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多层综合除皱术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的应用多层综合的除皱方法使老化的面部年轻化。方法进行多层次解剖分离,使老化移位的组织复位。包括皮肤及骨膜层的提紧,SMAS的悬吊,颧弓韧带的重建,颧骨的修薄。结果自1993年以来,完成手术28例,效果满意。结论面部老化是不同组织,不同解剖结构变化的综合体现。单一层次的除皱方法不能取得全面的年轻化效果,多层综合的除皱方法恢复了年轻的解剖生理关系,使因老化导致的面部软组织的松弛移位得到充分的矫正,具有全面的年轻化效果  相似文献   

目的应用多层综合的除皱方法使老化的面部年轻化。方法进行多层次解剖分离,使老化移位的组织复位。包括皮肤及骨膜层的提紧,SMAS的悬吊,颧弓韧带的重建,颧骨的修薄。结果自1993年以来,完成手术28例,效果满意。结论面部老化是不同组织,不同解剖结构变化的综合体现。单一层次的除皱方法不能取得全面的年轻化效果,多层综合的除皱方法恢复了年轻的解剖生理关系,使因老化导致的面部软组织的松弛移位得到充分的矫正,具有全面的年轻化效果。  相似文献   

除皱术解剖学研究及临床应用   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
目的 以解剖学研究为基础寻找一种操作简单、安全、效果持久的除皱术式。方法 对6具新鲜尸体进行头面颈部逐层解剖,观察鼻唇沟旁脂肪分布特点及皮肤限制韧带分布,结合临床观察对其功能进行评价。结果面部老化时皮肤、皮下组织、SMAS均出现松弛,但松弛程度不同,各层组织需分别提升;鼻唇沟旁脂肪组织肥厚,有较大活动度,皮下分离不必超过咬肌前缘;面部老化后皮肤限制韧带变得松弛,只需双重折叠缝合面部SMAS便可矫正其松弛。临床应用局限性皮下分离,结合SMAS双重折叠缝合,进行100例除皱术,效果满意,无严重并发症。结论 局限性皮下分离,结合SMAS双重折叠缝合的除皱术是一种简单、安全、效果持久的除皱术式。  相似文献   

SMAS与面部支持韧带在除皱术中的意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

面部除皱术18例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
总结面部除皱术18例,对骨膜下除皱是否适用于东方人进行了讨论,认为东方人皮肤松驰的特点主要是因为年老,皮下脂肪减少,皮肤老化松弛而缺乏弹性,但皮下的肌肉系统与骨膜虽有松弛但往往是不明显,其皮肤的舒展度与肌肉骨膜系统的舒展度相差亦甚大。  相似文献   

面部骨膜下除皱术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
骨膜下除皱术是根据面部老化的病理特点,即骨髂脱钙,体积变小,面部软组织松驰下垂,皮肤弹性下降等进行设计的。目前,许多人手术范围局限于分离颧弓前1/3,限制了面中部软组织的有效提升。  相似文献   

多切口及多层次综合面部除皱术   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
目的 根据面部老年性改变的解剖学特征,改良现有的除皱方法,提高手术效果。方法 采用下睑缘切口、额部冠状切口、颞部切口、耳前/耳后切口以及口腔颊龈沟切口,分别在皮下、SMAS下及骨膜下各层次分离,并结合爱贝芙注射治疗遗留的皱纹。结果 本组15例患者,经3~24个月的随访,效果均较满意。除1例患者右颞部血肿经理疗完后全恢复外,无其他并发症发生。结论 多切口、多层次并结合爱贝芙注射的综合除皱技术,效果确实、可靠、安全、持久,是一种较理想的面部老年性改变的治疗方法。  相似文献   

面部除皱术效果探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 根据面部老化的年龄特点,选择不同的切口和方法行面部除皱术,并比较术后效果.方法 采用额部冠状切口、颞部切口、耳前与耳后发际缘切口、眉上切口、下睑缘切口、发际内点状小切口,分别在帽状腱膜与骨膜之间、骨膜下、SMAS上下进行分离;以及采用点状切口行额、颞、颊"微创"性埋没悬吊提紧术.自1991年1月至2006年5月对138例面部老化患者行除皱术,其中行多切口多层次创伤性除皱者122例,点状小切口"微创"性埋没悬吊除皱者16例.结果 术后随访1~3年者133例,随访10年者5例.创伤性除皱效果维持时间较长,患者满意;小切口"微创"性除皱效果维持时间较短,1年后效果逐渐消失.结论 传统的多切口、多层次、多部位创伤性除皱术效果理想持久,而小切口"微创"性除皱术远期效果不理想.  相似文献   

