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Objectives: This study aimed to assess factors related to oral contraceptive (OC) use among refugee married women in the age range 18–50 years, residing in refugee camps in Jordan. Methods: A face-to-face questionnaire was completed by 425 women, who had used OCs at least once in their lifetime as a contraceptive method. Data were collected between November 2016 and January 2017. Results: About 45 percent of women preferred OCs as a contraceptive method. Most (80 percent) women thought OCs were effective, while 68.5 percent were concerned about their safety. About 10.6 percent women became pregnant while using OCs, and 75 percent reported side effects, specifically headache (54.6 percent), irritability (46.4 percent), mood swings (39.1 percent), and weight gain (30.6 percent). However, only 21.2 percent of participating women reported that they knew how to use OCs. Alarmingly, 85.9 percent of women reported that they skipped the OC pill when they missed using it. Knowledge about correct use was directly correlated with education, number of pregnancies and children, and duration of OC use. Conclusion: Women residing in refugees’ camps in Jordan had relative unwillingness to use OCs. Although they tended to use them appropriately and had fair experience with their use, large gaps in their knowledge were apparent.  相似文献   

目的:研究海口市孕产妇预防出生缺陷知识、态度、行为(KAP)现状及服务利用情况,为构建适宜的出生缺陷区域化预防模式提供科学参考.方法:采用分层与多阶段整群随机抽样方法对海口市2013年12月~ 2014年12月2 996例孕产妇进行问卷调查.结果:大部分孕产妇对待出生缺陷态度相对积极,67.69%孕产妇孕前及孕早期服用过叶酸;52.20%孕妇接受过婚前医学检查,没做婚前医学检查的主要原因是没必要检查和不知道要检查;45.49%孕妇接受过孕前检查,没有孕前检查的主要原因是意外妊娠;30.11%孕妇接受优生知识相关培训,23.80%孕妇接受遗传咨询;99.60%孕产妇均接受过产前检查,孕后第8周及之前进行第一次检查占36.82%,大部分孕产妇进行第一次产检的时间超过了胎儿致畸敏感期.结论:卫生资源主要集中于城市,农村孕产妇咨询及孕前检查的机会相对较少,要扩展卫生部门保健服务区域,加强资源配置及能力建设,同时亟需提高其预防出生缺陷发生的意识和行为的转变,提高孕妇对出生缺陷预防保健卫生服务的利用,将是海口市出生缺陷预防工作的一个重点.  相似文献   

目的  了解成都市外来农民工口腔健康知识、信念及行为情况,为探索针对该群体的口腔健康干预措施提供基础依据。 方法  采用应答推动抽样的方法,对成都市外来农民工进行问卷调查。 结果  共对579名成都市外来农民工进行调查,口腔健康知识知晓率为63.36%,各条目回答正确率在37.89%~85.96%之间;口腔健康信念持有率为62.25%,各条目信念持有率在45.25%~85.32%之间;口腔健康行为形成率为35.67%,各条目行为形成率在10.73%~63.39%之间。不同性别、年龄、文化程度、月收入、职业人群口腔健康知识知晓率、行为形成率的差异均有统计学意义(均有P < 0.05),不同文化程度、月收入和职业人群口腔健康信念持有率的差异均有统计学意义(均有P < 0.05)。 结论  成都市外来农民工口腔健康知信行现状亟需改善,口腔健康知信行间的差异与人口学特征有关,应关注该重点人群,加强其口腔健康宣教及健康促进。  相似文献   

目的:了解社区已婚育龄妇女对性传播疾病(STD)相关知识的掌握情况和态度。方法:定群随机抽样,采用面对面问卷调查。结果:共调查416人,对STD传播途径和基本的预防知识能全部掌握的人数占24.28%,不同文化程度以及非流动人口与流动人口对STD传播和预防知识的掌握程度有较显著差别(x2=16.99,P<0.01;x2=9.84,P<0.01)。认为STD可怕的人数占89.66%,认为STD病人可恶的人数占43.03%。结论:社区已婚育龄妇女对STD相关知识的掌握还有较大差距。保健机构应重视与社会上其它有关部门协作,加强健康教育,使她们掌握预防STD的基本知识、持有正确的态度并具有健康的行为。  相似文献   

