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Airway smooth muscle (ASM) growth contributes to the mechanism of airway hyperresponsiveness in asthma. Here we demonstrate that CD4+ T cells, central to chronic airway inflammation, drive ASM remodeling in experimental asthma. Adoptive transfer of CD4+ T cells from sensitized rats induced an increase in proliferation and inhibition of apoptosis of airway myocytes in naive recipients upon repeated antigen challenge, which resulted in an increase in ASM mass. Genetically modified CD4+ T cells expressing enhanced GFP (EGFP) were localized by confocal microscopy in juxtaposition to ASM cells, which suggests that CD4+ T cells may modulate ASM cell function through direct cell-cell interaction in vivo. Coculture of antigen-stimulated CD4+ T cells with cell cycle-arrested ASM cells induced myocyte proliferation, dependent on T cell activation and direct T cell-myocyte contact. Reciprocally, direct cell contact prevented postactivation T cell apoptosis, which suggests receptor-mediated T cell-myocyte crosstalk. Overall, our data demonstrate that activated CD4+ T cells drive ASM remodeling in experimental asthma and suggest that a direct cell-cell interaction participates in CD4+ T cell regulation of myocyte turnover and induction of remodeling.  相似文献   

Acute coronary syndromes (ACS) are precipitated by a rupture of the atherosclerotic plaque, often at the site of T cell and macrophage infiltration. Here, we show that plaque-infiltrating CD4 T cells effectively kill vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC). VSMCs sensitive to T cell-mediated killing express the death receptor DR5 (TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand [TRAIL] receptor 2), and anti-TRAIL and anti-DR5 antibodies block T cell-mediated apoptosis. CD4 T cells that express TRAIL upon stimulation are expanded in patients with ACS and more effectively induce VSMC apoptosis. Adoptive transfer of plaque-derived CD4 T cells into immunodeficient mice that are engrafted with human atherosclerotic plaque results in apoptosis of VSMCs, which was prevented by coadministration of anti-TRAIL antibody. These data identify that the death pathway is triggered by TRAIL-producing CD4 T cells as a direct mechanism of VSMC apoptosis, a process which may lead to plaque destabilization.  相似文献   

CD44, the principal receptor for hyaluronic acid, is a widely distributed cell surface proteoglycan involved in cellular activation, proliferation, and migration. These processes are also central to the vascular smooth muscle cell's response to arterial wall injury. We evaluated the expression of CD44 and its isoform, CD44-V6, on vascular smooth muscle cells in vitro and in vivo and assessed the role of CD44 in DNA synthesis. Cultured vascular smooth muscle cells expressed CD44 and CD44-V6 at levels equal to or higher than those of the beta 1 and beta 2 integrins. In a rat carotid artery balloon injury model, CD44 and CD44-V6 mRNAs were unregulated in vascular smooth muscle cells after injury, and CD44 protein expression was greatest at the luminal edge of the growing neointima. CD44-expressing smooth muscle cells proliferated actively, and hyaluronic acid expression increased after injury in a temporal pattern similar to that of CD44. Through binding to hyaluronic acid, CD44 augmented DNA synthesis in cultured human and rat smooth muscle cells by 48 +/- 7.8 and 100 +/- 12.5%, respectively, an effect inhibited by an anti-CD44 antibody that blocked hyaluronate binding. These observations support a role for CD44 in the reaction of vascular smooth muscle cells to arterial wall injury.  相似文献   

The aim of the current study was to establish a simple method for effectively inducing memory T lymphocytes by the intraperitoneal injection of spleen lymphocytes into mice. In total, 75 mice were divided into the following groups: an injection group administered three doses of spleen lymphocytes (1 × 106, 5 × 106, and 1 × 107 cells), a transplantation group in which a 0.25‐cm2 skin section from C57BL/6 mice was transplanted onto the back of the recipient, and a control group in which an equal volume of phosphate‐buffered saline was injected. At 1, 2, or 3 months following transplantation, the following parameters were evaluated: quantity of T lymphocytes, percentage of cluster of differentiation 8+ (CD8+) memory T cells, and proliferation index of purified CD8+ memory T cells. No significant differences among groups were detected at 1 month (p > .05). However, the injection group administered 1 × 106 cells exhibited the highest proportion of CD8+ memory T cells among all groups at 2 months, and the proportions of CD8+ T cells were higher in the three injection groups than in the skin transplantation and control groups at 3 months. The proportions of memory T cells were higher in the injection groups administered 5 × 106 or 1 × 107 cells than in the skin transplantation and control groups at 3 months. The newly established method effectively induces memory T lymphocytes via the intraperitoneal injection of spleen lymphocytes in vivo and has potential applications in the field of immunotherapy.  相似文献   

