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The objective of the study was to determine the applicability of the American Urological Association (AUA) symptom index to the assessment and treatment of women with voiding dysfunction while investigating the specificity of the index to men with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).One hundred and two consecutive adult patients (45 females, 57 males) with symptoms of dysfunctional micturition were prospectively evaluated using both the AUA symptom index and videourodynamic studies. According to urodynamic criteria, the patients were placed into three groups: 45 women with stress incontinence and/or detrusor instability but without bladder outlet obstruction (BOO); 23 men with detrusor instability (DI) without BOO; and 34 men with BPH and BOO. Correlation between symptom index scores and patient characteristics were examined. The mean index score for the 45 women was 17.0 (range 4–33). In contrast, the men scored mean values of 18.9 (range 7–28) and 20.5 (range 12–27) for the BPH with BOO and DI without BOO groups, respectively. The total score was statistically correlated with age, duration of bladder symptoms, cystometric capacity and maximum urine flow rate.The quantification of voiding symptoms, using the AUA symptom index, yields strikingly similar results in both women and men with voiding dysfunction, despite vastly different bladder and urethral pathologies. The etiology of voiding symptoms, whether detrusor dysfunction or bladder outlet obstruction, cannot be determined by the AUA symptom index. The index should, however, prove to be useful in evaluating treatment outcome in both men and women with voiding dysfunction. 相似文献
The objective of this study is to assess whether subjective information from the American Urological Association (AUA) Symptom 7 Index correlates with or predicts objective urodynamic parameters of bladder outlet obstruction. Seventy-five men, mean age 67 years (range 42–85 years), were referred for evaluation of “prostatism.” Evaluation consisted of the AUA Symptom 7 Index, noninvasive uroflow, post-void residual (PVR) urine measurement, and pressure-flow analysis. Men were categorized as “obstructed,” “equivocal,” or “unobstructed” according to the pressure-flow nomogram of Abrams and Griffiths. The total AUA 7 score, and all individual components, were compared with all invasive urodynamic parameters, and to the pressure-flow categories of obstructed, equivocal, or unobstructed. The AUA index severity categories (mild 0–7, moderate 8–19, and severe ≥20) were compared to the urodynamic pressure flow categories. Thirty-three men had severe symptoms, and 42 had moderate or mild symptoms. Forty men were urodynamically obstructed, and 35 men were equivocal or unobstructed. There was no correlation of any AUA index parameter (total symptom score, obstructive or irritative score component, or any individual question) with any noninvasive or invasive urodynamic parameter. The sensitivity and specificity of the AUA index for urodynamic obstruction was 42.5% and 54.3% respectively. Multivariable logistic regression analysis was used to determine whether clinical data easily obtained in the office setting (age, PVR, noninvasive maximum and average flow rates) could predict urodynamic obstruction when combined with any component of the AUA index. Only age was found to be a significant predictor of obstruction status (P = 0.026). Subjective information from the AUA Symptom 7 Index does not correlate with objective data assessing bladder outlet obstruction. Though the AUA index is a valid clinical tool, it should not be used to gauge the presence or severity of bladder outlet obstruction. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc. 相似文献
The American Urological Association symptom index for benign prostatic hyperplasia. The Measurement Committee of the American Urological Association. 总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23
M J Barry F J Fowler M P O'Leary R C Bruskewitz H L Holtgrewe W K Mebust A T Cockett 《The Journal of urology》1992,148(5):1549-57; discussion 1564
