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PurposeTo examine correlates of dieting behavior in overweight and non-overweight youth.MethodsData came from Project EAT (Eating Among Teens), a study of eating and weight-related attitudes, behaviors, and psychosocial variables among 4746 adolescents in public schools. Logistic regression was used to compare dieters and non-dieters, and to examine interactions of dieting and overweight status.ResultsApproximately one third (31.8%) of the sample was overweight. Dieting in the previous year was reported by 55.2% of girls and 25.9% of boys. Dieting was associated with similarly elevated rates of extreme weight control behaviors, body dissatisfaction, and depression in both the non-overweight and overweight groups for both boys and girls. Girls reporting dieting behavior in both the non-overweight and overweight groups had similarly elevated risk for cigarette use, alcohol use, and marijuana use.ConclusionsThe negative correlates of dieting are similarly common among teens of varying weight status. These data suggest that dieting may not be a preferred method of weight management, even for overweight adolescents. Regardless of weight status, dieting may be a marker for other unhealthy behaviors and depressed mood in adolescents.  相似文献   

Two studies investigating the psychological, family and interpersonal correlates of adolescent violent behavior are reported in this paper. In Study 1, secondary school students (N = 1,519) responded to established scales assessing their psychological attributes, family functioning, parenting qualities and psychosocial support and conflict. Results of Study 1 showed that: a) adolescents who showed higher levels of perceived stress and psychological symptoms displayed more signs of adolescent violence; b) adolescents who had a higher sense of mastery and existential mental health displayed less signs of violence; c) adolescents' attitudes towards poverty and traditional Chinese beliefs about adversity were significantly related to adolescent violence; d) higher levels of family functioning, positive parenting styles as well as interpersonal support and lower levels of interpersonal conflicts were associated with a lower level of adolescent violence. Results further showed that some of the above factors were more strongly related to adolescent violence in adolescents experiencing economic disadvantage than in adolescents who did not experience economic disadvantage. Some of the findings of Study 1 were replicated in Study 2, where adolescents from 229 families (either families on welfare or low income families) were recruited. These studies suggested that several psychological, family and interpersonal factors are related to adolescent violent behavior, particularly in adolescents with economic disadvantage.  相似文献   



Neighborhood safety may be an important social environmental determinant of overweight. We examined the relationship between perceived neighborhood safety and overweight status, and assessed the validity of reported neighborhood safety among a representative community sample of urban adolescents (who were racially and ethnically diverse).  相似文献   

The study was designed to determine the socio-demographic correlates of sexual behaviours of the adolescents in Imo State secondary schools. Three objectives and three hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. A cross sectional survey design was used and sample size was 3360 (2.2%) adolescents. A structured, validated and reliable questionnaire (r = 0.79) and focus group discussion were used as the instruments for data collection. Data analysis was done using mean and ANOVA statistics. The result generally, showed that the average sexual behaviours of the adolescents were below the decision mean of 2.50 and as such the adolescents were said to be sexually inactive. In Imo State secondary schools, various family sizes did not significantly influence the sexual behaviours of the adolescents (F-cal. 2.39, F-tab. 3.00 & P > 0.05), family structure significantly influenced their sexual behaviours (F-cal. 17.78, F-tab. 3.00 & P < 0.05) and different financial strengths influenced the adolescents sexual behaviours significantly (F-cal. 22.88, F-tab. 2.37 & P < 0.05. Of great worry is that unrestricted/uncontrolled adolescents sexual behaviours may expose them to sexually transmitted infections/HIV/AIDS, unwanted pregnancies, illegal abortion and dropping out of school. Thus comprehensive sex education was recommended.  相似文献   

Background The developed world is experiencing an ‘epidemic’ of childhood obesity but little is known about the prevalence of obesity, or underweight, amongst adolescents from minority ethnic groups in the UK. An understanding of the prevalence of obesity and overweight in these populations is important since some ethnic groups may be particularly vulnerable to the adverse health effects associated with obesity.

Study Objectives To examine levels of extreme obesity, obesity, overweight and underweight amongst a representative sample of adolescents from different ethnic groups in East London and to explore the association between socio-economic status and body mass index (BMI).