High blood pressure is one of the major risk factors for atherosclerosis. In this study, we examined the effects of pressure on cell proliferation and DNA synthesis in cultured rat vascular smooth muscle cells. Pressure without shear stress and stretch promotes cell proliferation and DNA synthesis in a pressure-dependent manner. Pressure-induced DNA synthesis was inhibited significantly by the phospholipase C (PLC) inhibitor 2-nitro-4-carboxyphenyl-N,N-diphenylcarbamate, the protein kinase C inhibitor H-7, 1-(5-isoquinolinylsulfonyl)-2-methyl-piperazine, staurosporine, and the tyrosine kinase inhibitor ([3,4,5-trihydroxyphenyl]methylene)propanedinitrile. To clarify whether activation of PLC and calcium mobilization are involved in pressure-induced DNA synthesis, production of 1,4,5-inositol trisphosphate (IP3) and intracellular Ca2+ was measured. Pure pressure increased IP3 and intracellular Ca2+ in a pressure-dependent manner. The increases in both IP3 and intracellular Ca2+ were inhibited significantly by 2-nitro-4-carboxyphenyl-N,N-diphenylcarbamate. This study demonstrates a novel cellular mechanism whereby pressure regulates DNA synthesis in vascular smooth muscle cells, possibly via activation of PLC and protein kinase C.  相似文献   

T cells expressing gamma/delta T cell receptors home to epithelial tissue and may play a role in immunity to infectious agents and foreign antigens. In an effort to understand the role of gamma/delta T cells in directing B cell responses, we investigated the capacity of human gamma/delta T cells to express CD40 ligand (CD40L) and to drive immunoglobulin (Ig) isotype switching in B cells. A multiple step purification procedure resulted in the recovery of highly pure populations of peripheral blood CD4-CD8- gamma/delta T cells. Neither CD40L surface expression nor CD40L mRNA were detected in unstimulated gamma/delta T cells. Stimulation with phorbol ester and ionomycin induced CD40L mRNA and surface CD40L expression by gamma/delta T cells. Both the percentage of CD40L+ cells and the cell surface density of CD40L were significantly lower in gamma/delta T cells compared to unselected T cells. We further demonstrated that in the presence of neutralizing monoclonal antibody to interferon gamma (IFN-gamma), gamma/delta T cells could induce IgE synthesis in B cells, albeit to a lesser extent than unselected T cells. Furthermore, IgE synthesis driven by gamma/delta T cells was inhibited by monoclonal antibody to CD40L. These observations demonstrate that activated gamma/delta T cells express CD40L and can induce isotype switching in B cells.  相似文献   

Virus infections of the lung are thought to predispose individuals to asthma, a disease characterized by eosinophil infiltration of the airways. CD8+ T cells are an important part of the host response to virus infection, however, they have no reported role in eosinophil recruitment. We developed a mouse model of virus peptide-stimulated CD8+ T cell immune responses in the lung. We found that bystander CD4+ T helper cell type 2 immune responses to ovalbumin switched the virus peptide-specific CD8+ T cells in the lung to interleukin (IL) 5 production. Furthermore, when such IL-5-producing CD8 T cells were challenged via the airways with virus peptide, a significant eosinophil infiltration was induced. In vitro studies indicated that IL-4 could switch the virus-specific CD8+ T cells to IL-5 production. These results could explain the link between virus infection and acute exacerbation of asthma and, perhaps more importantly, they indicate an IL-4-dependent mechanism that would impair CD8+ T cell responses and delay viral clearance from the host.  相似文献   

Cancer immunotherapeutic approaches induce tumor-specific immune responses, in particular CTL responses, in many patients treated. However, such approaches are clinically beneficial to only a few patients. We set out to investigate one possible explanation for the failure of CTLs to eliminate tumors, specifically, the concept that this failure is not dependent on inhibition of T cell function. In a previous study, we found that in mice, myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) are a source of the free radical peroxynitrite (PNT). Here, we show that pre-treatment of mouse and human tumor cells with PNT or with MDSCs inhibits binding of processed peptides to tumor cell-associated MHC, and as a result, tumor cells become resistant to antigen-specific CTLs. This effect was abrogated in MDSCs treated with a PNT inhibitor. In a mouse model of tumor-associated inflammation in which the antitumor effects of antigen-specific CTLs are eradicated by expression of IL-1β in the tumor cells, we determined that therapeutic failure was not caused by more profound suppression of CTLs by IL-1β-expressing tumors than tumors not expressing this proinflammatory cytokine. Rather, therapeutic failure was a result of the presence of PNT. Clinical relevance for these data was suggested by the observation that myeloid cells were the predominant source of PNT in human lung, pancreatic, and breast cancer samples. Our data therefore suggest what we believe to be a novel mechanism of MDSC-mediated tumor cell resistance to CTLs.  相似文献   

