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外伤性后颅窝硬膜外血肿的诊治   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 探讨外伤性后颅窝硬膜外血肿的诊断和治疗。方法 对28例外伤性后颅窝硬膜外血肿,根据血肿量和入院时的临床表现给予手术和保守治疗。结果 10例保守治疗死亡2例,17例手术治疗死亡3例,共计死亡5例。结论 外伤性后颅窝硬膜外血肿缺乏特有的临床征象。主要依靠头颅CT早期诊断。  相似文献   

目的探讨外伤性后颅窝硬膜下血肿的诊断、治疗及预后。方法对24例外伤性后颅窝硬膜下血肿患者的临床和影像学资料进行回顾性分析。结果24例患者中,手术治疗19例,保守治疗5例。14例预后不良,10例预后良好。其中GCS>8分组中预后不良者25.0%(3/12),而GCS≤8分组中预后不良者91.7%(11/12)。结论GCS评分、血肿量、中脑周围池和第四脑室改变、幕上脑积水与外伤性后颅窝硬膜下血肿患者的预后有关,其中GCS评分是影响其预后的最重要因素。  相似文献   

总结外伤性后颅窝硬膜外血肿的临床和预后。对87例外伤性后颅窝硬膜外血肿进行回顾性总结。本组87例手术治疗63例(72.4),1例术中呼吸暂停者抢救成功,保守治疗20例(23%),本组共死亡12例,死亡率为13.8%。外伤性后颅窝硬股外血肿的治疗关键在于早期诊断,CT扫描是可靠的确诊手段,可根据CT和临床表现选择不同的治疗方法,对已发生脑病的患者也不应放弃手术治疗。  相似文献   

目的探讨外伤性迟发性后颅窝血肿的诊断、治疗及预后。方法对28例外伤性迟发性后颅窝血肿患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果常规复查或急诊复查CT发现迟发性血肿患者23例,其中后颅窝硬膜外血肿17例,硬膜下血肿6例;血肿跨横窦6例。先行幕上血肿清除的5例患者,术中发现小脑内血肿并硬膜下血肿1例;术后4例复查CT示,后颅窝硬膜外血肿3例,硬膜下血肿1例;血肿跨横窦1例。8例患者行保守治疗,20例行手术治疗,术后死亡1例。伤后6个月,27例患者预后按GOS分级:2分1例;3分7例;4分9例;5分10例。结论外伤性迟发性后颅窝血肿病情隐匿、危重,早期诊断并根据临床症状和血肿类型及时治疗是挽救患者生命、改善预后的关键。  相似文献   

目的总结外伤性后颅窝硬膜外血肿的临床特点及手术治疗及其疗效。方法回顾性分析2006年6月至2012年6月收治的32例外伤性后颅窝硬膜外血肿患者的临床资料,其中血肿位于单侧17例,过中线15例;骑跨枕窦15例,骑跨横窦10例。结果2例保守治疗;30例行骨瓣开颅血肿清除术,术中见枕骨骨折25例,骨缝分离3例。术后复查头部CT见血肿清除彻底,骨瓣原位对合良好。无脑脊液漏及假性脑脊膜膨出病例。出院时GOS评分5分29例,4分2例,3分1例。结论外伤性后颅窝硬膜外血肿治疗效果主要与能否早期诊断及手术有关。通过积极的骨瓣开颅手术清除血肿及彻底止血,可以避免术后静脉窦梗塞及由于颅骨缺损造成假性脑膨出的发生。  相似文献   

目的 探讨创伤性后颅窝血肿的临床特点及救治方法。方法 对我科2000-01~2005-06期间收治的创伤性后颅窝血肿忠者51例的临床资料进行分析,根据后颅窝血肿的病情及出血量的多少而采取保守治疗或手术治疗。结果 51例患者中,保守治疗12例,恢复良好11例,死亡1例;手术治疗39例,恢复良好31例,伤残4例,死亡4例。结论 创伤性后颅窝血肿有着不同于幕上创伤性颅内血肿的临床特点,意识障碍较轻,小脑受顿的特异性症状如眼球水平震颤、共济失调等较少见,而头痛、呕吐、躁动不安等非特异性症状较多见,易直接发生枕骨大孔疝。严密观察及动态CT检查,及时抓住手术时机,可有效降低致残率及死亡率。  相似文献   

