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预防医学PBL教学法的效果评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵铁牛  王泓午 《实用预防医学》2010,17(10):2126-2127
目的评价PBL教学法在中医类专业《预防医学》教学中的效果。方法以传统教学法为对照,以中医类专业4个班的学生为调查对象,自行编制问卷,进行教学效果调查。采用Epidata3.2建立数据库并进行数据管理,用SPSS17.0软件对评价项目进行配对t检验分析。结果 PBL教学法在教学内容、指导学生主动学习、教学资源提供、考核方式、提高学生能力等方面的评分,与传统教学法进行比较,效果差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论 PBL教学法在中医类专业《预防医学》教学中应用是可行的。  相似文献   

Annual meetings provide the opportunity to communicate with colleagues with similar professional interests and bolster training initiatives. However, the cost of face-to-face meetings, including travel expenses and lost work time, is high. Although face-to-face meetings offer unique advantages, fiscal considerations compel consideration of alternatives. Distance Learning Grantees (Division of Research, Training and Education, MCH Bureau, Health Resources and Services Administration) and MCH project staff conducted their annual grantee meeting online in 2010. The meeting featured project updates and technical skills training over the course of a three-day meeting. Direct costs of the online meeting were low, and evaluations indicated that all participants were satisfied with the online format.  相似文献   

目的探讨基于网络环境下的医院绩效评价体系与评价方法。方法采用系统综合集成法建立绩效评价体系,将专家体系、统计数据和信息资料、计算机技术三者有机结合,建立医院绩效评价计算机管理系统。结果引入平衡记分卡的考核技术,对常州市第二人民医院9个评价对象2005年度医院绩效数据进行了模拟评价。结论 "基于网络环境建立的绩效评价体系与评价方法"适用于各级医院,并适合不同考核技术的应用,但需结合各医院的实际情况,在指标选定、指标权重和考核体系上进行必要调整。  相似文献   

Computer‐aided instruction materials are becoming increasing popular in medical education and particularly in the teaching of human anatomy. This paper describes SnapAnatomy, a new interactive program that the authors designed for independent learning of anatomy. SnapAnatomy is primarily tailored for the beginner student to encourage the learning of anatomy by developing a three‐dimensional visualization of human structure that is essential to applications in clinical practice and the understanding of function. The program allows the student to take apart and to accurately put together body components in an interactive, self‐paced and variable manner to achieve the learning outcome.  相似文献   

The effect of providing youth school-based mentoring (SBM), in addition to other school-based support services, was examined with a sample of 516 predominately Latino students across 19 schools. Participants in a multi-component, school-based intervention program run by a youth development agency were randomly assigned to one of two conditions: (1) supportive services alone or (2) supportive services plus SBM. Compared to community-based mentoring, the duration of the SBM was brief (averaging eight meetings), partly because the agency experienced barriers to retaining mentors. Intent-to-treat (ITT) main effects of SBM were tested using hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) and revealed small, positive main effects of mentoring on self-reported connectedness to peers, self-esteem (global and present-oriented), and social support from friends, but not on several other measures, including grades and social skills. Three-way cross-level interactions of sex and school level (elementary, middle, and high school) revealed that elementary school boys and high school girls benefited the most from mentoring. Among elementary school boys, those in the mentoring condition reported higher social skills (empathy and cooperation), hopefulness, and connectedness both to school and to culturally different peers. Among high school girls, those mentored reported greater connectedness to culturally different peers, self-esteem, and support from friends. Findings suggest no or iatrogenic effects of mentoring for older boys and younger girls. Therefore, practitioners coordinating multi-component programs that include SBM would be wise to provide mentors to the youth most likely to benefit from SBM and bolster program practices that help to support and retain mentors.  相似文献   