Design A school-based survey of adolescents aged 11–14. Obesity and overweight were estimated using the 1990 UK growth reference (UK 90) and the International Obesity Task Force (IOTF) cut-off points. Extreme obesity was defined as a BMI more than three SD above the UK 90 mean. Underweight was examined by looking at those with a BMI below the 15th or the 5th UK 90 percentiles.

Main Results A total of 2,482 adolescents were surveyed (response rate 84%), 73% from non-white ethnic groups. Although there were significant differences in BMI between ethnic groups, high levels of overweight were seen in all ethnic groups. More than one-third were overweight and one-fifth were obese using the UK 90; and over a quarter were overweight and almost one-tenth were obese using the IOTF cut-offs. Two per cent were extremely obese. Indian males were at higher risk of being overweight than white British males. The prevalence of obesity and overweight was similar in white British and Bangladeshi males. Overall the prevalence of underweight was slightly lower than that predicted by the UK 90, but South Asian ethnic groups, especially males, had a higher prevalence of underweight than other groups. No associations between BMI and measures of socio-economic status were found in this relatively deprived population.

Conclusions The ‘epidemic’ of childhood obesity observed in the UK involves adolescents from all ethnic groups, although there are some differences between ethnic groups in the prevalence of overweight. Indian males appear to be at increased risk of being overweight. There is no evidence of a simultaneous increase in underweight amongst this population overall, but Bangladeshi, Indian and Pakistani boys appear to be at increased risk of being underweight.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the relationship between socio-demographic factors and screening intention for colorectal cancer (CRC). METHODS: A cross-sectional survey of a random sample of 884 Queenslanders aged 40-80 years was conducted using a computer-assisted telephone interviewing system. The factors measured included socio-demographic characteristics, personal history of CRC, knowledge of others with CRC and perceived symptom status. Chi-squared and Monte Carlo estimates of Fisher Exact Tests were performed to determine the associations between socio-demographic factors and screening intention. In multivariate analyses, multinomial logistic regression (MNLR) was utilised to examine potential determinants of screening intention. RESULTS: 77.5% (95% CI 74.0%-80.7%) of the respondents indicated their intention to participate in CRC screening if it were recommended by their doctor or health authorities. The likelihood ratio chi-squared tests in the MNLR analyses show that age (chi(df = 6)2 = 15.0; p = 0.02), education (chi(df = 8)2 = 19.4; p = 0.01), perceived symptom status (chi(df = 4)2 = 22.9; p = 0.00), sex (chi(df = 2)2 = 4.5; p = 0.11), income (chi(df = 14)2 = 19.6; p = 0.14) and personal history of CRC (chi(df = 2)2 = 4.3; p = 0.12) were potential determinants of screening intention. Other socio-demographic factors, including country of birth, private health insurance status, Socio-economic Index for Areas, and Rural and Remote Areas Classification codes, were not associated with screening intention. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS: The results indicate that a variety of socio-demographic factors are associated with screening intention and need to be considered in the future development of a population-based screening program for CRC.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this research was to examine the social, educational, and psychological correlates of weight status in an adolescent population. It was hypothesized that obese adolescents would differ on psychological, social, and educational variables compared with their non-overweight peers. RESEARCH METHODS AND PROCEDURES: In this cross-sectional study, a population-based sample of 4742 male and 5201 female public school students in the 7th, 9th, and 11th grades responded anonymously to a classroom administered questionnaire. Body mass index was calculated from self-reported height and weight and categorized into four classes of weight status: underweight (<15th percentile), average weight (15th to 85th percentile), overweight (>85th to 95th percentile), and obese (>95th percentile). The questionnaire also included questions about social experiences, psychological well-being, educational experiences, and future goals. Associations of weight status with social, psychological, and educational variables and future goals were explored. RESULTS: After adjustment for grade level, race, and parental socioeconomic status, obese girls, when compared with their average weight counterparts, were 1.63 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.16, 2.30) times less likely to hang out with friends in the last week, 1.49 (95% CI: 1.12, 1.98) times more likely to report serious emotional problems in the last year, 1.79 (95% CI: 1.20, 2.65) times more likely to report hopelessness, and 1.73 (95% CI: 1.21, 1.98) times more likely to report a suicide attempt in the last year. Obese girls were also 1.51 (95% CI: 1.09, 2.10) times more likely to report being held back a grade and 2.09 (95% CI: 1.35, 3.24) times more likely to consider themselves poor students compared with average weight girls. Compared with their average weight counterparts, obese boys were 1.91 (95% CI: 1.43, 2.54) times less likely to hang out with friends in the last week, 1.34 (95% CI: 1.06, 1.70) times more likely to feel that their friends do not care about them, 1.38 (95% CI: 1.08, 1.76) times more likely to report having serious problems in the last year, 1.46 (95% CI: 1.05, 0.03) times more likely to consider themselves poor students, and 2.18 (95% CI: 1.45, 3.30) times more likely to expect to quit school. Compared with average weight boys, underweight boys were 1.67 (95% CI: 1.30, 2.13) times more likely to report hanging out with friends in the last week, 1.22 (95% CI: 1.01, 1.49) times more likely to report disliking school, and 1.40 (95% CI: 1.06, 1.86) times more likely to consider themselves poor students. DISCUSSION: Associations of weight status with social relationships, school experiences, psychological well-being, and some future aspirations were observed. Among girls, the pattern of observations indicates that obese girls reported more adverse social, educational, and psychological correlates. Obese as well as underweight boys also reported some adverse social and educational correlates. These findings contribute to an understanding of how adolescent experiences vary by weight status and suggest social and psychological risks associated with not meeting weight and body shape ideals embedded in the larger culture.  相似文献   

