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This prospective, randomized trial in normo-ovulatory women was designed to test whether administration of low-dose exogenous FSH initiated during the early, mid to late follicular phase can induce multiple dominant follicle development. Forty normal weight women (age 19-35 years, cycle length 25-32 days) participated. A fixed dose (75 IU/day) of recombinant FSH was started on either cycle day 3 (n = 13), 5 (n = 13) or 7 (n = 14) until the induction of ovulation with human chorionic gonadotrophin. Frequent transvaginal ultrasound scans and blood sampling were performed. Multifollicular growth occurred in all groups (overall in 60%), although day 7 starters showed less multifollicular growth. Age, cycle length and initial FSH and inhibin B concentrations were similar between subjects with single or multiple follicle development. However, for all women the lower the body mass index (BMI), the more follicles emerged (r = -0.44, P = 0.007). If multifollicular growth occurred, the length of the luteal phase was reduced (P = 0.002) and midluteal serum concentrations of LH (P = 0.03) and FSH (P = 0.004) were decreased and oestradiol (P = 0.002) and inhibin A (P = 0.01) were increased. In conclusion, interference with decremental serum FSH concentrations by administration of low dose FSH starting on cycle day 3, 5 or as late as day 7, is capable of disrupting single dominant follicle selection. The role of BMI in determining ovarian response suggests that differences in pharmacokinetics of exogenous FSH are involved. Multifollicular growth per se has a distinct effect on luteal phase characteristics. These observations may be relevant for the design of mild ovarian stimulation protocols.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: A prospective, semi-randomized, open, clinical study was conducted to compare ovarian response, pregnancy outcome and delivery rates using two recombinant FSH preparations (Gonal-F and Puregon) for IVF. METHODS: We analysed stimulation parameters and outcome data in 812 initiated treatment cycles where 292 women used Gonal-F and 200 used Puregon. Embryo transfer was carried out in 676 cycles. In the two preparation groups we also compared 170 women previously treated with FSH for IVF with 266 previously untreated. RESULTS: The pregnancy rate with Gonal-F was 26% and with Puregon 28%. Delivery rates were identical, 22%. Clinical pregnancy and delivery rates per cycle with embryo transfer in earlier untreated women were 29.0 and 24.0%, whereas in previously treated women they were 23.5 and 18.8% respectively. After repeated cycles, delivery frequencies consecutively decreased, independent of the FSH preparation used. CONCLUSION: Gonal-F and Puregon seem to be equally potent in achieving follicular development and equally effective, in terms of delivery rates, for use in an IVF programme. Repeated cycles resulted in equally large consecutive decreases in delivery rates, regardless of preparation choice, but were considered worthwhile for up to three stimulation cycles in selected patients.  相似文献   

Concerns have been raised recently about the possible associationbetween superovulation and ovarian cancer. In order to contributeto the limited literature on this important issue, two casesof ovarian tumours in women who had undergone multiple ovulationinductions are presented. In the first case, the patient hadsecondary anovulatory infertility. She was treated with humanmenopausal gonadotrophin (HMG) alone and in combination withclomiphene citrate or buserelin for six cycles. She then underwentovarian stimulation with buserelin/HMG in the long protocolfor in-vitro fertilization (IVF) and embryo transfer. In preparationfor a new IVF/embryo transfer attempt, 8 months later, the screeningultrasound revealed a cystic formation of the left ovary andan enlargement of the right. During laparotomy, both ovarieswere found to bear large tumours (approximately 6x5x4 cm) whichwere removed. Histological examination showed that they wereepithelial tumours (serous-papillary cystadenomas) of borderlinemalignancy. The patient conceived spontaneously 1.5 years afterthe operation. In the second case, the patient presented withsecondary anovulatory infertility. She underwent ovulation inductionwith clomiphene/HMG and with buserelin/HMG in the long protocol,and intra-uterine insemination with husband's spermatozoa andconceived (singleton pregnancy). She was delivered by Caesareansection, during which a cystic tumour of the left ovary wasremoved. Histological examination revealed a benign mucous cystadenomaof the ovary. In conclusion, the clinical information from thesetwo cases does not support a causal association between ovarianstimulation and ovarian tumours but does potntially supporta facilitating one.  相似文献   