Outdoor pools (2.3 x 2.3 m) were used to simulate typical rice agricultural practices in Louisiana, USA, to evaluate the toxicity of ICON (active ingredient [a.i.] fipronil) and its degradates to crayfish (Procambarus clarkii). Six paddies were planted with seed treated with ICON 6.2 FS at an exaggerated application rate of 0.05 kg a.i./ha (recommended rate, 0.042 kg a.i./ha), simulating three rice-planting scenarios. Two reference paddies were planted with untreated seed. Crayfish were exposed to tail water within 24 to 48 h after seeding, simulating standard Louisiana agricultural and water management practices. At 50 d after planting, a separate group of crayfish was caged in situ for 14 d to evaluate toxicity. An additional 50 crayfish were added to two paddies approximately 100 d after rice planting and held for 29 weeks to evaluate bioaccumulation. Residues of fipronil and its degradates in water and soil were similar to residue concentrations measured from rice fields in Louisiana. Tail water from the treated paddies was not toxic to crayfish. The fipronil 96-h median lethal concentration (LC50) for adult crayfish was 180 microg/L, which would provide at least a sixfold safety factor between the maximum fipronil concentration in tail water and the crayfish LC50. In situ exposures of crayfish also were not toxic. Concentrations of fipronil and its degradates after 29 weeks of exposure were less than 5 microg/kg in crayfish tail muscle tissue. These results demonstrate that label instructions adequately protect crayfish in a rice-crayfish cropping scenario when ICON is applied at maximum application rates as a seed treatment.  相似文献   

The Spanish Environment and Childhood Research Network (INMA study)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Prenatal and early life exposure to environmental agents, including dietary exposure, is associated with child health and human development and predisposes to late adult effects. Children are more vulnerable than adults to chemical, physical and biological hazards in air, water and soil, because they are still growing and their immune system and detoxification mechanisms are not fully developed. The physical, social and intellectual development of children from conception to the end of adolescence requires a protected environment that is also protective of their health. Following WHO and European Union recommendations, the Cooperative Environment and Childhood Research Network was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Health to study effects of environment and diet on foetal and early childhood development in different geographical areas of Spain. This network integrates different multidisciplinary research groups and is comprised of six cohorts--three pre-existing and three de novo--which will prospectively follow up 3600 pregnant women from start of pregnancy until the children are 4-6-year old.  相似文献   

崔静  杨航  于泳  郑鹏远 《现代保健》2014,(25):84-86
经过20多年的不断探索,行之有效的PBL教学模式已经在全世界范围内的医学院校内取得重大的成功,目前PBL教学模式内科学教学中仍然存在一些问题,通过笔者多年的时间摸索,总结出了一套能有效发挥PBL教学优势且适合郑州大学医学院内科教学情况的新医学教育模式。  相似文献   

回顾了国内外有关舱(室)热环境的研究现状,阐述了影响舱(室)热环境的各种参数及标准中的指标限值,介绍了热环境参数的相关测试方法,重点分析了舱(室)热舒适性的综合评价指标及适用范围,为研究我军机动卫生装备舱室的热环境指标体系奠定了理论基础:  相似文献   



Construction workers face barriers to healthy eating, including work organization and environmental factors, that can affect productivity and lead to chronic conditions. The objective was to evaluate the effectiveness of an online nutrition training to improve knowledge and behaviors and evaluate the feasibility of conducting this training among apprentices in the highway construction trades.


A pretest-posttest control group design was used. The intervention was conducted using a Web-based electronic learning platform.


A total of 36 highway construction apprentices (78% male) completed the study. Intervention participants demonstrated improvements in knowledge immediately after the training, reported modest weight loss, decreased body mass index, and decreased fast food consumption compared with control participants. However, increases in knowledge were not seen at follow-up. The training content and format were well-received, indicating that electronic learning approaches were acceptable for this population.

Conclusions and Implications

This project established the acceptability of using an online nutrition training to promote health among apprentices.  相似文献   

