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Background Television (TV) viewing is one of the most pervasive sedentary pursuits among children and adolescents. Research studies have shown that higher TV viewing hours are associated with a number of negative effects such as being overweight and obese, attention and behavioural problems, and impaired academic performance. Most interventions to reduce time spent watching TV have been school‐based and little is known about the strategies that families use to control TV watching time. Methods Six focus groups with Māori, Pacific and non‐Māori non‐Pacific parents were conducted to examine New Zealand parents' perceptions of their children's TV watching. Focus groups explored attitudes towards TV viewing, strategies used to reduce viewing, and opinion on two different electronic monitors that can be used to restrict TV viewing. Focus group discussions were transcribed and a content analysis was conducted. Results Parents described TV as playing a dominant role in their family's lives, and highlighted several barriers to reducing children's TV viewing, such as parents not willing to reduce their own TV watching, a lack of safe alternatives to TV and the need to use TV as a babysitting tool. Limiting access to TV, making TV viewing a reward and finding alternative activities were current strategies parents employed to limit TV viewing; however, the barriers highlighted by parents make implementing such strategies difficult. Attitudes towards electronic monitor use to reduce TV viewing were mixed, but suggest further investigation of these devices is needed. Conclusions Electronic devices that restrict the amount and content of TV viewing have some potential to support interventions and merit further investigation. It is imperative for interventions aimed at reducing TV viewing to consider the role TV plays within a family context, ensuring parental perceptions around the benefits and barriers of reducing TV are accounted for.  相似文献   



Time spent watching television affects multiple aspects of child and adolescent health. Although a diverse range of factors have been found to be associated with young people's television viewing, parents and the home environment are particularly influential. However, little is known about whether parents, particularly those who are concerned about their child's television viewing habits, translate their concern into action by providing supportive home environments (e.g. rules restricting screen-time behaviours, limited access to screen-based media). The aim of this study was to examine associations between parental concerns for child television viewing and child television viewing and the home sedentary environment.


Parents of children aged 5-6 years ('younger' children, n = 430) and 10-12 years ('older children', n = 640) reported usual duration of their child's television (TV) viewing, their concerns regarding the amount of time their child spends watching TV, and on aspects of the home environment. Regression analyses examined associations between parental concern and child TV viewing, and between parental concern and aspects of the home environment. Analyses were stratified by age group.


Children of concerned parents watched more TV than those whose parents were not concerned (B = 9.63, 95% CI = 1.58-17.68, p = 0.02 and B = 15.82, 95% CI = 8.85-22.80, p < 0.01, for younger and older children respectively). Parental concern was positively associated with younger children eating dinner in front of the television, and with parental restriction of sedentary behaviours and offering sedentary activities (i.e. TV viewing or computer use) as a reward for good behaviour among older and young children. Furthermore, parents of older children who were concerned had fewer televisions in the home and a lower count of sedentary equipment in the home.


Children of concerned parents watched more TV than those whose parents who were not concerned. Parents appear to recognise excessive television viewing in their children and these parents appear to engage in conflicting parental approaches despite these concerns. Interventions targeting concerned parents may be an innovative way of reaching children most in need of strategies to reduce their television viewing and harnessing this parental concern may offer considerable opportunity to change the family and home environment.  相似文献   

