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子宫内膜非典型增生18例保守治疗结局分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探讨孕激素治疗子宫内膜非典型增生的结局及适宜的辅助生育策略。方法回顾性分析2002年1月~2007年4月18例不孕合并子宫内膜非典型增生的患者应用大剂量孕激素保守治疗的结果及妊娠结局。结果①14例患者在应用大剂量孕激素治疗3~36个月后病灶消退,4例病灶持续存在;②3例患者在停止治疗5~15个月后发展为子宫内膜癌。内膜非典型增生病变的再现率为33.3%;③8例患者接受了辅助生育治疗.5例分别经CC+HMG促排卵治疗3~6周期无优势卵泡发育.1例在第6个促排卵周期获宫内单胎妊娠。4例(包括1例CC+HMG促排卵未孕者)患者接受了5个周期IVF助孕,1例输卵管妊娠。1例自然流产。另2例冻存胚胎等待移植。结论多数子宫内膜非典型增生的患者对大剂量孕激素治疗有效。对这类患者.一旦内膜病变消退,应积极助孕.可以适当放宽IVF—ET指征。  相似文献   

目的探讨不孕症合并子宫内膜非典型增生(AEH)及早期高分化子宫内膜样腺癌(EC)药物保守治疗后体外受精(IVF)助孕时机、疗效及安全性。方法回顾性分析本中心不孕症合并AEH及EC保守治疗后行IVF助孕患者的临床资料,根据患者首次子宫内膜病理证实病变完全消退(CR)后开始IVF助孕时间分为≤3个月组(A组,n=35)和3个月组(B组,n=25),比较组间患者的临床结局。结果共纳入60例患者,AEH患者45例,EC患者15例,首次CR后随访时间(39.6±26.9)个月。共行95个取卵周期,新鲜胚胎移植(IVF-ET)67个周期,周期妊娠率为38.8%(26/67),冻融胚胎移植(FET)54个周期,周期妊娠率为25.9%(14/54)。共有36例患者妊娠47次,25例患者分娩32个活婴。患者IVF-ET周期妊娠率及FET周期妊娠率组间比较差异均无统计学意义,而B组复发率(48.0%)明显高于A组(17.1%,P=0.022)。多因素分析显示仅IVF助孕时间与复发有关(P=0.002,OR=1.078,95%CI=1.027~1.132)。随访期间总复发率为30.0%(18/60),无疾病进展及死亡不良事件。结论不孕症合并AEH及早期EC患者药物保守治疗后IVF助孕是相对安全有效的,复发与首次CR后IVF助孕时间有关,为降低复发宜尽早行IVF助孕。  相似文献   

子宫内膜异位症(内异症)合并不孕症是辅助生殖技术重要的适应证之一,包括宫腔内人工授精(IUI)和体外受精(IVF)。因为病因不明、分期复杂和临床的异质性,在辅助生殖技术应用的适应证、诱导排卵方案、促性腺激素释放激素激动剂(GnRHa)应用、卵巢子宫内膜异位囊肿的预处理等方面存在争议。该文推荐了内异症不同年龄、卵巢储备状态、病期等条件下的助孕策略和促排卵方案的选择,强调标准化基础上的个体化治疗原则。  相似文献   

目的探讨体外受精与胚胎移植助孕治疗的不孕症患者新鲜周期移植失败后冻融周期成功妊娠的相关影响因素。方法回顾性分析2012年1月至2014年4月在安徽医科大学第一附属医院生殖医学中心接受长方案超促排卵体外受精-胚胎移植(IVF-ET)助孕治疗的1165例不孕症患者的临床资料,包括新鲜周期妊娠组830个周期与新鲜周期未孕而冻融周期妊娠的335个周期,采用独立样本t检验和χ2检验对2组间相关临床参数进行比较,将筛选出差异有统计学意义的因素进行多因素Logistic回归检验。结果 Logistic回归分析发现,人绒毛膜促性腺激素(HCG)注射日雌二醇(E2)水平在50%~75%之间(OR=1.876,P=0.006,95%CI 1.199~2.935)及E2水平≥75%(OR=1.952,P=0.002,95%CI 1.276~2.985)和HCG注射日子宫内膜厚度(OR=0.882,P0.001,95%CI 0.824~0.944)是新鲜周期能否妊娠的独立影响因素。结论 HCG注射日血清E2水平上升明显和内膜厚度条件欠佳的患者,可建议放弃新鲜周期移植,采用冻融周期移植。  相似文献   

