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As funding mechanisms like the Global Fund for HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria increasingly make funding decisions on the basis of burden of disease estimates and financial need calculations, the importance of reliable and comparable estimating methods is growing. This paper presents a model for estimating HIV/AIDS health care resource needs in low- and middle-income countries. The model presented was the basis for the United Nations' call for US dollars 9.2 billion to address HIV/AIDS in developing countries by 2005 with US dollars 4.4 billion to address HIV/AIDS health care and the rest to deal with HIV/AIDS prevention. The model has since been updated and extended to produce estimates for 2007. This paper details the methods and assumptions used to estimate HIV/AIDS health care financial needs and it discusses the limitations and data needs for this model.  相似文献   

It has been 30 years since the Declaration of Alma Ata. During that time, primary care has been the central strategy for expanding health services in many low- and middle-income countries. The recent global calls to redouble support for primary care highlighted it as a pathway to reaching the health Millennium Development Goals. In this systematic review we described and assessed the contributions of major primary care initiatives implemented in low- and middle-income countries in the past 30 years to a broad range of health system goals. The scope of the programs reviewed was substantial, with several interventions implemented on a national scale. We found that the majority of primary care programs had multiple components from health service delivery to financing reform to building community demand for health care. Although given this integration and the variable quality of the available research it was difficult to attribute effects to the primary care component alone, we found that primary care-focused health initiatives in low- and middle-income countries have improved access to health care, including among the poor, at reasonably low cost. There is also evidence that primary care programs have reduced child mortality and, in some cases, wealth-based disparities in mortality. Lastly, primary care has proven to be an effective platform for health system strengthening in several countries. Future research should focus on understanding how to optimize the delivery of primary care to improve health and achieve other health system objectives (e.g., responsiveness, efficiency) and to what extent models of care can be exported to different settings.  相似文献   

Arredondo A  Nájera P 《Public health》2005,119(2):125-152
An evaluative study with a cross-sectional design was carried out on healthcare cost indicators reported by the 2000 National Health Survey in Mexico, to determine which population group had higher health costs/expenditures in relation to family income. The results suggest that in middle-income countries such as Mexico, families with lower incomes tend to pay more for healthcare services.  相似文献   

IntroductionThe World Health Organization (WHO) recommends vaccination of health workers against influenza, but uptake in low-resource settings remains low. To complement routine global data collection efforts we conducted a detailed survey on influenza vaccination policies for health workers in low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs) in early 2020.MethodsHealth worker vaccination policy data were collected via a web-based survey tool sent to Expanded Programme on Immunization managers or equivalent managers of all eligible countries. High-income countries and countries with active civil war were excluded from the participation. The survey was sent by email to 109 LMICs in all WHO Regions to invite participation. Data were analyzed by World Bank income category and WHO Region. Statistical methods were applied to assess mean vaccination rates across countries.ResultsSixty-eight (62%) out of 109 invited LMICs were studied. Thirty-five (51.5%) reported to have a policy for influenza vaccination of health workers. Vaccinations were voluntary in 23 countries (66%), mandatory in 4 (11%), while in 8 countries (23%) mixed vaccination policies existed. A mechanism to estimate vaccine uptake existed in 26 countries (74%). Low-income and African Region countries were less likely to have influenza vaccination policies for health workers (p-values < 0.001 and 0.009, respectively). The most common reason for not having a vaccination policy for health workers was influenza not being a priority (48.5%).ConclusionsDespite policies being in place in more than half LMICs studied, gaps remain in translating vaccination policies to action, particularly in low-income and African Region countries. To optimize the operationalization of policies, further research is needed within countries, to enable evidence-based introduction decisions, categorization of health workers for vaccination, identification of factors impacting effective service delivery, strengthening monitoring and estimation of vaccination uptake rates and ensure sustainability of funding.  相似文献   

This article summarizes the organization, financing, and delivery of health care services in Spain, and discusses the elements that made it possible to maintain high levels of health among the population, while spending comparatively fewer resources on the health care system than most industrialized countries. The case of Spain is of particular interest for newly industrialized countries, because of the fast evolution that it has undergone in recent years. Considered, by United Nations' economic standards, a developing country until 1964, Spain became in a few years the fastest growing economy in the world after Japan. By the early 1970s the infant mortality rate was already lower than in Britain or the United States.  相似文献   

In the April 2010 issue of this journal, Date et al. expressed concern over the slow scale-up in low-income settings of two therapies for the prevention of opportunistic infections in people living with the human immunodeficiency virus: co-trimoxazole prophylaxis and isoniazid preventive therapy. This short paper discusses the important ways in which policy analysis can be of use in understanding and explaining how and why certain evidence makes its way into policy and practice and what local factors influence this process. Key lessons about policy development are drawn from the research evidence on co-trimoxazole prophylaxis, as such lessons may prove helpful to those who seek to influence the development of national policy on isoniazid preventive therapy and other treatments. Researchers are encouraged to disseminate their findings in a manner that is clear, but they must also pay attention to how structural, institutional and political factors shape policy development and implementation. Doing so will help them to understand and address the concerns raised by Date et al. and other experts. Mainstreaming policy analysis approaches that explain how local factors shape the uptake of research evidence can provide an additional tool for researchers who feel frustrated because their research findings have not made their way into policy and practice.  相似文献   