目的 调查马鞍山市市区婴幼电视、DVD/VCD、手机等电子产品的视屏暴露状况,分析婴幼儿不当视屏暴露的影响因素。方法 2016年12月-2017年12月采用自行设计的开放式久坐行为问卷对进行4-2-1体检的12月龄和18月龄婴幼儿收集视屏暴露时间,同时收集其社会人口统计学特征、带养者视屏暴露等信息。结果 12月龄和18月龄儿童总视屏暴露率分别为63.2%和89.4%,每天总视屏暴露时间分别为(15.0±25.3)min和(41.2±49.5)min。多因素二分类Logistic回归分析显示家长认为儿童看电视对婴儿认知发育有利、家庭电视经常播放、家长经常陪伴儿童看电视以及从不控制儿童看电视,是18月龄儿童发生不当视屏暴露的危险因素(OR值分别为3.15、6.30、7.64和6.57,P<0.05)。结论 马鞍山市市区婴儿视屏暴露较普遍,家长的观念和行为以及家庭环境是儿童视屏暴露的影响因素。应该教育家长以身作则,减少家庭屏幕时间以减少婴幼儿视屏暴露,促进儿童健康成长。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study sought to explore home food availability and common settings of food consumption as correlates of fruit, vegetable, and fat intake among a sample of non-Hispanic black and non-Hispanic white adolescents. PARTICIPANTS AND DESIGN: Adolescents (n=144 black, 84 white) and their parents completed a cross-sectional survey in an urban adolescent health clinic. The adolescent survey included screening measures for fruit, vegetable, and fat intake and items on frequency of eating meals with family, while watching television, and at three types of restaurants. Parents provided information on home availability of foods. MAIN OUTCOMES: Correlates of fruit, vegetable, and fat consumption. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS: Spearman correlations for associations among variables, t tests for mean comparisons, and multiple stepwise regression conducted separately for black and white adolescents. RESULTS: In multiple regression, home availability was not significantly associated with fruit, vegetable, or fat intake except for fruit intake among white adolescents only. Use of non-fast-food restaurants was the strongest positive predictor of vegetable intake. For both black and white adolescents, fast-food and buffet restaurant use and eating while watching television were the strongest predictors of fat intake. CONCLUSIONS: Compared with restaurant use and eating while watching television, home availability had a relatively small impact on fruit, vegetable, and fat consumption for both black and white adolescents. Intervention programs on adolescent nutrition should target not just availability of healthful foods, but also ease of access, such as the preparation of fruits and vegetables so that they are flavorful and ready to eat.  相似文献   

Television viewing is ubiquitous in adolescent culture, but the influence of television characters on adolescent behaviours and social norms is not well understood. We conducted a content analysis of 10 television programmes frequently watched by 12‐ to 17‐year‐olds in the US media market. From these data, a survey was developed to determine how adolescents interact with, and are influenced by, television programmes, especially in relation to bodyweight, sex appeal, and food and beverage consumption. The survey was posted online, and students (12–19 years) from across the state of Arizona, USA, completed it electronically (n = 524). Data were assessed by tabulation, principal axis factor analysis and linear regression analysis. The results showed 12% of sample members had a body mass index (BMI)‐for‐age over the 95th percentile, 50% reported watching >2 h of television each day, and 59% reported accruing < 60 min of exercise and physical activity each day. Over 35% of respondents indicated eating pizza and pasta frequently. Beer and wine were seen as the most frequently consumed beverages on television, while 63.9% of sample members reported soda as their personal beverage of choice. Factor extraction from the survey indicated a three‐factor solution (‘sex appeal’, ‘TV viewers and perceivers’, ‘TV viewers and doers’) provided the best conceptual explanation of the data, accounting for 34.7% of the total variance. Significant predictors (r2 = 0.448) of BMI‐for‐age included urbanicity (β = 5.6), gender (β = ?14.5) and survey questions related to bodyweight perceptions. Our data showed that television's focus on sex appeal, thinness and alcohol may have a powerful impact on adolescents’ self‐esteem, body satisfaction and health behaviours. Innovative approaches related to decreased television viewing, household eating environment and media literacy warrant further exploration.  相似文献   

AIMS: To examine whether television viewing and music video exposure predict alcohol consumption while going out. METHODS: Data were collected in two waves (February 2003 and February 2004). Respondents were a random sample of 1648 first and fourth year secondary school children of Flanders, Belgium. Self-reported general TV viewing and music video exposure at time 1 and the quantity of alcohol consumed while going out at time 2 were measured. Controls were gender, age group, smoking behaviour, and alcohol use (at time 1) and pubertal status (at time 2). RESULTS: Overall television viewing per day and music television viewing at time 1 significantly predicted the amount of alcoholic beverages adolescents consumed while going out at time 2. These results remained significant after controlling for alcohol use at time 1, gender, smoking, and pubertal status. CONCLUSIONS: TV viewing habits are a significant predictor of alcohol consumption while going out. TV viewing might cause an increase in alcohol consumption or might be an early symptom of developing alcohol habits.  相似文献   

