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A number of familial diseases have an age‐of‐onset component, which can be considered as a censored quantitative trait. However, few software resources are available for the use of time‐to‐event endpoints in linkage analysis. The purpose of this analysis was to examine the use of martingale residuals from Cox survival models as quantitative traits for familial diseases with variable age at onset. We used these residuals as quantitative traits in variance components linkage scans for the 50 replicates of the general population simulated data for chromosomes 6 and 7. The region on chromosome 6 containing markers D06G034 and D06G035 demonstrated evidence for linkage, consistent with the underlying genetic model. This analysis demonstrates the applicability of using martingale residuals as a quantitative trait in linkage analyses of diseases that depend on age of onset. © 2001 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The transmission disequilibrium test (TDT) has become a family-based method of reference to search for linkage disequilibrium (LD). Although it was first developed for dichotomous traits, numerous approaches have extended the TDT to quantitative phenotypes that either rely on regression or variance component techniques. Both of these approaches are based on some phenotypic distribution assumptions, the violation of which can lead to inflation of type I error rates, and derive information from phenotypic variability, so that their power is very low under some selection schemes (e.g., one-tailed selection). We propose a new family-based test of association for quantitative traits, denoted maximum-likelihood-binomial (MLB)-QTDT, which addresses the two previous issues by incorporating a latent binary variable that captures the LD information between the marker allele and the quantitative phenotype. The method can be understood as a classical TDT for binary traits that would include pure affected and pure unaffected children, and the probability for a child to be affected or unaffected depends on his/her quantitative phenotypic value. Simulation studies under the null hypothesis show that the MLB-QTDT provides very consistent type I errors even in small and/or selected samples. Under the alternative hypothesis, the MLB-QTDT has good power to analyze one-tailed selected samples, and performs as well as a classical approach in other designs. The MLB-QTDT is a flexible distribution-free method to test for LD with quantitative phenotypes in nuclear families, and can easily incorporate previous extensions developed in the context of family-based association studies with binary traits.  相似文献   

Segregation analysis suggests that the high prevalence of non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus in Pima Indians may be partially due to a single locus with a major effect on age of onset. A simulation study was conducted to evaluate the power of various age-adjustment strategies in linkage analysis to detect this putative gene in 1,862 sib-pairs from 264 potentially informative nuclear families. Simulations were performed at a recombination fraction (θ) of 0.05 for values of polymorphism information content (PIC) ranging from 0.38 to 1.00. Under the codominant age-of-onset model supported by segregation analysis, power to detect linkage (at P < 0.0001) at PIC = 1.00 was 75% for the Haseman-Elston (HE) sib-pair test and 63% for the affected sib-pair test (ASP) with no age adjustment. Substantial improvements in power were possible for the HE test by defining the trait as a survival analysis \"residual\" (power = 91%) and for the ASP test by use of an age-of-onset threshold above which individuals are not included in the analysis (power = 90%, for age of onset < 45 yrs). The parametric method of linkage analysis was most powerful, as long as both the analysis model and the simulation model involved a genetic effect on age of onset, regardless of whether dominance at the trait locus was misspecified. Methods of age adjustment based on the probability of eventually becoming affected only improved power when the genetic effect was on susceptibility rather than age of onset. The method of age adjustment in linkage analysis may depend on whether one anticipates a genetic effect primarily on age of onset or on ultimate susceptibility. Genet. Epidemiol. 15:299–315, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc. This article is a US Government work and, as such, is in the public domain in the United States of America.  相似文献   