Bipolar disorder is a chronic relapsing remitting illness affecting 1–2% of the general adult population. Awareness of the limitations of pharmacological treatment for this disorder has encouraged the development of psychological treatments and a large body of evidence now exists demonstrating the effectiveness of several types of psychosocial interventions in the treatment and prevention of relapse for bipolar disorder. Unfortunately, it is difficult for many individuals with bipolar disorder to access such programs due to financial constraints and restricted roll-out. One solution to this difficulty is to use Internet-based delivery of targeted psychoeducation, cognitive behavior management and online medication monitoring to improve relapse prevention for those with bipolar disorder.The focus of this article is to discuss the aims and methodology of this unique, collaborative randomized control trial that evaluates the effectiveness of an Internet-based disease management program (termed Recovery Road [RR]). The RR program incorporates both symptom monitoring with feedback, and targeted psychosocial treatment for adults with bipolar disorder delivered over a 12-month period. The overall aim was to determine whether this web-based adjunctive relapse prevention program can improve mental health outcomes. Upon successful enrolment, participants were automatically randomized into either the intervention (RR) or control group. The control group received some relevant information but did not include program components considered to be active parts of the experimental intervention.This article also describes a recruitment, enrolment and randomization process that maximizes the potential of the Internet for research and data collection purposes. At the time of writing full results were not yet available and, thus, were not reported in this article. Interim outcomes indicate that the online enrolment has been successful and participants are making full use of all online features of the active program included by the support facility. The difficulties with maintaining individuals on the control program are described and samples of typical anecdotal comments provided by participants to the research group via the support facility are presented.  相似文献   

文章围绕着新医改方案中提出的构建农村三级卫生服务网络之间的协调性与连续性的目标,在分析连续性医疗服务的特征和农村卫生网络连续性服务存在问题的基础上,深入分析开展农村卫生网络服务连续性互动机制研究的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   

The traditional organizational boundaries between healthcare, social work, police and other non-profit organizations are fading and being replaced by new relational patterns among a variety of disciplines. Professionals work from their own history, role, values and relationships. It is often unclear who is responsible for what because this new network structure requires rules and procedures to be re-interpreted and re-negotiated. A new moral climate needs to be developed, particularly in the early stages of integrated services. Who should do what, with whom and why? Departing from a relational and hermeneutic perspective, this article shows that professionals in integrated service networks embark upon a moral learning process when starting to work together for the client’s benefit. In this context, instrumental ways of thinking about responsibilities are actually counterproductive. Instead, professionals need to find out who they are in relation to other professionals, what core values they share and what responsibilities derive from these aspects. This article demonstrates moral learning by examining the case of an integrated social service network. The network’s development and implementation were supported by responsive evaluation, enriched by insights of care ethics and hermeneutic ethics.  相似文献   

目的 评估PBL(problem-based learning)学习模式在流行病学实验教学中应用的效果,针对应用过程中出现的问题进行探讨。方法 将本院2014级预防医学本科生随机分为实验组(PBL学习模式)和对照组(传统教学)。对两组学生进行开课前、后的问卷调查,形成性及终结性评价考核。时间为一学期。结果 学习习惯方面,开课前两组无差异(实验组平均值18.0,对照组平均值16.5,P>0.05),开课后实验组优于对照组(实验组平均值34.0,对照组平均值17.0,P<0.05)。实验组普遍对PBL模式较满意(满意占85.2%)。学习和沟通交流等能力得到提高。实验组对自我课堂表现的评价后期高于前期。PBL给学生带来了一定学习压力。结论 PBL学习模式适用于流行病学实验教学,今后可采取PBL模式和传统教学相结合的方法组织流行病学实验课。  相似文献   

Whenever numerous people gather in a limited area the chances for unsafe conditions existing increase. A school building is no exception. Each year the results of unsafe conditions in school settings show up in national accident statistics. By law, school districts are required to provide a safe school environment. Specifically, each teacher is responsible for providing a safe learning environment. To help teachers become more aware of a safe environment the authors have developed a self-awareness checklist.  相似文献   

PBL教学与系统教学模式相结合的耳鼻咽喉科教学效果研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在临床医学专业五年制耳鼻咽喉科见习教学过程中,一组学生采用以问题为基础的教学法(PBL教学)与系统教学法相结合的临床教学方法,另一组采用传统教学法,以学生的学习兴趣、出科理论考试成绩等进行组间教学效果评价。结果表明前一组学生在学习兴趣、操作主动性及临床病例分析能力方面都优于后组(P<0.01),但理论考试成绩两组之间没有显著性差异。说明PBL教学法有助于提高学生的主动学习能力,其与系统教学法结合,可明显提高耳鼻咽喉科的临床教学效果。  相似文献   

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