Alcohol abuse among adolescents is a cause for concern. Around 1995 alcopops (sweetened alcoholic drinks) entered the scene and caused even more concern. Many fear that the sweet taste makes is easier to start drinking for those not yet used to drinking alcohol and the marketing appears aimed at adolescents. Because alcohol use has been linked to television viewing in general and music video viewing in particular this article examined whether a relationship existed between television and music video exposure and the consumption of alcopops. Data were collected with a questionnaire focused on television exposure and alcohol behavior. Respondents were a random sample of 2,546 first- and fourth year schoolchildren of Flanders, the Dutch speaking region of Belgium (60% of the Belgian population). Self reported general TV viewing, music video exposure and drinking of alcopops at home and/or while going out were measured. 68.4% of the respondents watched music videos at least several times a week. The odds of being an alcopop drinker at home increased by 196% for those, who watched music videos at least several times a week (OR = 1.961). For each additional hour of TV viewed per day, the respondents were 17% more likely to be drinkers of altopops at home (OR = 1.169). The odds of being an alcopop drinker, when going out increased by 239% for those who watched music videos at least several times a week (OR = 2.394). For each additional hour of TV viewed per day, the respondents were 19% more likely to be drinkers of alcopops when going out (OR = 1.186). These findings suggest that there is an association between music video exposure and use of alcopops not explained by overall exposure to television. This relationship merits further attention as it is a better predictor of alcopop use, than the control variables and overall TV viewing.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Previous research has shown a relationship between television viewing and smoking initiation. The relationship between television viewing and the amount of cigarettes consumed by adolescent smokers per time unit (day, week, month...) has not yet been studied. METHODS: A cross-sectional sample of children by means of self-reports administered by research assistants in schools was obtained. Participants were 421 smokers in a random sample of 4th year students in 15 secondary schools in Flanders, Belgium. Main outcome measures were quantifiable, closed survey questions about smoking volume, whether or not parents and friends smoked, frequency of going out and average weekly TV viewing volume. RESULTS: Television viewing was a significant predictor of smoking volume. Smokers who watch more TV smoke more. The relationship was curvilinear (quadratic). The relationship becomes stronger (curves upward) for higher levels of viewing. Those who watch 5 or more hours a day smoke between 60 and 147 cigarettes more per week than those who watch 1 h or less. CONCLUSIONS: Television viewing is significantly related to smoking volume. The content of television may glamorize smoking. Children may learn to associate smoking with viewing regardless of content. It is also possible that heavier smoking leads to more viewing or that a third variable influences both smoking volume and viewing. Regardless of the causal direction of the relationship television viewing appears to be an indicator or predictor of smoking volume. The curvilinear nature of the relationship deserves further attention.  相似文献   

Food marketing of products high in fat, sugar and salt (HFSS), including television advertising, is one of the environmental factors considered as a contributor to the obesity epidemic. The main objective of this study was to quantify the exposure of French children and adolescents to television advertisements for HFSS products. TV food advertisements broadcast in 2018 were categorized according to the Nutri-Score of the advertised products. These advertisements, identified according to the days and times of broadcast, were cross-referenced with audience data for 4- to 12-year-olds and 13- to 17-year-olds. More than 50% of food advertisements seen on television by children and adolescents concerned HFSS products, identified as classified as Nutri-Score D and E. In addition, half of advertisements for D and E Nutri-Score products were seen by children and adolescents in the evening during peak viewing hours, when more than 20% of both age groups watched television. On the other hand, during the same viewing hours, the percentage of children and adolescents who watched youth programs, the only programs subject to an advertising ban, was very low (<2%). These results show that the relevance of regulating advertising at times when the television audience of children and adolescents is the highest and not targeted at youth programs, in order to reduce their exposure to advertising for products of low nutritional quality.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to identify the effects of television (TV) on preschoolers, their TV viewing patterns and the conditions under which they watch TV, taking into consideration their different socioeconomic and regional backgrounds. The survey instrument was a questionnaire with 23 closed‐ended questions, given to parents whose children attended 10 randomly selected preschools in northern Greece. The overall survey completion rate (returned surveys 355 out of 400) was 87.7%. Most of the preschoolers watched two hours of TV daily, which was exceeded during the weekend and the holidays. Most parents intervene in the choice of programs their kids watch and they discuss them together. The frequency of this parental mediation is related positively to the family’s socioeconomic status, with those of the upper echelons intervening and initiating discussions more often than the lower ones. Preschoolers were greatly influenced by TV, which was expressed through persistent requests for their parents to buy them the advertised products they saw. Ours findings suggest that it is important for parents to manage their preschoolers’ TV viewing by making a weekly plan as to what programs are appropriate for their age and how much time overall may be spent on TV viewing.  相似文献   