A symptom index for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) was developed and validated by a multidisciplinary measurement committee of the American Urological Association (AUA). Validation studies were conducted involving a total of 210 BPH patients and 108 control subjects. The final AUA symptom index includes 7 questions covering frequency, nocturia, weak urinary stream, hesitancy, intermittence, incomplete emptying and urgency. On revalidation, the index was internally consistent (Cronbach's alpha = 0.86) and the score generated had excellent test-retest reliability (r = 0.92). Scores were highly correlated with subjects' global ratings of the magnitude of their urinary problem (r = 0.65 to 0.72) and powerfully discriminated between BPH and control subjects (receiver operating characteristic area 0.85). Finally, the index was sensitive to change, with preoperative scores decreasing from a mean of 17.6 to 7.1 by 4 weeks after prostatectomy (p < 0.001). The AUA symptom index is clinically sensible, reliable, valid and responsive. It is practical for use in practice and for inclusion in research protocols. 相似文献
Diagnosing bladder outlet obstruction in women 总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39
PURPOSE: There are no universally accepted urodynamic criteria for diagnosing female bladder outlet obstruction. When accepted criteria for men are applied to women, the diagnosis of obstruction may often be missed, which is most likely due to differences in voiding dynamics. We propose video urodynamic criteria for diagnosing obstruction in women, and describe the urodynamic findings in those with and without obstruction. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We reviewed the charts of 331 women who underwent multichannel video urodynamics for nonneurogenic voiding dysfunction. Of these women 261 (mean age 55.8 years) had evaluable voiding pressure flow studies with simultaneous video fluoroscopy of the bladder outlet during voiding. At video urodynamics cases were classified as obstructed if there was radiographic evidence of obstruction between the bladder neck and distal urethra in the presence of a sustained detrusor contraction. Strict pressure flow criteria were not used. Maximum flow rate, detrusor pressure at maximum flow rate, post-void residual, bladder capacity and the incidence of detrusor instability were compared between obstructed and unobstructed cases. RESULTS: A total of 76 women met the criteria for obstruction (mean age 57.5 years), while 184 (mean age 55) did not. Causes of obstruction were dysfunctional voiding in 25 cases, cystocele in 21, primary bladder neck obstruction in 12, iatrogenic from incontinence surgery in 11, urethral stricture in 3, uterine prolapse in 2, urethral diverticulum in 1 and rectocele in 1. Obstructed cases had lower mean maximum flow rate (9 versus 20.2 ml. per second, p <0.0001), higher mean detrusor pressure at maximum flow rate (42.8 versus 22.1 cm. water, p <0.0001) and higher mean post-void residual (157 versus 33 ml., p <0.0001). There was no difference in bladder capacity (381 versus 347 ml.) or incidence of detrusor instability (45 versus 41%). CONCLUSIONS: Using the proposed video urodynamic criteria obstructed cases had significantly higher voiding pressures, lower flow rates and higher post-void residual than unobstructed cases, as expected. However, absolute values, especially for voiding pressure, are not as dramatic in women as in men. Pressure flow studies alone may fail to diagnose obstruction but simultaneous imaging of the bladder outlet during voiding greatly facilitates diagnosis. 相似文献
临床前列腺评分对膀胱出口梗阻的诊断价值 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
目的 提高传统方法诊断良性前列腺增生致膀胱出口梗阻 (BOO)的客观性。 方法 通过年龄、国际前列腺症状评分 (IPSS)、前列腺体积 (Vp)、最大单纯尿流率 (Qmaxz)和剩余尿指数(PVRr)等传统指标与尿动力学压力 流率分析结果之间及传统指标之间的相关性研究 ,以组特异性尿道阻力因子 (URA)作为应变量行多因素逐步回归分析 ,拟出多元回归方程 ,计算临床前列腺评分(CPS)并检测其诊断BOO的客观性。 结果 年龄、IPSS、Vp、Qmaxz 和PVRr等传统诊断指标均与客观梗阻相关 ,但单一指标不适于客观诊断BOO ;多元回归方程为CPS =4 9.8- 3.3Qmaxz 0 .5IPSS 0 .2Vp 7.5PVRr,CPS与客观梗阻的相关系数为 0 .6 2 9,明显高于单一传统诊断指标。CPS≥ 35时 ,诊断梗阻的敏感性和特异性分别为 83.7%和 85 .8% ;CPS <2 5时 ,BOO可能性仅为 8.6 %。 结论 综合多个传统诊断指标的CPS对BOO有良好的诊断价值。 相似文献
前列腺增生体积、症状积分和梗阻程度的相关性研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
目的:探讨前列腺增生体积、症状积分和膀胱出口梗阻程度的相关性。方法:对43例住院手术的前列腺增生症患者进行国际前列腺症状评分(IPSS),其中经腹壁B超测前列腺体积(V)者27例;行排尿期尿道测压确定膀胱出口梗阻者27例,并用压力下降梯度(MUPP Gradient)代表梗阻程度。结果:IPSS和V呈正相关(n=27,r=0.3933,P=0.021),IPSS和MUPP Gradient呈正相关 相似文献
M J Barry F J Fowler M P O'Leary R C Bruskewitz H L Holtgrewe W K Mebust 《The Journal of urology》1992,148(5):1558-63; discussion 1564
We correlated the American Urological Association (AUA) symptom index with other indexes that have been used to measure symptoms for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and compared their psychometric properties. A self-administered questionnaire that allowed derivation of AUA, Maine Medical Assessment Program, Madsen-Iversen and Boyarsky symptom scores was completed by 76 men with clinically defined BPH, 59 younger control subjects, and 27 men before and after prostatectomy. The scores from the 4 indexes were strongly correlated (r = 0.77 to 0.93). All 4 indexes had good internal consistency and test-retest reliabilities. All indexes were predictive of patient global ratings of the degree of bother from the urinary condition. The AUA index discriminated BPH patients from controls significantly better than the Maine Medical Assessment Program index, and equivalently to the Madsen-Iversen and Boyarsky indexes (despite having fewer items). All 4 indexes were responsive when BPH patients underwent prostatectomy, although the AUA and Madsen-Iversen indexes were significantly more sensitive. 相似文献