AIMS: Little is known about specific Danish drinking patterns. This paper investigates how various socio-demographic factors are related to Danish alcohol consumption with special focus on age and sex. METHODS: Data come from a national telephone survey of the Danish general population conducted in 2003 with a final sample size of 2,030 cases. Measures of beverage specific current drinking, overall drinking, daily drinking, heavy episodic drinking, mean consumption, volume per drinking occasion and frequency of drinking were analysed. RESULTS: A little over 5% of the population are abstainers. Fourteen per cent of men and 9% of women are heavy drinkers; 38% of men and 18% of women are heavy episodic drinkers. Youth of both sexes drink heavily, and especially in a binge drinking style. Regular, more temperate drinking is associated with increasing age. Multivariate analyses suggest that other than age and sex, classical socioeconomic factors do not play a great a role in determining drinking patterns. Social integrative factors in particular influence women's drinking. CONCLUSIONS: With respect to the rest of Europe and North America, Danes consume high levels of alcohol with a large percentage of youth drinking in a binge pattern. Classical socioeconomic factors play a lesser role in determining drinking patterns compared to other Western countries. Longitudinal studies and studies of alcohol-related consequences in the Danish general population should be conducted to better formulate alcohol and public health policy.  相似文献   

Chinese secondary school students (N = 3,017) responded to measures of adolescent hopelessness, perceived parental behavioral control (indexed by parental knowledge, expectation, monitoring, discipline, and demandingness, as well as Chinese parental control attributes), parental psychological control, and parent-child relational qualities (satisfaction with parental control, child's readiness to communicate with the parents and perceived mutual trust). Results showed that roughly one-fifth of Chinese adolescents displayed signs of hopelessness and adolescent hopelessness was related to adolescent age and gender as well as parental education and marital status. Although parental behavioral control was negatively related to adolescent hopelessness, parental psychological control was positively associated with adolescent hopelessness. Participants perceived parent-child relational qualities to be better showed lower levels of hopelessness.  相似文献   

Interest in mental morbidity as an important component of health is increasing worldwide. Women generally suffer more than men from common mental disorders, and discrimination against women adds to their mental sufferings. Studies looking into the socio-demographic correlates of women's mental morbidity are lacking in most Arab countries. In this study we wanted to determine the spread and socio-demographic correlates of mental distress among low-income women in Aleppo, Syria. A sample of 412 women was recruited from 8 randomly selected primary care centers in Aleppo. Response rate was 97.2%, mean age of participants 28 + 8.4 years, where married women constituted 87.9%. A special questionnaire was prepared for the study purpose, utilizing the SRQ-20 non-psychotic items and questions about background information considered relevant to the mental health of women in the studied population. Interviews were conducted in an anonymous one-to-one fashion. The prevalence of psychiatric distress in our sample was 55.6%. Predictors of women's mental health in the logistic regression analysis were; physical abuse, women's education, polygamy, residence, age and age of marriage. Among these predictors, women's illiteracy, polygamy and physical abuse were the strongest determinants of mental distress leading to the worse outcomes. Our data show that mental distress is common in the studied population and that it is strongly associated with few, possibly modifiable, factors.  相似文献   