A multicentre, multinational study was carried out between November1990 and February 1992 to assess the safety and efficacy ofa new highly purified urinary human follicle stimulating hormone(FSH; Metrodin HP®) which is practically devoid of luteinizinghormone (LH) activity. Metrodin HP was administered s.c. tostimulate multiple follicular development in women undergoingin-vitro fertilization (IVF) and embryo transfer. A total of139 women were recruited from 10 participatin centres. Of these,135 underwent pituitary desensitization with a long gonadotrophin-releasinghormone (GnRH) agonist protocol and following deter-minationof ovarlan inactivity (mean± SD of 12.9 ± 3.2days), Metrodin Hp s.c. stimulation was started; 122 patientswere fully eligible for efficacy analysios and 118 of these(97%) received up to 10 000 IU human chrionic gonadotrophin(HCG) to induce final folicular maturation and timed oocyterecovey. Mean plasma LH concentrations at the beginning of Metro-dinHP treaement were 1.6 ± 0.8 mIU/ml and by the day ofHCG administration were significantly (p<0.001) reduced (1.2±0.8mIU/ml). The mean plasma oestradiol and inhibin concentrationson the day of HCG were 6173±3567 pmol/l and 8.2 ±4.4IU/ml respectively. There was a positive correlation (r= 0.49,p<0.001) between individual oestradiol and inhibin concentrationson the day of HCG. In the 118 patients who received HCG, themean number of oocytes recovered was 8.4 ± 4.7 followingstimulation with 36 ± 10, 75 IU ampoules of MetrodinHP over 12.2±2.1 days. One-hundred-and-eight patients(89% of 122 eligible) ahd 5.3±3.3 oocyted fertilized,and 105 (86%) had 2.8±1.0 embryos transferred; 28 patients(23% perinitiated cycle) had a clinical pregnancy and subsequently18 of these (15% per initiated cycle) had a live birth. A totalof 135 patients who reveiced Metrodin HP were eligible for safetyanalysis. One patient did not receive HCG because of the riskof developing ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS). Sevenpatients (5% of those who received HCG) developed OHSS, onesevere, five moderate and one mild case. Three OHSS patientswere pregnant and hospitalized. The patient with severe OHSSwas found to have an ectopic pregnancy. Local side effects werereported by 24 (18%) patients at the site of s.c injection.The most common compliant was brusing (48.5%). There was nodevelopment of antobodies to FSH. In conclusion Metrodln HP,a urinary gonadotrophin preparation in which>95% of the proteincontent is FSH, was effective in stimulating multiple folliculardevelopment and oestradol synthesis to a similar degree reportedfor other gonadotrophin preparations, even when endogenous LHsecretion was significantly reduced by a GnRH agonist. Thesedata support the concept that only very low concentrations ofLH are required in conjunction with FSH for the stimulationof follicular development and ovarian steroidogenesis. MetrodinHp was well tolerated locvally thus enabling convenient self-adminstrationwithout compromising safety or efficacy  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: A prospective randomized study was carried out in two centres to compare the number of oocytes retrieved after two different starting doses of recombinant human FSH (rhFSH) (Gonal-F) in women undergoing ovarian stimulation for IVF/intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) cycles using the multiple dose regimen of the gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) antagonist cetrorelix (Cetrotide) to prevent induction of the premature LH surge. METHODS: Sixty women were randomized to receive rhFSH 150 IU ('low'), and 60 women to receive rhFSH 225 IU ('high') as the starting dose for the first 5 days of stimulation. From stimulation day 6 and onwards, including the day of human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) administration, the