由雌激素诱导的子宫内膜增生过长的主要原因是长期无对抗性的雌激素刺激所致。20%的子宫内膜非典型增生过长可以演变为腺癌(子宫内膜癌)。临床上已用达那唑、孕激素、GnRHa及孕激素联合GnRHa等药物治疗子宫内膜增生过长。鉴于宫内节育器(IUD)释放左炔诺孕酮治疗功能性子宫出血有效,有抑制雌激素及孕激素受体作用,提示利用IUD释放达那唑治疗子宫内膜增生过长可能有效。研究的目的在于评估释放达那唑的宫内节育器(D-IUD)治疗子宫内膜增生过长的效果。  相似文献   

由雌激素诱导的子宫内膜增生过长的主要原因是长期无对抗性的雌激素刺激所致。20%的子宫内膜非典型增生过长可以演变为腺癌(子宫内膜癌)。临床上已用达那唑、孕激素、GnRHa及孕激素联合GnRHa等药物治疗子宫内膜增生过长。鉴于宫内节育器(IUD)释放左炔诺孕酮治疗功能性子宫出血有效,有抑制雌激素及孕激素受体作用,提示利用IUD释放达那唑治疗子宫内膜增生过长可能有效。研究的目的在于评估释放达那唑的宫内节育器(D-IUD)治疗子宫内膜增生过长的效果。研究对象为1999年8月~2003年11月20例子宫内膜增生过长患者,依据其内膜增生的病理类…  相似文献   

目的 验证口服黄体酮胶囊-益玛欣的孕激素活性;探讨其应用于体外受精-胚胎移植(IVF—ET)的临床意义。方法 2006-06—2006-09对福建省妇幼保健院8例非子宫性闭经患者行人工周期治疗,口服益玛欣前后取血查孕酮,个别患者口服益玛欣后取子宫内膜活检。另将IVF—ET患者52例,随机分为2组。研究组26例,给予益玛欣+黄体酮;对照组26例,单纯给予黄体酮。所有患者于注HCG日及取卵后8d取血查孕酮。结果 (1)8例人工周期治疗患者,益玛欣用药后与用药前比较。血孕酮明显升高(P〈0.01),其中1例用药后子宫内膜活检提示中分泌期子宫内膜。(2)IVF—ET两组患者血孕酮水平及妊娠率差并无显著性(P〉0.05)。结论 口服黄体酮胶囊-益玛欣具有明显的孕激素活性;用于IVF—ET的临床疗效与黄体酮针剂效果相似,是IVF—ET周期补充黄体功能的另一可供选择的药物。  相似文献   

子宫内膜腺癌和子宫内膜复杂性非典型性增生多见于绝经后妇女,较少发生于40岁以前,治疗常采用子宫切除手术,但随着妇女因工作或个人原因推迟妊娠、分娩年龄.需保留生育能力的子宫内膜复杂性增生及高分化子宫内膜癌患者数量增加。对高分化子宫内膜腺癌及子宫内膜复杂性非典型性增生患者给予孕激素治疗及辅助生殖技术(ART)治疗的情况进行研究。  相似文献   

