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BACKGROUND: The relationship between alcohol consumption and HIV disease progression has received limited attention in the era of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART). METHODS: We assessed CD4 cell count, HIV RNA levels, and alcohol consumption in the past month, defined as none, moderate, and at risk, in 349 HIV-infected people with a history of alcohol problems. We investigated the relationship between alcohol consumption and HIV disease markers CD4 cell count and HIV RNA level, stratified by HAART use, using multivariable regression. RESULTS: No significant differences in CD4 cell count or HIV RNA level were found across the categories of alcohol consumption for patients who were not receiving HAART. However, among patients who were receiving HAART, log HIV RNA levels were significantly higher in those with moderate (2.17 copies/ml) and at-risk (2.73 copies/ml) alcohol use compared with none (1.73 copies/ml; p = 0.006). CD4 cell counts in those with moderate (368 cells/microl) and at-risk (360 cells/microl) alcohol use were lower than for subjects who reported none (426 cells/microl; p = 0.07). CONCLUSION: Among patients who have a history of alcohol problems and are receiving antiretroviral treatment, alcohol consumption was associated with higher HIV RNA levels and lower CD4 counts. No comparable association was found for similar patients who were not receiving HAART. Addressing alcohol use in HIV-infected patients, especially those who are receiving HAART, may have a substantial impact on HIV disease progression.  相似文献   

Given inconsistent findings regarding relations between specific types of alcohol-related protective behavioral strategy use and alcohol outcomes, the current study aimed to examine whether specific strategies vary regarding relations with alcohol consumption. Undergraduate college students (N = 162) completed measures online, including the Protective Behavioral Strategy Scale and assessment of alcohol use. A structural equation modeling framework was used to examine differential item functioning across alcohol quantity and frequency. Four items demonstrated differential item functioning (e.g., Avoid drinking games, Avoid trying to “keep up” or “out-drink” others). Findings support idiographic approaches to assessment in treatment.  相似文献   

Food allergy predominantly affects children rather than adults with atopic dermatitis (AD). Early food sensitization has been found to be significantly associated with AD. Three different patterns of clinical reactions to food allergens in AD patients have been identified: 1) immediate-type symptoms, 2) isolated eczematous late-type reactions, and 3) combined reactions. Whereas in children, allergens from cow’s milk, hen’s egg, soy, wheat, fish, peanut, or tree nuts are primarily responsible for allergic reactions, birch pollen–related food allergens seem to play a major role in adolescent and adults with AD in Central and Northern Europe. Defects in the epidermal barrier function seem to facilitate the development of sensitization to allergens following epicutaneous exposure. The relevance of defects in the gut barrier as well as genetic characteristics associated with an increased risk of food allergy remain to be further investigated. Many studies focus on sufficient strategies of prevention, which actually include breastfeeding or feeding with hydrolyzed formula during the first 4 months of life.  相似文献   

J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich). 2012;14:779–786. ©2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Once considered an inconsequential part of the aging process, the development of isolated systolic hypertension represents a late manifestation of increased elastic artery stiffness and is the predominant hypertensive subtype in the middle‐aged and elderly populations. Its inherent increased risk for vascular events, such as coronary heart disease, stroke, heart failure, peripheral artery disease, chronic kidney disease, and dementia, highlights the importance of its control. The purpose of this short review is to summarize how hypertension is different in the elderly when compared with “essential hypertension” in younger adults. The emphasis will be on the multiple ways that increased artery stiffness affects the natural history and clinical manifestations of hypertension in the elderly.  相似文献   

This article contains the proceedings of a symposium at the 2002 RSA/ISBRA Meeting in San Francisco, organized and chaired by Clive Harper and co-chaired by Izuru Matsumoto. The presentations were (1) Introduction, by Clive Harper; (2) The quality of tissue-a critical issue, by Therese Garrick; (3) The first systematic brain tissue donor program in Japan, by Izuru Matsumoto; (4) Brain scans after death-really! by Adolf Pfefferbaum, Elfar Adalsteinsson, and Edith Sullivan; (5) Capture that (genial) expression, by Joanne Lewohl and Peter Dodd; and (6) Neurochemical/pharmacological studies: experimental design and limitations, by Roger Butterworth.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To assess older urban women's knowledge about sexual transmission of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) and to evaluate the relationship between their HIV/AIDS knowledge level and sources of information. DESIGN: Cross-sectional survey conducted between June 2001 and July 2002. Trained research assistants administered a questionnaire in a face-to-face interview. SETTING: General medicine clinic in a large public hospital in a high HIV/AIDS incidence area. PARTICIPANTS: Five hundred fourteen women aged 50 and older. MEASUREMENTS: Nine questions assessing knowledge of risk of HIV sexual transmission with potential scores ranging from 0 to 9 correct answers. Participants identified all sources of HIV information. RESULTS: The mean knowledge score was 3.7 out of a possible 9 correct responses (range 0 (3%) to 8 (1%)). Younger age, employment, and higher educational level were associated with higher knowledge scores, whereas marital status was unrelated. No respondent correctly answered all of the nine questions. The most commonly identified sources of HIV/AIDS information were television (85%), friends (54%), and newspapers (51%). Only 38% of respondents identified health professionals as a source of information about HIV/AIDS. Health professionals, newspapers, and family members were each independently associated with higher knowledge scores (P<.05). CONCLUSION: Older women in a general medicine clinic had limited knowledge of sexual transmission of HIV. HIV/AIDS education specifically targeted to this subpopulation is warranted, and health professionals may have an important role in disseminating such messages.  相似文献   