In this paper, we proposed two approaches for incorporating the age at onset into the transmission/disequilibrium test (TDT). Trios (affected offspring and their parents) were extracted from the first four replicate data sets of the general population type. Focusing on chromosome 6 where MG6 and MG7 reside, we compared the usual TDT with the newly proposed tests in terms of gene localization. © 2001 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Age of onset heterogeneity in Alzheimer's disease families was modelled by allowing for different liability classes for affected individuals according to their age of onset when calculating lod scores to chromosome 21 and chromosome 19 markers. Linkage to chromosome 21 was supported in the Boston data set, and the method of age correction did not greatly change the lod scores when only affected individuals were analyzed. The location of a gene on chromosome 19 for late age of onset illness was affected by the assumptions about early onset individuals. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
  • 1 This article is a US Government work and, as such, is in the public domain in the United States of America.
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    Genetic studies of disorders with adult onset often contain individuals who have not completed their age at risk when last observed. Without correction for such censoring, correlation in ages at onset among relatives is substantially underestimated. Moreover, without correction for the effect of correlated ages at onset, the relationship between age at onset in the proband and liability in relatives is substantially overestimated. The present paper describes methods for correcting the effects of censoring on these estimates. In a companion paper [Kendler and MacLean, Genet Epidemiol 7:409-417, 1990] these methods are applied to a large family study of schizophrenia.  相似文献   

    Previous analyses of age at onset in schizophrenia, which is highly variable and appears to be influenced by familial factors, have neglected to consider either (1) the impact of censoring on correlations in age at onset in affected relatives or (2) the impact of correlated ages at onset on the relationship between age at onset in the proband and risk in relatives. In this report, using methods outlined in the companion paper [MacLean et al., Genet Epidemiol 7:419-426, 1990] we examine these questions in the large family data set of schizophrenia collected by Lindelius [Acta Psychiat Scand (Suppl) 216:1-125, 1970]. Ages at onset are positively correlated in pairs of affected relatives (parent-offspring approximately equal to siblings greater than nieces/nephews) and these correlations are substantially higher after correction for censoring. Early age at onset is associated with higher risk of illness in siblings and nieces/nephrews but not in children. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that age at onset in schizophrenia is influenced by familial factors which are probably genetic and which are mostly unrelated to factors influencing disease liability.  相似文献   

    A shared and additive genetic variance component-long-term survivor (LTS) model for familial aggregation studies of complex diseases with variable age-at-onset phenotype and non-susceptible subjects in the study cohort is proposed. LTS has been used from the early 1970s, especially in epidemiological studies of cancer. The LTS model utilizes information on the age at onset (survival) distribution to make inference on partially latent susceptibility. Bayesian modeling with uninformative priors is used and estimates of the posterior distribution of age at onset and susceptibility parameters of interest have been obtained using Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods with OpenBugs program. A simulation study confirms that we obtain posterior estimates of the model parameters on shared and genetic variance components of age at onset and susceptibility with good coverage rates. Further, we analyze familial aggregation of diabetic nephropathy (DN) in large Finnish cohort of 528 sibships with type 1 diabetes (T1D). According to the variance components estimated a substantial familial variation in the susceptibility to DN exist among families, while time to DN is less influenced by shared familial factors.  相似文献   

    Asthma is a complex disease with a genetic component. The results of genome‐wide linkage studies imply that locus heterogeneity is likely to be an important feature of the genetics of asthma. To attempt to reduce locus heterogeneity, we hypothesized that the following may form the bases for locus heterogeneity at some asthma susceptibility loci: sex of affected individuals, parental origin of alleles shared by affected sib pairs, and age of onset of wheeze. Analysis of such strata may assist in the identification of novel susceptibility loci, or reveal the basis for locus heterogeneity at previously identified loci. Genotype and phenotype data from genome‐wide linkage searches for asthma susceptibility loci from three populations were analyzed. Some regions demonstrated evidence for linkage to affected individuals of a particular sex. There was evidence for excess maternal allele sharing at regions on chromosomes 9 and 11. Regions on chromosomes 2 and 6 were linked to late and early age at onset of wheeze in asthma, respectively. These analyses suggest that the bases that we selected for stratification may be appropriate at certain susceptibility loci for asthma, and may therefore assist in the fine mapping of such loci. Differences in such variables between studies may explain apparent nonreplication of linkage results. © 2001 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

    Family studies with age at onset of the disease as the endpoint face two important problems: censoring and correlation of age at onset among relatives. We present a multivariate survival model for ages at onset of relatives which incorporates the problems cited above. The interpretations of regression coefficients and association parameter in the context of family studies are emphasized. The present paper describes a statistical method for estimating these parameters. In a companion paper [Pulver and Liang, Genet Epidemiol 8:339-350, 1991] this model is applied to a genetic epidemiologic study of schizophrenia.  相似文献   

