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目的:探讨减少动态心电图检查中一次性使用心电电极所致的皮肤不良反应的方法.方法:选择需要做动态心电图检查患者386例,均使用同一型号一次性心电电极粘贴于前胸指定部位,以患者左侧前胸为观察组,粘贴预先处理过的一次性心电电极,右胸侧前胸为对照组,粘贴未经处理的一次性心电电极,24 h检查结束后,取下粘贴于患者前胸皮肤的一次性心电电极,观察并记录左右前胸各三个电极粘贴处皮肤出现发红、发痒、皮疹、表皮破损不良反应的情况.结果:观察组皮肤出现不良反应发生率10.9%,对照组出现不良反应发生率21%,两者比较皮肤不良反应发生率经x2检验有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论:采用预处理后的一次性心电电极用于动态心电图检查时,减少患者皮肤不良反应,使患者更容易接受.  相似文献   

目的研究可穿戴的小尺寸电容耦合式电极在载人航天中的应用问题。方法针对电极尺寸减小对信号幅值和噪声带来的影响,在系统设计中采用动态驱动屏蔽的电极结构、噪声性能优良的阻抗转换放大器等措施提高信噪比,并采用小波阈值滤波算法去噪。结果相比直径4 cm电极,直径2 cm电容耦合式电极采集的信号幅值减小,但心电信号P波、QRS波、T波均得到完整检测,并在降低界面噪声方面具有一定的优势。小波阈值滤波有效消除噪声。结论本文所设计的使用小尺寸电容耦合式电极的心电检测系统实现了隔着衣服对心电信号的非接触式检测,信号波形清晰完整,可以满足航天医学监护要求。  相似文献   

非接触式电极在心电信号检测中的应用和研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
非接触式心电电极不需要直接接触皮肤即可采集到心电信号,在使用中具有便捷、舒适、对皮肤状态完全不敏感等优点。本文对心电信号检测中常用的三类电极进行了概述和对比,对非接触式电极的工作原理、发展和现状进行了综述,最后对非接触式电极在载人航天领域的应用进行了展望。  相似文献   

目的 研究使用双电极的心电测量方法设计微型低功耗仪器.方法 分析心电测量仪器的结构及产生共模干扰的机理,使用微处理器、仪表放大器、运算放大器、RS-232收发器设计微型低功耗的心电测量电路,用PDA为测量电路供电,接收数据并运算、存储和显示.结果 研制的仪器满足心电测量的要求,且测量电路板尺寸只有4.0 cm×1.5 cm,功耗分别为15 mW(含通信电路)和3 mW(不合通信电路).结论 本文设计的基于双电极的心电测量方法和仪器,可用于植入式、穿戴式或便携式心电测量.  相似文献   

针对我国未来载人航天任务需求,开展可用于航天员长期在轨心电信号采集的织物电极技术分析。首先,对传统Ag/Ag Cl胶状电极在长期心电监测应用中遇到的问题进行了讨论。其次,介绍了干电极的概念、种类以及发展现状,分析了不同类型干电极的技术特点。再次,结合我国载人航天任务特点,对不同类型干电极的适用性进行比较,得出织物电极是一种适合航天员长期在轨监测的心电传感器的结论,它具有舒适性、可穿戴性、可水洗性、稳定性、易集成性等显著特点。最后,针对织物电极技术需要突破的关键技术进行了总结和展望。  相似文献   

我科使用的体外反搏装置为广州医疗器械厂产WFB—Ⅵ型.从1991年1月~12月共治疗各种心脑缺血性疾病420人次,病人症状均得到不同程度的改善.现将我们的点滴体会报告如下.1.体外反搏虽然无创伤,但气囊充气挤压四肢仍可造成患者恐惧,因此第一次操作前要耐心给患者讲解反搏器的治疗原理及治疗中可能出现的不良反应,以取得合作.2.严格执行操作规程,反搏前确保机器运转正常,反搏中密切观察患者反应、气囊动作,心电波形等,发现异常及时处理.3.牢固接好心电导联电极和脉波换能器,电极线和耳夹导线应妥善放置,不能过度牵拉,也不能使心电极与线、耳夹与导线连接处成角,否则既影响心电和脉波输出又易磨损导线.4.电极糊配制较繁琐,易干且电极窝不易洗净,影响心电输出.我们用75%酒精棉球取代电极糊,既经济实用又达到了消毒目的.使用时酒精棉球以湿润为宜,填满电极窝,用后弃去.不需清洗电极窝,十分方便.  相似文献   