目的 了解中低收入国家青少年遭受校园欺凌的发生率及其与青少年学生心理健康的关系,为青少年校园欺凌防控与心理健康干预提供参考.方法 数据来源于19个中低收入国家2009-2015年全球校园健康调查,共22963名13~ 17岁中学生.采用二元Logistic回归分析遭受校园欺凌的影响因素,多元线性回归分析遭受校园欺凌与心...  相似文献   

Crucial to the success of the proposed Framework Convention on Tobacco Control will be an understanding of the political and economic context for tobacco control policies, particularly in low-income and middle-income countries. Policy studies in Thailand and Zimbabwe employed the analytical perspective of political economy and a research strategy that used political mapping, a technique for characterizing and evaluating the political environment surrounding a policy issue, and stakeholder analysis, which seeks to identify key actors and to determine their capacity to shape policy outcomes. These policy studies clearly revealed how tobacco control in low-income and middle-income countries is also being shaped by developments in the global and regional political economy. Hence efforts to strengthen national control policies need to be set within the context of globalization and the international context. Besides the transnational tobacco companies, international tobacco groups and foreign governments, international agencies and nongovernmental organizations are also playing influential roles. It cannot be assumed, therefore, that the tobacco control strategies being implemented in industrialized countries will be just as effective and appropriate when implemented in developing countries. There is an urgent need to expand the number of such tobacco policy studies, particularly in low-income and middle-income countries. Comprehensive guidelines for tobacco policy analysis and research are required to support this process, as is a broader international strategy to coordinate further tobacco policy research studies at country, regional and global levels.  相似文献   

《Global public health》2013,8(4):369-381
Almost 80% of deaths from non-communicable diseases (NCDs) occur in low- and middle-income countries. Physical inactivity is a key risk factor for NCDs. Enhancing understanding of the scientific evidence linking physical activity and health in low- and middle-income countries is important for supporting national efforts to promote physical activity and reduce NCDs in these countries. A systematic review of three electronic databases was conducted in July 2013, including large population-based epidemiological studies with adult participants, conducted in low- and middle-income countries, and published in the past 30 years. Physical activity was consistently associated with a reduced risk of all-cause mortality, cardiovascular disease (CVD), diabetes and several types of cancer. Positive associations were also found between physical activity and body composition (including overweight and obesity), blood pressure, cholesterol, metabolic indices and bone mineral density. Overall, the results confirm that the epidemiological research into the health benefits of physical activity in low- and middle-income countries is consistent with previous research conducted in high-income countries. This summary of the available research can be used as an advocacy tool in low- and middle-income countries to support greater prominence of physical activity in NCD policies.  相似文献   

Communities across the nation are struggling with how to improve access to health care for low-income people. We examined seven communities where Ascension Health collaborated with other safety-net providers and organizations to achieve better health care results for patients. Following a five-step model, each community established infrastructure to track the use of services, expand service capacity, coordinate care, and encourage the cost-effective use of providers. These efforts have achieved notable gains, such as in Austin, Texas, where an estimated $5.50 was returned for every dollar spent on asthma care. Challenges remain, including provider competition, inadequate participation by clinicians, difficulties demonstrating impact, and lack of sustainable funding. Lessons gleaned from these community collaborations can be valuable as the nation implements health reform, and safety-net health care systems home in on remaining access issues.  相似文献   

Primary health care was declared the model for global health policy at a 1978 meeting of health ministers and experts from around the world. Primary health care requires a change in socioeconomic status, distribution of resources, a focus on health system development, and emphasis on basic health services. Considered too idealistic and expensive, it was replaced with a disease-focused, selective model. After several years of investment in vertical interventions, preventable diseases remain a major challenge for developing countries. The selective model has not responded adequately to the interrelationship between health and socioeconomic development, and a rethinking of global health policy is urgently needed.  相似文献   

Health policy makers are faced with competing alternatives, and for systems of health care financing. The choice of financing method should mobilize resources for health care and provide financial protection. This review systematically assesses the evidence of the extent to which community-based health insurance is a viable option for low-income countries in mobilizing resources and providing financial protection. The review contributes to the literature on health financing by extending and qualifying existing knowledge. Overall, the evidence base is limited in scope and questionable in quality. There is strong evidence that community-based health insurance provides some financial protection by reducing out-of-pocket spending. There is evidence of moderate strength that such schemes improve cost-recovery. There is weak or no evidence that schemes have an effect on the quality of care or the efficiency with which care is produced. In absolute terms, the effects are small and schemes serve only a limited section of the population. The main policy implication of the review is that these types of community financing arrangements are, at best, complementary to other more effective systems of health financing. To improve reliability and validity of the evidence base, analysts should agree on a more coherent set of outcome indicators and a more consistent assessment of these indicators. Policy makers need to be better informed as to both the costs and the benefits of implementing various financing options. The current evidence base on community-based health insurance is mute on this point.  相似文献   