women received 0.25 mg of cetrorelix as a daily dose. The primary endpoint was the number of oocytes retrieved. RESULTS: The mean number (+/- SD) of oocytes was 9.1 +/- 4.4 and 11.0 +/- 4.6 in the 'low' and 'high' groups respectively (P = 0.024). The mean number of 75 IU ampoules of rhFSH was significantly lower in the 'low' group (23.0 +/- 6.3 versus 30.5 +/- 5.6, P < 0.0001). The ongoing pregnancy rate per started cycle and per embryo transfer were 25.9 and 28.8% versus 25.4 and 26.8% respectively in the 'low' and 'high' rhFSH groups (P = NS). CONCLUSIONS: When using a starting dose of 225 IU rhFSH combined with the multiple dose of 0.25 mg cetrorelix from stimulation day 6, significantly more oocytes were obtained than with a starting dose of 150 IU rhFSH.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: There has been much debate about the effect of 'residual' LH levels in normogonadotrophic women undergoing assisted reproduction with GnRH agonist down-regulation and recombinant FSH ovarian stimulation. The aim of this prospective study, where receiver-operating characteristic (ROC) analysis was used, was to assess further the usefulness of serum LH levels as predictors of ovarian response, assisted reproduction treatment outcome, and the outcome of pregnancy when measured throughout the ovarian stimulation period in a large cohort of such assisted reproduction treatment women. METHODS: A total of 246 consecutive women undergoing their first cycle of IVF or ICSI treatment were included in this study. Blood samples for hormone analyses were obtained on day S0 (the day when pituitary suppression was evidenced) and every other day from stimulation day 5 (S5) until the day of hCG injection. RESULTS: LH serum levels throughout ovarian stimulation treatment were similar for cancelled (n =32) versus non-cancelled (n = 214) cycles, non-conception (n = 132) versus conception (n = 82) cycles, and ongoing pregnancy (n = 66) versus early pregnancy loss (n = 16) groups. There was no correlation between LH serum levels in non-cancelled cycles and parameters of ovarian response and assisted reproduction treatment outcome. ROC analysis showed that serum LH concentration during ovarian stimulation was unable to discriminate between cancelled and non-cancelled cycles, conception versus non-conception cycles, or early pregnancy loss versus ongoing pregnancy groups. CONCLUSIONS: Serum LH measurements during ovarian stimulation with recombinant FSH under pituitary suppression in normogonadotrophic women undergoing assisted reproduction treatment cannot predict ovarian response, IVF/ICSI outcome, implantation, and the outcome of pregnancy. Thus, there is little underlying physiological support for the addition of LH in stimulation protocols if daily doses of an appropriate GnRH agonist (leuprolide or triptorelin having lower potency than buserelin) and a step-down regimen of recombinant FSH administration are used.  相似文献   

Infertile patients who responded poorly in an in-vitro fertilization programme were treated with human menopausal gonadotrophin (HMG) or with pure follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) during continuous administration of a luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) agonist, to determine whether a low level of LH is required for follicle maturation. No statistically significant differences were detected in the dose of gonadotrophins, duration of treatment, oestradiol and LH levels, numbers of recovered oocytes, transferred embryos or fertilization rates. It is concluded that an absence of low levels of LH does not disturb follicular development in the follicular phase. Based on the low fertilization rates in the present study (0.32 with HMG versus 0.45 with FSH) the authors suggest that, as well as hormonal deficiency, other factors may also influence follicular and early embryonic development.  相似文献   

