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A noninvasive method for the treatment of urolithiasis is described. By means of focussed shock waves generated outside the body, stones in the lower urinary tract are destroyed and rendered fit for spontaneous discharge. Thereby the number of operations, as well as the recurrence rate are substantially reduced.  相似文献   

Extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy (ESWL) has been accepted as the method of choice for most upper urinary tract calculi. However, in cases of stones in the lower ureter, ureteroscopic procedures have generally been preferred. Using the Dornier HM3 lithotriptor with modifications in the patient's position, we were able to successfully treat 155 unselected cases of lower ureteral calculi. The average stone size was 9.6 mm (range 5-23 mm). One hundred forty-three patients had stones located below the lower margin of the sacroiliac joint. These patients were placed in a supine position. The stones were visualized radiologically without use of a ureteral catheter in 78 percent of the patients; in 22 percent a ureteral catheter was inserted prior to ESWL to aid in stone localization. In 145 patients (94%) treatment was completed in one session; 10 patients (6%) required two sessions. Of the patients, 38 percent were free of stones one day after ESWL; 97 percent became stone free within three months, and only 3 patients required endoscopic manipulation, after ESWL. Twelve patients had stones in the midureter overlying the sacroileum. They were placed in the prone position, and the calculi were visualized with the aid of a ureteral catheter. All these patients became free of stones one month after treatment. There were no significant treatment-related complications except for bacteremia in 1 case. In view of the remarkable efficacy, negligible complication rate, and shorter hospital stay as compared to ureteroscopic stone manipulations, we recommend high energy ESWL as the primary monotherapy of mid and lower ureteral stones.  相似文献   

The authors analyze the results of ESWL (URAT-P unit) for urolithiasis performed in 106 patients (49 females and 57 males) aged 16-67 years with anomalous kidneys and upper urinary tracts. 28, 1, 11, 14, 24, 4, 22 and 2 patients had horseshoe, L-shape, solitary, lumbar distopic, double, sponge, cystic kidneys, congenital megacallicosis, respectively. The stones ranged in size from 7 to 30 mm. Bilateral urolithiasis was in 7 patients. The number of impulses averaged 1745 +/- 168.4 per the procedure. The average number of ESWL procedures per stone was 1.4 (1-4). The stones were completely eliminated after one ESWL session in 78(73.6) patients, after two sessions in 23(21.7%) patients, after three sessions in 4, after for in 1 patient. Complications developed in 18 patients: urinary tract obstruction and attack of acute pyelonephritis (15 and 3 patients, respectively). Within 2-10-year follow-up recurrences arose in 12 patients who were retreated. Thus, ESWL is a method of choice in the treatment of urolithiasis patients with malformations of the kidneys and upper urinary tracts. Good results of ESWL are achieved in strict adherence to principles of the patients' selection, preoperative preparation technique, individual approach to patients in postoperative period, follow-up to detect complications and recurrences.  相似文献   

E S Cohen  J D Schmidt 《Urology》1990,36(1):52-54
Twelve extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy (ESWL) treatments were performed on 10 patients with a solitary kidney. Nine patients had a ureteral stent placed pretreatment. Nine patients were available for follow-up. Seven (78%) were stone free or had insignificant fragments at three months. Complications were seen in 4 patients, including two instances of pyelonephritis. Failures were associated with an increased stone burden. ESWL is an effective and safe treatment for upper urinary tract stones in patients with a solitary kidney. We recommend pretreatment stenting in patients with a solitary kidney.  相似文献   

There hundred sixteen patients with symptomatic upper and lower urinary tract calculi underwent extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) at the Ohio Kidney Stone Center during the first three months. Ninety-seven percent of the stones were treated with one ESWL session. Twenty-four percent of the treatments required cystoscopy with ureteral stent placement for manipulation of stones to facilitate ESWL. Complications were minimal, less than three percent.  相似文献   

In a prospective study in 40 patients receiving ESWL treatment, gastric and/or duodenal erosions occurred in 32 patients (80%); in 24 (60%) the erosions were in the proximal part of the stomach. There was no direct relation between the patients' weight and the development of erosions. In some patients more erosions developed in relation to the number of shock waves received and the intensity of energy given. In most patients early onset of hematuria indicated development of more erosions. To our knowledge this is the first report in the literature on ESWL-induced erosions in the upper gastrointestinal tract.  相似文献   