The inappropriate use of antibiotics has often been identified as a problem in effective health care delivery. High levels of antibiotics use, often clinically unnecessary, have led to a steady increase in drug resistance. Low-income countries, home to the majority of the world's population, are believed to have an important role in this phenomena. Effective intervention in these practices is often constrained by the paucity of information on determinants of antibiotic use.This review provides information from studies on the factors that influence the use of antibiotics by health providers, dispensers and community members in low-income countries. A proper understanding of these factors should be seen as a precondition for the development of more effective policies and programmes to address inappropriate antibiotic use.The review encompasses physicians' practices, the role of drug dispensers, and the influences on patterns of drug use across community members. Although a set of papers with useful research data was identified, probably the most important finding of the review was the scarcity of research. If interventions into antibiotic use are to be effective, future research must explore in more depth the socio-cultural rationality of antibiotic usage. The most productive approach would be to combine quantitative studies of the patterns of antibiotic use with the rich variety of qualitative methods like case simulations, focus group discussions, in-depth interviews, informal interviews, or illness diaries to explore determinants.Research programmes alone are unlikely to improve antibiotic use. Priority programme activities would include a carefully designed mix of activities by governments, health delivery systems, health training institutions, professional societies, pharmaceutical companies, consumer organisations, and international organisations. Strategies that lean too heavily on professional education are unlikely to result in large-scale or long-lasting improvement.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to review the research literature on the effectiveness of contracting-out of primary health care services and its impact on both programme and health systems performance in low- and middle-income countries. Due to the heightened interest in improving accountability relationships in the health sector and in rapidly scaling up priority interventions, there is an increasing amount of interest in and experimentation with contracting-out. Overall, while the review of the selected studies suggests that contracting-out has in many cases improved access to services, the effects on other performance dimensions such as equity, quality and efficiency are often unknown. Moreover, little is known about the system-wide effects of contracting-out, which could be either positive or negative. Although the study results leave open the question of how contracting-out can be used as a policy tool to improve overall health system performance, the results indicate that the context in which contracting-out is implemented and the design features of the interventions are likely to greatly influence the chances for success.  相似文献   

  目的  比较分析中国一线城市卫生应急管理评估体系。  方法  全面检索中国知网(CNKI)、万方数据知识服务平台(WANFANG DATA)和维普数据库(VIP)),限定从建库的1988年1月 — 2019年3月,制定纳入、排除标准,采用框架整合法,从卫生应急管理主体分类角度出发,对中国一线城市的卫生应急管理评估体系进行整合。  结果  纳入6篇研究,以政府和卫生行政部门、疾病预防控制机构、医疗卫生机构、卫生监督机构为卫生应急管理主体,共性指标分别为8、10、4和5项。个性指标更为细致化。  结论  共性指标统一性和引领性仍需加强,个性指标兼容性和关联性有待完善,应用性和推广性还需提高。另外,中国卫生应急管理评估体系多为“结果”式评估,“过程”式的评估体系和作用机制的探索还有极大的研究空间。  相似文献   

Common mental disorders are responsible for up to 10% of the total global disease burden. The growing evidence base for the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of treatments for these disorders raises the possibility of delivering huge health and economic benefits. However, delivering these treatments in resource-constrained settings is challenging. At least one-third of all patients seen in primary care in low- and middle-income countries present with common mental disorders. The majority are not recognised or are ineffectively treated. To address this problem, WHO advocates integrating mental health in primary care. However, the limited evidence base has impeded efforts to develop such services.  相似文献   

Safe environmental conditions and the availability of standard precaution items are important to prevent and treat infection in health care facilities (HCFs) and to achieve Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) targets for health and water, sanitation, and hygiene. Baseline coverage estimates for HCFs have yet to be formed for the SDGs; and there is little evidence describing inequalities in coverage. To address this, we produced the first coverage estimates of environmental conditions and standard precaution items in HCFs in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs); and explored factors associated with low coverage. Data from monitoring reports and peer-reviewed literature were systematically compiled; and information on conditions, service levels, and inequalities tabulated. We used logistic regression to identify factors associated with low coverage. Data for 21 indicators of environmental conditions and standard precaution items were compiled from 78 LMICs which were representative of 129,557 HCFs. 50% of HCFs lack piped water, 33% lack improved sanitation, 39% lack handwashing soap, 39% lack adequate infectious waste disposal, 73% lack sterilization equipment, and 59% lack reliable energy services. Using nationally representative data from six countries, 2% of HCFs provide all four of water, sanitation, hygiene, and waste management services. Statistically significant inequalities in coverage exist between HCFs by: urban-rural setting, managing authority, facility type, and sub-national administrative unit. We identified important, previously undocumented inequalities and environmental health challenges faced by HCFs in LMICs. The information and analyses provide evidence for those engaged in improving HCF conditions to develop evidence-based policies and efficient programs, enhance service delivery systems, and make better use of available resources.  相似文献   

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