    We use likelihood-based score statistics to test for association between a disease and a diallelic polymorphism, based on data from arbitrary types of nuclear families. The Nonfounder statistic extends the transmission disequilibrium test (TDT) to accommodate affected and unaffected offspring, missing parental genotypes, phenotypes more general than qualitative traits, such as censored survival data and quantitative traits, and residual correlation of phenotypes within families. The Founder statistic compares observed or inferred parental genotypes to those expected in the general population. Here the genotypes of affected parents and those with many affected offspring are weighted more heavily than unaffected parents and those with few affected offspring. We illustrate the tests by applying them to data on a polymorphism of the SRD5A2 gene in nuclear families with multiple cases of prostate cancer. We also use simulations to compare the power of these family-based statistics to that of the score statistic based on Cox's partial likelihood for censored survival data, and find that the family-based statistics have considerably more power when there are many untyped parents. The software program FGAP for computing test statistics is available at http://www.stanford.edu/dept/HRP/epidemiology/FGAP.  相似文献   

    Extensions of the approach to sib-pair linkage tests developed by Haseman and Elston [Behav Genet 2:3-19, 1972] are proposed which incorporate information on age of onset and age at examination. Alternate sources for the age of onset corrections are described, including models for the estimation of parameters associated with the age of onset distribution. Simulation is used to examine the performance of the approach when applied to a dominant disorder of late onset for a range of recombination fractions ranging from very tight linkage to free recombination. For each set of genetic parameters, 2,000 samples of 50 four-member sibships were generated under a complete ascertainment model to investigate power and Type I error, and to compare variants of the proposed technique. Results with and without age-of-onset correction are compared to each other and to those obtainable if penetrance were complete, i.e., if there were no intervening age-of-onset phenomenon. Results from simulation studies show that significance probabilities are enhanced in the presence of linkage when age-of-onset extensions are used. The proposed methods are associated with acceptable levels of Type I error, and substantive gains in power are obtained when data related to age of onset and age at examination are incorporated into the analysis.  相似文献   

    Linkage disequilibrium mapping of quantitative traits is a powerful method for dissecting the genetic etiology of complex phenotypes. Quantitative traits, however, often exhibit characteristics that make their use problematic. For example, the distribution of the trait may be censored, highly skewed, or contaminated with outlying values. We propose here a rank-based framework for deriving tests of gene and trait association that explicitly take censoring into account and are insensitive to skewness and outlying values. Standard methods for mapping quantitative traits do not take these characteristics into account, which leads to the discarding of valuable information or their improper application. We show how this framework can be applied in nuclear families and discuss its implementation in general pedigrees. The power and efficacy of the approach is illustrated through a series of simulation experiments in which the approach is compared to existing methods.  相似文献   

    Classic methods in genetics for the analysis of binary attributes, based on an assumption of a "threshold" on a normally distributed latent variable called "liability," estimate the strength of genetic and environmental effects from differences in correlations between relatives of differing genetic relatedness. Two problems that are not easily addressed by these methods are the need to take the age of onset into account (particularly in chronic diseases in which incidence rates vary considerably with age and the lengths of time at risk can vary between individuals) and the desirability of incorporating measured covariates (genetic or environmental). The standard methods of cohort analysis used in epidemiology allow for both of these features, but until recently have been restricted to independent individuals. Recent developments in survival analysis have extended the widely used "proportional hazards" model of Cox by the addition of latent variable, epsilon, reflecting the shared susceptibility of related subjects because of their shared genes or shared environment. We show how this approach can be combined with more traditional models of gene-environment interaction to allow the main effects of measured genetic markers and environmental variables to be estimated, as well as the residual variance of genetic and environment and their interactions. The approaches are applied to a cohort of female twin births in Sweden from 1886 to 1958, linked with the Swedish cancer registry from 1961 to 1982.  相似文献   