There has been much debate about the role of luteinizing hormone (LH) during follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)-treated ovarian stimulation for assisted reproduction, where the endogenous LH is suppressed using a gonadotrophin-releasing hormone analogue. The requirement for LH in oestradiol biosynthesis is established, but other effects of 'insufficiency' are less clear, and little attention has been paid to the specific origin of the FSH used. The aim of this study was to examine the roles of profoundly suppressed circulating LH concentrations in cycles of ovarian stimulation for IVF, which were affected in two large separate cohorts of patients undergoing assisted reproduction. They were stimulated by either purified urinary FSH (MHP) or recombinant human FSH (rFSH). Within each dataset, outcomes were examined with respect to the circulating concentrations of LH in the mid-follicular phase, as plasma samples were stored prospectively, and assayed retrospectively. Patients with profoundly suppressed LH showed much reduced oestradiol concentrations at mid-follicular phase and at human chorionic gonadotrophin administration in cycles treated with either MHP or rFSH. However, gross ovarian response, as became evident by FSH dose demands, duration of stimulation, and also oocyte and embryo yields and embryo cryopreservation were influenced only in cycles treated with MHP. Furthermore, no effect upon pregnancy survival was observed. Thus, it is concluded that there is a demand for additional exogenous LH treatment only in cycles treated with purified urinary FSH where the LH is profoundly suppressed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: It has been recently suggested that gonadotrophin-releasing hormone agonist down-regulation in some normogonadotrophic women may result in profound suppression of LH concentrations, impairing adequate oestradiol synthesis and IVF and pregnancy outcome. The aims of this study, where receiver-operating characteristic (ROC) analysis was used, were: (i) to assess the usefulness of serum LH measurement on stimulation day 7 (S7) as a predictor of ovarian response, IVF outcome, implantation, and the outcome of pregnancy in patients treated with recombinant FSH under pituitary suppression; and (ii) to define the best threshold value, if any, to discriminate between women with 'low' or 'normal' LH concentrations. METHODS: A total of 144 infertile women undergoing IVF/intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) treatment were included. Seventy-two consecutive patients having a positive pregnancy test (including 58 ongoing pregnancies and 14 early pregnancy losses) were initially selected. As a control non-pregnant group, the next non-conception IVF/ICSI cycle after each conceptual cycle in our assisted reproduction programme was used. RESULTS: The median and range of LH values in non-conception cycles, conception cycles, ongoing pregnancies, and early pregnancy losses, clearly overlapped. ROC analysis showed that serum LH concentration on S7 was unable to discriminate between conception and non-conception cycles (AUC(ROC) = 0.52; 95% CI: 0.44 to 0.61) or ongoing pregnancy versus early pregnancy loss groups (AUC(ROC) = 0.59; 95% CI: 0.46 to 0.70). To assess further the potential impact of suppressed concentrations of circulating LH during ovarian stimulation on the outcome of IVF/ICSI treatment, the three threshold values of mid-follicular serum LH proposed in the literature (<1, < or =0.7, <0.5 IU/l) to discriminate between women with 'low' or 'normal' LH were applied to our study population. No significant differences were found with respect to ovarian response, IVF/ICSI outcome, implantation, and the outcome of pregnancy between 'low' and 'normal' S7 LH women as defined by those threshold values. CONCLUSIONS: Our results do not support the need for additional exogenous LH supplementation in down-regulated women receiving a recombinant FSH-only preparation.  相似文献   

This multicentre, randomized study was performed to assess theefficacy and safety of 0.25 mg ganirelix (Orgalutran®, AntagonTM)treatment, using triptorelin (Decapeptyl®) in a long protocolas a reference treatment. In total, 236 subjects were randomizedto treatment with ganirelix (0.25 mg, s.c.) and 119 to triptorelin(0.1 mg, s.c.) treatment (treatment ratio 2:1). Treatment withganirelix started on day 6 of stimulation, whereas treatmentwith triptorelin started on menstrual cycle day 21 to 24 ofthe previous cycle (i.e. the midluteal phase). The ganirelixregimen was on average 17 days shorter (9 versus 26 days) comparedto the triptorelin regimen. The median total dose of recombinantFSH (Puregon®) used was 450 IU less (1350 versus 1800 IU)in the ganirelix protocol. The