外伤性后颅窝硬膜外血肿64例分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探讨外伤性后颅窝硬膜外血肿的诊断及治疗。方法回顾性分析我科收治的64例外伤性后颅窝硬膜外血肿病人的临床资料。结果本组64例,其中16例保守治疗,30例手术治疗,手术前28例无脑干损害存在。治愈46例,好转11例,死亡7例。死亡7例中,5例就诊时处于昏迷状态且均伴有脑挫伤及脑内血肿,手术中及术后呼吸骤停导致死亡。结论降低外伤性后颅窝硬膜外血肿的死亡率、提高其治愈率的重点是早期复查CT、注意症状及体征变化、及时手术清除血肿。  相似文献   

目的总结外伤性多发性颅内血肿的诊治经验。方法回顾性分析139例急性外伤性多发性颅内血肿患者的临床资料。结果保守治疗18例,死亡6例,恢复良好12例;手术治疗121例,死亡20例,均为术前GCS≤8分或未能及时手术的患者。生存者术后4~6周按GOS评分评估预后:恢复良好72例,中残18例,重残7例,植物状态生存4例。结论外伤性多发性颅内血肿易导致脑疝,动态颅脑CT检查有助于早期诊断及动态评估手术指征;及时手术清除血肿并采取个体化的手术方案可减少手术创伤并取得良好疗效。  相似文献   

我院自1995年开始用锁孔手术治疗外伤性后颅硬膜外血肿,至2002年4月共治疗22例,报道如下。1对象与方法1.1一般资料22例中,男16例,女6例;年龄2~52岁。于外伤后30min~5d入院。神志清楚者17例,嗜睡5例;入院GCS评分13~15分18例,9~12分4例。1.2影像学检查19例CT检查,3例MRI检查证实为外伤性后颅硬膜外血肿,血肿量5~25ml。首次CT检查骨窗相发现枕骨骨折12例,伴左额脑挫裂伤1例。1.3方法和疗效急性期者入院先保守治疗3~5d,已属亚急性血肿者入院即行手术。在静脉麻醉+局麻下,以血肿为中心作旁开中线3~4cm跨横窦纵切口,在横窦上界或下界骨…  相似文献   

目的探讨儿童外伤性迟发性后颅窝血肿的诊断、手术治疗及预后。方法对2002年1月至2011年12月18例行手术治疗的外伤性迟发性后颅窝血肿患儿的临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果经复查头颅CT发现的15例后颅窝迟发性血肿患儿中,后颅窝硬膜外血肿11例,硬膜下血肿4例。先行幕上血肿清除的3例患儿,1例术中发现硬膜下血肿并小脑内血肿;2例术后复查CT示,后颅窝硬膜外血肿1例,硬膜下血肿1例。术后死亡1例,术后6个月患者预后按GOS分级:2分1例,3分2例,4分5例,5分9例。结论儿童外伤性迟发性后颅窝血肿病情危重,早期诊断、对达到手术指征的患儿行及时有效的手术治疗是挽救患儿生命、改善预后的关键。  相似文献   

外伤性后颅窝血肿117例临床分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 分析总结外伤性后颅窝血肿的诊断和治疗特点。方法 对1990年1月至2002年12月117例外伤性后颅窝血肿的病因学、影像学、诊断和治疗特点进行分析。结果 本组117例外伤性后颅窝血肿中硬膜外血肿76.06%(89例),其中跨幕上下者60.67%(54例),硬膜下血肿4.27%(5例),小脑脑内血肿19.66%(23例)。合并幕上对冲性脑损伤52例,合并原发脑干伤9例。本组95例行血肿清除术及综合治疗,22例采用保守治疗,其中18例小脑脑内血肿,3例后颅窝硬膜外血肿和1例硬膜下血肿(出血量<10 mL)。伤后6个月行GOS评估,死亡12例,重残2例,其余预后良好。结论单纯后颅窝血肿应及时诊断并手术,预后良好,即使合并幕上血肿,只要及时治疗,也能取得满意效果。  相似文献   

Superatentorial intracerebral hemorrhage following infratentorial surgery.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Supratentorial hematoma following infratentorial surgery is rare. We present two such patients with remote site supratentorial hematoma after posterior fossa surgery. In one patient, a supratentorial hematoma developed following surgery for an acoustic tumor. The supratentorial hematoma was located near where a supratentorial meningioma was excised five days before. No hematoma was seen on the immediate postoperative CT scan. In another patient there were two tumors, one in the pons and the other in the basal ganglia. This patient developed a basal ganglia hematoma following brain stem surgery. In both the patients, hematological profile revealed a coagulation abnormality following the posterior fossa surgery. Our first case stabilized conservative management, whereas the second required surgical evacuation of the hematoma. The differential diagnosis of declining level of consciousness after posterior fossa surgery must include supratentorial intracerebral hemorrhage and CT scan of the head is the diagnostic test of choice.  相似文献   

