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乡镇蓄电池厂工人铅接触调查欧智勇,梁友信,杨红光,周重巍蓄电池厂是铅污染的主要行业,乡镇蓄电池厂铅污染更成为其突出的职业卫生问题。为了对目前乡镇蓄电池厂的铅污染状况和防护措施作一初步评价,并了解工人的健康状况,为今后探讨铅危害的防治对策提供依据,我们...  相似文献   

接触铅工人尿铅水平与细胞遗传损伤相关...   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

为了探讨长期低浓度铅接触对自律神经系统功能的影响,对蓄电池厂铅接触工人进行了自律神经系统功能心电图测试和自律神经系统功能失调问卷调查,以公司白领人员为对照组。所得数据经SAS软件包中的相关分析、F检验和χ2检验处理。结果与作者先前研究所得结论相符:未见铅接触与自律神经功能下降有直接关系(P>0.05)。铅接触组自律神经功能失调症状发生率与对照组相比差异无显著意义(P>0.05)。年龄显著影响自律神经系统功能(P<0.01)。提示长期低浓度铅接触可能对自律神经系统功能不产生明显影响。本研究对探讨重金属毒作用研究方法进行了有益的尝试  相似文献   

近年来,铅接触工人很少有临床中毒症状,但体内过量铅负荷可引起周围神经传导速度减慢和肾脏损害的亚临床危害。因此,早期检出铅接触工人体内过量的铅负荷是十分必要的。目前测定体内铅负荷的方法以 CaNa_2EDTA络合试验较为可靠。由于该试验  相似文献   

牛侨  李哲 《卫生研究》1998,27(1):9-11
对蓄电池厂和工业陶瓷厂铅接触工人进行自主神经系统功能心电图测试和问卷调查,对照组为公司非铅接触人员组成。测试项目包括:ValsalvaManoeuvre心律反应,深呼吸时心律变化,即心律反应。测试值结果显示年龄增长与测试值间呈高度负相关(P<0.0001),表明年龄是影响自主神经功能的重要因素,年龄相近的接触组与对照组间测试差异均无显著性(P>0.05),接触组测试值与接触指标间未见显著相关关系(P>0.05),未观察到铅接触与自主神经功能下降有直接关系的证据。  相似文献   

冯祖辉  李兴中  赵立 《职业与健康》2010,26(24):2905-2906
目的了解从事某种冶炼工艺的工人铅接触水平。方法采集铅作业工人155人和非铅接触者56人外周静脉血5ml和一次性晨尿100ml,测定血铅和尿铅含量,用SPSS10.0软件对数据进行统计分析。结果铅接触组血铅、尿铅含量均明显高于对照组(P0.05)。结论该冶炼厂铅作业工人铅接触水平较高。  相似文献   

班永宏  陈敏  仲立新 《职业与健康》2009,25(12):1256-1257
铅是重金属毒物,对机体损害主要表现在神经、消化、血液、泌尿生殖系统等。急性铅中毒时,铅可直接损害肝细胞,并可使肝内小动脉痉挛引起局部缺血,发生急性铅中毒性肝病。但长期慢性铅接触对人体肝功能影响尚有分歧。我们主要是探讨长期铅接触对工人肝脏功能的影响,寻找铅作业人群早期损害观察指标。  相似文献   

某喷金车间工人铅接触情况调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
铅烟、铅尘主要经呼吸道吸入,也可经胃肠道吸收,铅易在体内蓄积引起急慢性铅中毒.因此,为了保障职工身体健康,根据国家有关规定,我站对本市工人铅接触情况进行了调查. 1 材料与方法  相似文献   

目的 探讨低浓度铅接触对工人血常规早期影响的敏感指标.方法 以2017-2018年在杭州市职业病防治院进行职业健康检查的血铅值低于400 g/L的1157名铅作业工人作为接触组,将同期同企业的行政、后勤、研发人员等421名非铅接触人员作为对照组,分析低浓度铅接触与血常规各项指标的关系.结果 低浓度铅接触导致血常规WBC...  相似文献   

Neurophysiological studies on workers exposed to lead   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Nerve conduction and somatosensory evoked potential studies were undertaken on 46 workers exposed to a combination of organic and inorganic lead. In addition electroencephalograms were carried out on 20 of the workers; the results were compared with those obtained for workers not exposed to lead. The workers exposed to lead had a mean blood lead concentration of 2.35 mumol/l (48.7 micrograms/100 ml), whereas the concentration for workers not exposed to lead was 0.76 mumol/l (15.8 micrograms/100 ml). The mean maximum motor conduction velocities of the median and the posterior tibial nerves were significantly lower in the workers exposed to lead than in the controls. Similarly, the distal latency for these two nerves was significantly prolonged for the workers exposed to lead. No significant differences for the two groups of workers were seen in the nerve conduction and distal latency measurements of the median (sensory) and the sural nerves. The EEG studies of the 20 workers exposed to lead showed no abnormalities. The somatosensory evoked potential of the median (sensory) and posterior tibial nerves were significantly prolonged when measured at the negative and positive deflections. The results suggest that, in addition to nerve conduction velocities, somatosensory evoked potential and distal latency are suitable measurements to detect subclinical neurological damage among workers exposed to lead. As these changes were seen at blood lead concentrations of 2.35 mumol/l (48.7 micrograms/100 ml) there may be a need for more stringent monitoring of workers exposed to lead.  相似文献   