ObjectiveAmong the behaviors associated with food intake, exposure to television is particularly important given the number of adolescents exposed. Also, increased time spent watching television has been associated with physical inactivity and with less desirable dietary intake among adolescents. The aim of this study was to examine the association between television viewing and dietary intake among 13-y-old adolescents.MethodsA cross-sectional evaluation was carried out in the 2003–2004 school year, including adolescents born in 1990 and enrolled in the schools of Porto, Portugal. Time spent watching TV was collected by self-administered questionnaires and dietary intake was evaluated using a food frequency questionnaire. Included in the analysis were 1436 adolescents.ResultsSpending more than 120 min per day watching TV was significantly associated with higher intake of total fat and polyunsaturated fat and with lower intake of magnesium, in both sexes. Additionally, in girls, spending more than 120 min per day watching TV was associated with lower intake of complex carbohydrates, fiber, total vitamin A, folate, vitamin C, calcium, iron, phosphorus, and potassium. In boys, higher intake of saturated fat and cholesterol was found among those spending more time watching TV.ConclusionsWe found that television viewing is associated with higher consumption of foods containing more fats and sugars and a lower consumption of fruits and vegetables. Consequently, adolescents who watched more television had a higher intake of total fat and polyunsaturated fat and a lower intake of minerals and vitamins. This dietary behavior among adolescents may have long-term health implications, not only limited to obesity.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To describe the time spent by children between the ages of 6-14 years watching television during a weekday and to examine associated factors. DESIGN: Cross-sectional questionnaire study. METHOD: Data were collected during a vaccination campaign against meningococci C in Amsterdam in September 2002. From a sample of 2910 parents of 6-14-year-old children 1775 agreed to participate in the study. Socio-demographic characteristics and data on television viewing the previous day, the presence of a television in the child's bedroom and on eating habits were collected by short interviews. RESULTS: In total 1587 children were included in the analyses, 805 boys and 782 girls. In total 40.1% of the boys and 36.5% of the girls had watched television for > or = 2 h during the previous day. Among the children < or = 10 years 28.7% had a television in their bedroom, among children > 10 years this was 45.7%. Age (> 10 years), ethnicity (notably Surinam origin) and having a television in the bedroom was related to spending more time watching television. Having parents with a high socioeconomic status (SES) was associated with less television viewing than having parents with a lower SES. Children who had not eaten fresh fruit or who had visited a snackbar the previous day had been watching television for > or = 2 h more often than children who had eaten fresh fruit (p < 0.001) or who had not visited a snackbar (p < 0.05). CONCLUSION: Children spent a lot of time watching television. In view of the relation between television viewing and overweight this is an alarming development. Possibilities for the prevention of overweight by reducing television viewing must be investigated.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo describe electronic media exposure and its associations with beverage intake among United States high school students.MethodsSchool-based survey data from a nationally representative sample of 9th- through 12th-grade students from the National Youth Physical Activity and Nutrition Study were analyzed using chi-square and multivariate logistic analyses.ResultsOn an average school day, 23.5% of students used a computer or played video/computer games ≥ 3 h/d, 28.3% watched television (TV) ≥ 3 h/d, 79.9% had ≥ 3 TVs in the home, 70.2% had a TV in their bedroom, and 41.0% most of the time or always had a TV on while eating dinner at home. Students with high media exposure were more likely to drink sugar-sweetened beverages ≥ 3 times per day and less likely to drink water ≥ 3 times per day and drink ≥ 2 glasses of milk per day.Conclusions and ImplicationsEfforts to reduce sugar-sweetened beverage intake among adolescents may include limiting exposure to electronic media.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine the effects of television (TV) viewing on children's lunch and snack intake in one condition when the children watched a 22-minute cartoon video on TV (TV group), and in another without the TV (no TV group). Participants included 24 children and their parents, recruited from a university child-care center. Parents reported children's TV viewing habits at home. Overall, children ate significantly less snack and lunch in the TV condition compared with the no TV condition. However, children who reportedly watched more daily hours of TV and who had a higher frequency of meals eaten in front of the TV at home ate more lunch in the TV condition. TV viewing may either increase or reduce children's intake, depending on prior experience with eating during TV viewing.  相似文献   