initial follicular growth wasfaster and, consequently, oestradiol concentrations were higherin the ganirelix group. On the day of human chorionic gonadotrophin(HCG), the mean number of follicles 11 mm was 10.1 and 10.7and the median serum oestradiol concentration was 1090 and 1370pg/ml in the ganirelix and triptorelin groups respectively.Per attempt, 7.9 and 9.6 oocytes (mean) were retrieved in theganirelix and triptorelin groups respectively. The fertilizationrates (64.0% ganirelix and 64.9% triptorelin) and the mean numberof good quality embryos (2.7 and 2.9) were comparable in bothtreatment groups. The implantation rate was identical (22.9%).The ongoing pregnancy rate per attempt was 31.0 and 33.9% inthe ganirelix and triptorelin groups respectively. The ganirelixregimen showed an improved local tolerance in that the percentageof subjects with at least one local skin reaction was 2-foldlower than in the triptorelin group (11.9 versus 24.1%). Takingall data together, it may be concluded that ganirelix offersa new treatment regimen in ovarian stimulation that is short,safe and well-tolerated, optimizing convenience for the patient.  相似文献   

The use of pure follicle stimulating hormone (pFSH) and highlypurified FSH (FSH-HP) versus the combinations pFSH/human menopausalgonadotrophin (HMG) and FSH-HP/HMG, respectively, was comparedfor stimulating follicular development after gonadotrophin-releasinghormone agonist (GnRHa) suppression in women undergoing in-vitrofertilization (TVF)—embryo transfer. Two consecutive prospective,randomized studies were carried out at the Assisted ReproductionUnit of the Hospital Clínic i Provincial in Barcelona,a tertiary care setting. Two groups of 188 (study 1) and 252(study 2) consecutive infertile patients respectively, scheduledfor IVF-embryo transfer were included. Pretreatment with leuprolideacetate (long protocol) was followed by gonadotrophin treatmentin all patients. In study 1, 92 patients received i.m. pFSHalone (group pFSH) and 96 were treated with the combinationof i.m. pFSH and i.m. HMG (group HMG-1). In study 2, 123 patientsreceived s.c. FSH-HP alone (group FSH-HP) and 129 patients weregiven the combination of s.c FSH-HP and i.m. HMG (group HMG-2).Main outcome measures included follicular development, oocyteretrieval, fertilized oocytes, duration and dose of gonadotrophintherapy, and clinical pregnancy. There were no significant differencesbetween pFSH and pFSH/HMG nor between FSH-HP and FSH-HP/HMGcycles with regard to the number of ampoules of medication used,day of human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) administration, meanpeak serum oestradiol concentrations, number of follicles punctured,and number of oocytes aspirated, embryos transferred, or pregnancies.We conclude that urinary FSH (either purified of highly purified)alone is as effective as the conventional combination of urinaryFSH/HMG for ovarian stimulation under pituitary suppressionin IVF cycles. Therefore, they can be used interchangeably inFVF programmes.  相似文献   

A suspected poor responder to controlled ovarian stimulation (COS), with menopausal levels of follicular phase serum FSH, required coasting due to an excessive ovarian response. A 27 year old woman was referred to our Fertility Centre for ovum donation following repeated elevated, early follicular phase FSH levels (34.3, 27.1, 20.3 IU/l). Further investigations revealed the presence of antiovarian antibodies and a trial of COS, with the additional use of prednisolone, was proposed in view of her regular 28 day cycle. As 23 follicles were noted and an oestradiol level of 10,461 pmol/l following 7 days of stimulation with 450 IU of recombinant FSH per day, gonadotrophins were withheld for 9 days. Ten oocytes were retrieved and two grade I embryos were transferred. Pregnancy did not occur and she developed mild ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. During a second cycle, multiple follicular development was again observed with an oestradiol level >13,200 pmol/l, despite a lower dose of gonadotrophin, and coasting was required for 4 days. Nineteen oocytes were collected, of which nine fertilized and cleaved. Two grade I embryos were replaced, leading to a singleton pregnancy. This patient subsequently had a vaginal delivery of a normal male baby at term. Young women with regular menstrual cycles and grossly elevated FSH levels may benefit from further investigation of autoantibodies and their ovarian response to exogenous gonadotrophins.