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基于B/S模式的慢性病网络报告系统开发与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
霍飞  沈成凤  张凡 《疾病监测》2008,23(6):390-392
目的 基于对慢性病报告管理模式的研究与探索,提出针对对象化的网络报告管理技术和模板,将慢性病报告和先进的软件开发技术相结合,设计并实现了一个综合的慢性病网络报告管理系统。方法 采用了B/S模式的软件构架及先进的.NET技术。结果 系统实现了慢性病网络报告,能够适应大量的、变化的慢性病报告管理的需求,提高了报告的准确性、及时性。结论 这一新开发的慢性病网络报告系统开发流程科学合理,管理规范,操作简单,应用广泛,已在天津市慢性病控制工作中发挥作用。  相似文献   

胎儿中央监护系统用于催产及引产全程监护的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 :探讨胎儿中央监护系统用于静滴催产素引产和催产中 ,实施全程监护的临床应用价值。方法 :以 2 0 0 2年 2月至 5月应用催产素引产及催产的产妇实施全程监护 12 0例为监护组 ,2 0 0 1年 2月至 5月 110例用传统方法常规听诊胎心 ,手触宫缩为对照组。结果 :监护组第 1次引产的有效率明显高于对照组 (P <0 0 5 ) ,阴道分娩时间缩短 ,新生儿窒息率及剖宫产率均低于对照组 (P <0 0 5 )。结论 :应用胎儿中央监护系统实施全程监护 ,能及时发现胎儿窘迫及时处理 ,降低新生儿窒息率 ,系统掌握宫缩情况 ,避免了并发症的发生 ,提高了产科质量。  相似文献   

目的 探讨中央监护网络系统在手术后护理中的临床作用。方法总结658例手术后应用中央监护网络系统的效果。结果应用中央监护网络系统可随时、连续、长时间地监测患者的重要生命体征参数,提高护理质量。结论中央监护网络系统实现多床位集中监护,是手术后病人安全的可靠保证,提高工作效率和护理工作的科学性,值得在临床中推广。  相似文献   

目的探讨中央监护网络系统在手术后护理中的临床作用.方法总结658例手术后应用中央监护网络系统的效果.结果应用中央监护网络系统可随时、连续、长时间地监测患者的重要生命体征参数,提高护理质量.结论中央监护网络系统实现多床位集中监护,是手术后病人安全的可靠保证,提高工作效率和护理工作的科学性,值得在临床中推广.  相似文献   

中央监护网络系统在产科临床的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 :探讨中央监护网络系统对产科临床的作用。方法 :对照中央监护网络系统应用前后孕产妇的分娩情况 ,观察分析重要产科指标的变化。结果 :应用中央监护网络系统使胎儿宫内窘迫检出率提高 ,新生儿窒息率及胎死宫内率下降 ,因胎儿宫内窘迫剖宫产率上升。结论 :中央监护网络系统是母婴安全的可靠保证 ,提高了产科工作的质量和效率 ,值得推广  相似文献   

目的探讨神经中央监护系统在重型脑卒中患者救治中的应用技术。方法对164例神经科重症监护室的重型脑卒中患者进行神经中央监护系统监护,随时观察数据和图像的变化,对异常变化及时进行对症处理。结果 164例患者中132例患者好转出院,26例患者家属放弃治疗自动出院,6例患者死亡。结论神经中央监护系统是一种有效的监护工具,有助于早期发现病情变化,从而提高重型脑卒中患者抢救成功率。  相似文献   

选取2014年10月~2015年10月在我院就诊的720例子痫前期孕妇,根据产前胎心监测及其脐动脉血流检测结果,将其分为对照甲组(单纯接受脐动脉血流检测且S/D值≥2.5的孕妇)300例、对照乙组(单纯接受胎心监测且NST无反应孕妇)340例和观察组(脐动脉血流S/D值≥2.5且NST无反应的孕妇)80例。比较3组孕妇胎儿窘迫发生率、不良反应发生率及新生儿的Apgar评分。结果观察组胎儿窘迫发生率显著高于对照组甲组和对照组乙组,差异具有统计学意义(P0.05),对照甲和对照乙组比较无显著差异(P0.05);观察组新生儿窒息和羊水污染发生率等不良反应发生率显著高于对照甲组和对照乙组,差异具有统计学意义(P0.05),对照甲和对照乙组比较无显著差异(P0.05)。脐动脉血流S/D值联合胎心监护对于诊断子痫前期胎儿窘迫和新生儿不良反应具有重要检测价值,操作简单,可反复检测,在基层也可使用,可在临床推广。  相似文献   