The authors present four cases of acute epidural hematoma (three supratentorial and one in the posterior fossa), in which non-operative treatment was performed. The conditions to undertake this treatment were: good clinical and neurological state of the patients on admission (GCS equal or more than 14), absence or mild focal symptoms and possibility to observe the patients and to perform CT follow-up. All patients had a good recovery. The authors discuss these cases and present the review of the literature concerning the problem.  相似文献   

Objective: We investigated difference of injury of the corticospinal tract (CST) according to surgical or conservative treatment in patients with putaminal hemorrhage (PH), using diffusion tensor tractography (DTT). Methods: Forty-six patients with PH (hematoma volume on the brain CT: 20–40 ml) were recruited. Patients were classified as the surgical treatment group and the conservative treatment group. The hematoma volume on the initial brain CT (median 2 hours after onset; range 1–14 hours) and volumes of the hematoma, the total lesion and the peri-hematomal edema volume on the follow-up brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) (median 23.5 days after onset; range 12–46 days) were estimated. Diffusion tensor imaging was performed and we defined the injury of the CST in terms of the configuration or abnormal DTT parameters. Results: In the conservative treatment group, the total lesion volume on the brain MRI was increased compared with the hematoma volume on the initial brain CT (p < 0.05). On brain MRI, the hematoma volume, peri-hematomal edema volume, and total lesion volume were larger in the conservative treatment group than in the surgical treatment group (p < 0.05). Twelve patients (60%) in the surgical treatment group and 24 patients (92%) in the conservative treatment group had injury of the CST. Conclusion: Injury of the CST was less prevalent in the surgical treatment group than in the conservative treatment group in patients with PH. Therefore, it appears that surgical treatment could be helpful in prevention of injury of the CST in patients with PH.  相似文献   

Of 76 patients in the pediatric age group suffering from cerebrovascular diseases treated in the years 1970–1983, 26 patients (34%) did not harbor intracranial vascular malformations (aneurysms or arterovenous malformations). Two groups of patients were identified: (a) those suffering from a spontaneous intracranial hemorrhage (16 cases); (b) those suffering from an ischemic stroke (10 cases). Of those with spontaneous intracranial hemorrhage, 10 patients underwent surgery and evacuation of the hematoma. In 2 cases the hematoma was located in the posterior fossa, in 1 case in the upper brain stem, and in 3 cases in the basal ganglia; in the remainder the hematoma was supratentorial. Two patients died soon after the hemorrhage. Eight of the surviving patients completely recovered. In those with ischemic stroke, none suffered from congenital heart disease, a well-known predisposing factor. In this second group 1 patient died and 9 survived. Only one patient showed complete recovery. The data indicate that a hemorrhagic stroke is more common than an ischemic stroke in a child presenting with acute onset of hemiparesis and/or loss of conciousness: thus the value of CT scan as the first diagnostic procedure is clear, owing to the possibility of emergency surgical treatment. In children with ischemic strokes, a complete laboratory/clinical evaluation should be undertaken in order to exclude preexisting heart disease, coagulation disorders or lipoprotein abnormalities, and less common systemic diseases.  相似文献   

目的对比分析微创穿刺引流术与内科保守法在治疗幕上自发性脑出血疗效的差异。 方法回顾性分析北京市顺义区医院神经外科自2014年1月至2017年6月收治的幕上自发性脑出血患者173例(出血量20~40 mL)的临床资料,分为微创穿刺引流术组和内科保守治疗组,分别统计2组的入院时出血量、入院时GCS评分、7 d后残余血肿量、7 d后GCS评分及3个月后GOS评分。 结果2组均出现死亡病例,但短期死亡率差异无统计学意义;治疗7 d后微创穿刺引流术组较内科保守治疗组残余血肿量、GCS评分差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),3个月后微创穿刺引流术组GOS评分较内科保守治疗组差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。 结论微创穿刺引流术在治疗中等量幕上自发性脑出血中较保守治疗存在优势,可以改善患者的神经功能,改善患者预后。  相似文献   