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Adequate ovarian response to exogenous gonadotrophins is important for both ovulation induction (OI) and controlled ovarian stimulation (COS). The objective of this study was to analyse the effect of a number of clinical factors that influence ovarian response in non-polycystic ovarian syndrome (non-PCOS) patients. METHODS: A total of 140 OI cycles (52 subjects), where each subject had a single abnormality (elevated FSH, abnormal body mass index (BMI) or > or = 40 years of age), were compared with 54 cycles (15 subjects) where the patients displayed none of these abnormal features (the normal group). Similarly, 275 COS cycles (135 subjects), where each subject displayed a single abnormality, were compared with 79 cycles (40 subjects) in the normal group. RESULTS: For OI, subjects with a high basal FSH generally had an inadequate response with a poor chance of conception. Subjects with an abnormal BMI commonly required dosage adjustment so were more difficult to manage. Their potential for conception was normal. Older women seemed to respond normally with a normal expectation of conception. In the COS group, subjects with a moderately high basal FSH responded and conceived normally. Subjects with an abnormal BMI had an increased risk of an inadequate response leading to cancellation but if the response was adequate then the outlook was good. Older women required more gonadotrophin with a poor response and a low chance of conception. CONCLUSION: The results have better defined the anticipated responses of non-PCOS patients to gonadotrophin stimulation in both OI and COS.  相似文献   

We have examined the efficacy of highly purified follicle stimulatinghormone (FSH-HP) for controlled ovarian stimulation in our in-vitrofertilization (IVF) programme, and compared the results obtainedwith this preparation with those using human menopausal gonadotrophin(HMG) in 15 patients who had received treatment with both FSH-HPand HMG in consecutive cycles (n = 39). No differences werefound in the duration of stimulation, which was 13.9 days (HMG)as compared with 143 days (FSH-HP). However, in the FSH-HP-treatedcycles we found a striking difference in the rise of serum oestradiol,which was significantly lower than in HMG-treated cydes (2953± 938 pmol/1 as compared with 6349 ± 3683 pmol/1on the day before ovum retrieval). Number and size of follicleswere similar in the two groups, as were oocyte characteristics.Increase in endometrial thickness at two days prior to ovumretrieval was slightly higher after HMG. The results indicatethat in combination with a long gonadotro-phin-releasing hormoneagonist (GnRHa) protocol, pure FSH is sufficient for adequatefollicle recruitment and growth. However, since FSH-HP resultedin markedly reduced concentrations of serum oestradiol as comparedto HMG cycles, IVF programmes using repeated oestradiol measurementsto decide the day of ovum retrieval must take this into considerationin order not to prolong the stimulation unnecessarily.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: We compared: (i) antral follicle count (AFC) in the early follicular phase, after the clomiphene citrate challenge test (CCCT) and before ovarian stimulation following pituitary down-regulation; and (ii) age of women, body mass index, basal and stimulated serum FSH concentrations and AFC in predicting the ovarian response of infertile women aged <40 years with basal FSH <10 IU/l on recruitment in their first IVF cycle. METHODS: Two months prior to the treatment cycle, AFC and basal FSH concentration were determined on day 2-3 of a spontaneous period and on day 10 after CCCT. All women received a standard stimulation regimen. Ovarian response was represented by the number of oocytes, serum estradiol, the duration and dosage of gonadotrophins. RESULTS: There was no significant difference between basal, stimulated and down-regulated AFC. AFC achieved the best predictive value in relation to the number of oocytes, followed by combined FSH concentration (sum of the two FSH concentrations) and age of women. Both basal AFC and combined FSH concentration were predictive factors of serum estradiol concentration, whereas stimulated FSH concentration was predictive of the total dosage of gonadotrophins. CONCLUSION: Combined FSH concentration after CCCT provides additional information in predicting ovarian response.