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Eleven women (group I) with axillary hyperhidrosis were treated ad modum Shelley & Hurley with local application of aluminium chloride hexahydrate 25% in absolute ethanol and plastic foil occlusion during two successive nights once a week. The patients were observed for 24 weeks. Another 12 women (group II) were treated for up to 12 weeks with aluminium chloride hexahydrate 25% in absolute ethanol but without using plastic foil occlusion. We have attempted to determine the effect of the treatment by sweat measurements, leaving the left axilla untreated during the initial 1--2 weeks as a control. An immediate reduction in sweat production of the treated axilla was found in both groups. The reduction increased during the first weeks and was maintained thereafter. The degree of sweat reduction was the same during standardized work and during rest (group II). At the final controls all patients in group I had discontinued the occlusion and had individualized the treatment, most of them using local application 1--2 times weekly. Two patients in group I had to stop the treatment because of unbearable itching. The other patients found the treatment completely satisfactory. All patients had experienced itching and smarting when starting the treatment. Often these discomforts were temporary but they seem to require active support by close medical control during the initital period of treatment. In contrast to previous investigations, effective treatment was achieved both with and without occlusion.  相似文献   

Pyogenic granuloma (PG) is a small, almost always solitary, sessile or pedunculated, raspberry-like vegetation of exuberant granulation tissue. Conservative treatment by techniques such as cryosurgery, laser surgery, and electrodesiccation are usually adequate, whereas excisional treatment can often result in noticeable scars. We attempted a different approach using an injection of absolute ethanol in five patients with recurrence due to inadequate cryosurgery. This therapy is less invasive than surgical excision and appears to be an alternative therapy for PG.  相似文献   

One hundred and forty male patients with ano-genital warts were randomly allocated to a double-blind study of 10% and 25% podophyllin in tincture of benzoin compound. One hundred and nine patients attended for a three-month period of surveillance. Only 24 (22%) patients were free of warts after having podophyllin treatment alone, 12 each after treatment with 10% and 25% podophyllin. There was no significant difference in the number of applications needed with each treatment. Neither hypersensitivity nor chemical ulceration occurred.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND DESIGN--Thirty-two patients with mild to extensive alopecia areata, including 16 patients with alopecia totalis or universalis, entered a randomized, controlled trial of a 6-week taper of prednisone followed by either 2% topical minoxidil or vehicle applied three times daily for an additional 14 weeks. The results of this study were compared with an open trial of 48 patients with alopecia areata treated with a similar taper of prednisone with concomitant 2% topical minoxidil applied twice daily. Only terminal hair growth was considered and was quantitated as 1% to 24%, 25% to 49%, 50% to 74%, and 75% to 100%: only those with more than 25% terminal hair regrowth were considered to have had an objective response. RESULTS--At the end of 6 weeks of prednisone, 47% (15/32) of patients had more than 25% regrowth, including nine of 20 patients who had had at least 75% hair loss at baseline. Side effects of prednisone were primarily weight gain and mood changes/emotional lability. At 3 months, six of seven minoxidil-treated patients vs one of six vehicle-treated patients who had an objective response to prednisone maintained or augmented this hair growth: at the 20-week visit, these numbers were three of seven and zero of four patients, respectively. In the open trial, objective hair growth with prednisone was 30%, related to the extent of hair loss at baseline, and this growth persisted in more than 50% of patients at 6 months with the use of 2% topical minoxidil. CONCLUSIONS--A 6-week taper of prednisone offers potential for more than 25% regrowth in 30% to 47% of patients with alopecia areata with predictable and transient side effects. Two percent topical minoxidil three times daily appears to help limit poststeroid hair loss.  相似文献   

123 patients suffering from axillary hyperhidrosis have been operated on as outpatients under local anaesthesia, with radical ablation of sweat glands. All except 7 patients were satisfied with the result. There were few complications. A group of patients and controls were extensively studied including quantitative sweat testing and axillary biopsis. Apart from increased axillary sweating during the test, no differences could be found. The basic etiology of the condition is still unknown.  相似文献   

The use of iontophoresis for the treatment of plantar palmar and axillary hyperhidrosis with poldine methosulphate 0.5% solution, is simple and reasonably effective long term. Few side effects other than physical discomfort at the time of therapy were noticed in ten patients in the trial. Palmar sweating is controlled better than other sites. As may be expected, plantar or palmar multiple warts are possibly eradicated with loss of hyperhidrosis. The equipment is of low cost, treatment time and frequency short. The procedure is beneficial and less traumatic than surgery, and more effective than internal or external medication for this disorder.  相似文献   

Results of combined treatment with low doses of steroids (50-10-5 mg) and Visken (7.5-15 mg) in 5 cases of pemphigus erythematosus and 5 cases of pemphigus vulgaris are presented. Treatment lasted from 30 days to 1.5 years. Some of the patients had been previously treated with steroids and immunosuppressive drugs, but had active lesions or frequent recurrences. In pemphigus erythematosus, very good results were obtained in 3 of 5 cases, and failure in 2 cases was probably related to insufficient dosage of steroids, or no treatment with steroids at all. In pemphigus vulgaris results were not satisfactory. Visken can serve as a supplementary drug in the treatment of pemphigus erythematosus. No complications were observed, and the drug may be regarded as safe.  相似文献   

2%苯甲醇溶液多用来稀释青霉素,以减轻注射部位的疼痛.我院自1975年起应用其治疗限局性神经性皮炎,取得满意效果.现将随访3年以上的36例观察结果报告如下.  相似文献   

Axillary hyperhidrosis poses a serious problem to the affected patients. So far, the conservative measures employed seem to be disappointing, operations with axillary skin excision, undermining and/or skin reconstruction may cause secondary functional and cosmetic problems, whereas botulinum A toxin injections need to be repeated frequently. The aim of this study was to establish the safety, efficacy, and durability of subdermal (subcorial) suction sweat gland curettage in the treatment of axillary hyperhidrosis. So far, the method seems to be devoid of possible risks and drawbacks. In the last 4.5 years, 15 patients with axillary hyperhidrosis were operated on with the use of liposuction tools. First operations were performed in general anesthesia, then in tumescent anesthesia. The procedure of suction curettage was performed with the use of 3- to 4-mm wide liposuction cannulas. The patients were closely monitored during early stages of the healing process; then they were evaluated at 1 and 3 months, and finally at 1-4 years of the operation, when they were asked to assess the effects of the operation. Four patients had recurrence of the disease within 3 months; three of them were reoperated on, with good result. At 1-4 years of the operation, all our responders (ten of 15 patients) stated that the disease had completely subsided. The following complications were observed during the process of healing: hematomas, transient skin unevenness, and partial skin flap necrosis. In conclusion, subdermal suction curettage seems to be superior to botulinum A toxin injections by the effect durability, and to the surgical methods with skin excision and undermining by the probably lower complication rates.  相似文献   

A double-blind comparison of Psoradrate (0. 1% dithranol with 17% urea) and Dithrocream (0. 25% dithranol in a vanishing cream base) in forty out-patients with psoriasis showed that the preparations were equally effective clinically, but Dithrocream tended to cause more side-effects, and patients expressed a statistically significant preference for Psoradrate.  相似文献   

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