Magari T Fukabori Y Suzuki K Yamanaka H Ogura H 《Hinyokika kiyo. Acta urologica Japonica》2004,50(1):7-14
The ultrasound estimated bladder weight (UEBW) of 15 patients (13 male, 2 female; mean age 64.7 years) who underwent pressure flow study (PFS) were evaluated using the nomogram. In the nomogram, thickness of bladder wall (T) and bladder weight (BW) were plotted on the horizontal axis and on the vertical axis, respectively. BW points calculated from various values of T by the formula were plotted on the volume-fixed bladder capacity curve. BW of each case was estimated by the nomogram from echo-measured T at maximum bladder filling and injected volume (V) into the bladder. Bladder outlet obstruction (BOO): was evaluated from obtained results, and compared with the results of PFS. The features of the distribution on Schafer's nomogram were also investigated. It was possible to estimate BW immediately after ultrasonic examination. BW was under 35 g in one patient, and over 35 g in 14 patients. Obstruction grade on the Schafer's nomogram ranged from III to VI. BOO could be evaluated quantitatively with little invasion even in patients who could not undergo PFS for urinary retention and urge incontinence. In conclusion, the bladder weight calculation nomogram immediately showed the BOO information of the patient with neither invasive technique, complicated calculation, electronic calculator nor expansive computer. This nomogram may make a breakthrough for utilizing UEBW. 相似文献
目的:探讨压力-流率测定结合膀胱镜检在女性膀胱出口梗阻(FBOO)患者手术评估的意义。方法:对35例怀疑FBOO患者进行睬力流牢测定,将最大尿流率时逼尿肌压力(Pdet.Qmax)〉4.90kPa,最大尿流率〈15ml/s作为评估是否存在FBOO标准,同时行膀胱镜检示不同程度膀胱颈后唇抬高,隆起,可见膀胱憩室和膀胱小梁。术前逼尿肌收缩强度分为六级:极弱(VW)、弱减(W-)、弱加(W+)、正常减(N)正常加(N+)和强烈(ST),把相应的患者分为六组,除了逼尿肌收缩极弱组保守治疗外,均行经尿道膀胱颈切开术。结果:35例患者存在不同程度的膀胱出口梗阻(BOO),3例术后尿失禁,经药物和针灸治疗后好转。结论:FBOO患者应通过压力流率测定结合膀胱镜明确诊断,明确逼尿肌功能状态损害程度,以准确选择手术时机。逼尿肌收缩力正常下行经尿道膀胱颈切开术是治疗FBOO的最佳治疗方案。 相似文献
PURPOSE: We prospectively evaluated the American Urological Association (AUA) symptom index and maximum urine flow for predicting urethral stricture recurrence in men with a previous diagnosis of urethral stricture disease. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Patients were recruited at our urethral stricture clinic, where all newly diagnosed and previously treated men with urethral stricture present and are treated. The AUA symptom index was completed and uroflowmetry was done. The stricture was calibrated using Jacques catheters. If an 18Fr catheter could not be passed, a retrograde urethrogram was performed. Patients were treated with filiform dilation or direct vision internal urethrotomy. Uroflowmetry was repeated when the catheter was removed 3 days later and the AUA symptom index was repeated 1 month later. RESULTS: Data on 49 patients (170 consultations) between March 2000 and August 2001 were analyzed. Average patient age was 48 years. There was a significant negative correlation of urethral diameter with AUA symptom index and of AUA symptom index with maximum urine flow as well as a significant positive correlation of urethral diameter with maximum urine flow. We evaluated the usefulness of AUA symptom index and maximum urine flow at different cutoff levels for predicting urethral stricture in our study group. Using an AUA symptom index of greater than 10 or maximum urine flow of less than 15 ml. per second as cutoff values provided 93% sensitivity, 68% specificity, 78% positive predictive value, 89% negative predictive value and 82% overall accuracy. This method could have prevented further invasive studies in 34% of patients, while a clinically significant stricture would have been missed in only 4.3%. CONCLUSIONS: AUA symptom index combined with maximum urine flow is an accurate, time-saving and cost-effective tool for predicting recurrent stricture in patients with a known urethral stricture. It can be used to direct decision making on further invasive studies and treatment. 相似文献
Kuo HC 《Urologia internationalis》2004,72(1):46-51