Experiments were designed to determine the mechanism of action of the bronchodilator drug tulobuterol. Tissues were suspended in organ chambers for isometric tension recording. Tulobuterol caused concentration-dependent relaxations of guinea pig tracheae, canine saphenous veins and canine bronchi; the compound relaxed canine coronary arteries only at high concentrations and did not affect spontaneously beating guinea pig atria. A metabolite of tulobuterol, 4-hydroxytulobuterol, was more potent in relaxing guinea pig tracheae than tulobuterol, salbutamol and isoproterenol. Other metabolites (3-hydroxy-, 5-hydroxy- and 4,5-dihydroxytulobuterol) were less efficacious than 4-hydroxytulobuterol. Both tulobuterol and 4-hydroxytulobuterol acted as partial agonists. The effects of tulobuterol in the saphenous vein (but not in the coronary artery) were antagonized by the selective beta-2 adrenergic blocker ICI 118,551 but were not affected by the selective beta-1 adrenergic inhibitor metoprolol. In bronchi, removal of the epithelium reduced the relaxations caused by tulobuterol. The drug did not inhibit responses of canine bronchi to electrical stimulation of the cholinergic nerves more than those to exogenous acetylcholine. Tulobuterol caused a moderate augmentation of the evoked release of [3H]norepinephrine in canine saphenous veins previously incubated with the labeled transmitter. Thus, tulobuterol is a selective beta-2 adrenergic agonist with minimal nonselective inhibitory effect on airway and vascular smooth muscle. It also facilitates adrenergic neurotransmission, which may help to explain its bronchodilator effect in the intact organism. Tulobuterol does not activate beta-1 adrenoceptors and has no direct positive chronotropic effect. A metabolite of tulobuterol, 4-hydroxytulobuterol, is more active than the parent compound.  相似文献   

CD4+ T cells have been shown to be crucial in the development of experimental autoimmune myasthenia gravis (EAMG). The role of CD8+ T cells in EAMG is less well established. We previously showed that antibody depletion of CD8+ T cells in rats effectively suppresses EAMG. To further study the role and relationship of CD4+ versus CD8+ T cells in induction of EAMG, CD4-/-, CD8-/-, and CD4-8- mutant C57BL/6 mice and the parent CD4+8- wild-type mice were immunized with Torpedo acetylcholine receptor (AChR) plus complete Freund's adjuvant. Clinical EAMG was nearly completely prevented in CD4-8-, CD4-/-, and CD8-/- mice. This was associated with strongly reduced AChR-specific T and B cell responses, and with reduced levels of AChR-reactive interferon gamma (IFN-gamma) and interleukin 4 (IL-4) mRNA-expressing cells in lymphoid organs when compared with CD4+8+ wild-type mice. We conclude that (a) both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells are essential for development of EAMG, and a collaboration between these cell types may be necessary; (b) CD4+ as well as CD8+ T cells secrete IFN-gamma and IL-4, and both cytokines are involved in the development of EAMG; and (c), besides T cells, other immune cells might also be responsible for help of anti- AChR antibody production.  相似文献   

To examine the impact of tumors on the immune system, we compared global gene expression profiles of peripheral blood T cells from previously untreated patients with B cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) with those from age-matched healthy donors. Although the cells analyzed were not part of the malignant clone, analysis revealed differentially expressed genes, mainly involved in cell differentiation in CD4 cells and defects in cytoskeleton formation, vesicle trafficking, and cytotoxicity in CD8 cells of the CLL patients. In coculture experiments using CLL cells and T cells from healthy allogeneic donors, similar defects developed in both CD4 and CD8 cells. These changes were induced only with direct contact and were not cytokine mediated. Identification of the specific pathways perturbed in the T cells of cancer-bearing patients will allow us to assess steps to repair these defects, which will likely be required to enhance antitumor immunity.  相似文献   

The MRC OX-44 molecule, which is expressed on all peripheral leukocytes, identifies the subset of thymocytes capable of proliferating in response to alloantigens and lectins (Paterson, D.J., J.R. Green, W.A. Jefferies, M. Puklavec, and A.F. Williams. 1987. J. Exp. Med. 165:1). When we isolated monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) on the basis of their ability to activate the phosphatidylinositol signaling pathway in RNK-16 cells (a rat leukemia line with natural killer activity), three of the resulting mAbs recognized the OX-44 molecule. Addition of these mAbs to RNK-16 elicits protein tyrosine phosphorylation, generates inositol phosphates, and increases the concentration of cytoplasmic free calcium. These responses require the addition of intact mAb and are not observed with F(ab')2 fragments. One of these mAbs (7D2) is mitogenic for freshly isolated rat splenic T cells and synergizes with a mAb to the T cell antigen receptor in this activation. A 50-60-kD glycoprotein coprecipitates with the OX-44 molecule from RNK-16 cells and rat splenic T cells. Peptide mapping and reprecipitation studies indicate that the coprecipitating molecule is CD2. Thus, the OX-44 molecule can couple to multiple signaling pathways and associates with CD2 on both RNK-16 and rat T cells.  相似文献   