    In this report we apply methods outlined in the companion paper [Liang, Genet Epidemiol 8:329-338, 1991] to study the association between proband age at onset and familial risk among first-degree relatives of 374 schizophrenic probands. The analyses take into consideration the potential problems of censoring and correlation of age at onset within families. All analyses were done by gender of the proband; age at onset was dichotomized. The results of the analyses of the male probands suggest that there is an increased risk of schizophrenia among the relatives of male probands who have an onset prior to age 17 when compared to relatives of male probands who have an onset later than 16. We did not find an association between age at onset and familial risk among the female probands, but this may be due to the smaller number of female probands and the lower power associated with the analyses.  相似文献   

    Genetic models for survival data are hard to formulate and hard to fit. For example, the popular gamma-frailty model for sib-pair data does not generalize easily to extended pedigrees and is not easy to fit. In this paper we show how martingale residuals from a (marginal) Cox model can be employed to estimate the presence of a genetic effect and to estimate genetic correlations depending on the genetic distance (kinship). The methodology is applied to age at onset of Huntington disease (HD) in carriers of the HD gene. The number of CAG repeats in the HD gene is a well-known predictor for age at onset of the disease. However, there is an indication that other genes might be involved as well; leading to unexplained familial clustering. Using our methodology, we found a clearly significant genetic association between the martingale residuals with correlations of about 0.6 for relatives that share 50 per cent of their genes (sib-pairs and parent-child) and about 0.3 for relatives that share 25 per cent of their genes (grandparent-grandchild, uncle/aunt-niece/nephew).  相似文献   

    Genome‐wide association studies (GWAS) have been successful in identifying common variants related to complex disorders. However, some disorders have proved resistant to this strategy with few associations confirmed, despite evidence from twin and family studies of a genetic component. Sophisticated strategies that account for phenotypic heterogeneity may be required to uncover these genetic contributions. Age at onset is an example of a potential source of this heterogeneity in ischaemic stroke. We explore the contribution of age at onset in the Wellcome Trust Case‐Control Consortium 2 ischaemic stroke study. We first examine four established stroke loci in younger onset cases. We extend this to all single‐nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) genome‐wide, testing for stronger association signals in younger subsets of cases. Finally, we estimate the pseudoheritability accounted for by common SNPs present on genome‐wide genotyping arrays for cases stratified by age at onset. We find evidence for stronger associations in younger onset cases for the four established stroke loci. Genome‐wide, in cardioembolic and small vessel stroke subphenotypes, a significant number of SNPs show stronger association P‐values when the oldest cases are removed. Finally, we show that the pseudoheritability estimated by common SNPs in cardioembolic stroke increased from 16.5% for older onset cases to 28.5% for younger onset cases. Our results indicate that age at onset is a valuable measure for case ascertainment and in analysis of GWAS in ischaemic stroke: focussing on younger cases who may have a stronger genetic predisposition increases power to detect associations.  相似文献   

    The aims of our analysis were: (1) to investigate association of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and other covariates with age at onset in the simulated Genetic Analysis Workshop (GAW) 12 general population data, and (2) to use the polygenic random effects estimated during model fitting (sigma squared A random effects) as input to a Haseman‐Elston linkage analysis. The association analyses used genetic variance component models in a generalized linear mixed models framework and were fitted using Gibbs sampling. This method successfully detected the only three sequenced genes that were also major genes. The single‐point linkage analysis used all markers provided. Regions of linkage were found close to all four of the sites of major genes that explained a non‐trivial component of the variance of age at onset. In all four cases the linkage peak fell within 5 cM of the true location. In three cases the peak significance was p < 0.01. © 2001 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

    Recently, Liang et al. ([2001] Hum. Hered. 51:64-78) proposed a general multipoint linkage method for estimating the chromosomal position of a putative susceptibility locus. Their technique is computationally simple and does not require specification of penetrance or a mode of inheritance. In complex genetic diseases, covariate data may be available which reflect etiologic or locus heterogeneity. We developed approaches to incorporating covariates into the method of Liang et al. ([2001] Hum. Hered. 51:64-78) with particular attention to exploiting age-at-onset information. The results of simulation studies, and a worked data example using a family data set ascertained through probands with schizophrenia, suggest that utilizing covariate information can yield substantial efficiency gains in localizing susceptibility genes.  相似文献   

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