Bleeding patterns with low-dose, monophasic oral contraceptives   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cycle control over 12 months with low-dose oral contraceptives (OCs) was analyzed using calendars of bleeding on pill-taking days 1 through 21 (intermenstrual bleeding; IMB). One preparation contained 0.5 mg norethindrone and 0.035 mg ethinyl estradiol (NET + EE), the other 0.3 mg norgestrel and 0.03 mg ethinyl estradiol (Ng + EE). Half the subjects had previously used OCs containing greater than or equal to 0.05 mg estrogen (switch-over); the others had not previously used OCs for 2 months or more (fresh). Fresh subjects reported more IMB than switch-over subjects, especially during the first three cycles; IMB decreased over time for both groups. Ng + EE subjects had fewer IMB episodes during the early cycles than NET + EE subjects. Daily incidence of IMB formed a characteristic W-shaped curve in the NET + EE subjects that was most apparent in early cycles.  相似文献   

摘要:目的 了解某校大学生口腔健康认知、态度及行为,为探索适合我校大学生人群口腔卫生保健的健康教育模式及途径提供科学依据。方法 分别对该校4个年级学生以班级为单位,整群随机抽取600名学生进行问卷调查,收回有效问卷527份。结果 本次调查显示该校学生口腔知识问卷总体正答率仅为41.94%,男生为41.14%,女生为43.47%,女生优于男生,P值为0.000,差异有统计学意义。仅有31.50%的学生知道牙菌斑是引起牙龈炎和龋病主要原因;48.20%的学生不知道经常喝碳酸饮料可以使牙齿脱钙;仅11.95%的学生知道饭后立即吃糖对牙齿损害最小;多数学生了解口腔卫生健康知识的渠道比较单一,且来自于口腔专业医生的比例仅为25.62%;每天刷牙2次及以上学生为66.04%。采用最新推荐的短距离水平震动刷牙方式学生仅占10.82%。结论 该校大学生口腔健康知识较为薄弱,口腔保健行为较差,亟需加强学生的口腔健康教育工作,提高大学生口腔健康水平。  相似文献   

北京市女性乳腺癌筛检知识、态度、行为调查   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
目的 了解北京市城区女性乳腺癌筛检知识、态度、行为现状.方法 采用流行病学现况研究方法,采用整群随机抽样对北京市城区≥35岁女性进行问卷调查.结果 911名被调查者对于乳房内可活动小肿块是乳腺癌早期征兆的知晓率最高(71.0%).乳头近中央回缩是乳腺癌早期征兆的知晓率最低(38.3%).学历较高者知识知晓率较高.同意早期发现乳腺癌可提高生存率的调查对象占75.9%,态度最为积极.乳腺癌筛检率为43.0%.17.2%的调查对象做过自检,22.4%做过临床触诊,19.3%做过X线检查,19.3%做过超声检查,19.5%做过红外线检查.结论 北京市城区女性对乳腺癌及其筛检知识了解不足且不全面,筛检态度较为积极,但筛检率较低.  相似文献   

农村妇女艾滋病相关知识态度及影响因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:了解农村妇女艾滋病相关知识态度及其影响因素,为农村艾滋病防治工作提供依据。方法:在河北省石家庄和保定2市4县农村随机抽取农村妇女1564人进行问卷调查,并用SPSS软件进行统计分析。结果:传播途径知晓率为55.2%,非传播途径知晓率为18.8%,一般知识知晓率为14.3%,对病毒感染者/病人的正确态度持有率13.6%,自我保护正确态度持有率39.1%。经多因素分析,农村妇女的文化程度、接受有关艾滋病的健康教育情况等对农村妇女的相关知识、态度产生影响。结论:农村妇女关于艾滋病知识的掌握情况不容乐观,提高农村妇女文化知识水平,开展行之有效地艾滋病知识的健康教育是在农村预防艾滋病的主要途径和措施。  相似文献   