This article presents the proceedings of a symposium held at the meeting of the International Society for Biomedical Research on Alcoholism (ISBRA) in Mannheim, Germany, in October 2004. Most of what we know about the deleterious effects of alcohol in vivo has been gleaned from studies in sober alcoholics recruited from substance abuse treatment programs. Little is known about effects of chronic drinking in the moderate or heavy range encountered in a much larger fraction of modern society. Extrapolation of information on the adverse effects of chronic drinking on organ function from clinical samples to social drinkers in the general population has to be met with great skepticism, as it may lead to wrong conclusions about the chronic effects of alcohol in social drinkers. Several recent studies suggest that moderate alcohol consumption has certain beneficial health effects, whereas heavy social alcohol consumption has recently been associated with organ abnormalities and cognitive deficits. These social drinking effects have attracted great public interest; reports of benefits of moderate drinking have also inspired inappropriate publications by the media, including misleading advertisements by the alcohol producing and distributing industry. Although adverse effects of moderate to heavy drinking on heart, liver, and cancer development have attracted attention by clinicians and researchers for some time, its compromising effects on brain and cognition have only recently been studied. This symposium brought together researchers from different disciplines, who reviewed and presented new data on consequences of social drinking in the areas of clinical neuropsychology and behavior (Drs. Nixon and Meyerhoff), neurophysiology (Dr. Nixon, Ms. De Bruin), neuroimaging (Ms. de Bruin, Dr. Meyerhoff), hepatic disease (Dr. Bode), and cancer (Dr. Seitz). The symposium aimed to clarify both the potential health benefits of moderate alcohol consumption and risks of moderate and heavy drinking on proper organ function and to provide insights and new data to practicing physicians and public health authorities for education on problem drinking.  相似文献   

Since the early 1970s, the incidence of esophageal adenocarcinoma (EA) has increased dramatically in most Western populations while the incidence of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma has decreased. As a result, EA has become the predominant subtype of esophageal cancer in North America and Europe and is an important contributor to overall cancer mortality. Barrett’s esophagus (BE), a metaplastic columnar epithelium of the distal esophagus, is the known precursor lesion for EA. EA and BE occur more frequently in white men over 50 years old, as well as in people with frequent symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux, in smokers, and in people who are obese. Conversely, EA and BE are less common in persons using nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and in person with Helicobacter pylori infection. The 5-year survival rate for patients with EA, although generally poor, has improved during the past decade, and long-term survival is increasingly possible for patients with early or locally advanced disease. This review combines a synthesis of published studies with an analysis of data from the United States National Cancer Institute’s Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results program to discuss the change in incidence of EA and summarize current knowledge of risk factors.  相似文献   

This article summarizes the proceedings of a symposium of the 2001 RSA Meeting in Montreal, Canada. The chair was Antonia Abbey and the organizers were Tina Zawacki and Philip O. Buck. There were four presentations and a discussant. The first presentation was made by Maria Testa whose interviews with sexual assault victims suggest that there may be differences in the characteristics of sexual assaults in which both the victim and perpetrator were using substances as compared to when only the perpetrator was using substances. The second presentation was made by Tina Zawacki whose research found that perpetrators of sexual assaults that involved alcohol were in most ways similar to perpetrators of sexual assaults that did not involve alcohol, although they differed on impulsivity and several alcohol measures. The third presentation was made by Kathleen Parks who described how alcohol consumption affected women's responses to a male confederate's behavior in a simulated bar setting. The fourth presentation was made by Jeanette Norris who found that alcohol and expectancies affected men's self-reported likelihood of acting like a hypothetical sexually aggressive man. Susan E. Martin discussed the implications of these studies and made suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