Over a 36-month period 2800 patients were subjected to extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy (ESWL). A total of 5154 procedures were done. Best results were seen with renal pelvic calculi (not larger than 2.5 cm in diameter). Fragments of crushed lower calyceal calculi proved the most difficult to eliminate. As ureteral stone localization approached the bladder, the ESWL results were poorer. Post-ESWL complications were proportional to the stone mass; the higher the mass the more numerous the complications tended to be. Besides erythrocyturia and gross haematuria renal colic was the most frequent complication in almost 60% of the patients. Less prevalent were impacted ureteral stones, subcapsular haematoma and fever. At our institution, thanks to the ESWL method about 80% of the patients were spared surgery.  相似文献   

The results of 67 consecutive patients referred to the New South Wales Lithotripter Centre with distal ureteric calculi were evaluated. All these patients were treated on the Dornier HM3 Lithotripter. Distal ureteric calculi were classified as those at, or distal to, the proximal margin of the sacro-iliac joint. Eleven patients with stones overlying the sacro-iliac joint were treated in the prone position, while 56 patients with stones distal to the sacro-iliac joint, were treated in the saddle (astride) position. Of the 64 patients in whom follow-up was available, 44 (69%) were rendered totally stone free by extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy (ESWL). Lithotripsy has proved an effective treatment for distal ureteric calculi and has rendered 69% of patients stone free with minimal morbidity. Stones overlying the sacro-iliac joint can be successfully treated in the prone position.  相似文献   

To evaluate the efficacy of extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy (ESWL) for human gallstone fragmentation, biliary calculi of different size and composition were evaluated to determine clinical applicability of this technique. Human biliary calculi composed primarily of cholesterol (Group I, N = 6) and calcium bilirubinate (Group II, N = 6) were shocked in vitro at varying positions along the ESWL blast path. All calculi subjected to lithotripsy were fragmented. Cumulative fragment size was less than or equal to 2, 3, 5, and 8 mm in 73, 86, 94, and 100% of all stones treated, respectively. No statistically significant differences were observed following stone fragmentation when the two groups were compared. Further, no statistically significant differences were evident when comparing the energy expended during fracture of stones in the two groups, or in comparison of fracture with old or new electrodes. However, when fragmentation for stone remnants less than or equal to 2 mm in size was compared at 6- and 10-cm positions on the blast path, a statistically significant difference was noted (P less than 0.001). Stone fragmentation was greatest at positions closest to F2. These data indicate that biliary calculi can be fragmented when subjected to lithotripsy and positioned on the ESWL blast path.  相似文献   

To evaluate the role of ESWL in vivo for the treatment of human gallstones positioned on the blast path, a canine model was developed to determine the efficacy of stone fragmentation and the subsequent histopathological injury that occurs as a result of this therapeutic technique. Twenty-four 16- to 20-kg mongrel dogs were divided into five groups: I: ESWL without stone, autopsy at 48 hr (N = 6); II: ESWL with stone (mean diameter 16.8 mm, range = 14-19 mm), autopsy at 48 hr (N = 10); III: ESWL without stone, autopsy at 41-46 days (N = 6); IV: ESWL without stone, autopsy immediately after ESWL (N = 1); V: No ESWL or stone, autopsy 2 hr after anesthesia induction (N = 1). A human gallstone (96% cholesterol) was inserted by cholecystotomy (N = 10) in Group II only. All groups (N = 24) had operative placement of a 6.5 Fr accordion catheter into the gallbladder for radiographic visualization. For each blast path treatment, 2000 discharges were delivered at 18-24 kV. Histopathologically, the Group V gallbladder served as a control. Groups I, II, and IV revealed mild subacute injury; dog gallbladders in Group III showed regression of these changes. Total surface area (TSA) of Group II stones increased from a pre-ESWL mean of 6.60 +/- 0.0.84 cm2 to 53.84 +/- 26.8 cm2 post-ESWL (P less than 0.001). Cumulative post-ESWL fragment sizes for particles in less than or equal to 2-, less than or equal to 3-, less than or equal to 5-, less than 10- and greater than or equal to 10-mm categories represented 32.9, 41.6, 49.4, 74.3, and 100% of pretreatment stone weight, respectively. These data indicate that human gallstones can be fractured to a variable degree when treated on the ESWL blast path and that TSA increased significantly. Gallbladder histopathologic changes appear to be reversible by 41-46 days post-ESWL.  相似文献   