董荔 《当代护士》2003,(1):67-68
我曾在新加坡中央医院的SICA工作学习了2年。期间对其SICA的管理和护理工作有了一些较全面的了解和体验,现介绍如下。1 病区设置和人员配备1.1 病区设置 新加坡中央医院(SGH)的监护病房设有床位10张,配有中央空调、墙式固定抢救装置,每张床旁装有呼叫器和紧急救助报警铃,病床是可以升降和移动的。另外,每张床还固定配置有  相似文献   

目的分析胎心监护联合脐血流S/D检测及脐血气分析在高危妊娠新生儿预后评估中的应用价值。方法选取行产检的128例孕晚期高危妊娠孕妇,均开展胎心监护、脐血流S/D检测、脐血气分析,根据胎心监护、脐血流S/D检测结果分组:A组(43例)为脐血流S/D检测正常、胎心监护异常者,B组(43例)为胎心监护正常、脐血流S/D检测异常者,C组(42例)为脐血流S/D检测异常、胎心监护异常者,对比三组脐血气分析与新生儿Apgar评分,统计Apgar评分分布情况、Apgar评分与脐血气分析对新生儿预后的评估情况。结果 C组脐血气分析pH≤7.1、Apgar评分≤7分患儿多于A组、B组(P0.05);Apgar评分3、3~7、7分患儿脐血气分析pH≤7.1分布情况比较差异显著(P0.05);Apgar评分≤7分时新生儿不良事件发生率为29.25%;脐血气分析pH≤7.1时新生儿不良事件发生率为16.00%。结论胎心监护联合脐血流S/D检测及脐血气分析可用于高危妊娠新生儿预后评估,价值较高。  相似文献   

Calibration methods for a multi-channel multi-frequency EIT system   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Multi-channel multi-frequency electrical impedance tomography (EIT) systems require a careful calibration to minimize systematic errors. We describe novel calibration methods for the recently developed KHU Mark1 EIT system. Current source calibration includes maximization of output resistance and minimization of output capacitance using multiple generalized impedance converters. Phase and gain calibrations are used for voltmeters. Phase calibration nulls out the total system phase shift in measured voltage data. Gain calibrations are performed in two steps of intra- and inter-channel calibrations. Intra-channel calibration for each voltmeter compensates frequency dependence of its voltage gain and also discrepancy between design and actual gains. Inter-channel calibration compensates channel-dependent voltage gains of all voltmeters. Using the calibration methods described in this paper, we obtained 1 MOmega minimal output impedance of the current source in the frequency range 10 Hz-500 kHz. The reciprocity error was as small as 0.05% after intra- and inter-channel voltmeter calibrations. To demonstrate effects of calibration in reconstructed images, we used a homogenous phantom from which uniform images should be produced. Reconstructed time- and frequency-difference images using uncalibrated data showed spurious anomalies. By using calibrated data, standard deviations of time- and frequency-difference images of the homogenous phantom were reduced by about 40% and 90%, respectively.  相似文献   

目的探讨中央型胎儿电子监护系统在产程中的应用价值。方法708例为观察组,利用中央型胎儿电子监护系统进行持续胎儿电子监护;对照组679例常规观察产程。分别计算两组胎儿宫内窘迫率、新生儿窒息率和剖宫产率。结果观察组胎儿宫内窘迫检出率明显高于对照组,差异有显著意义(P<0.05);新生儿窒息发生率明显低于对照组,差异有极显著意义(P<0.01),剖宫产率有所增加,但差异无显著性意义(P>0.05)。结论中央型胎儿电子监护系统的使用可提高胎儿宫内窘迫的检出率,提供了纠正胎儿宫内窘迫和缩短宫内窘迫时间的时机,从而降低了新生儿窒息率的发生和新生儿窒息的严重程度,提高了产科的质量。  相似文献   

该文通过对疗养院安全监控需求及分布式监控系统的研究,立足院内局域网,建立了36个数据采集点的基于数字硬盘录像机/数字视频服务器的客户端/服务器模式下的视频安全监控系统,实现对疗养院医疗和环境安全的实时监控。  相似文献   

Hennig J  Zhong K  Speck O 《NeuroImage》2007,34(1):212-219
A new approach to measure activation-related changes in the brain by magnetic resonance is described offering high temporal resolution of 10-100 measurements per second. This is achieved by simultaneous multi-channel reception where the spatial resolution during continuous observation is determined by the sensitive volume of each coil alone without any additional spatial encoding gradients. Experimental results demonstrate the very high sensitivity of this approach, which allows to directly measure and monitor the stimulus-dependent hemodynamic response as well as ECG- and breathing-related signal fluctuations. One-dimensional spatial encoding either parallel or orthogonal to the cortex demonstrates that vascular signals can be identified by the pronounced signal variation at the ECG-frequency. Noise analysis at different frequencies reveals regional signal fluctuations in the frequency range between 2 and 10 Hz. Furthermore, initial results show that frequency changes in the order of <0.03 Hz corresponding to <1 nano Tesla can be detected. In addition to its potential use in neuroscientific studies, this new method opens a wide range of applications for fast physiological monitoring and can be easily combined with conventional high-resolution imaging.  相似文献   