面部骨膜下剥离除皱术初步报告   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

面部三层剥离除皱术   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
随年龄增长 ,面部皮肤、皮下组织、肌层及骨骼逐渐蜕变、萎缩、松垂 ,表面形成皱纹 ,呈现出衰老的征象。面部除皱术在于改善以上老化形态 ,手术方法虽多 ,但各有特点。1991年 12月以来 ,我们应用骨膜下层、SMAS下层和皮下浅筋膜层同时分层剥离行除皱术 2 5例 ,获得满意效果。1 手术方法手术在全麻下进行 按设计切口于头部切开头皮 ,头顶部在帽状腱膜下疏松结缔组织层 ,颞部在颞浅筋膜深层 ,向下、前剥离达眉弓上和眉间鼻根部皱纹区 ,分离完毕后 ,分别纵、横切断额肌和皱眉肌。于颞面颊部 ,沿耳前和耳后设计切口切开皮肤达皮下脂肪层 ,…  相似文献   

目的:探讨应用多层次复合除皱法使面部年轻化手术的效果及价值。方法:进行多层次解剖分离,使松弛移位的组织复位,包括额部、颧弓部位的骨膜下分离,眼轮匝肌紧缩,额肌部分切除、SMAS-颈阔肌瓣的悬吊提紧等。结果:本组17例患者,均获得良好的手术效果,皮肤松垂得以复位,面部轮廓清晰,形态完美,效果满意。结论:多层次复合除皱技术,效果确切、可靠、安全、持久,是面部皮肤老化松弛的理想治疗方法。  相似文献   

目的矫正鼻唇沟过深、颌下线中断等面中下部老化表现.方法行面中下部超过鼻唇沟的广泛皮下及SMAS下剥离,将掀起的SMAS瓣,依耳轮脚及耳垂下极水平分成三份,分别向上、后、乳突方向悬吊,对松弛的眼轮匝肌进行紧缩和悬吊,将颧脂肪垫向外上方向牵拉固定于颧骨体表面筋膜,去除部分过度增厚的颧脂肪垫.结果12例面中部老化明显者,手术后随访5个月至3年,效果良好,无面瘫、血肿等并发症.结论该术式对鼻唇沟面中下部老化表现矫正十分安全有效.  相似文献   

目的 矫正鼻唇沟过深、颌下线中断等面中下部老化表现。方法 行面中下部超过鼻唇沟的广泛皮下及SMAS下剥离 ,将掀起的SMAS瓣 ,依耳轮脚及耳垂下极水平分成三份 ,分别向上、后、乳突方向悬吊 ,对松弛的眼轮匝肌进行紧缩和悬吊 ,将颧脂肪垫向外上方向牵拉固定于颧骨体表面筋膜 ,去除部分过度增厚的颧脂肪垫。结果 12例面中部老化明显者 ,手术后随访 5个月至 3年 ,效果良好 ,无面瘫、血肿等并发症。结论 该术式对鼻唇沟面中下部老化表现矫正十分安全有效  相似文献   

The composite facelift represents a comprehensive technique for facial rejuvenation with tissue repositioning of essentially every deep structure of the aging face, addressing the neck, lower face, mid face/lower eyelid junction, and forehead. The superior lateral vector of the lower face is "balanced" with a superior medial vector of the cheek and lower eyelid region. Patients who have stigmata of a previous facelift, such as the lateral sweep and hollow eyes, may be corrected with the composite facelift. The composite facelift is distinguished from all other facelift procedures in the unique "balance" of facelift vectors, yielding a natural and complete facial rejuvenation.  相似文献   