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: A method was sought to control ovulation of the dominant follicle and to test the importance of LH during the late follicular phase of the menstrual cycle. Menstrual cycles of rhesus monkeys were monitored, and treatment initiated at the late follicular phase (after dominant follicle selection, before ovulation). METHODS: The 2-day treatment consisted of GnRH antagonist plus either r-hFSH and r-hLH (1:1 or 2:1 dose ratio) or r-hFSH alone. In addition, half of the females received an ovulatory bolus of hCG. RESULTS: When treatment was initiated at estradiol levels >120 pg/ml, neither the endogenous LH surge, ovulation nor luteal function were controlled. However, when treatment was initiated at estradiol levels 80-120 pg/ml using either 1:1 or 2:1 dose ratios of FSH:LH, the LH surge was prevented, and ovulation occurred following hCG treatment. FSH-only treatment also prevented the LH surge, but follicle development appeared abnormal, and hCG failed to stimulate ovulation. CONCLUSIONS: Control over the naturally dominant follicle is possible during the late follicular phase using an abbreviated GnRH antagonist, FSH+LH protocol. This method offers a model to investigate periovulatory events and their regulation by gonadotrophins/local factors during the natural menstrual cycle in primates.  相似文献   

At present, there is general agreement that ovarian stimulationimproves pregnancy rates after intra-uterine insemination (IUI).Also, ovulation induction with gonadotrophins is associatedwith higher success rates than clomiphene citrate in IUI cycles.However, the drawbacks to the use of gonadotrophin stimulationbefore IUI include the risks of ovarian hyperstimulation andmultiple gestation, and the relative cost of a treatment cyclein view of the medication costs and the need for increased monitoringby hormone assays and ultrasonographic measurements. In thepresent prospective randomized trial, the efficacy and safetyof ovarian stimulation with clomiphene citrate (50 mg/day for5 days) and IUI (clomiphene/IUI group) were compared with thoseof late low-dose pure follicle stimulating hormone (FSH, 75IU/day from day cycle 7 until the leading follicle reached >17mm in diameter) and IUI (FSH/IUI group) in ovulatory women whowere infertile because of unexplained infertility (n=40)or malesubfertility (n =60). The mean length of treatment in the FSHgroup was 6.4±2.5 days. Multiple follicular developmentwas seen in 25% of clomiphene-stimulated cycles but only in8% of those treated with FSH. Pregnancy rate per cycle in clomiphene/IUIand FSH/IUI groups was 4% (4/98) and 13% (12/94) respectively(P=0.02). All pregnancies obtained were singleton. There weretwo and one clinical abortions in the clomiphene/IUI (50%) andFSH/IUI (8%) groups respectively. No patient developed ovarianhyperstimulation syndrome. Use of our therapeutic scheme, whichproved to be efficacious, safe and economic for ovarian stimulationin IUI cycles, is advocated before the institution of in-vitrofertilization (IVF) or gamete intra-Fallopian transfer (GIFT)therapy in infertile patients with patent Fallopian tubes. Thislate low-dose technique of administering pure FSH is suitablefor use in offices without immediate access to oestradiol results.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The effect of recombinant human LH (r-hLH; lutropin alfa) in women undergoing controlled ovarian stimulation with recombinant human FSH (r-hFSH) prior to IVF was investigated. METHODS: After down-regulation with the GnRH agonist, buserelin, 114 normo-ovulatory women (aged 18-37 years) received r-hFSH alone until the lead follicle reached a diameter of 14 mm. Patients were then randomized in a double-blind fashion to receive r-hFSH in addition to r-hLH, 75 IU s.c., or placebo daily for a maximum of 10 days prior to oocyte retrieval and IVF. The primary end-point was the number of metaphase II oocytes. RESULTS: There were no significant differences between treatment groups for the primary end-point. Serum estradiol concentrations on the day of HCG administration were significantly higher in the group receiving r-hLH plus r-hFSH than in the group receiving r-hFSH alone (P = 0.0001), but there were no significant differences between the groups in dose and duration of r-hFSH treatment required, oocyte maturation, fertilization rate, pregnancy rate and live birth rate. CONCLUSION: In this patient population, the addition of r-hLH during the late follicular phase of a long GnRH agonist and r-hFSH stimulation cycle provides no further benefit in terms of oocyte maturation or other end-points.