Abnormalities in the regulation of proliferation of vascular smooth muscle are believed to be involved in the development of atherosclerosis. This study addresses the question of whether altered levels or activity of circulating factors in diabetes may influence the growth of vascular smooth muscle cells and fibroblasts. Plasma prepared from a group of patients with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus was less capable of stimulating DNA synthesis in cultured vascular smooth muscle cells and human lung fibroblasts than plasma from control subjects. In contrast a platelet lysate prepared from the same patients caused significantly greater DNA synthesis than did a platelet lysate prepared from the controls. Thus both increased and decreased growth promoting activity exist in diabetes. The end result of these abnormalities may depend on the sensitivity of the target organ and platelet function, but may be related to the increased risk of atherosclerosis amongst the diabetic population.  相似文献   

Dendritic cells (DC) are essential accessory cells for T-dependent antibody responses in culture (1). We have outlined a three-stage mechanism to explain the capacity of DC to stimulate primary antibody responses to heterologous erythrocytes. First, DC induced T cells to produce and to become responsive to interleukin 2 (IL-2). This stage corresponded to the syngeneic mixed leukocyte reaction (2) and involved the clustering of DC and T cells into discrete aggregates. Isolated clusters, representing 5-10% of the culture, were critical for IL-2 release and the production of IL-2-responsive T blasts. In the second stage, IL-2 directly triggered the responsive T cells to release B cell helper factors. This role for IL-2 was documented with a rabbit anti-IL- 2 reagent, purified IL-2, and T cells that had been rendered IL-2 responsive by an initial co-culture with DC. T cell growth was not required for IL-2-mediated helper factor release, since irradiated and untreated responders produced similar levels of factor and did so within 3 h of the addition of IL-2. In the final stage, helper factors stimulated the development of antibody-secreting cells from purified B lymphocytes. The helper factors were not H-2 restricted, but for both sheep and horse erythrocytes, the response to factors was antigen dependent and specific. The IL-2 that was present in the DC/T cell- conditioned medium did not act on B cells, since helper activity was neither neutralized nor absorbed by our anti-IL-2 reagent. We conclude that the ability of the DC to induce IL-2 release and responsiveness underlies its capacity to trigger both T and B lymphocyte reactions.  相似文献   

Invariant natural killer T (NKT) cells are a highly conserved subset of T lymphocytes expressing a semi-invariant T cell receptor (TCR), which is restricted to CD1d and specific for the glycosphingolipid antigen alpha-galactosylceramide. Their ability to secrete a variety of cytokines, which in turn modulate the activation of cells of both innate and acquired immune responses, suggests that invariant NKT cells exert a regulatory role mainly via indirect mechanisms. A relevant question is whether invariant NKT cells can directly help B cells. We document here that human invariant NKT cells are as efficient as conventional CD4+ Th0 lymphocytes in promoting proliferation of autologous memory and naive B lymphocytes in vitro, and in inducing immunoglobulin production. Help to B cells by invariant NKT cells is CD1d-dependent and delivered also in the absence of alpha-galactosylceramide, suggesting that NKT cells recognize an endogenous ligand presented by CD1d on B cells. The two major subsets of invariant NKT cells, CD4+ and double negative (CD4-CD8-), express comparable levels of CD40 ligand and cytokines, but differ in helper functions. Indeed, both subsets induce similar levels of B cell proliferation, whereas CD4+ NKT cells induce higher levels of immunoglobulin production. These results suggest a direct role for invariant NKT cells in regulating B lymphocyte proliferation and effector functions.  相似文献   

Human thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP) is a novel epithelial cell-derived cytokine, which induces dendritic cell (DC)-mediated CD4+ T cell responses with a proallergic phenotype. Although the participation of CD8+ T cells in allergic inflammation is well documented, their functional properties as well as the pathways leading to their generation remain poorly understood. Here, we show that TSLP-activated CD11c+ DCs potently activate and expand naive CD8+ T cells, and induce their differentiation into interleukin (IL)-5 and IL-13-producing effectors exhibiting poor cytolytic activity. Additional CD40L triggering of TSLP-activated DCs induced CD8+ T cells with potent cytolytic activity, producing large amounts of interferon (IFN)-gamma, while retaining their capacity to produce IL-5 and IL-13. These data further support the role of TSLP as initial trigger of allergic T cell responses and suggest that CD40L-expressing cells may act in combination with TSLP to amplify and sustain pro-allergic responses and cause tissue damage by promoting the generation of IFN-gamma-producing cytotoxic effectors.  相似文献   

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