目的:研究胚胎移植日子宫内膜蠕动波频率(UPF)对冻融胚胎移植妊娠结局的影响。方法:对166个行自然周期及替代周期冻融胚胎移植(FET)者于胚胎移植(ET)日阴道B超下监测子宫内膜蠕动波5 min,同时测定患者ET日的子宫内膜厚度、血清雌二醇(E2)及孕酮(P)水平。结果:所有FET周期中未妊娠组患者ET日UPF高于妊娠组;ET日UPF在1~2次/min时临床妊娠率最高;替代周期组ET日UPF高于自然周期组,但无统计学差异(P0.05)。FET妊娠结局相关因素的Logistic回归证实ET日UPF是影响妊娠结局的危险因素。结论:FET周期ET日适度低频UPF预示良好的妊娠结局。  相似文献   

目的探讨35岁以下高分化子宫内膜样癌及子宫内膜重度不典型增生患者采用孕激素治疗以保留患者子宫的疗效,并随访其治疗后的生育情况.方法采用回顾性分析的方法对1991年至2005年北京协和医院收治的35岁以下、接受孕激素治疗(以醋酸甲羟孕酮为主)的25例高分化子宫内膜样癌及子宫内膜重度不典型增生患者的临床病理资料进行研究.其中,子宫内膜样癌8例(内膜癌组),子宫内膜重度不典型增生17例(不典型增生组).孕激素治疗前对患者进行全面的分期评估,治疗后每1~6个月诊刮以评价疗效,对有生育要求者随访其生育情况.结果内膜癌组患者孕激素治疗前经全面的分期评估,证实为早期、高分化子宫内膜样癌.除1例子宫内膜样癌患者尚未评估疗效外,内膜癌组其他7例及不典型增生组17例患者治疗后有效者分别为6例(6/7)、17例(100%);缓解者分别为5例(5/7)、14例(82%);缓解后复发者分别为1例(1/5)、3例(21%),复发时间为缓解后6~30个月;随访缓解后要求生育的14例患者中,内膜癌组4例患者尚未生育,不典型增生组10例患者中4例妊娠共7次.1例自然受孕后失访;3例经促排卵治疗后受孕并足月分娩,其中1例产后人工流产3次.结论对于要求保留子宫的高分化子宫内膜样癌及子宫内膜重度不典型增生的年轻患者,孕激素治疗是一种治疗选择.孕激素治疗前应对子宫内膜样癌患者进行详细全面的分期评估,辅助生殖措施的介入有望提高治疗后的妊娠率.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The objective was to report a series of infertility therapy outcomes following conservative management of endometrial adenocarcinoma and/or complex hyperplasia with atypia. METHODS: A retrospective review of the University of Iowa assisted reproductive technology database was performed. All women presenting with International Federation of Obstetrics and Gynecology (FIGO) grade I uterine adenocarcinoma and/or complex hyperplasia with atypia were assessed for type and duration of medical management, initial, interim treatment, and preinfertility treatment endometrial biopsy (BX) findings. Assessment of infertility treatment outcomes and postinfertility endometrial biopsy findings were performed. All of the pathology samples were re-reviewed at the Gynecologic Oncology Tumor Board to confirm the diagnosis by a pathologist with a particular expertise in gynecologic pathology. RESULTS: Four infertile women, three nulligravid and one primigravid, were evaluated with the diagnosis of FIGO grade 1 endometrial adenocarcinoma and/or complex hyperplasia with atypia desiring to preserve fertility. Two women with FIGO grade 1 endometrial adenocarcinoma were successfully treated with high-dose progestational agents resulting in normal proliferative endometrium. In addition, both women with complex hyperplasia with atypia were successfully treated with progestins and/or ovulation induction. Successful pregnancy outcomes were achieved for three of the four women with assisted reproductive technology. A total of five successful pregnancies and eight healthy live-born infants were achieved among three women. One of the four women was unable to conceive despite three cycles of in vitro fertilization. Hysterectomy was performed for recurrent complex hyperplasia with atypia. In our series, we found it can take 3-10 months (mean, 6.25 months; median, 6 months) to obtain benign endometrium preceding infertility therapy. CONCLUSION: This report demonstrates that conservative management of well-differentiated endometrial adenocarcinoma and/or complex hyperplasia with atypia followed by aggressive assisted reproduction is an option to highly motivated and carefully selected women.  相似文献   