目的 了解湖北医药学院学生口腔健康知识知晓情况、行为及态度,为学校开展口腔保健知识健康教育提供参考依据.方法 随机抽取该学院大一至大四各年级医学生各100名进行问卷调查,问卷内容涉及口腔健康知识、日常口腔健康行为及态度.对不同年级各项统计结果采用SPSS 13.0统计学软件作x2检验.结果 医学生口腔健康知识知晓情况较好,高年级医学生掌握情况优于低年级学生,但仅部分知识点知晓率存在差异性(P<0.05),大一、大二医学生口腔健康知识知晓率差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05).各年级医学生口腔健康行为大多数表现差,其中“刷牙次数2次/d(84.5%)”“≤3月换牙刷(64.5%)”“发现龋齿及时填充治疗(61.5%)”和“恒牙缺失及时修复(59.25%)”4项学生具备较好的口腔健康行为外,其余健康行为1/2以上的学生表现不佳.口腔健康行为大一、大二学生比较,差异不具显著性,仅少数口腔健康行为高年级医学生表现优于低年级医学生(P<0.05).1/2以上医学生并不关注口腔健康方面问题(56.25%,225/400).高年级学生较低年级学生更关注口腔健康问题,但仅大四学生与大一学生比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 该学院不同年级医学生均具备较好的口腔健康知识,但绝大多数医学生口腔健康行为表现不佳,1/2以上的医学生并不关注口腔健康问题,学校应重点加强医学生口腔健康行为的引导,促进大学生良好口腔健康行为形成.  相似文献   



A growing body of evidence indicates that over-the-counter (OTC) access to oral contraceptive pills (OCPs) is safe and effective.

Study Design

We performed a nationally representative survey of adult women at risk of unintended pregnancy using a probability-based online panel. In November–December 2011, 2046 eligible women completed the survey. Weighted proportions were calculated, and logistic regression was used to identify covariates associated with support for and interest in using an OTC OCP.


A total of 62.2% said they were strongly (31.4%) or somewhat (30.9%) in favor of OCPs being available OTC. A total of 37.1% of participants reported being likely to use OCPs if available OTC, including 58.7% of current users, 28.0% using no method and 32.7% using a less effective method. Covariates associated with a higher odds of reporting interest in using OTC OCPs were younger age; being divorced, being separated or living with a partner (versus married); being uninsured or having private insurance (versus public insurance); living in the south (versus northeast); and current use of OCPs or less effective methods, or nonuse of contraception (versus use of another hormonal method or intrauterine device). Among respondents who said they were likely to use OTC OCPs, the highest amount they were willing to pay was on average $20.


US women are supportive of OTC access to OCPs, and many would obtain refills OTC or start using OCPs if they were available OTC.  相似文献   



The survey was conducted to assess attitudes and patterns of health care providers (HCPs) prescribing extended regimen oral contraceptives (OCs).

Study Design

A prospective, anonymous, written survey that assessed attitudes and prescribed preferences of extended-cycle OCs was distributed at six educational conferences.


An estimated 90% of the conference attendees participated in the survey. Of the 799 HCPs surveyed, 92% have recommended extended-cycle regimens with ob/gyn practitioners most likely to recommend their use (p<.05). The most commonly prescribed extended regimen remains an 84-day active pill cycle followed by a 7-day hormone-free interval (49%). The majority of HCPs (73.5%) continue to prescribe OCs which induce monthly withdrawal bleeds as their most common regimen.