Summary Operative management of renal calculi has changed radically in the past decade. New imaging techniques for intraoperative stone localization, the use of cooling techniques and drugs to protect renal function, and new operative techniques have even made possible the removal of complete staghorn calculi in short and kidney-preserving procedures. Considerable morbidity, however, still results from conventional renal stone surgery, especially when repeated operations are necessary for recurrent stone disease. Since the introduction of new less invasive methods, such as percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCN) and stone extraction using an especially designed ureteroscope (URS), and above all, since the clinical application of extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL), policies for stone management have changed completely. A review of 1340 consecutive patients presenting with stones between October 1983 and October 1984 shows that only 7% of all patients with urinary stones — 1% of all renal stones and 15% of all ureteral stones — still required an open operation. Present address: Department of Urology, UCLA School of Medicine, 10833 Le Conte Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90024, USA  相似文献   

G Katz  Z Lencovsky  D Pode  A Shapiro  M Caine 《Urology》1990,36(2):124-128
We treated 12 patients with sixteen renal and one ureteral cystine stones primarily with extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy (ESWL). Among the stones thirteen were greater than 25 mm. In four stones less than 25 mm, three stones completely disappeared and 1 was reduced to small fragments, following ESWL. In thirteen stones greater than 25 mm, twelve were treated by ESWL initially, and one by surgery. Of the 12 cases treated initially by ESWL, 4 became stone-free, 4 remained with small fragments, and 1 remained with large fragments. Two patients were operated on because of poor response to ESWL and 1 patient lost kidney function because of prolonged obstruction. Disintegration of cystine stones greater than 25 mm required an average of 8,522 shock-waves in 4.33 sessions. The problems associated with application of ESWL monotherapy to cystine stones are presented.  相似文献   

Most calyceal diverticula are asymptomatic but symptoms occur when there is urinary stasis leading to infection and calculi. Septic shock after ESWL of calyceal stone occurs rarely. A 24-year-old woman had septic shock due to after extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy (ESWL) of asymptomatic calyceal diverticular stone.  相似文献   

Summary Within a short time, extensive statistics on ESWL have documented its efficiency in the treatment of most renal and ureteral stones. Approximately 20% of all stone patients, however, require additional or other forms of therapy, such as URS, PNL, or surgery. Up to now, the differential indications for these procedures have not been completely established. A crucial factor for successful application of ESWL is stone volume and localization. Large stones with a central stone mass may be successfully treated by combining ESWL and PNL, while surgery is still preferred in those with a peripheral stone mass.  相似文献   

Fifteen patients with mean age 74 (range 34-94) years were treated with extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy (ESWL) for bile-duct stones (intrahepatic in 4 cases) following failure of surgical or endoscopic treatment. A Dornier HM3 lithotriptor was used, and in all cases the ESWL session was preceded by establishment of external biliary drainage (endoscopic nasobiliary in 9, percutaneous transhepatic in 2 and a surgical T-tube in 4 cases) for radiologic positioning of stone. Endoscopic (14 cases) or surgical (1 case) sphincterotomy was done to facilitate spontaneous passage or endoscopic removal of fragments after ESWL. General anesthesia was not needed during the average 50 (range 25-65) min required for performance of ESWL. The number of delivered discharges was 750 to 2,100 and the generator voltage varied from 14 to 17 kV. Disintegration of stone was good in 12 cases and partial in two. Ten patients remain stone-free, five after spontaneous passage, and five after endoscopic extraction of fragments. There were few complications. ESWL may be useful in high-risk patients with failed endoscopic treatment of bile-duct stones and for management of intrahepatic stones.  相似文献   

Forty-two (44 renal units) were treated by combination of ESWL and percutaneous nephrostomy or PNL. Staghorn calculi were found in 33, renal stones in 6 and ureter stones in 5. Residual stone rate was 18.2% in staghorn calculi. No severe complications were seen.  相似文献   

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