A 28-year-old woman with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) had attempted four assisted conception treatments, all of which were complicated by lack of response of the endometrium to the hypo-oestrogenic state induced with gonadotrophin releasing hormone analogue (GnRHa). Consequently, two treatment cycles were abandoned, one prior to the ovulation induction of a fresh IVF treatment and the other prior to oestrogen replacement for a frozen-thawed embryo transfer treatment cycle. Extended down-regulation eventually resulted in endometrial thinning and allowed completion of the other two treatments, but the outcome was negative. A targeted mid-cycle ultrasound scan in a natural cycle at follow-up showed thick, non-homogenous endometrium. A repeat hysteroscopy on this occasion showed abnormal endometrium with chalk-like deposits. Histological diagnosis was chronic endometritis and endometrial hyperplasia with focal atypia. Microbiological tests, including those for Mycobacterium tuberculosis, were negative. Because of atypical endometrial hyperplasia, this patient is currently under close follow-up by the original referring team. This case highlights inherent endometrial pathology presenting as non-responding endometrium to hormonal down-regulation, the limitations of conventional ultrasound scans, and the complimentary role of concomitant hysteroscopy in the correct identification of endometrial lesions that may negatively affect the assisted conception treatments.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To analyze retrospectively the frequency, long-term prognosis and pregnancy rate in infertile women diagnosed with endometrial hyperplasia or carcinoma by endometrial biopsy. STUDY DESIGN: From 1989 to 2000, endometrial biopsies were performed on 2,573 patients to investigate the cause of infertility. The main outcome measures were frequency, long-term prognosis and pregnancy rate for patients with each type of endometrial abnormality. RESULTS: Twenty-four patients (0.93%) were diagnosed with an endometrial abnormality. Of them, 10 were diagnosed with simple hyperplasia, 7 with complex hyperplasia, 3 with complex hyperplasia with atypia and 4 with endometrial carcinoma. All 4 patients (0.16%) with endometrial carcinoma were infertile as a result of complications arising from polycystic ovary syndrome. Two of them underwent hysterectomies. High-dose medroxyprogesterone acetate therapy combined with assisted reproductive technology resulted in pregnancy in 1 of the 2 patients with endometrial carcinoma. CONCLUSION: Of infertile women, 0.93% have endometrial abnormalities, and those with polycystic ovary syndrome have a high risk of endometrial carcinoma. Assisted reproductive technology combined with high-dose medroxyprogesterone acetate may be effective means of overcoming infertility, allowing women with endometrial carcinoma to readily achieve pregnancy.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Successful pregnancy in a woman with complex endometrial hyperplasia with atypia was treated conservatively with gestagens. CASE: The patient was initially diagnosed with complex hyperplasia of the endometrium with atypia by endometrial curettage and treated with several cycles of different gestagens. After repeated endometrial curettage, in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer were introduced for immediate treatment of the patient's infertility in order to avoid the risk of recurrent hyperplasia of the endometrium from estrogens. A single pregnancy was achieved after transfer of embryos obtained from intracytoplasmic sperm injection. This was performed due to poor semen characteristics. The patient delivered a normal, healthy male infant at term. CONCLUSION: Conservative treatment of complex endometrial hyperplasia with atypia in young women wishing to preserve fertility should be considered in carefully selected cases.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effect of differences in endometrial thickness and pattern as visualized with present-day high-resolution transvaginal ultrasound equipment on the outcome of assisted reproductive treatment. DESIGN: Prospective cohort study. SETTING: Two large infertility units in university hospitals. PATIENT(S): The endometrial characteristics of 981 patients during 1,600 assisted reproductive treatment cycles were compared with those of 205 untreated women. In addition, abnormal echogenic patterns of the endometrium were characterized histologically in 44 patients. INTERVENTION(S): None. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(S): Pregnancy rates. RESULT(S): The endometrium was significantly thinner in untreated women and women treated with IUI than in women treated with IVF or intracytoplasmic sperm injection. The exponential proliferation of the endometrium was similar in conception and nonconception cycles. The odds for a successful pregnancy were significantly lower in the presence of a thin endometrium in women treated with IUI but not in women treated with the long stimulation protocol for IVF or intracytoplasmic sperm injection. Singleton pregnancies were more common than multiple pregnancies in patients with thin endometria. CONCLUSION(S): The pregnancy rates of assisted reproductive procedures are influenced only marginally by the degree of endometrial proliferation, and treatment should not be canceled because of inadequate endometrial thickness.  相似文献   