While HCPs appear to be recommending extended OC regimens more often, monthly cyclic regimens are the most commonly prescribed.  相似文献   

A study to assess thyroid status and excessive weight gain among women taking oral contraceptives found a correlation between the percentage of free thyroxine and weight gain. Serum percentage of iodine uptake, total thyroxine, free thoraxine, and weight changes in 38 women taking combination oral contraceptives and 27 taking low dosage progestagens were studied. No change in the absolute free thyroxine levels were observed, although combination oral contraceptives caused an increase in total thyroxine and a decrease in the percentage of free thyroxine. Changes occurring in percentage of free and total thyroxine could be related to increases in thyroxine binding proteins. Low dosage progestogens showed no change in any of the thyroid tests studied. A lowering of the 24-hour uptake by the thyroid gland and weight gain with combination oral contraceptives were observed.  相似文献   

目的:通过调查育龄妇女预防出生缺陷的知识、态度和行为情况,为出生缺陷干预工作中宣传教育的服务方式和内容提供科学依据。方法:采用多阶段抽样的方法对常州市5区2县的2003名育龄妇女进行面对面的问卷调查。结果:97.9%的人需要优生知识,76.8%和69.8%的人知道服用叶酸的目的和最佳时间,90%的人知道出生缺陷发生的原因,仅有29.6%的人知道常染色体显性遗传病遗传后代的可能性。在对待预防出生缺陷的具体服务项目上,认为婚检、TORCH筛查、染色体检查、传染病筛查、营养水平检查以及补充叶酸有必要的比例分别为94.9%、76.4%、74.5%、84%、66%、90.5%。在优生行为方面,90%的人阅读过有关优生的书籍和杂志、尽量远离烟酒环境,但只有60.4%人上网搜索过有关优生知识。结论:育龄妇女对优生知识有一定的了解但不全面,优生知识知晓率与文化程度、户籍地、居住地等有关,相关部门应结合本地实际有针对性地开展宣传教育。  相似文献   

Prompted by a recent report of a decrease in the use of oral contraceptive in the U.S.A., we investigated the trends by age and time of oral contraceptives use among Dutch young women, born between 1955 and 1970. They participated in a follow-up study of risk-indicators for cardiovascular disease. A random sample of 596 subjects, initially aged 5–19, and selected from an open population, was invited for annual exams since 1975; 462 youngsters (226 girls) underwent at least three annual exams. They were asked each year whether they used oral contraceptives. Analysis of the trend by age showed an increase of the proportion of oral contraceptives users from less than 5% at an age of 15 to about 50% at 23 years of age. In the 1959–1962 birth-cohort, the proportion of users was twice as large as that of the 1955–1968 cohort. The 1963–1966 cohort followed the pattern of the 1959–1962 birth-cohort. These findings indicate that there has been a strong increase in the use of oral contraceptives among Dutch women born after 1958. We found no evidence for a recent decrease in the use of oral contraceptives in the Netherlands among young women.  相似文献   



Unwanted pregnancy followed by unsafe abortion is one of the major worldwide health problems, which has many negative consequences on the health and well-being of women. Information about women''s knowledge, attitude and practice of emergency contraceptives plays a major role in the reduction of unwanted pregnancy; however, there are no studies about this issue in the study area. This study assessed Adama University female students'' knowledge, attitude and practice of emergency contraceptives.


A cross-sectional study design was employed from February 1 to 30/2009, on 660 regular undergraduate female students of Adama University. Data were entered and analyzed using SPSS for windows version 16.0. Logistic regression was used to identify the association between variables and emergency contraceptive knowledge, attitude and practice. P-value less than 0.05 at 95% CI was taken for statistical significance.


Of the total, 660 respondents, 194(29.4%) were sexually active, 63(9.4%) had history of pregnancy and 49(7.4%) had history of abortion. About 309 (46.8%) of the students had heard about emergency contraceptives and from those who heard emergency contraceptives, 27.2% had good knowledge. Majority, four hundred fifteen (62.9%) of the students had positive attitude towards it. However, only 31(4.7%) had used emergency contraceptive methods.


This study demonstrated lack of awareness, knowledge and utilization of emergency contraceptives among Adama University female students. Hence behavioral change strategies should be considered by responsible bodies to improve knowledge and bring attitudinal change on use of emergency contraception.  相似文献   

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