中国学龄儿童青少年超重、肥胖筛查体重指数值分类标准   总被引:484,自引:25,他引:484       下载免费PDF全文
目的 建立全国统一的学龄儿童、青少年超重、肥胖筛查体重指数(13MI)值分类标准。方法 以“2000年全国学生体质调研”为参照人群,共调查汉族7~18岁中小学生244200余人。比较中国儿童青少年BMl分布与美国国立卫生统计中心(NCHS)国际标准差距,计算随年龄BMI百分位数分布。利用P85、P90和P95组合成三个暂定标准,利用生理、血脂生化和体成分指标进行交叉验证。运用B-spline曲线对选定标准作平滑化拟合。结果 利用中国沿海发达大城市样本作BMI分布曲线有助克服青春中期后曲线的低平现象。交叉验证显示以P85和P95为超重、肥胖筛查标准较适宜,灵敏性和特异性符合要求。18岁时男女性:BMI均以24和28为超重,肥胖界值点,与已颁布实施的中国成人超重、肥胖筛查标准接轨。以北京、河南、四川等省(市)分别作为中国儿童青少年生长发育上、中、下水平的三个代表人群作回代验证。城市7~18岁男女生中,北京市超重率17.00%和9.46%,肥胖率9.99%和6.47%;河南省超重率10.86%和6.64%,肥胖率4.27%和3.07%;四川省超重率6.95%和4.23%,肥胖率2.84%和2.09%,符合现实状况。结论 本标准兼顾前瞻性和现实性,既充分考虑近年来中国学龄儿童青少年生长的长期加速趋势,显著缩短和国际标准的差距,又具有中国特色,体现东亚人群的种族特征,具较高的现实性,可在全国范围推广。  相似文献   

中国6~17岁儿童青少年超重肥胖流行特征   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
目的 分析我国6~17岁儿童青少年超重肥胖流行情况,为制定肥胖防治策略提供科学依据。方法 利用"2010-2012年中国居民营养与健康状况监测"中6~17岁儿童青少年调查资料,分析我国儿童青少年超重肥胖现状。6岁儿童采用WHO 2007年推荐的分年龄性别BMI超重肥胖判定标准判定超重肥胖,7~17岁儿童青少年采用《中国学龄儿童青少年超重和肥胖预防与控制指南》中的分年龄、性别的BMI超重肥胖判定标准进行判定。结果 6~17岁儿童青少年超重率和肥胖率分别为9.6%和6.4%,其中城市儿童青少年超重率和肥胖率分别为11.0%(男生:12.8%,女生:9.0%)和7.7%(男生:9.7%,女生:5.5%),农村儿童青少年超重率和肥胖率分别为8.4%(男生:9.3%,女生:7.4%)和5.2%(男生:6.2%,女生:4.1%)。按家庭经济收入水平分,高、中和低家庭收入儿童青少年的超重率分别为12.3%、10.7%和8.2%,肥胖率分别为8.6%、7.2%和5.7%。结论 2012年,我国6~17岁儿童青少年超重肥胖表现为城市高于农村,男生高于女生;患病率与家庭经济收入水平有关。  相似文献   