INTRODUCTION: Bladder outlet obstruction (BOO) is often overlooked in the diagnosis of women with lower urinary tract symptoms. Although the incidence of BOO is not high in the female population with lower urinary tract symptoms, a correct diagnosis for BOO is important. This study was designed to compare the urodynamic parameters in women with bladder outlet obstruction (BOO), stress urinary incontinence (SUI) and asymptomatic volunteers. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Videourodynamic study was performed in 76 patients who were clinically diagnosed as BOO, 265 with stress urinary incontinence (SUI). In addition, 30 asymptomatic female volunteers were recruited and served as controls. Voiding pressure (P(det.Qmax)), maximum flow rate (Qmax), and urodynamic parameters were compared among the BOO, SUI and control groups and the criteria values for BOO in women were estimated. RESULTS: BOO was identified in 30 women with bladder outlet stricture, 40 women with dysfunctional voiding, and 6 women with high-grade cystocele. The mean P(det.Qmax) was significantly higher and the mean Qmax was significantly lower in the obstructed groups. When a P(det.Qmax) > or =35 cm H(2)O was set as the criteria for BOO, the sensitivity was 96.1% and specificity was 89.0%, whereas a P(det.Qmax) of > or =30 cm H(2)O had a sensitivity of 100% but the specificity was only 65.5%. If the criteria of BOO was set as P(det.Qmax) > or =35 cm H(2)O combined with Qmax < or =15 ml/s, the sensitivity for BOO was 81.6% and specificity was 93.9%. CONCLUSIONS: Our results demonstrate a P(det.Qmax) of > or =30 cm H(2)O is a good index value for screening of female BOO. When a P(det.Qmax) of > or =35 cm H(2)O combined with a Qmax < or =15 ml/s was found, a high suspicion of BOO should be raised, for which a specificity of 93.9% and sensitivity of 81.6% for BOO was obtained. 相似文献
Cystometric evaluation of bladder function in non-anesthetized mice with and without bladder outlet obstruction 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
PURPOSE: To develop a model for cystometric study of bladder function in the awake mouse, and to characterize urodynamically and immunohistochemically the non-obstructed and infravesically obstructed mouse bladder. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Non-obstructed Balb/CJ mice, and mice with bladder outlet obstruction after surgical, partial ligation of the urethra underwent continuous cystometry as previously described for rats. Bladders were also investigated by immunohistochemistry. RESULTS: During the period of cystometry, reproducible micturition patterns were obtained. Marked differences in the urodynamic parameters between non-obstructed and obstructed mice were revealed. In mice subjected to urethral obstruction, micturition pressure (p <0.05), threshold pressure (p <0.05), bladder capacity (p <0.001), micturition volume (p <0.001), and residual volume (p <0.05) increased significantly. There was no difference in basal pressure or compliance between non-obstructed and obstructed mice. Non-voiding bladder activity was consistently recorded in obstructed mice; both frequency and amplitude increased significantly (p <0.01). Compared with non-obstructed bladders, obstructed bladders showed hypertrophy of the bladder wall and various degrees of "patchy denervation" of the detrusor. When tested in non-obstructed mice capsaicin, prostaglandin E2 (intravesical administration) and apomorphine (subcutaneous administration) induced bladder overactivity. CONCLUSIONS: Continuous cystometry can be reproducibly performed in awake, freely moving non-obstructed mice and mice with bladder outflow obstruction. The changes induced by infravesical obstruction in mice were similar to those previously found in rats. This model may be useful for investigations of genetically modified mice. 相似文献
The treatment of female bladder outlet obstruction 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Authors from the USA present a review of the treatment of BOO in the female. This topic is important, which should be of considerable help to the reader. It is covered systematically, dealing with anatomy and then therapy. There is also a meta‐analysis comparing industry‐ and non‐industry funded trials of antimuscarinic medication. This careful study shows no difference in outcomes between them, but suggests there are some shortcomings that need to be overcome. 相似文献
The treatment of female bladder outlet obstruction 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
残余尿在前列腺增生症所致膀胱出口梗阻中的临床意义 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
作者应用压力-流率测定法确定前列腺增生症(BPH)患者有无膀胱出口梗阻(BOO),并经导管法测定其残余尿,分析51例有或无膀胱出口梗阻的前列腺增生症患者的残余尿状况。BOO组和无BOO组分别为31例和20例;残余尿分别为32.8±35.9ml和25.2±22.7ml,范围分别为6~210ml和3~88ml。两组间残余尿量无显著性差异(P>0.05);其余指标均存在显著性差异(P<0.01)。作者认为以残余尿作为选择BPH患者手术的重要指标并不可靠,BOO不是产生残余尿的唯一原因。BOO患者可无明显残余尿,无明显残余尿的BPH患者不能除外BOO。 相似文献