Many young children have televisions in their bedrooms, which may influence the relationship between parental estimate and objective measures of child television usage/week. Parental estimates of child television time of eighty 4–7 year old children (6.0 ± 1.2 years) at the 75th BMI percentile or greater (90.8 ± 6.8 BMI percentile) were compared to an objective measure of television time obtained from TV Allowance™ devices attached to every television in the home over a three week period. Results showed that parents overestimate their child's television time compared to an objective measure when no television is present in the bedroom by 4 hours/week (25.4 ± 11.5 vs. 21.4 ± 9.1) in comparison to underestimating television time by over 3 hours/week (26.5 ± 17.2 vs. 29.8 ± 14.4) when the child has a television in their bedroom (p = 0.02). Children with a television in their bedroom spend more objectively measured hours in television time than children without a television in their bedroom (29.8 ± 14.2 versus 21.4 ± 9.1, p = 0.003). Research on child television watching should take into account television watching in bedrooms, since it may not be adequately assessed by parental estimates.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the extent and nature of food advertising during Australian children's television (TV) viewing hours and programs, and to determine whether confectionery and fast food restaurant advertisements were more likely to be broadcast during children's programs than during adults' programs on Sydney television stations. One week (390 h) of Australian advertising data broadcast during children's TV viewing hours over 15 television stations were analysed to determine the proportion of food advertisements and, in turn, the proportion of those advertisements promoting foods high in fat and/or sugar. One week (346 h) of confectionery and fast food restaurant advertisements broadcast over three Sydney television stations were analysed to determine whether these types of advertisements were more likely to be advertised during children's programs than adults' programs. Half of all food advertisements promoted foods high in fat and/or sugar. 'Confectionery' and 'fast food restaurants' were the most advertised food categories during children's TV viewing hours. Confectionery advertisements were three times as likely, and fast food restaurant advertisements twice as likely, to be broadcast during children's programs than adults' programs. It can be concluded that foods most advertised during children's viewing hours are not those foods that contribute to a healthy diet for children. Confectionery and fast food restaurant advertising appears to target children. Australian children need protection from the targeted promotion of unhealthy foods on television, but currently little exists.  相似文献   

The present study analyzed long-term trends in parental mediation of adolescent television viewing and how this mediation related to changes in teenagers' attachment to their parents. A Belgian panel of early adolescents (n = 883) and of middle adolescents (n = 651) rated three times in three consecutive years how often their parents used restrictive mediation, instructive mediation, and social co-viewing to control their television viewing. The results showed that parental mediation is common during adolescence, even for twelfth graders. However, the latent growth curve analyses indicated that the use of each parental mediation strategy tends to decline throughout adolescence. In addition, parallel process latent growth curve models showed that the decreasing occurrence of instructive mediation and co-viewing is related to parental separation. In contrast, the declining incidence of restrictive mediation during adolescence is not related to parental separation.  相似文献   