基于GPS和GPRS远程医疗监护报警系统的设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
背景:远程医疗监护系统可以传输医疗信息,实现动态生理监护。目的:设计一种基于GPS和GPRS的远程医疗监护报警系统。方法:系统由中心站和多个用户机组成。运用医疗信息监测技术、移动通信技术、嵌入式技术以及GPS技术,由定位传输模块把采集终端实时采集的患者生理信息,连同患者的位置信息一起发送到GSM移动通讯网,供医生进行及时诊断和处理,实现生理参数的远程实时监测与报警。结果与结论:该系统构建了家庭、社区、医院的三位一体远程医疗信息传输、医疗救治平台,第一时间将患者的医疗信息和位置信息传送到医疗中心,由专家协助诊断并提供救治指导和援助。该系统可用于院前急救、院外监护以及远程医疗与紧急救助,不仅适用于医院、装配在救护车里,也可以用于家庭,对慢性病患者进行有效的院外监测和跟踪。  相似文献   

介绍自主研发的无线网络尿监测控制系统及其临床应用。无线网络尿监测控制系统可自动完成对导尿管留置患者的尿液计量、自动排尿、自动标本采集操作和监测,具有监测尿量灵敏、结果准确、节省护士操作时间、减少标本污染的特点。  相似文献   

Given the greater than 90% lethality of clinical central nervous system (CNS) aspergillosis despite current therapies, there is a need for an animal model to study therapeutic strategies. We previously established a model of CNS aspergillosis by intracerebral infection and report here the results of treatment with the two therapies with the greatest clinical experience, i.e., treatments with amphotericin B (AMB) and itraconazole (ITZ). Mice were given cyclophosphamide to produce pancytopenia. AMB was given intraperitoneally (i.p.; 3 mg/kg of body weight) or intravenously (i.v.; 0.8 mg/kg) once daily. ITZ in cyclodextrin was given by gavage once daily at a dose of 100 mg/kg or twice daily at 50 mg/kg. Treatments were started at day 1 postinfection and given for 10 days. At day 15, survivors were euthanatized. Ninety percent of the mice given no treatment died by day 6, and 100% died by day 10. Mice treated with AMB either i.p. or i.v. had 40% survival. Mice treated with ITZ either once or twice per day had a median survival time of 10 days, compared with 4 days for control animals, but a survival rate of only 10%. AMB and ITZ prolonged survival (P, <0.0001 to <0.05) compared with controls. Brains from surviving mice had CFU of Aspergillus fumigatus. This model can be used to compare newer antifungals and to study combination therapy or immunotherapy to find better therapeutic alternatives.  相似文献   

Koppert W  Ostermeier N  Sittl R  Weidner C  Schmelz M 《Pain》2000,85(1-2):217-224
Sodium channel blockers are approved for intravenous administration in the treatment of neuropathic pain states. Preclinical studies have suggested antihyperalgesic effects on the peripheral as well as the central nervous system. The objective of this study was to determine mechanisms of action of low-dose lidocaine in experimental induced, secondary hyperalgesia. In a first experimental trial, participants (n=12) received lidocaine systemically (a bolus injection of 2 mg/kg in 10 min followed by an intravenous infusion of 2 mg kg(-1)h(-1) for another 50 min). In a second trial, a modified intravenous regional anesthesia (IVRA) was administered to exclude possible central analgesic effects. In one arm, patients received an infusion of 40 ml lidocaine, 0.05%; in the other arm 40 ml NaCl, 0.9%, served as a control. In both trials capsaicin, 20 microgram, was injected intradermally and time course of capsaicin-induced pain, allodynia and hyperalgesia as well as axon reflex flare was determined. The capsaicin-induced pain was slightly reduced after systemic and regional application of the anesthetic. The area of pin-prick hyperalgesia was significantly reduced by systemic lidocaine, whereas the inhibition of hyperalgesia was absent during regional administration of lidocaine. In contrast, capsaicin-induced flare was significantly decreased after both treatments. We conclude that systemic lidocaine reduces pin-prick hyperalgesia by a central mode of action, which could involve blockade of terminal branches of nociceptors. A possible role for tetrodotoxin resistant sodium channels in the antihyperalgesic effect of low-dose lidocaine is discussed.  相似文献   

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