穿戴式、多参数协同监测系统设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 为实现低生理、心理负荷下的人体基本生命参数的长时间、动态获取,设计了穿戴式、多参数协同监测系统.方法 将生命信息检测技术与可穿戴技术相结合,在弹性背心中嵌入各类传感器,以实现生理信号检测.两条弯曲成"正弦"状导线嵌在弹性背心的胸、腹部作为呼吸运动传感器,用自主产权的呼吸感应体积描记技术提取呼吸运动;用三导联电极提取心电信号,并探索了非粘贴电极的心动信号获取技术;用三维加速度传感器获取体位、体动信息;用负温度系数的热敏电阻测量作业过程中体温变化.结果 实现了呼吸、心电、体位、体动、体温等多生理参数的穿戴式、协同监测系统设计.结论 穿戴式的生理参数监测系统能够实现低负荷状态下的多生理参数协同获取,为一系列研究工作提供了很好的技术平台.  相似文献   

目的针对传统Ag/AgCl胶状电极在长期心电监护中的问题,结合可穿戴式健康监测技术的发展,设计了一种基于阻变织物电极的心电信号采集电路,研制了穿戴式心电信号采集设备。方法设计一种阻变织物电极,并实现阻变织物电极与衣服的集成,降低了传统织物电极高的接触阻抗;简化心电信号采集电路,实现低功耗、小型化。结果穿戴式心电信号采集设备能够采集到完整的心电波形;与多参数监护仪进行心电信号采集对比分析,验证织物电极采集效果。结论基于阻变织物电极的心电信号采集方案可行。  相似文献   

飞行中电生理信号记录系统随着飞机性能的提高,对肌电心电信号的记录也有了新的要求,该系统应运而生,它轻便灵敏、便携精确、抗高加速度等工作特性适应新的要求,优于其它同类产品。该系统由两部分组成,均置于飞行员所穿的特制上衣中。心电、肌电信号前置放大器能确保...  相似文献   

粟玉彬  闫晓颖 《武警医学》1999,10(7):406-407
耳电极作为脑电图(EEG)描记过程中的无关电极,其性能好坏直接关系到EEG的描记质量。目前国内使用的耳电极均为国内外EEG仪厂家随机配套产品,存在着寿命短、伪差多等缺陷。将银管型电极改制成耳电极,克服了上述耳电极的不足。经6a使用,效果良好。1改制方...  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To design and apply a method to quantitatively evaluate the MR compatibility of electroencephalographic (EEG) scalp electrodes based on pulse sequence-independent metrics. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Three types of electrodes (constructed primarily of brass, silver, and conductive plastic, respectively) were tested. B0 field distortions, B1 shielding, and heat induction was measured in adjacent agarose and oil phantoms at 4 T. B0 field maps were corrected for distortions caused by the measurement apparatus and passive shim heating, and projections perpendicular to the surfaces of the electrodes were fit, generating cubic coefficients representing the electrode distortion severity. Signal loss in T2-weighted images was used to determine B1 shielding by the electrodes. Temperature measurements were recorded during the application of a high-power pulse sequence. RESULTS: Significantly different B0 distortions were observed in the three types of electrodes. The B1 shielding detected in all three electrodes is minimal for most human MRI, and no significant heating was detected in the electrodes or adjacent phantom. CONCLUSION: The three types of electrodes were successfully differentiated in terms of MR compatibility based on pulse sequence-independent B0 field distortions.  相似文献   