Leptin is an adipocyte-secreted hormone which plays a key role in energy homeostasis. Our aim was to determine the relationship between serum leptin and clinical and biochemical features in overweight children and adolescents. Overweight children and adolescents followed in this Unit with serum leptin ascertained were included. Clinical, biochemical and abdominal ultrasound data were analysed. Statistical analysis was performed by t test, chi2, Pearson's correlation and linear regression. One outlier of serum leptin was excluded to perform correlation and regression. Serum leptin was determined in 357 patients. At the first visit, the mean age was 9.5 (sd 3.2) years and mean BMI z-score was 1.72 (sd 1.34) (girls 1.71 (sd 1.16); boys 1.72 (sd 1.11)). Serum leptin levels were significantly related to: sex (mean: girls 48.0 ng/ml, boys 34.4 ng/ml; P = 0.003); Tanner stage (mean: I-II 37.0 ng/ml, III-V 45.2 ng/ml; P = 0.035); systolic blood pressure (mean: normal 41.3 ng/ml, high 44.0 ng/ml; P = 0.009); BMI z-score (r 0.136; P = 0.010); C-peptide (r 0.17; P = 0.002); insulin (r 0.34; P < 0.001); homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) (r 0.25; P < 0.001) and aspartate aminotransferase (r - 0.12; P = 0.023). In the multivariate analysis (with leptin as the dependent variable and sex, Tanner stage, BMI z-score, systolic blood pressure, aspartate aminotransferase, C-peptide, insulin and HOMA-IR as independent variables), sex and BMI were determinant factors. The present study in overweight children and adolescents showed that being female and greater BMI were significantly and independently associated with increased serum leptin. In this large cohort other associations with leptin described in the literature can be discharged.  相似文献   

周惠清  姚敏 《中国学校卫生》2015,36(12):1827-1829
探讨上海市虹口区肥胖及超重青少年与睡眠质量之间的相关性,为制定促进青少年身心健康措施提供参考.方法 随机抽取上海市虹口区4所初中及高中的1 173名中学生测量身高、体重,采用青少年睡眠质量流行病学调查表进行问卷调查.结果 男、女生肥胖、超重及肥胖+超重的检出率差异无统计学意义(P值均>0.05).经校正分层因素影响后,中学生睡眠质量差的检出率为18.84%,男、女生差异无统计学意义.经校正分层因素影响后的初中及高中学生睡眠质量差的检出率分别为13.43%,26.85%,差异有统计学意义(x2=22.290,P<0.05).在358名肥胖+超重学生中,睡眠质量差的检出率(37.25%)高于正常体重学生检出率(10.80%),差异有统计学意义(x2=71.706,P<0.05).结论 青少年肥胖及超重可能与差的睡眠质量有较大关系,好的睡眠质量及充足的睡眠时间可能有效预防青少年肥胖及超重,还需有待今后的随访加以证实.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: We examined the effect of race, socioeconomic status, and health insurance status on the prevalence of overweight among children and adolescents. METHODS: We studied an observational cohort from the 1996 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Household Component. RESULTS: In the younger group, both Black and Latino children had a greater likelihood of being overweight compared with White children. Among the adolescent group, Latinos and Asian/Pacific Islanders were more likely to be overweight. Among adolescents, lacking health insurance and having public insurance were both positively associated with the prevalence of overweight. A relationship between insurance status and overweight was not observed for younger children. CONCLUSIONS: There are substantial racial differences in the prevalence of overweight for children and adolescents. Health insurance status is associated with the prevalence of overweight among adolescents.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The association between overweight parents and overweight children/adolescents was investigated in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil between 1995 and 1996, controlling for the influence of socio-economic and demographic factors. METHODS: Data were obtained from a two-stage, residence-based, random sample survey of children and adolescents aged 6-19 years and their parents. Body mass index (BMI) was used to classify nutritional status. Initially, a logistic regression model was built, using an indicator of parental weight (maternal BMI) as one of the independent variables and the child/adolescent's BMI as the dependent variable. Following that, the association between socio-economic and demographic variables and overweight children/adolescents was analysed in a univariate analysis. These variables were pre-selected for inclusion in the logistic model, provided that their levels of statistical significance were below P=0.25, and were added to the model individually according to the order of association strength in the univariate analysis. Finally, variables were retained in this model at a significance level of P=0.05. RESULTS: This study found that 20.7% of girls and 26.9% of boys were overweight, with a larger prevalence among children aged less than 9 years. In addition to maternal BMI, the predictors of overweight children and adolescents were age, gender and the number of people in a house. CONCLUSIONS: These results demonstrate the relationship between maternal nutritional status and overweight children and adolescents, suggesting that obesity-prevention programmes should be focused on the family.  相似文献   

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