PurposeLittle is known about how adolescent sexual behaviors develop and the influence of personal or perceived social attitudes. We sought to describe how personal, perceived peer, and perceived family attitudes toward adolescent sexual activity influence sexual behaviors of adolescent females' over time.MethodsBetween the years of 1999 and 2006, 358 English-speaking female adolescents, aged 14–17 years, were recruited from three urban adolescent clinics. Participants completed quarterly and annual questionnaires over a span of 4 years. Primary outcomes included engagement in any of the following eight sexual behaviors: kissing, having breasts touched, having genitals touched, touching partners' genitals, oral giving, oral receiving, anal, or vaginal sex. Three attitudinal scales assessed personal importance of abstinence, perceived peer beliefs about when to have sex, and perceived family beliefs that adolescent sex is negative. We used generalized estimating equations to identify predictors of each sexual behavior and compared whether personal, perceived peer, or perceived family attitudes predicted sexual behaviors over time.ResultsThe odds of reporting each sexual behavior increased with age but were lower among those whose personal or perceived family attitudes were less positive. Participants' personal attitudes toward adolescent sex were the strongest predictor of engagement in all eight sexual behaviors even after controlling for perceived peer and perceived family attitudes.ConclusionsFemale adolescent's personal attitudes toward abstinence appear to be the strongest predictor of engagement in a variety of sexual behaviors. Efforts to influence adolescent attitudes toward abstinence may be an important approach to reducing sexual behaviors that increase the risk of pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study examined associations between the family environment and children's television (TV) viewing and likelihood of being low-active. RESEARCH METHODS AND PROCEDURES: In 2001, children were recruited from 19 primary schools in Melbourne, Australia. Parents completed a questionnaire about their child's TV viewing and the family environment. Children also completed a questionnaire and wore an accelerometer for 8 days. Movement counts were used to identify low-active children (lowest quartile). Data were analyzed in May 2004. RESULTS: The sample consisted of 878 children (mean age = 11.5 +/- 0.6 yrs). Multiple logistic regression revealed that socioeconomic status [adjusted odds ratios (AOR) = 0.4 boys], frequency families watched TV together (AOR = 2.0 boys), mothers' (AOR = 1.8 boys; AOR = 2.5 girls) and fathers' (AOR = 2.6 boys; AOR = 2.8 girls) TV viewing, and rules prohibiting TV during mealtimes (AOR = 0.6 boys; AOR = 0.6 girls) related to children watching TV >or=2 h/d. Variables associated with low-level physical activity included self-reported enjoyment of Internet use (AOR = 1.7 boys) and preference for watching TV (AOR = 2.3 girls), perception that mother uses computer a lot (AOR = 1.9 boys) and likes using the computer (AOR = 0.6 girls), fathers' reported computer/electronic games use (AOR = 1.7 girls), frequency families used computer together (AOR = 0.4 girls), rules that TV viewing must be supervised (AOR = 1.9 boys; AOR = 0.6 girls), and having pay TV (AOR = 0.6 boys) and electronic games at home (AOR = 2.6 boys). DISCUSSION: These findings suggest that the relationships between the family environment and TV viewing and low-level activity are complex and that these behaviors are distinct.  相似文献   


Greater consumption of and access to screen media are known correlates of unhealthy sleep behavior in preschoolers. What remains unknown, however, is the role a child’s media use plays in this association. Parents and guardians of U.S. preschoolers (N = 278, average child age 56 months) provided information about their child’s nightly duration of sleep, daily duration of nap, quantity of screen media use, sneaky media use, and the presence of a screen media device in the bedroom. We assessed four media: television, DVD/VCRs, video games, and computer/Internet. Based on rationales of sleep displacement, the forbidden fruit hypothesis, and social cognitive theory, we predicted that increased consumption of and access to media, along with sneaky media use, would predict a shorter duration of nightly sleep and longer duration of daily nap across the four screen media. In correlational analyses, a clear pattern emerged with quantity of media use, screen media in the bedroom, and sneaky media use associated with shorter nightly duration of sleep and longer duration of daily nap. In regression analyses, only weekday evening television viewing and sneaky media use predicted shorter nightly sleep duration; weekend morning and evening DVD use predicted longer naps.  相似文献   

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