目的 探讨一种可以整体上提面中、上部,并解决睑袋、颧部皮肤软组织松弛、鱼尾纹、额纹、鼻唇沟过深的复合除皱术.方法 自2008年2月至2011年5月,共对30例患者施行全面部复合除皱术.额颞部选择发际缘切口与额部切口入路,颞部在颞深筋膜浅层剥离至颞肌前缘及眶外缘,额部在帽状腱膜下剥离至眶上缘及鼻根部,并在眉上1.0cm处及两侧眉峰间离断额肌、皱眉肌和降眉肌.联合应用耳前、耳后切口,行面中、下部超过鼻唇沟的广泛皮下及SMAS下剥离,分别向上、后、乳突3个方向悬吊,对松弛的眼轮匝肌进行悬吊,并将颧脂肪垫向外上方悬吊、固定于颧骨体表面.对于睑袋及颧部松弛严重者,辅以睑袋切口,在面中部骨膜下分离颧骨上分离至鼻唇沟外上1.5cm并悬吊.结果 本组30例患者,术后随访6~24个月,额纹、眉间纹、鱼尾纹、鼻唇沟过深、面中部组织松弛等问题均得以改善,无血肿、面瘫等并发症发生,效果满意.结论 全面部复合除皱术可从根本上改善老年患者面部组织松垂问题,效果持久,只要严格手术操作,避开重要血管、神经及其分支,可作为一种安全、可靠的面部年轻化手术的选择.  相似文献   

Techniques for facial rejuvenation have long involved specific remedies for each facial segment affected by the aging process. Traditional facial rejuvenation techniques have addressed the anterior neck and platysma complex as well as the acquired jaw deformity. These techniques often left the nasolabial complex and the "infraorbital hollow" un-addressed. Modern techniques, including the composite rhytidectomy, the subperiosteal midface lift, and the deep-plane and the triplane rhytidectomy, have contributed to redefining the challenge of correcting the problem of the orbicularis-malar soft tissue complex descent and as such focus on a particular segment of the facial rejuvenation. This evolution of the facelift demonstrates that one size does not fit all and that surgeons should consider their rejuvenations to be not a generic facelift but a midface, lower face, and neck lift. This concept has evolved into our appreciation of distinct surgical zones. This is especially important in males, and adjunctive techniques such as the ones we describe may add benefit and enhance the final result in male patients. As discussed, the male anatomy, because of its increased surface area and weight, is more difficult to gain leverage with in rejuvenation procedures. The author describes his preferred technique for facial rejuvenation in males, the subperiosteal deep plane rhytidectomy (SPDPR), which combines a deep plane rhytidectomy with a subperiosteal dissection. Although combining subperiosteal "release" of midfacial anatomy has been reviewed by other authors, the combination of subperiosteal release and deep-plane rhytidectomy has not been previously reported or advocated. The operative technique, complications, and results of this combined technique are reviewed. The procedure as described is used as an isolated procedure for midfacial descent as well as an incorporated technique when completing a "full" rhytidectomy.  相似文献   

The authors present the anatomical findings that have made an easier approach to composite rhytidectomy possible. The lower lateral border of the orbicularis oculi muscle (OOM) overlies the zygomaticus major muscle (ZMM), the upper third of which tightly adheres to the malar bone. The OOM is innervated throughout over its circumference by a plexus of small facial nerve branches. From its deeper surface, the ZMM is innervated by two to four branches in its upper third and middle third. These branches are jeopardized in an extended sub-SMAS dissection as this tends to go deep into the ZMM. The malar fat pad is superficial to the SMAS layer that invests the zygomaticus and levator labii muscles and, with age, tends to slide downward, medially deepening the nasolabial folds. An extended dissection beyond the OOM tends to remain superficial to the upper part of the ZMM, zygomaticus minor, and levator muscle complex. We have found that extending the suborbicularis dissection inferiorly and laterally offers three major advantages: (1) The correct deep subcutaneous plane just above the ZMM, zygomaticus minor muscle, and levator complex can be found easily, leaving all of the fat attached to the skin. The only structures at risk are some minor motor branches to the OOM that can be divided without any morbidity because of the extensive plexiform innervation. (2) A. change in the plane from a sub-SMAS to a deep subcutaneous dissection over the ZMM can be made easily and safely by means of separate dissections for the lateral and the medial parts of the cheek with the ZMM acting as a watershed area; the two dissections can then be united under direct vision avoiding any trauma to the muscle or motor nerve branches. (3) The correct repositioning and deep fixation of the malar fat pad is easily performed. This approach has been applied successfully in 19 patients without any complications. We believe that the correct performance of this technical modification, which provides the same composite flaps as those described by Hamra, is easier and may be safer than the standard lateral approach.Presented at the XIIth International Congress of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Paris, France, September 1993  相似文献   

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