目的 总结分析四川大学华西医院2006-2009年高血压脑出血(HICH)患者的临床资料,比较HICH手术治疗与保守治疗的疗效及预后,探讨该病的手术及保守治疗的适应证.方法 回顾性分析1237例HICH患者,对不同病情级别组的HICH患者手术治疗与保守治疗的疗效及预后进行比较.结果 手术组患者的整体病情重于保守治疗组患者;手术组患者整体预后均低于保守组.对于病情特重组(GCS 3分)手术与保守治疗对预后的影响差异无统计学意义;对于病情特重组(GCS4分)和病情重组(GCS 5~7分)手术治疗可降低死亡率,改善远期预后及生活能力;对于病情中等组(GCS 8~10分)和病情轻组(GCS 11分以上)保守治疗较手术治疗疗效佳.结论 对于病情较轻者(GCS 11分以上)和病情中等者(GCS 8~10分)手术组死亡率高于保守组,以保守治疗为佳;对于病情特重者(GCS 4分)和病情较重者(GCS 5~7分)应尽快手术治疗;对于GCS 3分患者治疗方式的选择还有待进一步探讨.
Objective To analyze the clinical datns of patients who suffered with hypertensive cerebral hemorrhage(HICH) in West China Hospital of Sichuan University from 2006 to 2009,to evaluate the efficacy and prognosis of surgical treatment and conservative treatment in HICH, to investigate thesurgical and conservative treatment Indications. Method A retrospective analysis of 1 237 cases of HICH of department of Neurosurgery,West China Hospital of Sichuan University from 2006 to 2009. The efficacy and prognosis of surgical treatment and conservative treatment in the different levels group of patients with HICH were compared. Results The state of illness of surgical goup was more severe than conservative treatment group. The overall prognosis of surgical group were worse than the conservative group. For the most severe group ( GCS 3 points ), there was no significant difference in prognosis between surgical group and conservative group;for the other most severe group( GCS 4points) and more severe group(GCS 5 ~7 points) ,surgery can reduce the death rate and improve the long -term prognosis and viability. For moderate group (GCS 8 ~ 10 points ) and mild group (GCS 11 points above),conservative treatment was better than surgical treatment. Conclusions For mild group(GCS 11 points above)and moderate group(GCS8 ~ 10 points) ,the surgical mortality was higher than conservative groups,conservative treatment is preferred. For the most severe group(GCS 4 points) and more severe group(GCS 5 ~7 points),surgery should be performed as soon as possible;the selection of treatment in patients with CCS 3 points requested to be further research.  相似文献   

The traumatic posterior fossa hematoma was regarded as relatively rare thing, but recently, as the result of the prevalence of CT scanners, the number of reported cases is increasing. We report nine cases of traumatic posterior fossa hematoma. We divided into two categories: one was the acute epidural hematoma, the other was the acute subdural hematoma with cerebellar contusion. Five were cases of the acute epidural hematoma, three were cases of the acute subdural hematoma with cerebellar contusion and a case had both an epidural and a subdural hematoma. All the cases had struck the occipital region and had the occipital bone fracture. The prognosis of the five cases of the acute epidural hematoma was excellent, but that of the four cases of the acute subdural hematoma with cerebellar contusion was poor and they all died inspite of the removal of the hematoma executed in three cases. We estimated that the hitting forth was extremely strong in cases of the subdural hematoma with cerebellar contusion, and that the momentary deformity of the occipital bone might injure the cerebellum directly. Once a hematoma was produced in the posterior fossa, it oppresses the brainstem and causes the acute hydrocephalus, so the state of consciousness and respiration deteriorate suddenly. In cases of the acute epidural hematoma, appropriate surgical intervention could save the patients and resulted in good outcome. But in some cases of the fulminant type acute epidural hematoma of the posterior fossa caused by tearing the sinuses, though we have not experienced, patients die before the diagnosis and treatment.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

目的探讨手术或非手术治疗对脑挫裂伤患者预后的影响。方法分析收治的170例脑挫裂伤体积在40~60 ml脑挫裂伤患者的手术与否与预后关系,据伤后36 h内脑挫裂伤的体积分组,依据我们以往的临床经验,以50 ml为分组标准进行研究,36小时以内脑挫裂伤体积≤50 ml归为少量组(即A组),50 ml归为多量组(即B组)。A组98例,其中手术治疗47例,非手术治疗51例。B组72例,其中手术治疗38例,非手术治疗34例。结果对于脑挫裂伤体积在40~50 ml的A组患者,手术和非手术治疗的残、死率比较无差异;但对于脑挫裂伤体积在50~60 ml的B组患者,手术与非手术治疗的残、死率有显著差异性,与非手术者比较,手术者恢复良好率升高30.18%,致残率降低20.44%,病死率降低9.76%,GOS评分提高1.11。结论入院36h以内脑挫裂伤体积≤50 ml时应当多以保守治疗为主,大于5 0 ml时应当多以手术治疗为主。  相似文献   

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