Candidate methods for improving the electrochemical oxygen production by a solid-oxide electrolyte with the fluorite-type structure and oxide electrodes with the perofskite structure were analyzed. After consideration of mechanisms of oxygen-producing electrode reactions, physical-chemical properties of oxide materials and diagrams of states of substances used as an electrolyte and electrodes in solid-electrolyte systems, a qualitatively new approach to arraying an electrochemical cell with a solid oxide electrolyte and oxide electrodes was proposed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Instrument selection for recording physiological data in flight studies requires careful attention to subject comfort and non-interference with aircrew activities. Several electrode types and recording sites may be used to examine electrodermal activity (EDA). Placement of electrodes on the foot minimizes interference with physical activity and reduces motion artifacts; however, use of conventional, hard-plastic-encased metal (PEM) electrodes within a flight boot can produce discomfort and pressure-induced artifacts. HYPOTHESIS: When applied with proper electrolyte gels, thin, flexible, silver-impregnated cloth electrodes should acquire EDA signals qualitatively similar to those acquired using conventional, PEM electrodes. METHODS: EDA responses evoked by light flashes, auditory stimuli and valsalva maneuvers were recorded with cloth and PEM electrodes simultaneously from both feet of 4 male subjects. Performance of cloth vs. PEM electrodes and variability of signals recorded with the same electrode type were examined by placing pairs of selected electrodes on each foot of the subjects. Placements were balanced with respect to age and handedness of the subject and the number of trials with each electrode type placed on the left or right foot. RESULTS: Qualitatively similar signals were recorded with cloth and PEM electrodes. Cloth electrodes showed more variability between electrodes of the same type. CONCLUSION: For EDA recording, cloth electrodes can perform at least as well as PEM electrodes, making it practical to take advantage of the cloth electrodes' flexibility and lower profile.  相似文献   

三种止血材料止血活性的体外实验研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的比较明胶纤维网(gelatin fleece ,GF)、氧化纤维素(oxidized cellulose ,OC)和明胶海绵(gelfoam ,GL)的止血效果,探讨GF的止血机制.方法使3种止血材料分别与富血小板血浆(PRP)接触0.5,1,1.5,2,2.5 min,然后通过灌注黏附实验及血小板聚集实验检测血小板黏附率及聚集率;使3种止血材料分别与PRP接触1,5 min,然后用酶联免疫吸附法检测血小板颗粒膜糖蛋白-140(GMP-140)释放的改变;用扫描电镜观察3种止血材料的结构和血小板黏附激活的形态.结果 PRP与GF接触后血小板的黏附率及聚集率较与OC和GL接触后高(P<0.05).3种止血材料均能促进血小板释放GMP-140,与未加止血材料时比较,差异均有非常显著性意义(P<0.01),其中GF促进血小板释放GMP-140的能力大于OC和GL(P<0.01).扫描电镜显示,GF呈网络致密状结构,而OC和GL的结构间均有较大网眼;GF间黏附有较多激活的血小板,有伪足形成,而GL仅黏附有少量激活的血小板.结论 GF的止血效果优于OC和GL,它主要是通过促进血小板黏附、聚集,并使激活的血小板释放促凝物来加快血液凝固.  相似文献   

子宫腔粘连的X线表现(附108例分析)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
子宫腔粘连多因刮宫损伤子宫内膜,产生肌层的互相粘连。子宫输卵管造影表现主要是子宫腔边缘或中央不规则充盈缺损,其中右侧较多占60%。并对症状与X线表现、粘连部位与创伤、粘连类型与治疗作了讨论。  相似文献   

目的:探讨不同人工关节假体材料表面物理特性对结核分枝杆菌( MTB )黏附的影响。方法以表面抛光涂层、钛涂层和羟基磷灰石涂层为实验材料,对材料进行表面形貌分析以及表面粗糙度、接触角和表面能的测定。选用MTB为研究菌株,体外共培养法培养,通过扫描电镜对MTB的形态、在材料表面的黏附情况和黏附量进行观察。综合评价人工关节假体材料的表面物理特性对细菌增殖和黏附的影响。结果钛涂层和羟基磷灰石涂层材料表面为疏水性材料,抛光涂层为亲水性材料,接触角及表面能存在显著性差异(P<0.05)。细菌培养过程中3种材料菌液的D值无显著性差异(P>0.05)。 MTB在钛涂层介面黏附量最多,羟基磷灰石涂层次之,抛光涂层介面最低,且各种材料间差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 MTB在人工关节假体材料表面的黏附与其表面物理特性有关,在粗糙度高及疏水性低的材料表面有较高的黏附性。  相似文献   