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown the appearance of a spontaneous luteinizing hormone (LH) surge after human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) administration in human menopausal gonadotrophin (HMG)/HCG-stimulated menstrual cycles. In this report we investigated the effect of leuprolide acetate, a long-acting luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LHRH) agonist, on the occurrence of these post-HCG rises in serum LH. Two groups of patients were included. Group 1: 10 patients receiving HCG as a part of an HMG/HCG protocol for induction of follicular development in an IVF/GIFT program and Group II: 10 patients treated as Group I, but receiving the LHRH agonist leuprolide acetate to inhibit gonadotrophin secretion prior to and during ovarian stimulation. In Group I, none of the patients showed a surge prior to HCG administration. However, an LH surge following HCG treatment was apparent in four patients (40%). Pregnant patients (2/10) had low mean levels (less than or equal to 2.5 mIU/ml LH) in the follicular phase and showed no LH surge after HCG. In Group II, baseline levels of serum LH were reduced significantly (mean, 1.4 +/- 0.1 mIU/ml; P less than 0.001) compared to Group I. No patient showed an LH surge either before or after HCG administration and the occurrence of pregnancy was higher (6/9 transfers) than in Group I. In spite of the differences in pregnancy rates, the combined therapy versus HMG therapy showed no significant difference in number of oocytes collected or serum oestradiol levels. This suggests that high levels of serum LH, whether prior to or after HCG administration, may have a detrimental effect on the establishment of pregnancy despite adequate follicular growth.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to investigate the predictive accuracy and clinical value of performing either a single or a repeated clomiphene citrate challenge test (CCCT) in predicting poor response in IVF, compared to that of currently used basal ovarian reserve markers. METHODS: Sixty-three patients undergoing their first IVF treatment were prospectively included. After measurement of basal markers on cycle day 3 (cd3) [FSH, inhibin B and antral follicle count (AFC)], a CCCT was performed. FSH and inhibin B levels were measured on day 10 (cd10). A second CCCT was performed after a washout period of one cycle. In all patients the tests were followed by an IVF treatment. Poor response (<4 oocytes or cancellation due to impaired (<3 follicles) or absent follicular growth) was used as primary outcome measure. RESULTS: Both the single as well as the repeated CCCT markers had a rather good discriminative potential for the prediction of poor response (area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (ROCAUC): FSH cd10=0.79, inhibin B cd10=0.79, mean FSH cd10=0.82 and mean inhibin B cd10=0.88). This compared well with the performance of the basal markers (FSH 0.82, inhibin B 0.72 and AFC 0.83). In a multivariate analysis on only the basal variables, FSH cd3 and AFC were selected (ROCAUC 0.89). Only stepwise forward analysis on the repeated CCCT variables revealed a better discriminating potential for the prediction of poor response (ROCAUC 0.92). At a specificity level of approximately 0.97, sensitivity and the positive predictive value were marginally improved in the CCCT models. CONCLUSIONS: Performing a CCCT (single or repeated) has a rather good ability to predict poor response in IVF. However, it appears that the predictive accuracy and clinical value of the CCCT is not clearly better than that of basal FSH in combination with an AFC. Therefore, the use of the CCCT as a predictor of outcome in IVF should not be advocated.  相似文献   

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