rats. During and after the growth spurt an increase was observed [up to 457 fmol/(min X mg protein) in cerebellum]. The reciprocal course of 5- and 5'-deiodination between birth and growth spurt in most of the brain regions studied might lead to a reduced intracellular thyromimetic activity during the perinatal period.  相似文献   

Female rats were fed a low iodine diet (LID) or the same diet supplemented with KI (IOD) and mated. Plasma TSH, T4 and T3 in thyroid, plasma, and tissues, and 5'-deiodinase activities (5'D) were measured in maternal, fetal, and neonatal samples. Plasma T4 was markedly reduced in LID dams, TSH was increased, and T3 was normal. Placental T4 was decreased to 10%, and placental T3 to 50%. In LID fetuses there was a complete depletion of both extrathyroidal and intrathyroidal stores of T4 and T3. The thyroid responded with increased synthesis and secretion of T3 over T4, as assessed from the T3 to T4 ratios. Near birth, brain T4 and T3 concentrations were only 6.7% and 12% of those in IOD fetuses, despite a marked increase in brain 5'D-II and a T4-sparing decrease in liver and lung 5'D-I. Brown adipose tissue 5'D-II increased 7-fold, and brown adipose tissue T4 and T3 concentrations were only decreased by 50%. After birth, the availability of iodine improved somewhat through maternal milk, and the thyroidal and extrathyroidal pools of T4 and T3 increased, although they remained much lower than those in IOD pups. Brain 5'D-II markedly increased in LID pups, and this together with an increase in plasma and brain T4 ensured almost normal brain T3 during the suckling period. The thyroidal secretion of T3 over T4 continued to be increased in LID pups during the suckling period and appeared to be related to their high circulating TSH levels. Both LID fetuses and newborns can respond to iodine deficiency as adults rats, but the fetus is more sensitive to LID because of its dependence on maternal T4. The success of the adaptative mechanisms in protecting the brain from severe T3 deficiency depends on the supply of iodine, the limiting factor for the synthesis of T4.  相似文献   

Adenosine content in abdominal and femoral adipose tissue in menstruating women was 0.38 +/- 0.10 and 0.59 +/- 0.14 nmol/g of wet weight, respectively (mean +/- SEM; N = 17). No difference in adenosine sensitivity was found between abdominal and femoral adipocytes. In lactating women, the adenosine content was lower in femoral than in abdominal adipose tissue (0.40 +/- 0.08 and 0.57 +/- 0.08 nmol/g of wet weight, respectively; N = 10). Adenosine sensitivity in femoral adipocytes was not increased during lactation. As adenosine is a locally acting insulin-like effector, these results suggest that the higher adenosine content in femoral adipose tissue in menstruating women could explain its higher lipoprotein lipase activity and tendency to accumulate fat. During lactation, the lower extracellular adenosine concentration would allow lipid mobilization preferentially from the femoral site.  相似文献   

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