Atypical endometrial hyperplasia in an 18-year-old woman   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The natural history and the factors that lead to the acquisition of atypia in endometrial hyperplasias in young aged women, especially under the age of 20, have not been fully elucidated. In such cases, although there exists a considerable risk of progression to carcinoma, a conservative antiestrogenic treatment is primarily indicated, in attempt to preserve the reproductive ability of the young woman. We report of a 18-year-old girl with atypical hyperplasia of the endometrium, a diagnosis confirmed by reviewing of the histologic material by specialized gynecopathologists. The patient has been treated with gonadotropin releasing hormone agonist (leuprolide acetate) and tibolone for 1 year, which led to endometrial atrophy and amenorrhea, without hypoestrogenic side effects. Six months after cessation of the therapy the endometrial hyperplasia relapsed (this time without atypia), but in about 2 years of follow-up and after short courses of treatment with clomiphene citrate and progestins the biopsy of the endometrium revealed a functional endometrium and the patient presents with an almost regular menstrual cycle.  相似文献   

目的:研究富血小板血浆(PRP)宫腔灌注对不孕女性子宫内膜厚度以及后续IVF助孕妊娠结局的影响.方法:通过Pubmed、web of science、知网和万方数据库进行检索,筛选2020年12月以前发表的关于PRP治疗薄型子宫内膜的所有文献,选取6篇文献共416例患者的数据,对治疗前后的子宫内膜厚度、临床妊娠率的数据...  相似文献   

Women suffering from anovulatory infertility may develop endometrial hyperplasia and adenocarcinoma due to the unopposed estrogen effect. We present the case of a young infertile woman with endometrial atypical hyperplasia bordering on adenocarcinoma who refused hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy and achieved two successful pregnancies after conservative treatment with high-dose progesterone followed by in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer. It is concluded that conservative treatment with high-dose progesterone for endometrial hyperplasia and well-differentiated early-stage adenocarcinoma followed by assisted reproductive technologies is an appropriate means for achieving pregnancy. However, the issue of hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy after delivery or after fertility being no longer required is controversial. If surgery is not performed, close observation with endometrial sampling every 6 months is advisable.  相似文献   

Fertility-preserving treatment with progestin may be considered in nulliparous women with well-differentiated endometrial carcinoma. Recently, assisted reproductive treatments have been performed to achieve a rapid pregnancy in such cases. This report evaluates a 39-year-old woman who admitted with menorrhagia and primary infertility. Owing to persistent menstrual irregularity and thick endometrium, a diagnostic office hysteroscopy with endometrial biopsy was performed and revealed a well-differentiated adenocarcinoma. Although the woman wished to retain her childbearing potential with conservative management followed by an assisted reproduction cycle, the repeated endometrial biopsies during progestin treatment revealed persistent adenocarcinoma. Complementary surgery was performed due to persistent endometrial malignancy, which noted well-differentiated endometrioid adenocarcinoma without myometrial invasion or extrauterine disease. A review of cases with endometrial carcinoma that have been treated with conservative management and a subsequent assisted cycle is also presented here. To date, there are 14 such reports, including 15 women and 21 healthy infants. However, obtaining remission and maintaining the reproductive capability may not always be possible, even in early-stage cases. Therefore, patient and physician should always consider carefully if fertility-preserving management is preferred after diagnosis of endometrial carcinoma.  相似文献   

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