In order to make electrolytic tumor destruction more effective new electrode materials were tested (Part I) as well as a combination of electrolysis and megavolt therapy (Part II). All tests were performed in experimental tumors implanted subcutaneously in rats. Altogether in 41 rats in 5 series (Part I) electrodes made of rhodium (Rh), copper (Cu), or brass (Zn-Cu alloy) were investigated but the effect was not found to be better than that of the previously tested platinum (Pt). Oxidation and corrosion made Rh and Cu electrodes less suitable for electrolysis compared to Pt, while brass electrodes became isolated through zinc-salt-formation and performed unsatisfactorily. The radiosensitizing properties of electrolysis were tested in 55 rats with experimental tumors (Part II). One control group had only Co-irradiation, while in 2 other groups Cu- or Pt-electrolysis of the tumors was carried out before irradiation. The combined treatment resulted in a significantly better effect on the tumors, registered as inhibition of tumor growth or disappearance of tumor. As the electrolyzed, necrotic tissue remained in the tumor the effect might not be mediated through diminished target volume. An inflammatory reaction around the electrolytic lesion with increased blood flow and higher oxygenation of the tumor could cause a more positive response to megavolt treatment.  相似文献   

In brief: The validity of 13 commercially available heart rate (HR) monitors was assessed by comparing the monitored values with simultaneous ECG readings. Stability, as well as validity, was measured using several ergometric devices, and functionality was evaluated by analyzing the practical aspects of each device. Results indicate excellent correlations between readings obtained by ECG and HR monitors using conventional chest electrodes to measure electrical activity of the heart. Most of the monitors using other types of electrodes or using an earlobe photocell to measure opacity of blood flow were inadequate. The authors point out functional differences in the monitors to help potential users choose the best one to fit their needs.  相似文献   

推拿对肌腱断裂伤术后修复过程及粘连影响的实验研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
动物实验表明肌腱组织结构的恢复与肌腱生物力学性质的恢复密切相关。推拿治疗对肌腱损伤后组织结构的修复和生物力学性质的恢复均有促进作用。肌腱损伤后的修复时间较长,早期功能锻炼时应控制活动强度,防止再损伤。肌腱损伤后可能以两条途径修复。  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To evaluate and compare visibility and artifacts in magnetic resonance (MR) compatible radiofrequency (RF) electrodes for MR-guided RF ablation. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Six different MR compatible electrodes for RF ablation including two internally cooled single needles, one internally cooled cluster needle, two expandable needles and one perfused needle were tested in a phantom study at 0.2 Tesla and at 1.5 Tesla field strength. Fluoroscopic, T1- and T2-weighted fast spin echo (FSE) and gradient echo (GE) sequences, which are usually used for MR-guided interventions, were evaluated. Qualitative and quantitative evaluations were performed. Length, width, noise, tip artifacts, global artifacts and global visualization of the RF electrodes that showed all sequences at different angles. RESULTS: Qualitative analysis showed that electrodes were well visualized at all angles and sequences and on both MR imagers. Quantitative analysis showed that artifact-induced widening of the shaft was increased in all electrodes by: a). use of fluoroscopic sequences, GE sequences, and fat saturation, b). increasing the angle between the needle and main magnetic field, and c). high field strength (1.5 T). Expandable needles produced fewer tip artifacts but broader signal voids along the shaft compared to nonexpandable needles. Cluster electrodes produced less widening than the other electrodes. CONCLUSION: Visibility and artifacts in all six MR compatible RF electrodes are satisfactory and these electrodes could be used for MR-guided radiofrequency ablation procedures.  相似文献   

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