康达饮在铅作业工人中排铅效果的观察   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
康达饮是一种中药饮料,83名铅作业工人按其血铅和尿铅水平随机分成两组,41人作为康达饮试验组,每天饮用康达饮,连续三个月,42人作为对照组,相同时间饮用沙示汽水。结果表明康达饮可增加尿铅排出(P<0.05)及提高血铅水平(P<0.01)。这与我们以前做的动物实验结果一致,这可能是康达饮使骨铅向血液转移增加或血铅向骨内沉积减少所致。结果表明康达饮可降低机体铅负荷,对人体微量元素及其它指标无不良影响。  相似文献   

Nerve conduction and somatosensory evoked potential studies were undertaken on 46 workers exposed to a combination of organic and inorganic lead. In addition electroencephalograms were carried out on 20 of the workers; the results were compared with those obtained for workers not exposed to lead. The workers exposed to lead had a mean blood lead concentration of 2.35 mumol/l (48.7 micrograms/100 ml), whereas the concentration for workers not exposed to lead was 0.76 mumol/l (15.8 micrograms/100 ml). The mean maximum motor conduction velocities of the median and the posterior tibial nerves were significantly lower in the workers exposed to lead than in the controls. Similarly, the distal latency for these two nerves was significantly prolonged for the workers exposed to lead. No significant differences for the two groups of workers were seen in the nerve conduction and distal latency measurements of the median (sensory) and the sural nerves. The EEG studies of the 20 workers exposed to lead showed no abnormalities. The somatosensory evoked potential of the median (sensory) and posterior tibial nerves were significantly prolonged when measured at the negative and positive deflections. The results suggest that, in addition to nerve conduction velocities, somatosensory evoked potential and distal latency are suitable measurements to detect subclinical neurological damage among workers exposed to lead. As these changes were seen at blood lead concentrations of 2.35 mumol/l (48.7 micrograms/100 ml) there may be a need for more stringent monitoring of workers exposed to lead.  相似文献   

铅对全身各系统和器官均有毒性作用,主要累及神经、造血、消化、肾脏、肝脏及心血管系统。为了解铅对人体心血管系统的影响,我们于1999年对某合资公司铅作业工人进行12导心电图描记。1 对象和方法1,1 对象 观察组93人为本公司铅作业人,其中男性31人,女性62人,年龄18~37岁,平均年龄27.5岁,工龄0.5~5 a,平均工龄2.8 a。对照组118人,为门诊随机抽取的就诊健康检查者,不接触影响心血管系统的有害因素(无职业性铅接触史)其  相似文献   

目的 探讨铅对作业工人甲状腺激素水平的影响.方法 选择138名铅作业工人及20名教师(对照组)为对象,原子吸收光谱法测定血铅 (PbB)浓度、血液锌原卟啉测定仪测定血锌原卟啉 (ZPP) 浓度,放射免疫分析法检测血清中促甲状腺素(TSH)、游离三碘甲状腺原氨酸 (FT3)、游离四碘甲状腺原氨酸 (FT4) 3项甲状腺功能指标;按GBZ 37-2002<职业性慢性铅中毒诊断标准>分组.结果 接铅组PbB、ZPP含量显著高于对照组,差异均有高度显著性(P<0.01);接铅组的FT3 (3.18±0.85)pmol/L、FT4 (13.89±4.16) pmol/L,低于对照组的FT3 (5.12±0.94 ) pmol/L(P<0.01)、FT4 (15.48±2.73) pmol/L(P<0.05).结论 铅对作业工人甲状腺功能有一定的损害作用,使其分泌甲状腺激素水平降低.  相似文献   

目的探讨职业铅暴露人群血铅的危险因素,为采取针对性的防控措施提供科学依据。方法选择余姚市蓄电池工厂227名工人作为研究对象,采用统一调查表对个人职业史、生活习惯、教育程度等进行调查,同时进行血铅和车间空气中铅浓度测定。在此基础上,分别采用单因素、多因素条件logistic回归分析筛选血铅的关联因素,P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。结果本研究共设29个检测点,仅5个点合格,合格率17.24%,工人平均血铅水平为(578.54±175.56)μg/L。单因素条件logistic回归分析显示性别、吸烟、户籍、文化程度和车间空气铅浓度等变量均可影响血铅浓度。多因素条件logistic回归分析显示车间空气铅浓度和户籍差异有统计学意义。结论工作场所铅浓度较高,工人血铅普遍较高,车间空气铅浓度和户籍是血铅增高的危险因素。  相似文献   

铅对作业工人甲状腺功能的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 了解铅对作业工人甲状腺功能的影响。方法 选择暴露于铅作业环境下的人群 ,了解工人作业工龄 ,采用火焰原子吸收光谱法测定其作业环境中铅浓度 ,用原子吸收光谱法测定作业工人血铅 (PbB)浓度 ,用血液锌原卟啉测定仪测定血锌原卟啉 (ZPP)浓度 ,用放射免疫分析法检测血清中促甲状腺素 (TSH)、三碘甲状腺原氨酸 (T3)、甲状腺素 (T4 )、游离T3(FT3)、游离T4 (FT4 ) 5项甲状腺功能指标。结果 血铅 >2 .88μmol/L时 ,T3[(1 .54± 0 .39)nmol/L]、FT3[(5 .50± 1 .2 6)pmol/L]含量明显低于血铅 (1 .92~ 2 .88) μmol/L组 [T3(1 .71± 0 .45)nmol/L、FT3(6 .1 2± 1 .64)pmol/L] ,差异有显著性(P <0 .0 5)。铅作业工龄长短对甲状腺激素 (TH)含量未见明显影响。结论 高浓度血铅可能抑制了T4 的脱碘 ;铅作业工龄对甲状腺功能未见明显影响  相似文献   

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