Psoriatic arthritis is a distinct inflammatory arthritis associated with psoriasis and characterized by a broad clinical phenotype. Associated with skin disease, patients may have differing patterns of peripheral joint disease, spondyloarthritis, enthesitis, dactylitis, and nail disease with overlap and transition between phenotypes. Research over the past decade has resulted in a wealth of data to guide management, and several treatment algorithms have recently been published with varying emphasis on disease phenotype. This review discusses the incorporation of phenotype in the treatment of early disease, with extended discussion of current research and new concepts in disease measurement that will impact the development of future algorithms.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Biomarkers of fetal exposure to alcohol are important to establish so that early detection and intervention can be made on these infants to prevent undesirable outcomes. The aim of this study was to analyze long-chain fatty acid ethyl esters (FAEEs) in meconium as potential biomarkers of fetal alcohol exposure and effect. METHODS: Fatty acid ethyl esters were analyzed in the meconium of 124 singleton infants by positive chemical ionization gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) and correlated to maternal ethanol use. RESULTS: A total of 124 mother/infant dyads were enrolled in the study: 31 were in the control group and 93 were in the alcohol-exposed group. The incidence (28% vs 9.7%, p = 0.037) of ethyl linoleate detected in meconium was significantly higher in the alcohol-exposed groups than the control groups. Similarly, when the concentrations of ethyl linoleate in meconium were grouped (trichotomized), there was a significant linear by linear association between alcohol exposure and group concentrations of ethyl linoleate (p = 0.013). Furthermore, only alcohol-exposed infants were found in the group with the highest ethyl linoleate concentration. The sensitivity of ethyl linoleate in detecting prenatal alcohol exposure was only 26.9%, and its specificity and positive predictive value were 96.8 and 96.2%, respectively. There was no significant correlation between the concentration of ethyl linoleate in meconium and absolute alcohol consumed (oz) per drinking day across pregnancy, although a trend toward a positive correlation is seen at lower amounts of alcohol consumed. Among the polyunsaturated, long-chain FAEEs, there was weak evidence that the incidence (21.5% vs 6.5%, p = 0.057) and concentration (p = 0.064) of ethyl arachidonate (AA) were significantly higher in the alcohol-exposed groups than the control groups. Ethyl linolenate and ethyl docosahexanoate (DHA) in meconium were found only in the alcohol group, although not at statistically significant levels. Highly significant correlations were found among the concentrations of ethyl linoleate, ethyl linolenate, ethyl AA, and ethyl DHA in meconium (correlations ranged between rs = 0.203, p = 0.024; and rs = 0.594, p < 0.001). CONCLUSION: We conclude that FAEEs in meconium, particularly ethyl linoleate and ethyl AA, are biomarkers of high specificity for prenatal exposure to alcohol in newborn infants. We also propose that ethyl AA and DHA could be potential biomarkers of fetal alcohol effects on the developing fetal brain and should be investigated further.  相似文献   

A cross-sectional study was conducted of 159 long-term care staff who completed a series of questionnaires on knowledge of dementia and knowledge of depression, a series of forced-choice questions on the differentiation between dementia and depression, and a demographics questionnaire. Relative to professional staff, paraprofessional staff had lower scores in depression knowledge and differentiation knowledge. All staff had accurate knowledge of dementia. Differences in knowledge between type of staff were based on job type rather than level of education. Educational interventions about dementia have been effective in the long-term care community; however, there is a need for increased on-the-job training regarding depression in older adults in order to improve the ability to differentiate depression from dementia, especially for paraprofessional staff.  相似文献   

Background:  Although it is well known that France has a cultural history of alcohol use, no recent French data on alcohol consumption during pregnancy in a large sample are available.
Methods:  To determine the alcohol consumption patterns among pregnant women in France, we analyzed data from a 1-year multicenter self-survey. Sociodemographic profile, obstetrical history, neonatal data, and a self-report for assessing drinking patterns during pregnancy including AUDIT were recorded from women who delivered recently. Cases of fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) were also reported.
Results:  A total of 837 pregnant women have described all parameters. The mean age at delivery of our sample was 29.7 years (SD = 4.8 years). A total of 52.2% of women indicated that they had consumed alcohol at least once during their pregnancy, and among abstainers 54.5% had a positive AUDIT score. Of the pregnant women who consumed alcohol, 13.7% reported at least one binge drinking episode (5 or more drinks on 1 occasion) during pregnancy. Binge drinking is significantly more frequent than regular alcohol consumption (at least 1 drink more than 1 time per week) during pregnancy. A prevalence rate of FAS of 1.8 per 1,000 live births was observed.
Conclusions:  There is a large population of women who still drink alcohol during pregnancy, particularly in binge drinking episodes. This underlines the need to clearly inform women of childbearing age about the dangers of alcohol during pregnancy as related to all types of consumption. Moreover, acting to prevent alcohol consumption prior to pregnancy may also greatly influence prenatal drinking.  相似文献   

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